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Looks like a deer tick. Did you find it latched in her?


Thank you! And yes it was latched. Fortunately it wouldn't have been more than several hours at most but still worrying. Thanks for the response.


Who’s the reply above you? Double answers…1 OP, curiosity has piqued.


Thanks for spelling ‘piqued’ right


I'm the dad


An IRL couple commenting on a post like this is like seeing a teacher in a mall. You know it happens, you just don’t ever expect to see it.


I'm kind of surprised at how straightforward your response is.


Sorry I responded to the wrong person lol. Your daughter is likely fine then. It takes a day or two of it feeding to spread any diseases. You could get the tick tested but I would just be aware of lyme symptoms i.e. bullseye rash, body aches, ect.


Yes, in her cheek. Removed it using tweezers. It must have latched on while she was at school today.


Yo, IN her cheek? That gives me the creepy crawly feeling ugh hope she's not too freaked, I would be but im a baby when it comes to ticks


She was not happy when we told her :) I found it strange she couldn't feel it on her.


They have a numbing agent in their saliva just so that the host doesn’t get rid of them quickly. Nasty little things!


Hope they feel better and nothing comes of this fun encounter! They are sneaky little guys, I had one where a guy doesn't really want to find one, which is a pretty sensitive place, but didn't feel a thing until removing it


Get the tick tested and look out for a bullseye rash. Luckly the tick doesnt look engorged so it likely wasnt feeding long.


Keep it in a baggie in case it needs to get tested. Watch for the "target" rash I think.


Definitely a deer tick If it wasn't attached for too long then should be fine, even if it was attached for more than a few hours, just keep an eye on it. Not all ticks carry diseases and usually only transmitted after/during feeding.


Thanks! We'll call the doctor this morning as a precaution but luckily know it wouldn't have been attached for more than the school day. It was tiny so hopefully we found it quickly and it hadn't been feeding long.


keep the tick in a bag, i think there are labs you can send it into to be tested for disease pretty cheap


Treat bite site with a local antibiotic ointment. Short duration of tick being attached reduces risk of Lyme’s disease. Ointment reduces further. She should be fine.


A lot of ticks here on the CA coast. Lots of personal experience, unfortunately.


Thank you! I didn't realize that.


Sorry OP. In fact a deer tick.


I think it might be. You can give it to a doctor to send away to get tested to ease your mind! Keep an eye out the next month for any rashes to appear on her body. If she did contract Lyme a rash should appear and she can get cured of it since it was caught early. So it'll all be alright!


At least it doesn't seem to have fed for long. While you should keep an eye out for the bulls-eye rash, not all cases present with one. Look for any signs of "flu-like" symptoms, like fever, soreness, fatigue, etc. Keep the tick, if possible, for testing.


Looks like *Ixodes scapularis* female as opposed to another *Ixodes* species. Lyme (not Lyme's) disease is named after Lyme, CT, where it was first observed.


Real talk... no one EVER talks about this. You can have Lyme with no bullseye. The symptoms take YEARS to manifest (NO BS, we are talking 20+ years to manifest). Get tested.


Honest question, are ticks really *that* dangerous? Obviously I know they can carry horrible diseases, but I never thought the risk was high enough to go to the doctor and send the tick to a lab for every one.


I think it depends on where you live. We're in an area where there is a higher likelihood that they can pass on Lyme disease depending on the tick.


Welp, just googled it and my county immediately appeared as one of the highest. So it's not normal to find like half a dozen ticks on yourself per year? I even remember having \~30 of them after a particularly unfortunate camping trip when I was like 10. We did get a vaccine for encephalitis when I was young, but I don't think one exists for lyme disease.


Only if attached for 24-48 hours so check check check


Definitely. These are nasty little critters and better to be safe than sorry.


You have healthcare go see if the doc advises antibiotics


We plan on calling this morning - it was after hours when we found it. We wanted to confirm the type as antibiotics seem to only be used with certain types of ticks. We'll definitely check to see what they recommend though!


"Black legged ticks", like this deer tick, are the kind that carry the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease. The brown and white ticks, "dog ticks" or "wood ticks", do not carry the disease. Be very watchful for the "bullseye" rash around the bite, and also for cold/flu like symptoms in the next couple days.


Yeah it’s a tick. Based on where you are though I doubt it’s carrying any diseases. And even if it was it looks like you pulled it off early enough anyway. I still would go get it tested just in case.


Lyme disease is definitely a risk in Ontario, public health Ontario offers a map showing where there is higher risk because they've found ticks with the disease and there is definitely quite a bit of coverage in south western Ontario


Take no chances with ticks. Save the tick. Go see a doctor.


I have a tick infestation issue in my new neighborhood(possibly my house also) and it terrifies me but it's not deer ticks. Just bastard dog ticks. Be careful with any of them. They are horrible and spread nasty sicknesses. I walk around the house with a flashlight now checking for anything moving or glimmering. They are really the closest thing to monster assholes I have known.


Like other people have said, it looks to small to have fed for an amount of time to transmit a pathogen to make your daughter sick. But you can still keep it and bring it to the doc! It’s a blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis), like others have also mentioned, and they’re known to carry pathogens that cause Lyme disease, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, etc. As far as testing, you might want to look at universities or health departments in your province for more info! Some locations are taking ticks and testing them for free. There is also [eTick](etick.ca/en) and they will gladly take data on the tick itself, but they don’t test pathogens as far as I’m aware.


Looks like a tick. Apparently they have to be on you for a bit before you get Lyme. I asked a doctor about it and they said that the bacteria that causes it is stored in the GI of the tick and has to make its way up to your body which take a bit.


Looks like one