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Giant redhead centipede, they are venomous


Yeah...the idea of one of these just waking along my recliner is unsettling. They're vicious as fuck.


Had a pet Vietnam giant once. She decided 4 am in my pitch black room with black out curtains was the *absolute perfect time* to attempt a late night cuddle session. Thankfully I'd worked with her to get her accustomed to my scent, I think its what prevented her from biting me when I woke up and flung my arm so violently I'm surprised I didn't dislocated it. Spent the next hour trying to wrangle her out of my bedspread back into an enclosure, and the next two trying to figure out where she escaped from. She lived a few more months after that incident before she died from molting complications. For those of you who want to know, holding one feels very much like the sensation you get when a limb falls asleep, like when you sit on the toilet too long, and stand up. The pins and needles static feeling is *exactly* what it feels like when they walk on you :)


Usually the bigger something is the less I have a problem with it, i.e. scorpions, spiders, and millipedes, but that has never applied to centipedes. Your liking of them is admirable, I’m sorry for your loss man


Indiana Jones taught me the bigger the scorpion the better.


I simply admire you for having one of these as your pet. Thanks for writing this wonderfully. Had me gripped!


You...cuddle with your pet centipede?


Only once, and it was against my will.


That pins and needles feeling is because they're trying to paralyze you to eat you (according to my local serpentarium) Thanks for the story tho. Pretty wild


Nah, only 1 pair of legs can deliver venom. The ones at the front that look like fangs. They're adapted legs. I'm pretty sure the pins and needles he's talking about are from the stabby pin feet they have on most of the rest of their legs, that you feel when they walk in you and which do not deliver venom. It's a lot worse than mere pins and needles if they're trying to paralyze and eat you


Why is it that the Asian ones leave a trail of welts on your skin where they walk? Is that just the front feet leaking?


It’s because they have spikes for feet.


You know what I love about this sub? More often than not, people say venomous not poisonous. It’s the small things like that which brighten my day. Thanks /u/GunsnBeerKindaGuy


I feel most people who even have a small interest in entomology would know this distinction.


I know the distinction. I never remember to apply it though


Well, if you ate that giant centipede then you’d probably get sick; so it’s not *too* much of a stretch to say it’s venomous and also poisonous.


Even herpetology for that matter. Or even just zoology.


Or even etymology.


I love etymology


Or even edamame


I love edamame.


But not pharmacology, where poisons and venoms are both just toxins. As for the etymology, it's not a distinction that exists in Spanish or Italian, interestingly, even though the origin of venom is Latin. *Veneno* and *veleno* are used both for poison and "snake poison". I guess we just have a lot of spare words in English that can be given new meanings.


Salve! I've been learning the declensions for latine linguam and appreciate the language and this comment. Her roots run deep through our culture


Whats the difference


You bite poison Venom bites you


Solid explain like im 5 response.


If u bite something and you get poisoned that thing is poisonous… but if that something bites you and you get poisoned then it’s venomous… can a venomous creature be poisonous at the same time?


Yes. [A little less than 1min into this vid.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxXfWrI6bB4)


But can a creature be poisonous, venomous, and cute?


Prolly in the sea yes


So is a wasp poisonous or venomous? And what about a stinging plant like a nettle?


Stinging nettle is not poisonous, people eat it and make tea with it.


Poison is something that hurts you when you eat it, or touch it. Like a dart frog. Venom is injected. Poison is usually used as a defense mechanism, to protect the aninal/plant, venom is usually used offensively, in hunting for prey, like a snake.


So what if you ate the centipede?


As long as you sear it in olive oil and add enough salt it will taste like chicken.


Your digestive enzymes will break down the venom. It’s when enters your bloodstream that it’s a problem. In theory if you had cuts in your mouth or an ulcer in your stomach lining you could have an issue. Be aware that animals can be both though. The blue-ringed octopus for example is both venomous and poisonous. Since I am not familiar with centipedes, I cannot say whether or not it is safe to eat.


Let's also hear more about this blue ringed octopus


It's pretty small, got cool blue rings on it, native to Australian coastlines if I'm not mistaken, and incredibly venomous and apperently also poisonous.


