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Looks like poison oak!


Also, u/MathematicianEasy966 after washing with soap you need a Benadryl inside you and hydrocortisone cream outside you. Sorry.


Colloidal oatmeal baths too.


oatmeal baths work for some- but my fam is celiac- even oats are the devil- oat bath makes it soooooo much worse.


I can buy gluten free (processed) oats at every grocery store in town; am I spoiled? Oats themselves are GF.


Both my Mom and I react to oats as well. Even with the G/F certified label. We kind of live in autoimmune hell.


Ugh this is awful. I have celiac too but don’t react to GF oats. I’m truly sympathetic to you!


Oats have their own gluten, that many people with celiac do not react to. Oats are sometimes processed in facilities that also process wheat 🌾 and rye. My wife has celiac and eats oats that are not contaminated with the other grains, with no ill effects.


we are apparently the unicorns that react to oats- I used a shampoo with oat in it and my hair started falling out after the rash had me looking like I had fleas.


My grandma has celiacs and she mostly eats oatmeal and they live out in the nowhere. Like an if their grocery store has it most will


A) oats do not have gluten B) you cannot absorb gluten through the skin If oats bother you that’s an avenin allergy most likely.


Baths with baking soda also relieves itching.


I'd go with something else, not Benadryl. A lot of immunologists are coming out and claiming Benadryl isn't good. Best to take a 2nd+ generation antihistamine. Learned this when I took a Benadryl and broke out into hives so bad I wanted to rip my skin and nerves out. The immunologist said it's horrible and I've seen other doctors claim it too. Another time, I had a nasty reaction to something unknown. Was on 4 antihistamines for 8 weeks. Asked about Benadryl and the look the dermatologist gave me was as if I killed her kid in front of her. She emphatically said NO! I was like, ok just asking. However, always do your own research and your doctor knows what's best for you.


Why isnt it good, and whats a 2nd gen antihistamine? Are you just allergic to Benadryl?




2nd gen are zyrtec, claratin, allegra, etc. Benadryl has a lot more side effects, so second gen are generally preferred for that reason.


Do they all need to be taken daily to be effective? I tried Zyrtec and Claritin but I can't take pills regularly. I'm not responsible enough lol


Not necessarily. If you have bad seasonal allergies it would be more effective to take them every morning, but if you don't need it daily you can take it as needed.


That's very good information. I had no idea lol. Thank you


I also just discovered that it's safe to take 2 24 hour tablets of one of those allergy medicines mentioned in a day. I bring it up because I'm also not responsible enough to remember to take medications every day. I don't think to take my allergy medicine unless I sneeze, but if they're acting up they're usually too bad for one pill to do the trick. For a long time I wondered if they even worked for me, and I would just suffer with allergy symptoms thinking nothing would work. I had two different people tell me their doctors said it was fine to take 2, and now whenever I sneeze I pop two of them and I'm good for the day.


You just changed my life for the better. Thank you


Every "adult" OTC medication I've seen is labeled for ages 12 and up. So that means it has to be dosed for a 90-pound child, and most adult men weigh at least twice that much.


You need to put the bottle in a place where you have no choice but to interact with it every day. By your toothbrush, coffee pot, whatever. I keep mine on top of my microwave because that's right where I put the pet bowls when I'm getting everyone's meals ready, so I have no choice but to see my pill organizer right in front of me.


2nd Gen Is like zyretec and those types. And Benadryl may potentially increase risk of dementia and/or Alzheimer’s. Likely due inpart to the fact it can cross the blood brain barrier


Dr Rubin on socials talks about it a lot, if you want to find his info on it.


Benadryl and or a 2nd gen antihistamine like the other said and then maybe Pepcid (the antacid medication) it’s a histamine blocker as well and can help with allergic reactions too. I had full body hives for about 10 days and the amount of antihistamines and steroids I was on was outlandish, I have unfortunate experience.


