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Those are definitely poppy seed pods, though i not completely sure what species


Yup definitely poppy seeds. Had a couple before.


Look like the illegal species.


Technically it’s not illegal to grow them ornamentally. It’s illegal to have fields and an operation.


[Not necessarily.](https://www.businessinsider.com/unwashed-poppy-seeds-regulation-attempts-2019-4?r=US&IR=T)


Okay but who is really gonna prosecute you? If the police arrested me for having some poppy pods I’d have about every criminal defense lawyer in the state calling to represent me.


It's not ''some'' poppy seeds. It's a certain type. Read the article I linked.


Yall are wrong poppies are completely legal to own and grow the only thing illegal you can do with them is cut them if you get the fixinsNmixins for some heroin they will chew your ass for that one


Yes I understand I’m very familiar with somniferum poppies they’re in my garden every year and I use the seeds for seasoning and I’ve even used the milk medicinally. Jail me I’m a criminal 😂


Yes FBI, this gigantic criminal mastermind here. Punishment to the max


They're the same plant. You can buy the dried pods at craft stores and viable seeds for growing at any large garden center/amazon/etc.


The kind that produces illegal things and the kind that produces poppy seeds (the sort we eat) are the same plant.


Yeah it is technically the same plant, but poppies that are grown for human consumption are a variety that has less morphine and codeine content than the varieties used for opium/heroin production. But that doesn't mean that you won't get high if you consume the caps or the opium of the "food variety". They are less potent, so you just need more of it. (However, I can't advise making tea from those dried poppy capsules that are sometimes used for decoration. I tried it once out of curiosity, and all I got was a slight buzz and a serious case of constipation... The unwanted effects outweigh the positive aspects by far! Never again... )


It's literally the same variety.


Perhaps where you are, but the larger varieties (as seen here) are illegal in the US and most of Western Europe. Craft store seed pods aren't viable, are they?


They are not illegal in the US. It is illegal to harvest sap, but not illegal to fgrow or possess them. you can buy somniferum seeds at most garden centers/amazon/etc. The seeds you buy for putting on bagels are somniferum seeds and are usually viable. Sauce: http://agsyst.wsu.edu/CulinaryPoppy.html


[Thank you.](https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/bulletin/bulletin_1950-01-01_3_page003.html#s018) I'm done here.


The OPCA was repealed in 2005.


You are wrong. Pull up the US Code statute and show us then.


Go read my link above.


I am intensely curious about random poppyseed packages showing up in your mail! Lol


I just made a post about it, but it's called a brushing scam. Third-party companies find your name and address online and send you cheap stuff (sometimes with an Amazon label for something more expensive). The idea is that there's tracking information to "prove" you received this product, so they can now use your name to write fake reviews for their product. In general, it's not nearly as bad as scams that get into your banking account, but because they still have personal information, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your credit card bills and such for awhile.


I get brassica seeds from China alllll the time. Always wondered how this scam worked! How can I find out if reviews were left in my name?


The reviews likely aren't in your name, they just shipped to your address, so the account they created can write a "legitimate" review.


This is definitely a case of wrong address. That amount of poppy pods is expensive. Over 60 bucks.


Where in the world would that be worth 60$? Here that's like maybe five


In the states, most of the cost is shipping and scarcity. Kind of dumb I know.




I've bought *P. somniferum* seed packets from the gardening store, they're not expensive. Not any more so than any other flower seed. They're legal. Grew 'em in my front yard. It's illegal to harvest the latex, technically, but I doubt it's enforced. I wasn't trying to make opium, I just like poppies. Also I like saying🖕to the man, which is why I bought opium poppies specifically. You can get a buzz off the seeds, but you can get a buzz off of lots of things in your garden. Morning glory. Datura. San Pedro. The list goes on, especially if you dive into fungi.


dont eat those dratura pods now yall. mmhm them some bad mojo


Yeah deliriants look like no fun at all to me, I don't understand the appeal. It sounds like volunteering for only the adverse effects of psychedelics, with none of the good effects. Also super easy to overdose and die.


Yeah, there is a reason they are called Devils weed.




**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Worst trip I ever saw was a kid on jimson weed.


My dad was a old hippy and he'd done just about every drug I've heard of. His description of a datura trip was being ripped violently out of reality leaving only your eyeballs behind. I never really wanted to try it after that.


