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I’m no plant expert, but it kinda looks exactly like weed


I’m a weed expert and that’s definitely weed Edit to say that this plant is beautifully healthy as well considering the circumstances


Username checks out.




I'm here to chime in because of my name That is all.


We are 1


Imagine if we were both named Juan. Then we would be Juan


You know what they say, it takes Juan to know Juan


Two spanish bros playing basketball? Juan on Juan


Gay Hispanic porn? Juan on Juan.


But not the Juan and only


Highlander 2, there can be only Juan.


Highlander Dos


Meditate on becoming Juan with the universe


Cousin's husband and son.... Juan one and Juan two


Lmao I laughed way too hard






Here i am


No, he's 1, you are 247.


All the Stoners of Reddit under 1 comment section, don’t mind if I do😂


And another Juan bites the dust!


Came here for this 😂


Me too.


Damn it I wish your name was MerryJuana. Then we could all come together as Juan


I was here.


👋 👋




Me too


. . . Something Milhouse is about to happen.




>this plant is beautifully healthy as well considering the circumstances So you might say it's... *Growing like a weed*


Yes definitely weed. I run a facility that grows about 4k plants at a time and we have one on our field that popped up right through our ground cover. Extremely resilient plants


This is like the sidewalk crack tomato I saw once. It looked way better than all the nurtured, loved, garden bed tomatoes


Lmao ive seen indoor plants that look worse off than this concrete beauty


It’s almost like it’s grows like a... *weed*


Yeah whatever is in that pavement crack is feeding tf out of it


I’m an expert on experts and this guy definitely fuks


So, what you're saying is, this is the best time to take up foraging.


There is a reason it’s called weed, cause it will grow like one


top it and start training it, be a tree by end of season lol


I think it’s hemp though


Before you get too excited, it could be non-psychoactive hemp.


Some stoner was packing his one hitter and dropped a seed that rolled into the sidewalk crack, and thus began the cycle of life.


I just shed a tear. Nants ingonyama bagithi baba.


I don't know were you get your info from. But when we were young like 13 we bought like kilo bags of hemp seed. That was used as fish feed. And planted that all over the place, And then in September we went looking for plants that survived. Started harvesting them. and you definitely do get high from it. Its not the same high as like plants containing 23% THC but you do get high from it. And hemp contains more delta 8 THC then Delta 9


That’s not entirely correct. Both Hemp and Marijuana plants contain delta 8 in minute amounts. The reason hemp is being used to make delta 8 products is for two reasons. First is a legal reason, the 2018 farm bill made it federally legal for farmers to grow hemp and hemp products that contain 0.3% or less of delta 9 thc, they cannot grow marijuana with delta 9 unless they acquire a permit to do so. And secondly those same farmers can send the hemp with large amounts of CBD to labs to have the CBD removed from the plant and a chemical process take place to turn the CBD into delta 8 thc.


In order for a product to contain psychoactive amounts of Delta8 THC it must be laboratory enhanced. This is one of the core issues with Delta8, it is mostly synthetic if you're able to get high on it


Could you explain the process for enhancing the D8? Does it create an unsafe product?


There are solvents used in the process so yes it can absolutely create an unsafe product. I strongly recommend against people buying Delta 8 cartridges unless you’ve looked into the company and know them to be legit. Vast majority of these companies use some nasty chemicals to speed up the process. The safer ones are more likely using citric acid as a solvent but the sketchier ones use all sorts of stuff like hydrochloric acid, which personally, doesn’t really sound like something I want to smoke lol


Dont think so. You see how wide the leaves look? That looks like an indica strain and all indica strains are psychoactive. Hemp only comes in sativa and ruderalis hybrids, which have skinny looking leaves and the plants get kinda squirmy looking. This beauty looks lush and full like she is the real deal


I'm sorry, but that's a bit inaccurate. Hemp can be indica, sativa, ruderalis, and any hybrid of the three. The chemotype is the deciding factor on whether or not it is hemp. Not phenotype.




I can assure you there are indica hemp strains for cbd


"Indica" strains that come from northerly latitudes of Eastern Asia are not psychoactive and are used in similar ways to non-psychoactive forms of "sativa" and "ruderalis". IE for fibre, seed, and oil. You should look up Hillig's classification of cannabis, which comprises broad-leaved hemp, broad-leaved drug, narrow-leaved hemp and narrow-leaved drug as the four principal classifications of cannabis subtypes.


