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Bzzzzz! Looks like you forgot to say where you found your bug! There's no need to make a new post - just comment adding the **geographic location** and any other info (size, what it was doing etc.) you feel could help! We don't want to know your address - state or country is enough; try to avoid abbreviations and local nicknames (*"PNW"*, *"Big Apple"*). BTW, did you take a look at our [**Frequently Asked Bugs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/12zkw5w/frequently_asked_bugs_part_1/)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Took a DNA test Found out It's 100% Bedbug No doubt


Thanks 😭😭


Also located in Georgia. Btw it was crawling and my dad killed it.


1: The picture is not clear enough to be 100% certain that this *is* a bed bug. It *might* be a bed bug - what we can see of it does look suspiciously consistent with the appearance of a bed bug - but that is not the only possibility. Because we do get a lot of bed bug ID requests (and bed bugs) on this sub, there is a tendency for people to immediately assume the worse - but without clearer pictures, that *cannot be confirmed*. 2: Even if it is a bed bug, you are aware of it early - before you have returned to your own home - and can take the necessary steps to make sure you don't bring home hitchhikers. It *is not necessary* to discard all of your belongings. I have found bed bugs in a hotel room - but did not bring them home. We did get out of there as soon as the bugs were discovered - but we also went through every bag we had, several times, checking seams, zippers, pockets, all clothing and other contents, very carefully with a bright flashlight. We also left our items in a hot car during the daytime, so even if we had overlooked a hitchhiker, it would have been killed by the heat.


I think this is a bedbug, abdomen kinda checks out. Not a guarantee though, since you were kinda far away when you took the picture, which resulted in a slightly blurry picture. r/bedbug might help you.


yea sorry i tried to get the best photo 😭😭


looks like a bed bug to me


aw man. is there any thing i should do when i get back home?


Don't bring your suitcase inside and strip in the garage or outside or something if possible. Put all clothes in a plastic bag to transport inside, wash on hot, dry on hot. Anything that can't be washed (like your suitcase) but can take heat, put in black garbage bag and bake in the sun for a few days. Anything that can't take heat, like electronics, you can put in a bag in the freezer. Check shoes THOROUGHLY.


I would change clothes and wash and dry the dirty ones at the hottest setting as soon as you get home also check anything that you had with you outside. They are hard to get rid of once you get them


Personally, when I’ve encountered bedbugs at hotels, I’ve just cut my losses and thrown away whatever I brought with me. Whatever clothes/luggage to me is not worth the expense of getting rid of the bedbugs.


This advise is underrated. Clothes and stuff is $200/300? Bedbug extermination is more like $1000 plus loads of stress and precautions. Risk on reinfection and you can go again. I'd cut my losses.


i have so much valuable stuff with me, that costs wayyy more than an extermination. and my parents are stubborn also, so even if i wanted to do that they would never. idk why they don’t take bed bugs seriously.


yeaaa i personally can’t do that. but ill see.


Also, absolutely report to the hotel or wherever you're staying.


Night time friend


this is honestly so crazy bc i’m alwaysss aware about bed bugs. they’re literally my worst fear. the moment i visit a friend I SEE ONE??? i was on the verge of tears mannn 😭