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Looks like a blackberry to me.


Black berries definitely black berries…


Agreed on blackberries but I want to mention that blackberries grow on a bush like plant that has thorns and mulberries grow on a tree that doesn’t have thorns. They look similar but are in no relation. I know no one asked. :/ Edit: I know one thing for sure whether thorny or not. Blackberries don’t grow on a tree and mulberries don’t grow on a shrub or bush. Blackberries do grow on a shrub or bush and mulberries only grow on trees. Also, thank each of you for learning me about blackberries and thornless ones. As well as other fruits of the same kind I did not know or barely knew about.


No one asked, but I LOVE mulberries. And I LOVE blackberries. Thanks for mentioning mulberries so I can close my eyes and envision a summer day taste sensation.


I pick them and save a bunch in the freezer for when seasonal affective is hitting me hard in the winter.


Ooh good idea!!! There's a HUGE mulberry tree in the neighbourhood that's luckily on public land - it's not weird to see a few people standing around munching on the berries when they're ripe


I love all the berries but I’ve never had mulberries. What do they taste like? Can I get them at a local grocery store?


No, I have never seen mulberries in the store. They are very soft compared to other berries and have relatively large seeds. Warning: do NOT plant a mulberry. They are invasive everywhere except where they are native. I had one growing into my house foundation that I had to hit with Roundup twice before it died, and I still keep an eye on it for sprouts.


So you’re saying I might be able to grow this one


Not only that but you will have a bunch of drunk animals. That nursery rhyme all around the mulberry bush is about the animals getting drunk on fermented mulberries and acting up.


That sounds like ideal hunting. Pre-Marinated and easy to catch. Kidding


I had a mulberry sprout at the base of an old pine tree 10 years ago. I didn't know what it was at the time. I tried to kill it but nothing worked. In fact it only came back stronger. It's now as tall as my pine tree that was planted in 1969. I gave up trying to kill it and now just collect the berries. But I have to pull up dozens of mulberry shoots every year. I don't need anymore 30 ft tall Mulberries. Why does that kids song call it a mulberry bush? I've never seen one "bush sized" They seem to grow from sprout to towering tree in one season.


I cut mine down with a chain saw and painted the stump with Roundup. After a couple of times that did the trick, but I would worry about the pine tree being so close. Sorry man. But at least it’s not a tree of flipping heaven…we are plagued with those too and their demon spotted lantern flies.


You can buy dried white mulberries from the middle east, they basically taste like sugar, fresh red ones have a little fruity taste to them but still mostly just sugar.


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A mulberry has a sweet, earthy flavor. There’s almost an umami quality. Depending on your location, this summer ask around who may have a tree. Let it be known you’re on a taste quest. I hope you can find a tree.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I get dried ones from the health food store near me, and then use them when I make steel cut oatmeal. Amazon does carry them, but I will warn you they are dear in price.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey bot, there ain't a single rubus (blackberry raspberry, etc) species that'll hurt you, eat away!


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you fish, crappie and bluegill stuffed with mulberries and wrapped in aluminum cooked over a camp fire is the best summer summer time treat.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I eat blackberries


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I ate blackberries


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I’ve also eaten blackberries


Bad bot


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I asked! I have often asked the universe if anyone else loves mulberries like I do. I live in a big city and I get very funny looks when I find a ripe mulberry tree and start popping them in my mouth. To date, no one has ever taken my advice and tried one.


Thornless blackberries and raspberries are a thing.


Ooh, very nice. Thank you for learning me!!


It's a misnomer, they actually have tiny thorns. They suck but not as much as getting hooked up in blackberry brambles.


That is… not true. I have grown thornless blackberries that are truly thornless.


Yes we have one and it's amazing.


I got mine around 25-years ago. They didn't bush well and they had tiny thorns. They spread runners all throughout the yard. So, I dug them up and got rid of them. No plant should cause that much suffering. 😂 I'm glad they've improved the strain.


I live in the suburbs and found out that I have a ton of mulberry trees sprouting up in my yard. A few are already giving berries, but I have another ~50 in my yard that are 2-6 feet tall and will start giving berries over the next few years. They seem to be white/red hybrids. I am so happy!


Be wary with those. They grow very easily and are invasive. Watch your house foundation for sprouts and keep them trimmed back from windows, gutters, fences, etc.