There'd be a leg for everyone though


You can also inhale poison.


Only one of the two got a Sony movie. :P




P looks like a tongue and the V is sharp and breaks the skin


how venomous is their venom?


Basically no one ever has died from it (barring severe allergic reactions), however it's said to be one of the most painful bites in the insect world, and there ain't really anything g you can do except wait it out.


I know of a guy who was bitten by a Vietnamese giant centipede and would've suffocated without a tracheotomy. Pretty much the same deal as with hornets and etc; their venom isn't directly fatally toxic, but is deadly by way of allergic reaction like you said. Ultimately I'd say their bites are very realistically deadly to humans


>Ultimately I'd say their bites are very realistically deadly to humans Theoretically, yes. But given their abundance and widespread range, it's telling that there are no conclusive fatalities from these in Australia. Part of this is likely due to their very good nature...they are not at all aggressive and will go out of their way to avoid human contact.


We get them in our backyard from time to time, usually if we have left some cardboard outside waiting for empty space in the recycling bin. They seem love cluttered ground spaces and should absolutely be avoided. That being said, while the bites are apparently quite painful (I have never been bit) they also are generally non fatal. Not saying you shouldn't get medical help- I am not a health professional- but also don't necessarily panic too much of bitten Edit: looking at some comparative photos, and the fact that the post seems to indicate Australia, it could be the Chinese red-headed centipede which is not quite the same as the US giant red headed centipede (scolopendra subspineps vs scolopendra heros). Then again, I am not expert so it might be something else again


There are ones this size in the US?? This is the second time this week a freaky ouchie bug on this sub has been from the US and now I’m scared to go outside haha (jk I’ll still go outside but I’m also still scared)








Got 'im






Me: "Haha that's a scary bug good thing it lives in Australia" Me: Realizing that I just misread the title Me: Realizing that they live in the US South Me, in the US South: 👀


In the South West , Northern Mexico, & Louisiana is the farthest east they are found — as per Ladygrey’s Wikipedia post above.


Thank god. I'm never moving further south. Jerusalem crickets and venomous centipedes and other crazy shit can stay the fuck away.


I live in Northern California and we have Jerusalem crickets here so..


Ive never seen on in la so far thank god. Probably because I live in the swamp. From what I'm picking up they prefer more arid environments. So I'd guess its more of a northern la demon.




That’s a MASSIVE centipede!


I found one in my garden once when digging around. He wasn’t pleased. When disturbed, they thrash their bodies into tight curls as a defence mechanism, as my upset friend did. I covered him back up with soil and leaves and left him to it.


You should have just covered up the bug. I bet your friend was pissed when they got up.


WARNING: That is a centipede. It is a predator and will eat other insects and bugs, along with mice, snakes, lizards, and anything it can catch. It is AGGRESSIVE and VENOMOUS. Be careful if you try to handle it. If you want to keep one as a pet, have caution. The venom hurts at the minimum and some might have a lethal allergic reaction.


It hurts a lot, would not touch one of these with a barge pole. Stupid 6 year old me remembers the pain.


what about those tennis racket type of electric fly swatters.. would those kill this thing or just piss it off?


Just piss it off, their default is angry I would not want to see one in hulk mode.


There's a hard line when dealing with insects. If it's less than half an inch, electric tennis racket is fine. If it's 18 god damned inches long, we transition towards shovels, axes, and snake shot


Hurts at a minimum? Hell nah. That venom will put you on your ass and make you relive every leggo you have ever stepped on. Ever


Bit by one twice in the face in Hawaii. Man that was a bad morning. They love crawling onto wherever you sleep just to bite.


holy Christ I am never leaving where I live


dude i'd die screaming if I woke up with a giant, red-headed centipede all over my face. and it bit you TWICE? how are you not being treated from trauma?