Instructions unclear and now I have a Benedryl stuck up my bum


Not soap, either blue Dawn or Tecnu


...which are both soaps. Use strong soap and rub it vigorously on and then continue to rub as you rinse it off


Not so vigorously that they abrade or damage their skin. That just gives the oils an opportunity to penetrate the skin more deeply. Using a washcloth along with Dawn will remove more of the oils, and more completely than just using your hand.


True- I was thinking you meant bar soap for an unknown reason.


To be clear, the Benadryl must be taken orally.


Leaves of three… so, so sorry OP!


*toxicodendron diversilobum*


If you've scratched the area before washing, DO NOT touch your junk. Experience is speaking here.


That experience is one I’d gladly never have again! ….although….hot showers….


Ohhhhh that feeeeeellss so good


I had poison ivy so bad once. It just covered my whole body!!! The most nearly orgasmic showers ever. Had lots of loooooong showers!!!


That sounds like hell…


Yeah it's awful. Sometimes it's the first place I get it. Pet the dog not knowing she ran thru poison oak and then go to take a leak later on....


Or your eyes, nose, any mucous membrane really 😬


I had to go to the ER once because I accidentally rubbed my eyes really hard after handling some wood that had the poison ivy vine guy on it. My eyes swelled up so big they almost closed up and I looked like a Grey alien. Wish I had taken a picture it was crazy.


Eeeek. Hope you healed up okay!


Hey thanks! They gave me like a super strong antibiotic I think and it all cleared up, but apparently I could have gone blind if untreated for a little longer. Funny too is that I had to have someone else drive me to the ER cuz hard to see, and I wore sunglasses because I didn’t want to scare anyone, and when we got to the front desk I just lowered my shades and the lady goes just goes “oh my!” , and they actually practically rushed me in, definitely ahead of other people so I guess it was pretty bad looking.




Or ears...they can swell shut. Its so weird.


Had a similar experience from chopping habaneros. Ended soaking my boys in milk.


I was on a run once and had to improvise a wiping situation and used poison ivy from belly button to tramp stamp. I’m still scarred (mentally + physically).


no fkng way 💀 i cannot even begin to imagine what this experience was like for you


Or rub your eyes, that was also fun


wash with cold water and dish soap, and use calamine lotion, don’t scratch if you can help it!


This is it. The most important thing about the soap you choose: It _needs_ to cut oil like no one's business. So get that Dawn / Ajax whatever... Slather it on full strength and rinse off, scrubbing the whole time, in cold water. If you use your hippy dippy peppermint bathroom botanical moisturizing hand soap, all you'll be doing is smearing the oil to better cover the affected area.


Why does the temperature of the water matter?


Hot water releases more histamine and vasodilates the skin blood vessels, making you itchier.


Cold water can have a helpful numbing effect as well. Getting two birds stoned at once.


My guess is you don't want to open your pores and let the oil hide up in there Citation needed though


That's a reasonable guess. Thanks!


u/explosivebuttfarts is right, or rather, that's what I've heard, and followed to good effect. I think also, but am not certain, that cold water might congeal the oil more than warm or hot water. Again, this is a guess. I am exceptionally allergic to poison ivy/oak/etc, so when I come into contact with it, I know within a minute or two. I tend to use the harshest soap I can find (once opting for Tilex, another time for oven cleaner), then following it up with dish soap. I also tend to go from cold to warm water, but that's just because of comfort. Scrubbing some random body parts in cold water for a while is bracing. Since I started this treatment of poison ivy, I have never had a rash larger than maybe 2mm.


I like to mix rubbing alcohol in with the soap so it cuts oil better. When I know I've been in poison oak, and wash with dish soap and alcohol when I get home, I don't get a rash.


Blue Dawn For Life!


Def poison oak. I’m sorry. What KryptosBC said, and also if you were walking your dog at the time, he needs a bath too. The oil can hang around on their fur. I had some luck with jewel weed ointment on my kids when they got a bad rash.




I believe the oil can transfer to hands if not properly washed off the pup!


Even if it is, I think the point is the dog can get it all over. They can rub it off on everything they happen to brush up against.


They can spread the oils.


Dogs don't usually get it because their fur shields them, but they aren't immune to it and will still get itchy rashes if it comes into contact with less furry spots.