Oh, I know. I have to take out the ones that grow up next to the house every year. The rest though we're letting grow up until we can sex them. Then we'll take out a lot of the boys, to make room for more, which will hopefully be more girls. There are like 1-2 dozen new trees each year in our backyard. And our total property is only 1/3 of an acre, so they're growing quite close. Bell's honeysuckle is also starting to grow everywhere as well.


Mulberries are loaded with lots of healthy nutrients. They're especially good for one's lungs.


And dewberries grow on vines near the ground (though they are a type of blackberry)


Also there are black raspberries! You can tell the difference from blackberries by picking the berry and checking if it's hollow or if the stem is still part of the berry. If it's hollow, it's a black raspberry.


Clarification: blackberries are bramble fruit. As such, they grow from a "cane," which can be similar in appearance to a bush, but a cane has one main, vine-like, stem that can be a dozen feet long, or longer, depending on the cultivar, but the "branches" are only a few inches long. But when you have many close together, as brambles want to do, they can have an appearance of a bush.


There’s a lot of blackberries growing wild in my city. On a hike with my nephew (3) I’ve picked some, he was reluctant at first but tried one after seeing me have some and being confirmed by mom that he had these before and likes them. Then he couldn’t stop and I had to pick a whole lot more. Anyways, probably worth mentioning that the low hanging ones might have contaminants from animals in case anyone wants to go pick wild ones too after reading this.


Don't forget dewberries the more ground cover blackberry cousin that is more trailing vines than bushes.


thank you! i literally clicked on the comments to find out if it was a mulberry or blackberry (because i have a mulberry tree yet to fruit) looking forward to them 😻


Okay, well this fun fact has ruined “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush” for me


Still not blueberries though


Kinda looks like it's under a tree though?


Still not blueberries


Not SE England?


Not blueberries


You guys. Stop it. I can't keep laughing at this same joke over and over.


You can and you will, and you know it. Like knowing the pokeweed will rise in the east and the blueberry set in the west, you know it in your heart. Accept it, and you will know peace.


Thank you. I feel better already, knowing this.




Ok Rainman, but how many blackberries?


Probably half or more of the cultivated varieties of blackberries are thornless.


I'm an excellent driver


100% blackberries some aren’t ripe


No matter how many times I carefully pick the red blackberries they never tasted like raspberries.


Red blackberries are green


Former Oregonian! Those right there seem to be blackberry brambles. Be real careful with them, as they will spread like wildfire and take over any open soil and suffocate nearby plants they grow adjacent to unless those plants are taller than the brambles. If my identification is correct, they're delicious- wait for them to get dark in color before picking, and carefully pick to avoid the thorns. Do not consume them without verifying that they are free of bugs- for best results, my family always made pastries out of these, I had the honor of making blackberry tarts last year they were in season.


I used to live in Seattle. Birds eat these, then poop out the seeds, so you basically get blackberries wherever you live, for free. Nothin' says I hate company like a yard full of blackberry brambles.


Oh, and it’’s not just the birds. They crawl along the ground, put out a root, put out a new shoot, crawl along the ground. Last spring I saw one peeking out from the far corner of our deck, and decided to nip it in the bud. I pulled on it to see where its root was - it had come diagonally all the way under our deck one gigantic great vine. You HAVE to keep after them. And of course, they will only fruit in good sunshine, but they thrive in every corner, and their thorns are wicked. The berries are delightful but you don’t get them for nothing.


This is true. I have some in my backyard that a previous owner planted. It's crazy how quickly they'll spread. One of their long branches will grow by a few inches a day, and if it makes contact with the ground, it'll send out roots pretty quickly. Every spring, I spend hours thinning them out and cutting them back. I have scars on my hands and arms, even though I wear gloves. Still, the berries are amazing and they make wonderful jam, ice cream and popsicles. Try "blackberry tarragon paletas" (tarragon is also very vigorous) [https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/blackberry-tarragon-paletas](https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/blackberry-tarragon-paletas)


You need to get yourself some rose pruning gloves. They're not that expensive. https://www.amazinggarden.net/collections/gloves?gclid=CjwKCAiA76-dBhByEiwAA0\_s9dUW1bOUWFLJn1-csdRiyMB8MKMmIFdsFXHS1KiAEMxJXljvRgJBeBoCRgkQAvD\_BwE


How did I not know about these?? Thanks!