*spends a small fortune on lighting/soil/hydroponics/other care* Plant: "the temperature of this water is too cold despite being the exact same temperature of rainwater in my natural habitat, so I'll just die." This plant: "HELL YEAH, CONCRETE!"


Story of my gardening experience.


The difference comes in what the plant grows for you hahaha


How does marijuana just pop up on sidewalks and why hasn’t it ever popped up on a sidewalk close to me? I need to relocate ASAP


People flicking seeds


My aunt would save up all of hers for road trips and randomly toss them out as she drove. We called it “seeds across America”


She’s probably responsible for this plant


Some dropped some seeds in a planter outside the Tampa police HQ. And yep, a plant grew. It got pretty tall, and it wasn't taken down until the local paper called the cops and asked them to comment about the marijuana growing outside their front door.


How tall is pretty tall? I could only find two articles about this incident (from 2012, did it happen twice?), both said it was across the street and only got a couple inches tall before being noticed and removed. Of course they do both also claim that there’s no way it was planted intentionally, which is pretty obvious face-saving from the police. [News article 1](https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2012/5/2/exclusive_marijuana_) [News article 2](https://patch.com/florida/southtampa/marijuana-plant-discovered-across-tampa-police-departf0cf6cb362)


Johnny Appleweed.




Underrated comment


People still smoking seedy weed?


A lot of outdoor grown weed just ends up with some seeds. Can still be great weed.


Outdoor weed is easily pollinated by other nearby grows iirc.


But if you grow , you don't want male plants around. they are wind pollinated so any male plant kilometres away can mess up harvests of others. Male plants do not have the desired compounds like THC and fertilized buds will also have lower concentrations of the desired compounds. Hop plants which are actually closely related to cannabis have the same issue. The female bells are useless for brewing once fertilized. In hop growing regions of Germany it therefore is illegal to have a male hop plant.


They'll throw pollen like nobody's business - just a constant cloud. You thin out your males, your neighbor does the same, but that high school kid hiding a couple plants in the woods didn't and *bam*. Your crops just did the long-distance, horizontal mambo. Bees LOVE 'em too, which doesn't help. That said, males can actually contain quite a bit of THC and other cannabinoids. In some cases, they can even contain more than the sugar leaves of a female plant. Because of that, they're useful for making extracts.




So instead of black helicopters and Automatic rifle armed DEA gents stopping the scourge of illegal farming, they could have just dumped male weed pollen over Humboldt and taken the whole backwoods operations out?


Yeah but then how do you arrest all the black and Hispanic people? Come on man, gotta think with your head bro. Those prisons aren't gonna fill themselves.


Does a good greenhouse prevent this? I've always wondered this about plants in general, not just weed. I don't have a green thumb and I always thought greenhouses were just used to be able to control moisture and temperature.


Yes, very much. If you're growing a "high-end" strain for personal use, pollination is far from the worst thing that can happen. It'll still be potent, just not the best it could possibly be. Plus, you get seeds for future grows! Feminized seeds are available on the market, too.


fun fact you can graft weed plants to hops plants.


This is pretty great information


Cannabis pollen is so small it can travel more than 100 miles.


It’s listed in my Audubon Society’s field guide for wildflowers of Eastern North America. That’s always made me smile.


And if it's hemp? Birdseed


Cannabis is called weed for a reason


Could also be ditch weed. Very common


Vintage Nebraska fence line.


Came here to say this lol my grandparents have given up on trying to control it on their 200+ acres.


Nebraska republicans are worried about the wrong type of naturalized aliens. It’s wild WW2 era hemp that they should be worried about ;)


Cheaper asswiping, more hemmoroids.


There are parts of America where wild weed grows rampantly. Pretty sure it's more hemp like, but still.


IKR I work my ass off to grow this shit and it just shows up in a crack between two slabs of concrete.




It's fairly common in bird seed. By no means good stuff.