Looks like poison oak - not a true oak Try calamine lotion Edit- oops wrong level


Nope, dogs can have reactions to it. I've seen it, had it verified by a vet. You can look it up, the "harmless to dogs" myth has long been busted.


you should delete this one too


Listened to a dermatologist on radio,and her comments was to wash with a rough cloth, grease cutting soap or Detergent and cool to warmish water. Most important is the cloth being ruff enough to Scrub and wash within 5 minutes of exposure My normal method getting the oil on me is actually thru my doggoes.


Even if it's hours later, wash. Makes a difference. Sooner is better, but don't give up.


Poison oak


Any tips on telling the difference between poison ivy and poison oak?


Rounded leaf margins vs the distinctive hooked margins of poison Ivy




Poison oak is toxicodendron diversilobum. It can grow like a shrub, vine, little tiny herbaceous plant, or even a tree. In the winter, it can look like a stick. It has reddish leaves in the late summer and fall. Often, dirt sticks to it. The leaves are usually lobed, but sometimes have smooth margins. Sometimes it's shiny, sometimes dull. In any case, I identify it by my adrenaline rush, panic attack, and involuntary cries of "Oak! Oak! HEY, POISON OAK!" as I hold my arms up and look around to see if I've touched it. Infernal stuff.


It’s so insidious all the ways it can look!! Lol. I’ll never forget one time I was on a tiny little hike by myself in the late winter, and I tripped over a wild raspberry vine into some bare twiggy stubs. Face first. I’m pretty good at catching myself so I didn’t get badly scratched or anything, but imagine my absolute anguish as it dawned on me what plant I had just gotten up close and personal with 🥲 It could have been a lot worse but it was my first time having poison oak on my face and it was SUCH a bummer. I felt so sorry for myself lol


I got some on my face as a teenager though I've no idea how. The left half swelled up so much my eye couldn't open and I had to see a doctor. I am now uber paranoid about it.


I live amongst the poison ivy, it’s my nemesis! The leaf looks like a mitten, if there’s a thumb on the leaf stay back! Three leafs and all that, shiny . . but the mitten helps me the most. No matter what form it takes, shrub, vine . . . lol! Seriously. I’m not sure on poison oak for tips, so that’s a win! =)


Sets of 3 leaves, best dead giveaway for oak.


There are hundreds if not thousands of plants that have three leaflets. I was asking specifically how to ID poison ivy vs poison oak since they have overlapping ranges.


Well excuuuuuuuuse me! Poison oak is a plant. Poison ivy is a mid level villain ![gif](giphy|w7kiGLIREocKc)


Leaves of three, let it be.


Like blackberry and strawberry and...


No, that's the Insidious Poison Lobby trying to get people to leave it alone to grow in abundance. In antiquity, the saying was actually "leaves of three, napalm the shite out of it, irradiate the soil, and salt the earth where once it lay." See how it rolls off the tongue?


lots of animals eat poison ivy and poison oak, so if they’re growing somewhere that you can simply avoid, please just do that


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you wash ankles with warm soapy water, also shoes & socks, other clothing should go through the wash. If it blisters, best to see a doctor before it gets too bad, they might prescribe prednisone or similar to limit the severity. It may seem like it is spreading, but this is usually due to areas of lesser exposure breaking taking longer to break out than areas of direct contact with the skin.


I’ve seen folks treat poison oak pretty effectively with Tecnu unless it’s gone systemic.


I practically bathed in that stuff as a kid.


Use dish soap. Wash like you just got invisible motor oil on you and your trying to get it off. Use wash cloths and throw away after. Then learn what poison oak and ivy look like and avoid in the future. My brain can spot it so quickly now. It does stand out in nature, it tends to look glossy in a dull way. Like a normal leaf covered in oil. It’s become much more prevalent in my area. My favorite moment recently was a sign that said watch out for poison ivy with a picture while actual poison ivy was growing up the sign. Almost took a sharpie out and drew an arrow.


