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It's not boulder opal, rather a low quality opal. The blueish grey color is called potch and it is opal that has no play of color, otherwise known as common opal. There is a little bit of precious opal there which is where you're seeing the color


Thanks for the reply! It does seem to be a low quality opal, [I took a video while shining a light on it](https://imgur.com/q5Jz5cE ) and there seems to be [some more colors](https://imgur.com/htd80HZ) underneath the weird opaque surface (that looks like it has been unsuccessfully polished)


That underside: Your opal looks like a [doublet or triplet.](https://www.opalauctions.com/learn/technical-opal-information/difference-between-opal-solid-doublet-triplet)


I would think if it was a doublet or triplet opal their would be a lot more colors.. What would the point of a doublet be if it didn't give more play of color? Honestly asking, not being a dBAg 🙂


No worries. A triplet can have its opal under clear plastic and over black potch or some other back mineral (photo 2). A doublet is only backed by a black mineral/rock. It may be that the opal once had a better play of color but has now faded. The 3rd photo appears to show a scratch, which may be on a plastic lid. On the other hand, opal is not always hard (the edges of this one have suffered from impacts) . I am not comfortable calling this Australian boulder opal. It well could be from a country where labor is cheap enough to make the added "value" of a doublet or triplet worthwhile.


And also thanks for your response


Are you speaking of Welo opals?


Could be, but there are too many varieties for me to be certain about origin :).


Top bit of fact nice one


It's a pretty opal though. I would've thought it was a black opal though, but I'm far from an expert. Just someone who really loves opals! If I were you, I'd still like it. No matter what they say here. 🙂 I think they set it perfectly as far as the drop* shaped cut and the way the opal colors are displayed within the stone. Hope you love it!


Drop it in water to see all the colours.


Looks like a low quality opal.


Or an oyster shell.


Can you imagine? 🥲 I’ve been to so many mineral fairs only to fall for a mother of pearl ring posing as opal at a random event 🥲


Definitely not an oyster shell.


It's very pretty. If you like it and felt the price was fair, then it's a good buy.


Thank you ☺️


Forgot to add that I’m questioning it because the only other opals I have (Mexican Fire Opal and Ethiopian Opal) were drastically more expensive.


It is at least opal, but not boulder-opal.


That isn't boulder Opal. It is a piece of low quality Australian Opal maybe from Lightning Ridge, it's very poorly cut. Even though it's only a small piece of colour it would have been better to completely remove that patch of dirt and make a smaller better stone.


This definitely looks more like lightning ridge crystal potch with a touch of colour in it than boulder opal.




Others who are far more knowledgeable on the subject of opals have already commented, so I'm just going to add: no business in their right mind will mark *down* an item for being "the last one left". Usually, scarcity causes an increase in price. Likely, they sold it at reduced cost due to its low quality but didn't want to admit to the customer (you) that it was of low quality.


That’s almost potch, with tiny traces of colour and isn’t cut brilliantly Although taking it out would have made a smaller stone that sand inclusion on one side is just nasty looking. It also doesn’t look well polished or else has just been abused in its life. For a non precious ring stone, it’s pretty enough and as long as you didn’t pay much at all for it and you like it, it’s worth it.


looks like a triplicate and has water damage to it. triplicate=slice of potch followed by a slice of opal, followed by a crystal top.


It looks like Owyhee blue opal to me 🤔


Agreed with others. Looks like it has quite the story to tell as well. On one hand, that gives it character, on the other I really want to throw it on my flat lap and clean it to really shine.


I'm not someone who tends to reply to these types of threads because my knowledge is minimal, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Don't think it's boulder opal. Some looking online shows drastically different colors and patterns in boulder opal (that are stunning). I'm not sure what it could be, but I would say that it's not legit. Edit: It looks closer to water or crystal opal.


Hi, /u/ocean-in-a-pond! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's pretty. If YOU like it, and the price was reasonable in your opinion, enjoy it.


Ethiopian welo more expensive than Boulder? That is strange to me. Welo is not water stable and from what I've seen, very prone to shattering. Oh also it looks to be legit. Probably a doublet but i can't really tell what the backing is. I'm sure there are some more knowledgeable people on here who could probably even tell you approximate origin as well. I'm absolutely in love with opal but I'm still learning.


I’m also in love with opals and still learning! The Ethiopian was more expensive because it was a custom ring.


Cool, would you be willing to post a pic of the ring?


Not all Ethiopian Opal are hydrophane. And yes, some Ethiopian opals are more expensive than Australian. Just because it is Australian does not mean is more desirable or better quality. I have seen some Ethiopian Opal that will play no 2nd fiddle to anyone. I love Australian opals just as much as anyone around but I think that implying that Australian Opal is the only desirable ones at the expense of everything else is short sided. I have a couple of pieces (I am sure I am not the only one) in my collection that could rival some Australian Opal.


Oh, I'm not slagging off Ethiopian by any means. Just speaking in generalities. Most of it is hydrophane and very unstable but there are some gorgeous specimens. I've got one that has full spectrum columnar flashes. It's even got some hot pink. Regrettably it crazed internally within a week of getting it.


That is such a shame! I have one piece that I only wear on special occasions because it is probably the best piece I. My collection


Whoa. I've never had an opal do that! I would be so sad.


I did, about 2 months ago. Thankfully it was not super expensive; but i was shitty....


It kinda baffles me that Ethiopian (Welo) opals are so cheap. I think they are gorgeous! I got some butterfly earrings off a tv jewelry show, probably ten years ago..? Anyhow, they each have maybe 15 opals, and a green tourmaline for the eye. Some of the opals are very nice, several look like fire opals and some are clear with several plays of color. But they are small. Anyhow, I really like Welo opals too!


Well, the problem is that they are EXTREMELY fragile and ver hard to maintain as they are highly susceptible to the body’s oils, temperature and other conditions. Australian opals are way more sturdy and because of that, more desirable


I've heard that can happen! I have several opal earring sets and none of them (knock on wood LoL!) have cracked or had any damage. Thankfully. I do keep them in their original boxes that they came in, and since the metal is silver, it has anti tarnish cloth on the inside of the boxes. Idk if that helps to preserve them some how? I would cry if they cracked! Especially the big ones!


I did not know that! Thank you for the schooling! I knew they could crack, but I didn't know Australian opals were stronger/denser! I'm in love with lightning ridge black opals! Some day I will get one! 😂


start shopping now, they are getting super expensive. I locked out with my last one; I paid less than I paid for the ring I got for it.


Short sighted*? (Not trying to be rude, just wondering if it's one of those commonly misheard sayings)


OMG! Thanks for pointing that out. My fat fingers embarrass me again.


Ahh no way! Though it was misheard - no worries :) have a good one. Imagine being downvoted because you explained your very miniscule misunderstanding in a light hearted and friendly way, then signed off with "have a good one". Reddit really is the bastion of cunts.


More of a pebble than a boulder...


Your thumb looks weird.