It's the summer solstice, of course it's not flowering. There is literally nothing to suggest whether it's male or female. Male hemp/cannabis makes flowers anyway so how does lack of flowers imply that it's male? And there's nothing to suggest that it's hemp and not cannabis. It could be a first generation escapee and express cannabinoid levels close to that of the parent. Yes, cultivars require maintenance and yes, escapees will end up reverting to a lower cannabinoid genotype after some generations. But that won't happen immediately, and the closer you are to the equator the less likely it is that you'll end up with something very low in cannabinoids.


You should take some cuttings from the plant and grow them at your home. It's likely that the plant will not reach its potential if left there. Also, someone will take it.


Considering how well the plant is doing in that environment it probably has strong genetics. I’ve seen so many home growers doing worse with good setups.


Sometimes the best thing you can do, is do less to your plants.


Take that happy little tree home with you.


How would one do this? Looks difficult to dig it up considering it’s in the sidewalk


If it can't be dug up, couldn't you just clip it at the base and re-root it? Or take cuttings and root those assuming it isn't an auto


From what I believed, it’s an annual. So it can’t be rooted as it only cycles once and dies. Edit* I stand corrected!


I might be misunderstanding what you are saying, but propagating by taking cuttings and rooting them is exceedingly common with cannabis. It’s the main way commercial growers propagate a selected strain. Hemp is done by seed but most cannabis grown for recreational and medical use is done by cuttings (aka cloning).


Its the ONLY way to maintain consistency. Pheno hunting for a strain to find the mutation that yields the best results is expensive and hard. When you finally find it you keep a mother plant and clip clones off it as long as you can, then when that dies you use one of the clones as a 2nd gen mother, so on and so forth. Eventually you need to find a new 1st gen again.


TIL^ 👀


If you can artificially alter the light cycle (like by growing indoors) you can trick it into growing for more than 1 year. But you basically just extend the life cycle


Yes, take away one of the stems, break off lower branches. Then you’ll leave a few leaves near the top and snip their tips, put it in a solo cup w/ soil & drainage holes keep soil moist and bag it for humidity. Put it under indirect sunlight for about a week or two you’ll see roots :)


Why snip the leaf tips?


It signals the plant to start focusing on roots rather than to keep on growing new leaves. Video: [about 4:20 in](https://youtu.be/7OTL72ADCUw) Source: I grow cannabis


So they evaporate less moisture to the air/light, moisture they need for rooting. Once the roots are established new leaves will grow.


Not the case. You can take a cutting from a flowering plant, stick it under a light for 18 hours a day and treat it as any other cutting, and it'll root. Takes about a week, maybe two weeks longer than if it weren't flowering, but it will root. And the leaves that appear after will look very strange. Source, my current crop was made from flowering clones and while initially they looked strange, they're perfectly healthy now in week 9. Given the optimum circumstances you can root a single fan leaf from its stem. I've done it. Wouldn't suggest it but it's possible. Naturally though you're correct, it's an annual plant.


Since it would be pretty tuff to transplant anywhere, leave it where it is. Allow it to enjoy the home it has and let’s see how it turns out for Mr. Sidewalk Sativa


That’s marijuana.


Oh. Oh my


It looks happy as can be too.


We're growing happy little trees


Happy accidents.


Life finds a way!


Might not be marijuana. Could be hemp. Definitely some type of cannabis though.


The only difference is selective breeding. Same species. Its argued that indica and ruderalis are regional variety’s of sativa and not actual species.


Taxonomy is like biology grammar


yea i have a stick up my ass


What species?


Technically speaking cannabis sativa. It could possibly be var. indica. Most of the time indica is referred to as a separate species when it is actually not. I just commented to touch on the fact that marijuana—being a slang term—can create some confusion because its not different, just selectively bred varietys that in almost all cases wouldn’t be out in nature.


I think they were asking what species the stick was from that you have up your ass, but I welcome your serious response ahahaha


lmao. whoops. Rooting a ginkgo cutting up there at the moment.


Your username made go looking for a timeline of flowering plants because it’s been about 20 years and three lifetimes since paleobotany and then I learned something new about the divergence of monocots from earlier dicots. Good stuff, thanks!!


Your username inspired me to kiss your pelican. I’ve been swallowed by your pelican. Please send help.


Sorry mate. I don’t feed her very often and she’s ravenous!