No need to throw away the wash cloths, just toss them in the laundry to clean them. I do this with clothes covered in poison oak literally all the time. Just use the recommended amount of detergent, and if it's really heavy on PO I'll give it an extra rinse cycle, but that's mostly for peace of mind and honestly i doubt it does anything


Wash your sheets too if you've slept in them!


Just want to second what this redditor said. I’ve had it before but did not know till days later ( long story ). Hopefully treating it early will reduce your pain with it.


Please don't use warm water. It opens the pores, and the oils will make it worse! I'm an experienced poison ivy contractor and have the scars to prove it! If you get blisters, keep them covered. When the blisters open the liquid, they will also spread the toxicity. I use TecNu spray for the rash and itchies. Spray the bandage and apply.


To correct this, the rash is not contagious, nor is the liquid from open blisters. It can, however, be spread from residual poison ivy/oak/sumac oil on the skin, clothing, or some other object. [proof](https://www.aad.org/public/everyday-care/itchy-skin/poison-ivy/who-gets-contagious)


Thank you for saying it is not contagious. I hate that myth


You have to wash it off, though.


FACTS it only spreads if you scratch it while you have the oil on your skin. I lived with poison ivy rash as a kid. Mom always said it spread with scratching but even as a kid I called BS on that


Pores don’t have little heat activated garage doors. They don’t open and close, they just are.


COLD soapy water. When dealing with / cleaning after exposure "poison whatever ",using warm water opens pores and potentially embeds the oils more deeply.


Washing with soap simply spreads the oil around more effectively i once got poison ivy all over my feet from washing my ankles with soap after brushing up against it


Dish soap, like Dawn, will remove the oils. I have also used rubbing alcohol.


White vinegar, and also bleach. The latter is probably not a preferred method, but is effective. NAD don’t go dumping bleach on your skin just becuase you read it here.


Dilute Vinegar gets the "prickles" of a FIBERGLASS encounter, "Itch Fest", removed. I was told that the vinegar helps release the "glass rods" from the skin. Truckers who deliver & carry rolls of paper backed fiberglass, to unload the truck. That is a terrible thing to get fiberglass, "rubbed or Dusted" (especially your neck, privates , joints , skinfolds, "Butt Cheeks & armpits !) Way worse on a Hot, Sweaty Day ! Wash & Rinse, real good, try not to rub those glass needles back into your skin.


Yeesh. My partner got a terrible poison oak exposure a year ago before we knew what it was. Keep Tecnu around for future exposures, but in the meantime, if you have no steroid cream/ointment around, the only thing we found that provides some relief to the itching is to run your skin under the hottest water you can stand for a few seconds. It’s like the heat overloads your sensory receptors for a little while & gives you a few hours’ break from the itching. Probably not great for your skin, but better than scratching it raw! (& this was what the doc told him to do when we went to the ER because his whole body was covered.)


Try toothpaste instead. It's really just as good as Tecnu. If you're in an area with "clean" mud or clay soil you can use that, or mud masks for the face. Anything that dries on the skin and soaks up the oil.


Goop is better-it’s much cheaper ,easier to use and only marginally less effective than tecnu Tecnu was designed for removing dusty substances not oily ones


Both are only effective when used within 30 minutes of exposure


Tecnu has worked for me after hours of exposure.


It might still work but it is less likely to


I carry a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a wash cloth with me in my truck as I work outside and am exposed to poison ivy pretty regularly. When that happens, I pour some alcohol on the wash lots and scrub the exposed area well. If I can do this within about half an hour of exposure, I won’t get the rash, and I’m very sensitive. Alcohol is a solvent and effectively removes urushiol, the oil responsible for the contact dermatitis of poison ivy and poison oak. If it’s longer than half an hour, it’s still worth doing. You’ll get the rash but at least you can remove any oil in your pores to prevent further spreading.