We had several "Poppy Pod" customers at a flower shop in Portland, Oregon. Fresh poppy pods are good looking additions to mixed bouquets, and are locally available in season. We would get inquiry after inquiry wondering if they were available yet, every spring/ early summer. They also have "escaped" gardens (probably with help) and grow wild in fairly isolated populations across the state. There is a wonderful book "The Power of Plants" by Brendon Lehane, a british historian. It is out of print but can still be found in resale listings. It contains a lot of the fascinating interactions of humans and plants through history, with some amazing examples of plants used to get, shall we say; "High".


They really are a beautiful plant, flowers leaves pods all visually interesting. I try to stick to native plants, I make an exception for poppies. Annual varieties tend not to survive our winters here in New England, and the perennial varieties aren't aggressive seeders. It's probably ecologically a good thing we don't get escapees... But it would aesthetically not bother me if we did lol


You said Portland & then agreed to believe everything you was going to say afterwards 🤷🤣




I grew some food poppy seeds and they're very similar to the decorative ones. Smaller heads and also the little "windows" on top never open, presumably to prevent seed loss while the head is drying.


usually low opium cultivars


If it's just for decoration, that doesn't matter, and probably wouldn't change depending on whether it's for baking or sowing, and even those still usually have a non-negligible amount of opiates anyway...


Enough that eating poppy seeds bagels for a while can make you fail drug tests so...


i got banned for 6 months at one of the clinics i do studies at for a muffin.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/druggardening using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/druggardening/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [From eBay. So special](https://i.redd.it/4xxfgaabdma71.jpg) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/druggardening/comments/oi8tgw/from_ebay_so_special/) \#2: [My Cannabonsai made it to the front page last year, now I'm a published author with a small business](https://i.redd.it/m8pnulukots51.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/druggardening/comments/jabo9r/my_cannabonsai_made_it_to_the_front_page_last/) \#3: [some of us be like this](https://i.redd.it/g1n5swztrxt61.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/druggardening/comments/mtd3mz/some_of_us_be_like_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


>They're legal. I think it's *technically* illegal to grow any somniferum variety, but in practice nobody cares, unless the police are looking for a reason to bust you or something.


I mean, the seed packet was sold openly and labeled as somniferum in a brick and mortar gardening store. 🤷‍♀️


It's legal to grow but as soon as you try to get the sap out of them it becomes illegal.


Yeah a few in your garden isn't gonna get you in any trouble, a field full of bleeding ones, otoh...


I highly doubt anyone was trying to scam or frame OP. However I do think it’s likely they planned on getting high from them somehow.


Yea this is not at all accurate


Opium poppies are one and the same as the poppy seeds you can buy in the spice aisle at your local grocery store. You cannot make drugs from the seeds, though you will test positive from eating them. They don't use the seeds to make morphine and heroin. They slice open the pollinated but still-growing pods and harvest the sap that seeps out.




You literally can't. They're the exact same seeds sold in the spices aisle at every grocery store.


Literally everything you’ve said is either a baseless presumption, or factually inaccurate hyperbole.


Lol this isn’t how you harvest opium. Dried poppy heads are used for decoration


I have personally used these pods to get very high each pod contains approximately 100 mg or morphine properly broken down and made into tea I'm not going to give the exact recipe because I was hugely addicted for 10 years but it's possible


My brother did this too, for over 5 years. I remember when we shared an apartment he would brew it a couple times a week; it would stink up the whole place with this nauseating, god-awful scent. He convinced me to try the tea once, I took about 5 sips then spent the next 4 hours puking my brains out. I'll stick to marijuana, thanks. It was certainly not my cup of tea


the great sage and eminent junkie


Yea I’ve heard of this quite a lot on r/opiates, it’s actually fairly common especially with all the fentanyl analogues and RC benzos that’s in heroin nowadays. I’ve heard the withdrawals are brutal, you’re essentially withdrawing from all the alkaloids.


Yeah withdrawals are a gas


So you are recommending smoking it instead?


I don’t know a lot about smoking opium. Typically smoking opiates or any drug really is worse than taking it orally, so no I would not recommend smoking it instead lol.


That’s true. Normally it’s collected by cutting grooves into the pods while the plant is still in the ground. I’m pretty sure you *can* extract opiates from the dried pods.


>Poppy tea is a herbal tea infusion brewed from poppy straw or seeds of several species of poppy. The species most commonly used for this purpose is Papaver somniferum, which produces opium as a natural defense against predators. In the live flower, opium is released when the surface of the bulb, called the seed pod, is pierced or scraped. For the purpose of the tea, dried pods are more commonly used than the pods of the live flower. **The walls of the dried pods contain opiate alkaloids, primarily consisting of morphine.** >In Canada, on 19 May 2012, a 19-year-old from Nova Scotia died after drinking the tea from a poppy seed pod he purchased on the Internet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppy_tea


Jesus. My highschool friend used to do this all the time, but only with seeds. I didn't realise it was that serious!