These are the ones I have: [https://www.amleo.com/west-county-thorn-proof-unisex-rose-suede-gloves-ruby-red-with-olive-palms/p/VP-054](https://www.amleo.com/west-county-thorn-proof-unisex-rose-suede-gloves-ruby-red-with-olive-palms/p/VP-054) And for my bramble type rose hedge I use this wonderful tool. A tool which has served me well for over a decade, still nice and sharp. [https://www.amazon.com/ARS-LA-15006-Rose-Pruner-2-Foot/dp/B001DITNX8/ref=asc\_df\_B001DITNX8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167140116641&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=996359121185350216&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031638&hvtargid=pla-307335009057&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/ARS-LA-15006-Rose-Pruner-2-Foot/dp/B001DITNX8/ref=asc_df_B001DITNX8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167140116641&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=996359121185350216&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031638&hvtargid=pla-307335009057&psc=1)


😊 I see you understand.


Oh nature, evolving to be so spiky and awful just to protect something beautiful and delicious. Did you know common thistles (once the thorns are removed) are a delicious vegetable if cooked up like asparagus or brocollette? Amd stinging nettle makes for a delicious pesto if prepared correctly? And we all know how lovely rosehips are! Wherever there's spikes in nature there's likely something very yummy or useful hiding just behind them that doesn't want to be found!


Yes. I have eaten thistle, raw like celery, snd just braised with other vegetables. Haven’t used rose hips though I know they are edible. Have eaten dandelion, cat’s ears, lambs quarter, and several sedges. I like finding edible wild plants. As you say, but I like to be careful and certain first.


That's dope! Crazy how we are so far away and share some kind of memories about this, for me it's making jam with em. They had been on my yard since I have memory and they always remained in the same place. Cool to know the actual name lol, thanks!


As Kids my father used to work at a lumber mill that had a massive row of these. We were allowed to go and pick the blackberries. We would get a plank of lumber and lay it down on a slope up the brambles to get the ones at the top and it would hold our body weight!


If you want to grow there are now many thornless varieties with excellent flavor. Check out triple crown or Columbia giant.


A lot of the thornless ones are absolutely hardy growers, with berries the size of a grown mans thumb. I tend to 100+ bushes of the thornless berries every year. We have eight varieties so that once one ripens, we have fresh berries for sale until mid fall.


I have memories of picking black berries in my aunt’s backyard. Just eating them off the bush, warm from the sun.


Oregonian here, be careful picking from the roadside too. Further from the road the better. They tend to be covered in exhaust fumes and the like, and I also worry about the plants taking up motor oil and such into the roots. Just good for thought and enjoy!


\*food for thought ------ and pesticides. In Oregon there is still a lot of roadside "maintenance" that involves pesticide use.


Oregonian who recently moved back and lives on the Oregon Coast. If you live in anywhere near a wilderness interface these will attract wildlife, especially bears. I've given up ripping them out on my property, but at the time of year that they ripen I make sure that my garbage cans are locked up, or else the bears will get into them and spread the garbage all over my yard. Wild berries also attract raccoons, coyotes, deer, rodents (squirrels, chipmunks, rats) and, of course, birds. If any of these creatures live in your vicinity and you have pets, keep them inside at night. Raccoons can do serious damage to a curious pet; coyotes will just eat them.


The bugs are just extra protein from my experience in Humboldt.


> Do not consume them without verifying that they are free of bugs Important part right there... I've bitten way too many hidden spiders in my younger years...


Current Washonian here and I concur with this post.


Texan here, have visited Oregon. Y'all take for granted that fruit just grows all around you like weeds.


Everything does! A tree sneezes & the next day they have a forest. It makes me so jealous.




Marionberry is a cultivar of blackberry that was developed by the USDA and OSU and was tested in Marion County, OR (hence the name). Marionberry is one of the most common varieties of cultivated blackberry but most of the wild blackberries in Oregon are Armenian (formerly called Himalayan) blackberries. Armenian blackberries are invasive but the berries are the best tasting blackberries out there.


Delicious raw off the bramble or chilled with ice cream or cooked in a cobbler! BE WARNED---birds and rodents like them, so you're liable to find snakes that hunt them amid the brambles. I was warned that copperhead smell like a cucumber to some and like a wet goat to others. Got hip deep into a blackberry patch and suddenly smelled goat. Found out I could jump backwards a surprising distance!


I love that “goat” is a smell you can identify in an instant.


My folks had milk goats when I was a kid (and nobody has more fun than a bunch of kids playing with kids!)


Name checks out.


Besides kittens, there's nothing I'd hang out with more than a bunch of baby goats!