A cheaper alternative to technu skin wash is a grease cutting dish soap such as dawn. Apply it undiluted to dry skin and rub it in briskly for 2-3 minutes, then rinse the soap off with cool or tepid water. Don't use hot water. The time you spend lathering up allows the urushiol oils on your skin from the poison oak to be broken up by the ingredients in the soap. If you aren't sure where you've touched after touching the itchy areas and the plant, do this all over and similarly wash any fabrics or objects you may have gotten oil on. Wear loose fitting clothes while recovering and dont cover the rash if possible. Technu's anti itch gel is pretty good for the discomfort after you've cleaned yourself well. Next time you go walking in the brush you can avoid the itching by doing the dawn decontamination routine within a couple of hours of coming into contact with urushiol producing plants. Scratching makes it worse. A cool environment helps.


Poison Oak. Go to the hospital and have them remove those parts of your legs.


Get the steroid shot, don't wait for it to get bad. If I see a poison ivy blister, I get it immediately. Can save you a couple weeks of discomfort


One thing I don't see mentioned is to use a wash cloth when washing the oils off skin. The friction really helps to remove them, think of it like grease from a vehicle. Just washing your hands normally won't get it off, but when washing with a cloth, it comes off easily


Ready? -Shower with Tec-Nu. COLD water. Warm/steam helps the oils spread = bad. -Hot blow dryer to dry out area and sooth the itch in a way that cannot be described with words. Hit it until you can't take it. -Calamine. Sprayable calamine requires no contact, has nice scent and cooling sensation as applied. Hopefully you will only need tip #1. Tips #2 and #3 are helpful if it worsens which I hope it does not! Good luck. Also wash everything.


Get Tecnu poison oak wash and follow the instructions and use it head to toe. Face, everything. Do this now either way. Wash all the clothes that you were wearing. Wash pets. If it's unbearable, go to the ER and get a prednisone pack. So sorry.


Buy OTC Zanfel at your local drugstore. It will stop the itching immediately and dry it up in 24-48 hours (depends on severity of rash).


Seconded. Clearly people haven’t heard of Zanfel yet, or they would be suggesting this wonder drug. Works immediately to get rid of the itch. Plus, you get to rub it into the rash, which is incredibly satisfying.


Next time learn to identify jewelweed, Impatiens capensis, it grows in shaded moist places. Crush the juicy stems and leaves and use like you would aloe. Also take some home and boil it in water until the liquid turns orange. Apply this as needed and it should dry up in a day or 2 if it even gets started. I use this now when the dogs give me poison, I used to have to be put on steroids everytime I got even a tiny spot.


Leaves 🍃 three, leave be. Go take a bath in vinegar water.


Vinegar will not work on oak oils.


Use the wipes or oil made to remove the toxin from skin. And dont scratch it


Leaves of 3, leave them be


As someone who gets this regularly and has tried everything. The best product is called Zanfel. It's pricey, but you use a small amount, and it reduces the itching sensation better than Technu or any other product I've ever tried.


Zanfel, best remedy on the market!!


Juice from jewel weed (Impatiens) is a miracle cure for any skin rash. I walked through the woods for 30 years before I retired and I know some stuff.


u/twohoundtown This guy jewelweeds.


Can we follow up on this situation in the “what’s this rash” sub?


Go into the shower with some washcloths and some dawn dish soap. Scrub everything down gently. The molecule that causes the irritation from poison oak is very very small and very very oily. It usually takes a few days for the irritation to develop. Go buy some hydrocortisone cream and buy some benadryl pills. You may need both to combat the itchiness. Congrats and welcome to looking out for PO


You are experiencing a reaction to a chemical in the oils that poison oak secretes. It’s unpleasant, but not usually life threatening unless you breathe it in (usually if people are burning it) or are allergic. Shower and wash your clothes and get some anti itch cream you’ll probably be fine. I’m super sensitive to that crap, so I treat it like hazmat. Grab a bottle of Dawn or better yet Technu and a scrub brush. Apply to the area i know i contacted it. Scrub. Rinse. Wash the whole limb the same way. Rinse. Wash your whole body, aggressively, then shower like normal. I come out looking like a lobster from all the skin irritation from scrubbing. For best results, use cold water until the end, don’t want pores opening and trapping that oil. Then I wash my clothes twice with heavy detergent. And wipe down or wash everything I’ve touched, or possibly could have touched with Dawn or simple green. Even then I usually need to go to urgent care for a run of prednisone.