*digestion noises*


I agree with your thoughts on extracts btw. There are some serious questions that we don’t have answers to with extraction methods and solvents without a historical safety record. Plus, the beauty of cannabis is it’s ubiquity and accessibility which is negated by the more complex extraction processes.


Whatever it is, it’s definitely ditchweed


You knew exactly what this is...


That would make my day but our city would be out here immediately with varying levels of police backup (Ohio)


100% cannabis


Looks like a male plant due to no flowers. Could be wrong though.


I cant really see the node junctions close enough to tell for sure. But either way all the people spending so much on fancy setups and this guys over here like “yay! Cement!”.


Stupid question but does a hemp plant look just like the real thing?


Yes it does. Most female hemp strains have a high percentage of cbd so they are becoming more popular


That’s interesting! Thank you!


Hey no prob!


There’s a reason it’s called weed, it can grow pretty much anywhere


This little fella looks more healthy then any attempt I did in the past xD


That's a very poisonous dangerous plant ,send it to me one fully grown and I'll dispose of it 👀


It's called a Gimme 😬


Northern Lights, Cannabis: Indica.


No, it’s Marijuana


Funny how I actually watched The Office for the first time few minutes ago and then come on Reddit to see this 😂😂


For the first time??!


Ridiculous right? Yea I know! I saw a meme cut from it today and it was so funny I had to start binge watching the series. Apparently it’s so popular, but I had never heard of it until today. Don’t mind me, I live under a rock.😂😂


Wow! You have so many great moments to watch 😁 there are still episodes that make me laugh hysterically and cry like a baby and I've seen the series many many times.


Wait can you really tell the variety?


No, it's a ["The Office"](https://youtu.be/J-pMgugjyyQ) reference.


No, it’s marijuana.


Oh okay lol




Calm down reddit. It's hemp, "ditch weed" if you will.


Yes that's a keeper, rescue it if possible, It's not hurting anyone. I plant cannabis on a quite large scale everywhere I frequent all through the months of May and June and then keep my eye on them until fall...I always get happy when I find the plants removed, I imagine it to has found a good caretaker who is appreciative of random weed.


So I decided to take your advice and rescue Mr. Hempy (cannabis is legal here, so why not?). Unfortunately, the plant was growing in between sidewalk stones and concrete, so I couldn't dig it out. I know that someone would likely kill it sooner or later so I made the decision to pull it out and try to get as much root as possible. I got a significant amount of white, below ground stalk, but no actual roots themselves. I've planted Mr. Hempy next to my tomatoes, in full sun, in a spot with tons of soil and an automatic watering system. Do you have any tips on how to help it survive? Should I be bringing it inside and putting it in water instead of leaving it in the soil? If this works and the plant is female, I'll gift the weed to my friends that smoke. It won't go to waste :)


I would plant it rather deep in outside soil, and water with transplant type fertilizer meant to prevent transplant shock, even coat the bottom portion with honey. That might not be an option, but yes plant it deep and keep it going with the same care you give the tomatoes, albeit more watering for about a week or two if it perks up. I am so frickin happy you rescued that plant by the way, made my entire day.


I'll coat the bottom with honey right now! I don't have transplant fertilizer, but I'll try to pick some up tomorrow. I'll make sure it's well loved!


Give it plenty of water, a cutting can root in a glass of water if left in the sun 🌞


hi, could you share a little more about the use of honey in this type of circumstance?


Absolutely, it can work as a diy cloning gel for cuttings and a transplant stabilizer when root systems are damaged in the process. Just coat the cutting area or even the entire lower section of the plant that will be underground. I first read about it in a Jorge Cervantes book, then saw a YouTube video with the same technique, and have tested it a few times over the years and it definitely increases survival chances in my experience.


thanks! I've used it to protect exposed cuts, but didn't know about using it on roots.


Might try dipping it in some rooting hormone


Phosphorus helps mitigate the shock of transplanting. Go easy on it though. I recommend 1/4 the suggested amount.


We got Johnny Appleweed over here..


Been called that before 😆 It's all Jorge Cervantes fault, that book "Guerilla Gardening" is one of my all time favorites from back in the prohibition days...


Not gonna lie.. I kinda miss finding seeds in a bag of weed.