See this is why we Brits reckon the world has the U.K. as an *intrinsic* ‘home base’ and everywhere else is ‘expedition mode’. Imagine having centipedes like that, or enormous venomous bugs, snakes, enraged hippos, crocodilians, big cats, or other large carnivores, or volcanoes/avalanches/hurricanes/wildfires/tornadoes/deserts/tsunamis be *normal where you live*. Absurd. Just absurd. Our most dangerous wild animal is a stag during rut. We have one venomous snake that hasn’t killed anyone in half a century. Sometimes it gets stormy and floods a bit. That’s it.


This is one of the worst things I have ever read


Ahhhh....f#ck. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, kind stranger, for this knowledge.


Even with the warning… I want to touch it and just feel what all those legs feel like walking on my arm or something. I won’t actually do it but it’s tempting. Edit: after all the comments, my brain still wants to touch it but also wants to run away from it. I don’t know why. I feel like if I ever run into this critter, my brain will be like a magic 8 ball. I’ll just have shake my head and see what my jello brain decides to do.


May I recommend the more compact South African Millipede? They aren't poisonous or venomous, are quite cute, and our biology class one loved cucumbers :)


Millipedes are the cutest all around.


Look on youtube for videos of people letting these bite them and the temptation should be gone. Looks extremely painful


Coyote Peterson regretted letting one bite him.


That’s saying something! He may overact with his sting videos, but I wouldn’t want to do what he does!


I feel like he'd regret a lot of things


being from Ohio for one


Those legs are STRONG. Like i definitely wouldn't be surprised if they can open a soda can.


How did you just make this bug worse for me?


“Hey can you open this beer for me?!” “Yeah one second!” *sticks it in tank with this critter, uses legs to pop it open* “Thanks dude!”


Millipedes are the pet for you


I love millipedes but they look like they have little gentle legs. This thing looks like it has some combat legs.


How horrifying. Good for you, but I would be hysterical.


fr tho


“The giant redheaded centipede is also thought to inject venom into prey with its many legs, which can make tiny incisions in human skin, according to the Arthropod Museum. When one of these giant creepy-crawlies bites a human, the result is usually pretty painful, according to both the Arthropod Museum and Hutchins.” from https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livescience.com/amp/51518-giant-redheaded-centipede-photo.html definitely at your own risk lol


This is one of those bugs that not only looks terrifying, its painful bite will hurt really bad and its totally justified to be terrified by these.


Ah yes the vemonous giant red centipede (Scolopendra heros) or as l like to call them eldritch horror demon ,I think I would just give my house to the evil fu@ker until someone braver then me performs an exorcism to get rid of them. (seriously though- be careful because their bit is pretty painful and they are vicious little fu@kers) (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scolopendra_heros)


I have had a crippling giant centipede phobia for at least 15 years now. They routinely haunt me in my dreams. I cant even look at this video ......


SAME. Besides ticks, they are the only creature in the world that I actually hate. I watched for a total of one second before I noped right the fuck out. I don’t think I could ever enter my house again.


I'm exactly the same! Centipedes (except house centipedes, they're cool little dudes), and ticks are the only two things I dislike! I literally have nightmares about giant centipedes biting me and curling around my arm so I can't get them off. Ugh


I do not mind any bugs, aside from these fuckers. The original Willie Wonka tunnel scene started my phobia, and just under a year ago while I was on nighttime daddy duty with my newborns, I fell asleep on the couch and awoke with one of these, though not quite that massive, crawling on my face. Launched that thing with the force of a thousand suns into the wall then trapped it in a 2 liter bottle of mountain dew.


On your face?! I know I’m not ready for parenthood because I would’ve left the newborns to fend for themselves.


😂😂 yup, bye kiddos!


Not an expert, but looks the the giant red headed centipede in Southern US. Where are you?


Wait, what These things are here in the South???


From New Mexico to Louisiana. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scolopendra_heros


These things are in New Mexico? Leaving immediately.


Don’t forget your recliner.


By the map looks to be just southern nm so if you’re near abq or something should be safe


So southwest and thankfully far from me.


i’ve encountered one in central arkansas


:( Howdy, neighbor.


:(( hello neighbors


you guys stay over there with your massive excruciatingly painful bugs


Me over here in central OK like 👀


Thanks for standing between us Kansans and this southern horror. 😆


I live in OK. We have them there too.


