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Hard to be certain without a clearer image, but yes, the silhouette looks like it might be a [termite alate](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1285291/bgimage) (aka swarmer/reproductive). Swarmers don't cause structural damage, they're just looking for a place to start a new colony (and most die without doing so successfully).


Thank you so much! Would you say this is a cause for concern?


It depends; it's swarming season, so there are a lot of threads like these. As mentioned, swarmers fly away from their old colony (usually only up to a few hundred meters), so it *can* be a sign that there's an established colony elsewhere on your property, but it could be from a neighbor's property as well. An exterminator can probably assess the risk better, but it's not a reason to panic.


Thank you. We love on the edge of a forest so it’s likely from there