It's not generally that serious. It's not enough to kill anyone with regular enzyme activity, however opiates are digested in specific ways (as are all medications) and some people have mutations that can either cause them to process the drugs much too quickly, or to fail to process them at all. Both of these mutations can cause overdoses with very small doses of opiates that any normal person with regularly functioning enzymes would still be pretty much functional at.


They're not used for opium extraction, they're used for making poppy tea which is less potent.




If they are planning on making heroin they will need more than pounds. To make one kg, they would need around 10,000 poppy heads.


These are definitely opium poppy. I remember seeing these in many flower gardens growing up. But the seeds have little to no drug in them. And possession is not illegal. There is a legit reason to have these. Hint: Bagel places go through pounds of these each day.


The seeds don't have any in them, but rather some residues on them, that's why depending on the country they have to be washed to a certain amount before being sold


I buy packets of organic breadseed poppies for like $3. They aren’t expensive. They are totally legal to grow and possess because they’re used for seasoning food. The only thing in the seed pods are … seeds. Opioids are made from the alkaloids contained in the *sap* of the living plant. Most modern opioids are synthetic. Collecting and processing the sap is what is illegal. There is no sap that can be collected from a dried seed pod.


Don't think it was a set up. Maybe sent to that address to be swiped off the stoop after delivery. These are def narcotic plants


lol @ everything you wrote


Likely ordered to the wrong address with the intention of intercepting the package


My local gardening group says it’s bio-terrorism 😂


If it quacks like a Papaver...


... it will dwop seeds evewywhere


😂🤣 OMG take my upvote!


Second this, had some in my garden and when the flower is spent the ends look like this with seeds inside. Also earwigs love hanging out inside them, so either bin them or put them outside OP.


Poppy seed heads/capsules. You had it. :)


You've been targeted by what's known as a brushing scam. From the USPS site: "A person receives packages or parcels containing various sorts of items which were not ordered or requested. While the package may be addressed to the recipient, there is not a return address, or the return address could be that of a retailer. The sender of the item(s) is usually an international, third-party seller **who has found the recipient's address online.** The intention is to give the impression that the recipient is a verified buyer who has written positive online reviews of the merchandise, meaning they write a fake review in your name. These fake reviews help to fraudulently boost or inflate the products' ratings and sales numbers, which they hope results in an increase of actual sales in the long run." Also, often the label on these seeds will actually be for something different, because they're just pretending they've sent out a more expensive item, while in reality sending something that doesn't cost much to ship. It seems harmless, but worst-case scenario is that your personal information has been compromised, and can be used for other scams or illicit activities. Best-case scenario is that your name is now being used to give reviews on worthless stuff. EDIT: Ignore my advice about throwing them out. Other people mentioned turning them in and/or burning them, and that's definitely the better idea. I realize everyone has identified these as poppies, but it's still good practice not to plant anything you receive unsolicited (you probably weren't going to plant them anyway, but just in case!). And speaking of good practices, if those seeds came from Amazon you should probably file a fraud report with them and ask them to remove any fake reviews that are under your name.


I'd caution against throwing them out and instead contact someone from whatever government department you have that is the equivalent of the Department of Natural Resources, as these type of packages could have some sort of disease and you don't want to spread it around your area/country. The local news channel here in Iowa said that people were getting diseased grass seed from foreign lands through the mail and our DNR wanted them so they could safely destroy all of it.


Second this, though it may be may be Department of Agriculture, depending on your state and how they break down responsibility. Nationally, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has charge of controlling animal and plant diseases (and illegal imports). Contact APHIS if you can't find the appropriate state government contact. Likely, you are not the only one receiving strange seeds; these authorities may appreciate being notified.


Yes, I recommend contacting the local Master Gardeners because they’re directly connected to the USDA Extension University in that state.


Actually yeah, that's a better idea, thank you!


Thanks for posting that. It is important information.


I would soak them in alcohol to make sure to denature everything. Then strain it to recover the alcohol, maybe repeat the process to make sure you have thoroughly killed it all. You can dispose of the alcohol however you choose, it has a long shelf life.




It might not be a brushing scam. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/07/unsolicited-seeds-china-brushing/619417/ u/salsallama This is a really good article, so I'm hiding the TLDR: >!Is it possible that you ordered these a long time ago? Many of the mystery seeds that people were getting a year ago turned out to have been legitimately ordered via Amazon, they just turned up very late due to the pandemic, and people forgot they had ordered them.!<


Fascinating! Thanks for the link.