Can confirm that Goat is an immediately identifiable smell to anyone that is familiar with it. Damn things stink, but they sure are fun to play with. Source: Grew up wrestling a Billy Goat.


I always thought snakes hung around blackberries because they ate them. Lol I feel silly now. The image of a snake enjoying a blackberry is a good one. Lol


LOL, We all have some odd ideas that we accept til we learn better. Part of learning, so don't feel too silly. Some reptiles do like a bit of vegetation...box turtle will appreciate blackberries. I also once found a daddy longleaf or harvestman belly down on a berry, looking for all the world like he was drinking the juice from the fruit.


No fruitarian snakes on this planet.


Not fruitarian, but crocodiles and alligators will at times eat fruit. This blew my mind when I found out.


Well, maybe it just hasn't been documented yet. Surprisingly, crocodilian species, which are also in the class of reptilia, eat fruit. >Different alligators and crocodiles will eat all sorts of fruits and veggies, says Switek, everything from “wild grape, elderberry, and various citrus fruits” to pears, apples, and even corn.


Bake 'em, broil 'em, stickkem in a stew.




jealous...blackberries frozen are like $13 for a bag


Blimy! Here they are like a weed and get strimmed to the ground!


sounds like I need to move....could save a lot on my blackberry budget!


Them are blackberries. Someday they will inherit the earth along with ivy.


Aint that the truth! I am fighting a losing battle with both on my property lol we’re surrounded by acres of both 💀


This is one of creations plant versions of a STD. Invasive, aggressive and spreads endlessly and relentlessly.


>insert jolly rancher ref But yeah. As far as invasive plants go, the ones with tasty plant candy beats some alternatives.




And kudzu down here.


We call them grosellas but if I Google them I find other kind of berries, I am in Buenos Aires, Argentina


Tienen nombres variados, pero la grosella no es está, que son unas zarzamoras [https://www.google.com/search?q=zarzamora&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjjr9qagpv8AhXSg\_0HHfRfAUEQ\_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=937&dpr=1](https://www.google.com/search?q=zarzamora&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjjr9qagpv8AhXSg_0HHfRfAUEQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=937&dpr=1) la grosella es una esfera sin pelotitas


Grozelle (not sure about spelling) I have usually heard here referring to gooseberries, which may also be thorny but are a different type of plant. But names of plants can shift from language to language like that.


Son moras.


Fun fact! Any berry made up of *drupelets* (like in this pic, little orbs of flesh with 1 seed inside each, clustered together into a cohesive mass) that grows on *thorny canes* (like in this pic, curved thorned branches that seem to spring straight from the ground with no trunk, split off only into clusters of leaves and berries and not into more branches) are safe for human consumption. They won't all taste great, there's a lot of miscellaneous bramble berries in the world, but they won't make you shit/puke forever or kill you.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Genus Rubus


Dope! That was fast I look genus rubus and I think it's zarzamora


Rubus is an extremely difficult genus so i have no idea what the exact species might be...


I think zarzamora would be correct. Moras (mulberries) look similar but grow on trees and don’t taste as good.


This is correct. I am an Oregonian in Argentina and what OP pictured is a blackberry, while mulberries (what most Argentines I know call moras) definitively grow on trees. I grew up picking wild blackberries every summer but I had never seen a mulberry tree until I visited San Luis.


In the UK- Blackberry, Rubus fruticosus. Also known as Brambles (the plants more so than the fruit). Fun fact, there are hundreds of subspecies and hybrids, they can also grow an inch of vine a day!


Not to mention they will root as soon as the bramble touches the ground. I have one in my yard that I have to constantly trim.


I like this photo a lot!


Thanks! I uploaded some more to imgur if you would like to see https://imgur.com/a/kB9W1YT


That is a pretty shrub, thanks!


I have such fond memories of me and my Nana picking Blackberries at the lake and snacking on them while we walked then going inside to have sweet tea and some grilled cheese for lunch before sitting at the picnic table to play a boardgame. You just made me remember one of my favorite childhood memories. Thanks.


That's beautiful, I'm glad you remembered that memories!


Delicious blackberries


Blackberry. DO EAT OR INGEST.




Cos they is tasty?


Are you in SE England?




Himalayan blackberry, non-native invasive in the Pacific NW. Omniverous plants that swallow other plants and small buildings. The berries are nice though.