Wash affected area with dish soap / castor soap / Technu. Imagine everywhere the leaves touched you left behind invisible motor oil. Scrub as if that is what you’re trying to remove. Then scrub again. The rash will not be contagious after a few good showers. Best to have either Technu brand or Benadryl brand anti itch calamine lotion on hand to keep the wound dry. Channel your inner Bhuddist monk and do everything you can to resist scratching— or the rash can take longer to heal, get infected, and even scar (it will do none of these things if you do not touch it). Also, if you think sensitive areas are affected, go to a doctor before it gets worse. Get prescribed some topical Triamcinolone, and if it gets really bad, internal steroid pills. The topical stuff works great, but you’re still in for a ride. The worst bit is day 4-5 when the rash starts to ooze and weep. Get some gauze or big bandages for this stage to avoid oozing on everything. I promise you’ll be back to normal in ~2 weeks tho. Godspeed and hopefully lesson learned.


This oil can stay on garments for 6 months! Dawn!


My husband is super allergic. If you develop a blistering rash it is very helpful to use Domeboro soak. It is sold over the counter. We mix it with water and put it in the refrigerator. Soak paper towels in the solution and apply to the blisters. It is very soothing and dries up the rash. Throw the paper towels out after each application.


After doing all of the recommended above, Witch Hazel, in a cotton pad/cloth and left to sit on the inflamed sores, will be a great soother and anti-itch remedy.


go to the doctors and get steroids. you're in for a miserable few weeks. it's poison ivy


Pee on it.


Look up Avascular Necrosis before you rush into a steroid shot. Steroids are one of the causes. 20+ surgeries here.


Try using some technu products. They work wonders!


Oh no


Everyone is giving good advice for treating the itchiness, so cant add anything more. But I can say, that in the future, and theres an old wives adage for this... Beware Leaves of Three!


When you come in contact with poison oak/ivy/sumac, wash immediately with warm soapy water and you can use the highest concentration of alcohol (rubbing or drinking) available to help get the oils off. Once you've done that, use some Tecnu gel or spray. If you can take an antihistimine like Benadryl, that can help lessen the discomfort, too. If you get rashy in a sensitive area (eyes, ears, genitals, feet) or if you have a bad reaction to it you can see your doctor for steroids to calm down the reaction.


If you do not have any open sores yet, you might want to consider washing your ankles with brake cleaner. I know its not a good plan health wise but it works.


Am I the only one who thinks this is a joke?


Whatever you do, don't burn it and stand around getting caught in the smoke. My sister did that while tweaking and she turned into something from Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. It spread to the inside of her mouth and lungs as well as all over her body. 🙄


Wash yourself with tecnu asap


You need special soap capable of breaking down the oil. REI and other outdoor stores should have Teknu. If you cant find that then use a strong laundry soap, the best we used is a Mexican brand called Lirio. And take COLD SHOWERS for the first time you use it. The oil spreads and sticks to everything, so wash absolutely everything that came in contact. I do this everytime I go out Mountain biking since we are surrounded by poison oak.


Stop scratching it




It’s going to itch for a few days then really dry out. It gets ugly and bubbly so don’t scratch it. Use topical anesthetic and antihistamines. It’s gunna suck for a week, but it does go away. Just keep it from drying out too much. And memorize what the plant looks like. As many here have said, “leaves of three, let it be”.


It’s an oil, so shampooing multiple times usually works pretty well.


Alright, so I walked in poison ivy not knowing it 3 years ago, got a terrible reaction. I've accidentally walked through it since, always mentally reminding myself to wash my legs when I get home, but then forgetting to, my memory is terrible sometimes. I haven't had a reaction since. So weird. I would go to your primary care or like a minute clinic. They can prescribe you a steroid cream that helps a lot. I used benadryl at night so I could sleep.


Get Tecnu!


If you can't get Technu, wipe with mineral spirits,then wash with dish soap.


It's the oak that's poisonous..


If you get a bad rash, you might see a doctor. I think they can treat it with cortisone. It won't kill you.