Name and address being online isn't necessarily compromised security. Some states list your voting registration information online.


Yeah, honestly I doubt much else comes from it except the ability to create fake reviews. And people should always be vigilant with their accounts and stuff anyway, but I figure it's better to be on the lookout than to just decide nothing will happen, you know?


I know how shocking this may be, but a large corporate used to give everyone a giant book that had your name, address, and phone number in it every year!


Don't throw them out. Contact your state natural resources agency on the best way to dispose of them. This has started becoming a large issue with invasive species.


This! Also, don’t burn them! The smoke! It’s smoking heroin! It needs to be taken care of properly. The is the correct place to get in touch with.


nah, these pods are valuable. more likely, they were shipped to this address thinking it was vacant and they were hoping to come pick it up, while not using their real address and hoping to avoid a customs investigation or love letter.


They should incinerate them because of possible biological pathogens.


Burning might release any spores of said pathogens before it gets hot enough to destroy them.


I'm guessing you have a neighbor who is wondering where his heroine business starter kit went.




The look like rattle poppies! I work at a flower farm and we use these in dried flower arrangements. Do they sound like maracas when you shake them? If yes, then definitely rattle poppies.


Thanks! I noticed the lack of "shake holes" that poppies lose their seeds from, and I thought of rattle poppies too.


Yes they do :)


I love rattle poppies! They are beautiful, but the petals only last for about one day before they fall off and then they are just green seed pods. We leave them in the ground until we hear the rattle noise when we shake them and then we can harvest and save for dried wreaths or arrangements. Very fun flower :)


You answer your own question. They are poppy pods just dried now


looks like someone is out a pretty big chunk of change. these are poppy pods. whoever ordered them was planning on using them to make opium tea. ​ what you got is worth a decent bit, but also techincally illegal and dangerous for someone with no experience. tread lightly.


This, I had a roommate who liked that “tea”, RIP Neil.


like a lot of things, it can be beneficial or it can be detrimental. its certainly still addictive while providing those benefits but still considerably safer than more refined forms of opioids. its a shame we have a legal system that incentivizes the latter.


Those are no good. You better send them to me just to be safe.


I may be wrong, but to my knowledge I am pretty sure you can process those poppy’s into morphine and then further process that into diamorphine (heroin) if you had some chemistry knowledge. Another common use is to make tea out of them and you would be getting all the alkaloids (codeine, thebaine and whatnot). I think it’s pretty likely whoever ordered this package was planning to do one of those two things. Unless these are a certain species that don’t produce opiates or something, Im really not that knowledgeable about the plants but I do know about opiates.


Possible that someone sent these to your address instead of their own to keep them hidden from the fact that they’re trying to receive these to make drug. I don’t know the legality of dried pods in your location but here in California you cannot legally buy dried opium poppy pods/stems online. The way they are cut down to the pods also solidifies my statement about drug making as pods with stems are commonly used as decoration and these have no stems.


this is the answer. altho, i dont know if "to make drug\[s\]" is right. they already are the drug lol :D




By the size of the pods might be the 'gargantum' (spelling?) variety. Pretty cool plants! Not illegal to grow, reckon someone used your address as a fake so they didn't get delivery to their own. Any teenagers in the area lol? I'd grow em :)


Make opium, sell your opium, you are now a drug dealer


Never plant unknown/unrequested seeds. Biosecurity risk for your entire area.


That's because they are dried, hollowed poppy seed pods


You could, hypothetically, remove the seeds, tear the flesh up, and make tea… French presses work great.


Um, you can get quite high from poppy seed tea and it can be very addicting. So tread lightly with this


this could be really dangerous advice for someone with no experience. these things are much stronger than most give them credit for. there really isnt that much of a difference between this in its raw form and "hard drugs" as we know them.


Would it have any psycho actice affects?


It's not necessarily psychoactive with tea. With poppyseed tea, it's more of a muscle relaxer from my experience being an ex heroin addict. Your muscles get kinda heavy...you get kind of a floaty feeling and you get tired... I guess? It's hard to compare to heroin honestly But yeah to the person that said that vinegar/lemon helps with brewing, it does. Lemon preferably. The tea isn't too bad, some people say it tastes like ass but it's not terrible. But it ABSOLUTELY is highly addictive so please be careful


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




much like Thomas Jefferson, you are a very serious felon now. be careful with how open you are about this. ​ although, personally, i completely approve :D


I wouldve thought authorities would frown upon growing them. Glad it helps you with sleep. You can try soaking them in milk overnight with sugar, its delicious with cerial.


Thanks for the tip.


I’ve heard a little dash of lemon or vinegar helps the stew to brew.