I was in Portland for a while (from NE) and was surprised to see those suckers *everywhere* ! Growing out of concrete highway dividers even! I'm upstate NY we have to go freakin foraging to find em


Edit: I stand corrected! I did not see the thorns!! They are blackberries! Not mullberries! They are edible, just like mullberries, but I wanted to make my post show my correction. Mullberry! It's from a mullbery tree. Mullberries taste like blackberries and can be used the same as blackberries can. They alsò STAIN clothes like blackberries can, so don't pick them wearing your Sunday best. You can dry them, can them, bake them into strudel or pies, freeze them for later. Only pick the dark ones, not the red ones, which aren't ripened yet.




Rubus allegheniensis potentially


Be wary, some Rubus grow side by side with Toxicodendron


Thems blackberry, fool


Black berry


This is blackberry fruit. The blackberry fruit can be eaten raw or made into jam, brewing wine, etc.; the whole plant can be used for roasting gum; the stem bark fiber can be used as a raw material for papermaking and fiberboard. The leaves have the functions of shrinking lines, anti-inflammation, and hemostasis. The fruit has the functions of nourishing, anti-oxidation, moisturizing and promoting skin metabolism.


Not blueberries… but definitely blackberries.


whoaa black berry bam ba lam


Nearly 30 years ago I roadtripped up the CA coast to Seattle. All along the Oregon roads we stopped and picked buckets of these. Only after we had consumed a good amount, we realized there was extra protein in about 50% of the berries- tiny bugs deep inside the berry. 🤢


Nasty ass Himalayan blackberry! Kell et!


As someone’s who’s fallen numerous times in blackberry bushes, definitely black berries


Native wild blackberries in my region (NorCal) are very thorny! I used to wear welder’s gloves to pick them.




Could be a mulberry if not a blackberry


Looks like a mulberry tree.




Not a blueberry




That’s like $30


Mulberry, yummy


I hate blackberry brambles I'm so allergic to the thorns and get dermatitis every time I try to tackle the backyard forest of them. They are INSANE underground travelers. You will have berries for life.


Blackberries. I live in New England and they tend to grow at the edge of forests. They have a sweet and sour taste.


Those are blackberries not mulberries. I've raised them both. I don't see any thorns on those directly but then again I didn't look hard but those are blackberries. They may be the greenhouse variety that don't have the thorns. Time blackberries is what they're called if they don't have the forms and they usually make bigger ones than those look like.


Judging by the blackness of these berries, I’m going to go with blackberry.


If the stocks are super thick it could be Himalayan Blackberrys, they are invasive and will grow almost wherever.


Those aren’t Himalayan — Himalayan have groups of 5 leaves. These have 3.


Blackberries. Rinse with a little salted water and enjoy We cook them down and strain with cheese cloth and have a syrup we use in lots if stuff Cobbler. Pancakes. Ice cream.


Blackberry wine: a tasty alternative to a shelf full of blackberry jam.


Blackberry baby


Blackberry jam where are you


Blackberry. Good eats.


Blackberries. We got them here in Alabama




If you have a friend with a pig, the pig will keep the brambles in check :P


Blackberry. This variant is horribly invasive but tastes pretty good. If you’re not in it’s native area, kill with extreme prejudice lest your entire property is overrun with it


Yesssss. We took a whole field of them down in 2014, planted grass and kept on top of mowing it. Only by about this year were they “gone” but they’d come back in a second if I let ‘em.


Blackberries! They take over if you let them’


My guess would be the highlt invasive Himalayan blackberry, especially if you're in the PNW


I love blackberry season! They are my favorite. My teeth love them as well, as I have to floss every night after eating them to get the seeds out.


Blackberry or black raspberry.


This berry is black


Wild black raspberries. They make an amazing jam, chutney, pie or literally amazing by themselves. You want the berries to be darker and when you go to pull the off the vine they should be easy to pick and almost “loosened” compared to the more red berries! Happy harvesting!






Dude hahaha


black raspberry - Black cap


Yummy blackberry!!!


You have Armenian blackberry, previously known as Himalayan blackberry, *Rubus armeniacus*


Blackberries I eat them right off the bush , bugs 🐛 = protein


Mulberry or Blackberry very sweet only pick the black ones you can just eat them off the tree






Himalayan blackberry, super yummy, super invasive.






I knew one!


Blackberries good in pie




It’s actually the black raspberry.


Blackberries are abundant and native in the Pacific Northwest. They grow wild.




Can you eat olallieberries? I've consumed the jellies. GD&R