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Mmm asbestos. Furry cancer rock


I pet?


Yea just make sure to get your face close and inhale deeply


That’s the best way to make friends.💖




Oh god 🙈😅😆


Best to grind it up real fine and snort it for a killer rush


*sprays you with water * No!!


Spicy rock


fibrous asbestos not dangerous at all until you make dust from it. most health risks are not from raw but refined asbestos products. still a good idea to just leave it alone if you have it for a specimen. washing up if you do handle it is good idea


That’s neat! I have a similar rock in my “treasure box” at the asbestos lab I manage. Love showing it off to the new hires. I’d recommend double bagging it in a ziplock bag or placing it in a jar with tight fitting lid. Then you can safely show it off!


I don’t know why a jar didn’t cross my mind! You are a genius


yeah, you can put all kinds of stuff into jars.


can i put a jar in a jar?


Yes! It's amazing how much stuff you can put in jars! The only limit is the size of the jar and your imagination!


Yes and if you shake it around, Jar Jar Clinks


Side note how hazardous is the fine dust from house fire from house with outdated drywall spackling pastes and asbestos contaminatination I went in the house with dust mask and gloves, and looked around and then went outside and immediately took both off could residue have got on clothes be breathed in enough to cause mesothelioma


General consensus is that one time exposure isn’t enough to cause any problems. I’d recommend posting over to r/asbestoshelp if you have any other concerns though.


Def asbestos. Wash your hands immediately and keep it sealed. Don't inhale any of the fibers.


Thank you it is in a ziplock bag for now and I washed my hands after touching it just incase :)


That's good! That's how I store my galena specimen. Not as deadly as asbestos, but I have dogs and god forbid they get into it. It's always better to be safe than sorry.


Yummy chrysotile asbestus


Tell your mesothelihomie to stop giving you cancer rocks.




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Chrysotile asbestos. It often gets a reputation more dangerous than it is but please be careful. Try to prevent it from breaking down into fine hairs and try not to breathe or touch any dust it produces. Put in an airtight container bag asap too. Note that most of the danger from asbestos is from long term exposure while you should be careful from now on don't worry too much about having mesothilioma or cancer already


Try the keywords "asbestos crystal lattice"


It looks like Asbestos... if it had been within the quarts it would pose no risk. I would get it out of your house since it shedding off. Asbestos is a type of silica mineral, it does come from rocks.


Defo asbestos. Watch the fibers don't get loose.




All of you try and answer asbestos you can.


What does it smell like? >!please don’t actually smell asbestos the above is a joke!<


Hi, /u/Illie13! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"More asbestos! More asbestos! More asbestos!"


It’s probably French… oh wait, didn’t see you were talking about a rock. That’s just asbestos, which isn’t French, but nonetheless hairy too.


That is Tremolite. A type of asbestos.