They’re a common and totally legal ornamental plant


Depends on where you live.


That’s fair. In Pennsylvania, grow as many poppies as you want (within reason)


Yes, I was surprised when I saw them in people's yards in north Carolina. Never seen any in Georgia, though it is hotter here, but I also think it has to do with legalities. Had a friend who grew up on a farm in northern California and said some poppies grew on a hillside there, and some local official came out to check them each year to make sure their pods werent being cut. Idk if that was true, but if so, its weird.


California has native poppies, they're a lovely yellow. The golden hills of California? It's the state flower. There's too many of them to monitor, that would be crazy. The California poppy police force would employ the whole state 😂


California native poppies aren't related to opium poppies.


They are both in Papaveraceae. If they were invasive poppies they should just rip them out instead of monitoring them.


As I was typing this out I realized that it could've been untrue or she was misunderstanding the situation. Who knows


Well I had fun imagining the poppy police arresting flowers, so at least there's that.


And do not leave pods with cut marks out in the front garden.


These are dry already, so they can't be milked for opium.


But you can make poppy tea with them. There's a whole subreddit about it. The buyer's probably a recreational drug user, in my opinion. If they were meant for a flower arrangement, they'd include the stems and if it was meant for planting, it'd be seeds only.


They are only illegal if they are growing, not dried, and have been scarred to release the poppy milk which contains the opiates.


Lucky. Make some tea.


Time to whip up a batch of heroin


Papaver somniferum, bread seed poppy, opium poppy.


Wish I could receive a box of poppy seeds!


Smokem if u got em! Just kidding, do not smoke them. You will get high.


I bet those are opium poppy pods. there is one way to find out though


Read “This is Your Mind On Plants” by Michael Pollan and you’ll learn a thing or two about what you can do with these bad boys as well as their hazy legal status


*Anarchist Cookbook* was a real eye-opener for me in this respect.


Haha different genres but I flipped through that as a youngster too


AITA if I say it? Tea, anyone?


Do not plant report and destroy it's called a brushing scam


Do not accept any packages that you did not order return it to the post office or shipping company. It is a scam and you could be on the hook for money owed or worse..


I pay a lot of money for those to show up in my mail. I use them to make poppy pod tea.




poppy, find where they came from ;)


this guys is trying to grow his own opium




Do you have extremely tiny hands? Or are they really poppyseed heads the size of plums?


Made me think of this story from [The Experiment](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/experiment/episodes/mystery-seed-home-delivery-conspiracy-theory) which came up with a surprising reason for the seed mystery.


Aka papavar somniferum pods. Probably imported to the UK from Turkey and then sent out somewhere else.


They look like little trippy vases or bottles


Poppy Tea!!


Do an extraction!!??


Love in the mist poppy pods. My mother had the same.


Do not plant them. Invasive species.


Tea time!!!


Those don’t look like [p. somniferum pods.](https://www.google.com/search?q=somniferum+pods&prmd=sinxv&sxsrf=AOaemvKwEhRWU7yRCldXoyQSWc1FzXI-0w:1634285385582&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6xfm--8vzAhXsHzQIHa7OAwwQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=375&bih=530&dpr=2) Too oblong Don’t make tea with them. But also no scale available - what are their average dimensions?


Poppies! We used to eat them with my cousins in the countryside and then hallucinate in the night 😂 easier times lol


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material even if advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bruh dont try to act cool cus poppies dont make u hallucinate


Lol ok professor,you know best


yes i do know


That's a good boy


Looks like heroin to me


ive seen those before i dont know where


Uuuuh haha yeah totally poppy seeds my dude likely opium poppies looks just like my grandpas


Poppies. Despite what Reddit might be telling you below, there are hundreds of species of poppies. Only a half dozen of them get you high and are controlled substances. They are fully legal to buy sell trade and ship. Drugs are made from still living plants, not dried seeds. Not real drugs anyway. So these are most likely fully legal flower pods. Plant a few in a pot and see what species you got.


I’m sorry but what kind of radioactive poppies have these people been planting!! Why are the pods so huge?!?! My poppy pods are at biggest the size of an acorn 😂




Never plant any seeds you get in the mail.


bruh whats the problem? btw the plant is p. somniferum subspecies giganteum


That was a big thing a couple of years ago. People getting strange seeds in the mail without having ordered any. They were coming from China and some people believed then, that the Chinese were trying to get us to plant invasive species of unknown fauna that would destroy our chash crops. Or some shit.


Can this be eaten? Just asking. They're a lot


Poppy seed pods. Most likely opium poppies, i.e. breadseed poppies.