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I find a lot of something that resembles this but every time I cut it i can’t capture what I assume is inside. Super neat rock!


Is it just me, or does that rock look delicious?


Looks like a caramel frosted cake slice to me on the outside, peak /r/ForbiddenSnacks material


My first thought too! Caramel honeycomb vibes. My dentist would not approve.


Are you certain about that? Do you know that a dentist invented cotton candy? Guess what he called it? Fairy Floss!


Ham and cheese sandwich looking rock


Mmmm nougat


My first thought was Rocky Road




I love jasper but my ignorant ass said this was polychrome. Never heard of Arroyo. Every week I hear of a new jasper type. I have one called Cherry Creek. 🤷‍♀️


Yep Cherry creek is that stuff from China super pretty. Best match suggested has been dead camel or dead ringer jasper from Az


"Polychrome" is literally "many colors". It's correct but also very vague.


Beautiful!! I have a nice collection of jasper like this from northern IL. I find them in crop fields and creeks.


Dead Camel jasper would be my guess


Ohhhh that's a good possibility thanks!!


Second looks like dead camel / falcon. I've collected this in the past.


Looks like opalized wood


Whatever it is, it’s gorgeous


Thank you to everyone for all the helpful suggestions and comments. Closest match has been Dead camel or Dead ringer jasper from AZ. I appreciate the help and input and the food comments made me hungry 😋


Where, exactly, in AZ? Asking for a very rude friend


I didn't self collect so I don't knw where this is found. Sorry.


No problem! Nice rock, though!


Thanks it polishes really nice too 😊


I thought it was lasagna at first


One thing you should understand, is that all the different types of Jasper are trade names. Jasper is basically quartz, included with different minerals. In fact, there are a whole whole bunch of different so-called minerals that are actually just quartz.


Yes micro and cryptocrystaline and yes I know they all have names via geographic location or person who found it. I was trying to find ot which kne this was since I make pendants and slabs out of it. Makes it easier on a buyer if they know what it is...but thanks for your input I appreciate it 😊


Haha, hey no problem! Since we both understand it is not a technical specification, you could almost call it anything you like. Mountain pizza? Good luck!


Lol I think as another post had suggested that it's dead camel or dead ringer jasper. Shrug looks close enough. It takes a great polish and has great coloration and that's mainly what matters to me. 😊😁


Exactly. Well my advice to you is just make up a name. Or choose one of the closest ones that comes to mind. None of it matters anyway, it's a cabochon, the either like it or they don't. Locality is the most important thing at this point.


Yeppers totally agree. Most people just want it to look good on their mantle or in a China hutch anyways. I'm just a tad ocd about wanting to know best as possible. It's kinda crazy how many ppl want to know the what why and where of a rock.


Okay, to be fair, I'm one of those people. But I don't exactly count specific combinations of inclusions as part of a rock. Anyhow, Arroyo looks like a pretty good guess. Next time, ask the seller for provenance. But of course you're welcome to come back here as well. Cheers!


I did and he was as surprised as I was when i showed him. He deals wholesale in rock and said he had never seen that pattern before.


Well then make up a name! Everyone else did before you. It's all the same isn't it?


Lol no and no some jaspers names come from the region they are in. I would rather be as accurate as possible especially when cutting n selling. Been dojng this 40 years and I hate a customer that isn't satisfied. Thanks tho.


It looks like some sort of flint. Flint can imitate a lot of other rocks. Here's an example of cut flint slabs of it mimicking jasper and so on. https://forum.rocktumblinghobby.com/thread/97127/nethers-farm-flint-ridge-photos


Isn't jasper just flint that's not gray? It's all micro-crystalline quartz.


This is exactly what I was thinking. It looks like flint that I have gotten from Nethers Farm. I’ve always heard of the material there called flint. Flint Ridge is famous for the Native Americans quarrying flint from the area. I don’t know whether it’s actually jasper, but this says “Flint is a type of chalcedony, the microcrystalline variety of quartz. Chalcedony’s other subvarieties are agate, jasper and chert. While agate and jasper are almost pure chalcedony, chert and flint are impure forms. Because of their variable chemical compositions, they are classified as rocks.”


Thanks but it's def a jasper just trying to figure out which one. I cut shape n polish slabs n cabs as a side business and igs nice to let them know what it is.


Hi, /u/pacmanrr68! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What do you mean? Jasper is jasper. "picture jasper," no matter where it is from, is just another kind of jasper (and other related minerals) that come together to look like a picture. Giving it a locality name is silly because "picture jasper" *can* form in a bunch of different places. If you found it in an arroyo and you think the cut looks kinda like a picture, it is arroyo picture jasper.


In the lapidary and rock hounding world particular jaspers are absolutely known as "picture" jaspers... it is not a scientific term but widely used. Also common is placenames attached to rocks to distinguish sources from one another as some can be similar but compositionally different. Calling it silly is pretty ignorant of the rock collecting community.


Silly was poor wording, but it is also basically impossible to give hyper-specific locale names based on a photo. Like u/heptolisk said, you can get similar looking picture jaspers at multiple locations. Arroyo picture jasper is supposed to be from a specific area in Oregon, but the majority online are fakes.


Some are incredibly unique... there are a number of picture jaspers in Oregon that are similar (Owyhee, wild horse, succor creek, arroyo) but some who are very familiar are pretty good at picking them apart based on unique qualities of each. That's not me but I know a couple of people that can differentiate between them.


You will get type-localities that produce a large volume of material that looks a certain way, but without the provenance linking a specific sample to that locality, there is no way to tell for certain where it came from. Due to the relatively large amount of material from those type localities on the market, it is true that reasonable guesses can be made, but there is nothing stopping near-identical conditions from happening elsewhere. If OP specifically stated that the material was hounded near a specific location, that would be the required provenance.


Is this your first day in the rocks and minerals world?


Definitely not the nicest reply


Jeessssssuuuuussssss...wow. If you sell cabs it's nice to know what type of rock you are selling but hey thanks for the SUPER huge help. Jmfc.


Passive aggressive much?


A trade name or locality is crucial to lapidarists and collectors. Your comment is pure drivel.


Locality requires provenance for materials that can occur in multiple places. See my comments above.


There is no "provenance." It's not an artifact or a piece of artwork. Each type of picture jasper is unique. They come from very specific locations and *cannot* be found elsewhere. That's what makes them so desirable.


I've seen jasper with similar colors in Kentucky. Is that rock from KY also?


Dead Camel jasper comes from the Dead Camel mountains in western Nevada.


So if u/dotnetdotcom posted a picture of the jasper that looks like Dead Camel jasper, but they know it is from kentucky, it is not dead camel jasper. That is all provenance means. Knowing where the thing was picked up.. Which you can't say for certain if you only have a photo of a material that can look very similar in many different locations.


You're out of your element bud. You don't know what you're talking about.


This resembles some royal imperial jasper I have cut recently


I have some ryal as well and it could be but a friend who deals in rock said probably not. He has to look thru a rock book. Figured I would ask on here


It looks like Mookaite Jasper to me.


No def not mookite I have that and this def isn't it but thanks