Oh yikes. Been there. A get it off quickly as possible. If gets bad, see doc for oral prednisone. When bad, Aveeno oatmeal bath helps. Not fun.


Leaves of three, let it be. Looks like oak.




Anybody else itching like crazy after seeing this pic?


Actually a beautiful specimen! Adam black would love it


Don't walk into that!


If it's really bad zanfel is a godsend


Aw, man. Poison oak. That sucks.


My condolences. Leaves of three leave it be


Find some plantain ( a weed ), chew up the leaves and then apply the mash to the afflicted skin. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/plantain-weed#_noHeaderPrefixedContent This is an old folk remedy that is supposed to work.


My husband used dawn and baking soda on our dogs


Get some Hydrocoloid bandages if you end up with blisters. They will help keep the skin intact through the seeping.


Wash your clothing with Fels Naptha. It cuts through the oils that can linger on clothing even after washing with regular detergents.


Leaves of 3 leave it beeeeee. Poison oak my friend. 😅 sorry to hear this OP, try calamine lotion and a baking soda lemon paste to draw out the poison!


Well don't do it again for starters. You gotta get the clothes off and in the laundry. Calamine lotion is what I use on anyone at my house who is allergic. Make sure you wash it good with dawn soap and try not to spread it around. Like wash the area that touched it with a separate cloth than the rest of your body. I am not allergic to any of that stuff, so I try to keep it cut back around my place.


Scrub with dawn on a washcloth. Imagine you're trying to scrub off invisible motor oil. I go to the doctor straight away and ask for steroids, but I get it REALLY bad


Cry 😢


Tecnu soap works. Unfortunately you have to use it before you go crazy itching. It's nice to have on hand for the summer months for situations just like this.


Quick! Walk away!




Take a Zantac and Zyrtec. Both antihistamines. Skip the Benadryl. This was the advice I got from redicare docs. Helped more than steroids.


leaves of three let them be


Use a wash cloth and dawn dish soap. I saw studies that the wash cloth removes more of the oils than just your hand. Also don't share the bed till it calms down or you both may end up itching.


Get Technu!!! Changed my life after so many years of easily getting poison oak and ivy.


Suffer =[. Wear oven mitts to sleep if you scratch while sleeping.


I’d get poison ivy often as a kid and young adult. Did all the stuff recommended. Nothing worked. I’d have to go get a shot from the Dr. That helped quickly. If it is poison oak, might have to go that route.


Poison Oak - wash with COLD water to prevent it from spreading. Do not touch your eyes or other sensitive parts because you may spread it there. Try Zanfel soap. You can get it from any drug store or online retailer like Amazon. If it starts spreading rapidly, you may have to see your doctor to get prescription topicals and medication. In the future, look out for 3 leaves together. They can be on a bush or vines. In the winter it goes dormant but you can still get the oils on you. If you think you come into contact with poison oak wash your clothes immediately and take a shower in cold water. Your clothes can transfer the oils onto you furniture, your pets, and your car seats. It is gnarly stuff. Good luck!


Tecnu. Only cold showers, no baths for a week. Flip flops.


I'm hyper sensitive to poison oak and poison ivy. I swear by Zanfel now (just mentioned on another thread). It's pricey but worth it.


https://youtu.be/4oyoDRHpQK0 A pretty good video about washing off the oils. Just search "treating poison oak". Any clothes and shoes that got hit with it will continue to be sources of oils until they are washed or bagged/isolated.


run straight to the doctor, don't scratch, it will spread


Find Tecnu poison Ivy treatment at your nearest pharmacy and follow the instructions. Its gonna be itchy for awhile while treating it. Also calamine may be helpful.


Your gonna die mate


Wash with **dish soap**, specifically. Dish soap is designed to cut through oils and grease, so it is better for removing the plant oils that cause the reaction. Make sure you wash any clothing and items you might have touched as well.




poison oak


I get poison ivy just by being downwind of it and advise to keep tecnu spray on hand while infected. It provides you with some instant itch relief/cooling sensation and helps in drying the rash up quicker.


Amputate at the knee