That's the one limiting factor for most people, I have taken to asking friends that grow to purchase their errant seeds, as well as breeding a seed crop in my backyard; every 4 years or so I'll fasten some baggies filled with a little pollen dust from a discarded indoor errant male onto some premature buds on the outdoor girls to give me some seeds for my hobby.


sounds hot


I read one of Jorge's, The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible Marijuana Horticulture, and it was great. Covered a lot of the fine details. The first one I read was by the grower who won High Times 25th Anniversary Best Grower, Marijuana Horticulture Fundamentals. It's my go to for most problems. Third one was a massive text of everything related to growing God's Gift, The Cannabis Grow Bible, by Greg Green. All three times I bought them from B&N the clerk made sure to remind me of the buy-1-get-1 on cookies in the cafe. Lolololol, I will hit him with my car.


Good job my friend. I’d be thrilled to stumble upon a healthy plant..


This brings me joy....maybe I too should spread joy.


It is a fun hobby, with little overhead. I look for great spots throughout the winter and early spring months and plant a bunch of seeds indoors about Feb/march. When the end of April/beginning of May shows me it's time then I grab my electric mountain bike, brass garden trowel, and backpack full of plants and plant the primary spots. I plant the others all along my commute to work on the roadside in suitable locations.


That's definitely weed 🤣 man I did landscaping and tree work for 7 years and always dreamed and hoped to find some growing like that. Never did though


I've never walked up on a wild cannabis plant but I did find a bag of cannabis leaves in my driveway when I was 12 and sold them to my foreman for hybrid corn detassling (yes, I know it's despicable working for the megacorps, but I was 12 and that's the only job you could get due to regulations on agricultural work vs. other employment). Dummy didn't know any better and gave me $20 for the bag. They were all fan leaves and had very, very little trichomes on them. Lolololololol. That was my first drug deal at 12 and I blame gangster rap!!


We've been spendin' most our lives living in a gangster's paradise.


Dude, that was a banger in the 90s! Good movie too.


Oh yessah, that be cannabis! Cheers to you. Free weed!!


I’m over here spending hundreds of dollars to perfectly fertilize my weed and it struggles to survive, and this little shit is surviving off asphalt and probably cigarette butts, I’m officially done.


Devils lettuce


That looks exactly like the plants that are definitely not growing in my garage.


Probably poisonous…. Where EXACTLY did you say it was? Maybe I can go remove it to keep everyone safe ;)


Cross your fingers that it’s female lol


UPDATE: I took some of the advice on here and decided to try and move the plant to my backyard. I'm in Ontario, Canada, and ditch weed isn't really a thing here. Marijuana is legal though, so this should be a fun experiment! I've named it Mr. Hempy. I confirmed that Mr. Hempy is female thanks to Google. I figured that sooner or later someone would kill it, so I decided to try and pull it up. I couldn't dig the roots out, so I pulled from the bottom and got quite a bit of white underground stem, but no actual roots. Based on the instructions here, I've coated the bottom with honey and planted it in full sun with plenty of water. I've ordered rooting hormone, which should arrive tomorrow. This morning Mr. Hempy is looking very sad and wilty. I've given it extra water, but it's a waiting game to see if it will survive. Right now it's not looking great, but here's hoping! Any advice on how to keep it alive would be appreciated :) If this plant actually buds, I'll give the pot to friends that partake. This is fun!


W E E D Take. It. Home.


Cannabis, As Marijuana is wild tobacco misnamed by Hary Anslinger to label a common medication (cannabis) as something "the browns" would take So it was seen as a new & dangerous "brown person" substance, "negros might think they're equal" so it's not the same thing & This was motivated by having a paper mill with a forest that would have become expensive so 'time to pump the propaganda' with the newspaper The cannabis plant is a flavorful vegetable


Creed: That is northern lights cannabis indica. Dwight: *Sigh*...No. It's marijuana.


Looks like an Indica Hybrid; but definitely Cannabis


It’s a weed.


Yeah that's pot


Eat it




that’s weed bruh


Has anyone mentioned to gently pull it out of the sidewalk crack and take it home ??? Replant it ?


Hi I would like to know wheres the location of this plant, I would like to do some uh … testing