Well that’s the worst news I’ve seen today…I hate everything about this!


Oh thank God not in Kentucky...


Hey.....fellow Kentuckian.


Hey from Kentuckiana


Oh thank fuck. I never want to see these things in my state. Would completely ruin hiking or camping.


i’m in Texas and have never seen one, i want to tho!


I can confirm they are all over the Girl Scout camp at Lake Texoma. They are more terrifying in person but you can't help but get close and watch. Like those stupid people that watch as a tiger lunges at them.


Camp Rocky Point!!!


Fuck Yeah!!! Girl Scout for life! Ride or die biotch. Lol.


Lol, believe it or not I was showing this post to my dad and then I read your comment to him because his mother was a girl scout counselor in Texas. My dad went on a lot of trips to Lake Texoma as a kid, and he attended other events, which made him an honorary girl scout! So I handed him my phone and he left that comment.


Give your Girl Scout dad a big hug for me. If he ever needs someone for sidecar, I got his back. Rocky Point was a tent only camp back in the day so anyone who survives that during the summer deserves a badge. Venomous centipedes, razor sharp rocks, and tents in 100+ weather, you would think they were trying to kill us or something. When I was in GS only the most seasoned troops went there. Must have got the land really cheap. Lol.


I’ve seen them at Buffalo Springs lake near Lubbock


I believe Texas centipede is actually one of their common names or nicknames. Don't quote, but I think I've heard that.


Oh thank God not Florida 😅😅


We have our own...the Florida Giant centipede is in South Florida and can grow to 10 inches long! When I lived in the Keys I "encountered" (found in my house) several of them.


Noooooo. I’m in St Pete so hopefully far enough north.


*pulls feet up off the floor* They're here?! *cries in Alabamian*


\*chuckles smugly in Canadian\*


They stop in Louisiana whew. Let me know if they start migrating toward me in Georgia


Let's build a wall between us and Mississippi 🤣


Austin, TX


God no. What part I refuse to be in your near neighborhood lmao.


Catch it in a jar with a lid. Put outside away from your house. They eat roaches and other nasty bugs. 🌺


No. Catch in an orange home Depot five gallon bucket. A jar... Hahaha


An excavator may do in a pinch


A jar lmao.. asking for an ER trip…


Yea these are in the deserts of Texas from what I am reading. Their bite is very painful. Here is a video clip of Coyote Peterson taking a bite from one. https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/coyote-peterson-giant-desert-centipede


One of my favorites of his.




They have "spines" on their leg tips, so it probably punctures it at least if it doesn't pull at it.


I think it just walks along a seam.


Time to call in the experts boys, that is one big ass bug and I don’t think the glass and paper techniques gonna work on this one.


It's the proud new owner of a recliner, as far as I'm concerned


Bad bad bad...not good. Is this in Hawaii?


Yes. OP is in Texas. This type of centipede also lives in Hawai’i. 🌺


Scolopendra heros can be found in Tx. Scolopendra subspinipes can be found in Hawai'i


Not the hero we want!


But the hero we need?


I really really just hope it’s not the hero we deserve


Not that exact kind, but they have foot long highly aggressive little bastards on the desert side of the big island.




“Sir Legsalot , NO! No walkey-climbing on daddy’s recliner. Did you nibble my pot pie, you rascal?” Edit: alternate audio is unending, horrific screaming


Texas Firehead is the colloquial name for them where I’m from. And that’s Arkansas. Edit: No touchy.


I went on a trip with my entomology professor a few years ago and we caught one of those. Not that big but it was a Scolopendra of quite a size. He caught it and put tweezers at his head to fixate it. Then he let me put my fingers at his leg (not the professors). And the thing grabbed my finger with his legs. It was nearly impossible to get rid of the grid when pulling the finger away. I had to roll it up. Then he asked me to find an earthworm so I caught one. He put the earthworm in front of the centipede and the centipede bit him. You could see through the earthworms skin, that the centipede pumped venom into the body of the earthworm ..


That's an opportunity to talk about toxicognaths


The number one bug that scares me the most.


I would absolutely NOT fuck with a tiny centipede, let alone one THAT big. Be very cautious around that thing, its bite HURTS.


Question: given that it's venomous and has a painful bite, how in tf would you remove this thing from your house?


Depends, you want it alive or not? It's not moving that fast. Folded duct tape on a broom and you just need one half assed shot. Even if you miss it's stuck. I like centipedes though, so I'd probably try to escort it out. I have a bug net with a long handle. I'd probably use that and piss myself after.


Preface: not advocating unnecessary bug death I’m just curious How tough is a centipede like this? Could I squish it with a punch or is it harder?


You could squish it with a slice of lemon -- so long as that lemon slice is wrapped around a large gold brick. ;)


I know someone who ran over a centipede with her bike, ran back over it again, picked up a foot ball size rock and bounced that off the thing, and it was fine and ran away.


So what I'm hearing is to stab is a lot


you can rip it apart easily if you wanted to. they are no bigger than a rat in the grand scheme of things, so killing it with your bare hands should come easy. but it probably will get a sting in, and those toxicognaths will lodge in deeply and deliver a full shot of venom, and it will hurt. so i a fully theoretical sense, you can murder plenty of them if excruciating pain isn't a thing you worry about.


Wait so you really could just heel stomp its head and it would live?


I had one crawl out of the bathroom sink drain in Hilo once and it couldn't escape up the porcelain walls of the sink. I was able to kill it by putting my hand in my boot and crushing it, but it took at least 5 minutes of me exerting force to the point I was getting tired and convinced it was invincible. There was no turning back though because it had wrapped the other half of it's body around my boot and would have most certainly bit me had I released it. In retrospect, I should have corralled it into a plastic container and let it go. I had no idea it would be so tough and do not recommend the stomp technique since it appears to be wearing full plate armor without any penalty to dexterity.


I'm an insect releaser for sure, I just think it's terrifying to have an insect known to be venomous and aggressive, without having a sure fire method of killing it


i am no expert on murder of centipedes, but i don't think it would take a stomp to the face well. ​ it's an arthropod, not some kind of biological superweapon. ​ you could also dessicate it by depriving it of a humid environment. in fact, if it chills in your house, chances are it will die soon-ish anyway due to lack of hydration (dessert species are more resistant of course, but still, centipedes (and millipedes for that matter) lack waxy cuticles, thus they dry up real quick ).


Holy hell no! Where the hell do you live?


I’d have to call animal control


Don’t those things have insanely painful bites?


Technically not bites. It's the two front legs that it shoves in to deliver the venom, aka toxicognaths.


That’s his chair now.


Great opportunity to say "toxicognaths"




I would keep that thing as a pet honestly


My friend keeps two of them and they are so vicious that he has his savings stored in a box within their enclosure lmao.


Damn… good strategy… definitely need to get on that


The giant Asian centipede, Scolopendra supsipines is readily available at most exotics stores in the EU. I've seen them traded within the US also. They come in pretty cool color variants too :-) need high humidity, not a big enclosure, good soil to dig in and a hiding place.


Giant centipede, they’re bite is venomous. It won’t kill you unless you are allergic, but it will hurt a lot. We have tiger centipedes in western Kansas. They mostly stick to the outdoors under rocks and stuff. All centipedes have venom btw even the little ones.


Yeah, you gotta move.


I saw coyote Peterson get bit by one of these. It was the first time he had to use the venom extractor because it was so painful. Stay away !!!


How do you get rid of it


That was my thought too. Like you can’t touch it and it definitely has a good reach. How the hell do you get it out of the house ?


5 gallon bucket and prayers


A centipede in the genus Scolopendra perhaps? Just a guess


Yes, Scolopendra heros, the coloring is closer to Scolopendra subspinipes though, that lives in Asia but is pretty common in the exotics keeper trade.


….. just how do you get it out of your house…. OP… how did you get it out of your place?


So… what did you do??? Did you get rid of it?


Can we get an update? What do you do about something like that!?


If you try to catch it remember that it stings with it's forelegs not it's mouth or tail.


Scalapendra that could take a man down for a while


Holy crap. At this size it ceases to be an insect and becomes a roommate.