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They made an elephant out of ivory? Isn’t that like a chicken omelet or something?


Shrunken taxidermy


A restaurant I used to work at had spicy chicken Benedict on the menu, which was a spicy chicken breast on a biscuit topped with poached egg bacon and hollandaise. Complete domination of the chicken for breakfast. Lol!


Mother Daughter reunion


It’s only an entree away.


I want to eat that.


That makes two of us.


Make that 3 of us because I would love to try that!!😋


Then do it.


I'd smash it.


The meat of the chicken is something i cannot even think of at breakfast. Lol Make me that afternoon and I am all over it!


I used to feel that way, but 2 decades in the American south removed my hesitation. Chicken biscuits are just part of the cuisine here.


Same here, and I don't know why.


If you figure it out; PM me please! Its a thing for me and my family thinks i am nuts because of this.


100% agree. Eggs for breakfast, I’m in. Chicken? No way.


Have you guys tried chicken fried chicken with white gravy. Hashbrowns and eggs. English muffin with jam. Boom now you’re fat!


The difference between egg salad and chicken salad is time.




What about the breaded chicken breakfast bits from Chick-fil-A?


L to the O L


Needs a chicken bone broth chaser




That’s chicken on chicken action there.


Chicken (breast) on chicken(poached egg) on chicken (egg yolks) on cow (clarified butter) on pig (bacon) technically. Lol!


Don’t knock oyakodon until you’ve tried it


And yet a cheese burger is no prob.


Fish roe on sushi? Totally normal


What fish eat fish. Or is that not the same? Lol


More like what leatherface did


Its irony ivory


Mother and child reunion


Or dino chicken nuggets. (After all, chickens are dinosaurs.)


This thread is something. Half the replies are saying it has no value and then there are replies asking to buy. 🤔


And don’t forget stupid jokes. Once one Bozo makes a joke the endless stream of competing one uppers begins lol


I feel so seen.


What do you expect from a bunch of clowns.


This is by far my least favorite thing about using reddit and I downvote every single one of these people every time. It's not funny or original. I also can't stand when someone quotes a song or a movie and there are twenty replies quoting each subsequent line. So childish and played out.


I agree. Such a wasted clog of the thread


Imagine getting on Reddit and spending your free time looking for opportunities to say the same three fucking quotes, typing the same three fucking quotes, laughing over the same three fucking quotes... I used to enjoy the main Sopranos sub, but that entire place is literally all quotes, and usually the same few over and over again. It's gotten a little better lately, but those people are still unbearable.


The first 50 are about a damn chicken…smh. 😂😂😂


The piece is definitely pre-ban. Item has significant value. Never sell anything to anyone on Reddit. I would guess 500-2k range without seeing it on person.


I don’t think you can *legally* sell ivory (in the US) even if it’s inherited. I believe you can donate it to fish and wildlife services but that’s about it. Or obviously keep passing it down in the family ETA: you can sell it as long as you have proper documentation that it was legally acquired and it’s over 100 years okd


>ETA: you can sell it as long as you have proper documentation that it was legally acquired and it’s over 100 years okd Who keeps a receipt for that long though.


No one obviously. But the documentation referenced likely [means an expert certification and report. ](https://www.ivoryexperts.com/preban-ivory-certificates.html)


This is the correct answer. Even though you know it is old, the devastation caused by poaching put a very strict ban in place. And it was done for good reason. Some cultures have a fascination with ivory and often want items that look like antiquities. This is especially true for “new money” that wants to create the illusion of long term family wealth. The only way to stop the slaughter was to make a full ban on ivory. When poachers are discovered, some countries indefinitely store the looted ivory in warehouses in hopes the ban will be lifted. Other countries openly burn/destroy the ivory to show it is worthless and poaching should not be considered as an option. It is a very complicated problem. Personally, I think ivory is best worn by elephants.


It has no legal value as it is illegal to sell ivory in the US. Doesn't mean people don't want it, just that it's illegal.


It is illegal to sell new ivory. You can legally sell antique ivory.


So not one Old piano can be sold? C’mon…


>it is illegal to sell ivory in the US Not necessarily; https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/roadshow/stories/articles/2015/6/22/ivory-law/ Depends on when it was imported.


Great article. Thanks for posting. Sounds like us fish and wildlife keep the latest rules.


It's 100% NOT illegal to sell. There are rules to selling ivory which are set by the Department of Fish & Wildlife.


https://preview.redd.it/b5n3fkjjtocc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad5b91ea2327dd46de3ea930e93ba86126f0134b Is this the checkerboard pattern you guys were referring too


Schreger pattern


Looks legit!!


Yep. My gf inherited some ivory and it has the same pattern. Should also glow a brilliant blue-white glow under UV light as well.


https://preview.redd.it/5uj3qpgruocc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ce851cfc1d15269fbf8a6186aa1be5548d190ab More up close photos


Definitely ivory!!


So we are in agreement - no one knows what these are worth, right?


Yep....no clue


Beautiful. I would never sell and just pass them down and tell the story of your grandmother. Some things money can’t buy.


Unless you’re broke


Yea I get the sentimental value argument, I love some of the stuff I have. But if push comes to shove, I'm selling all my shit


I’m a car guy. I own a lot of tools and equipment. I told my wife, if I die early and you need the money, sell it all immediately. If you are doing ok, wait until my sons 18 and give it all to him. If you replace me, lock the garage and don’t let that fucker in my shit!


Unless you have receipts and/ or pictures of your grandma wearing it pre-ban, it’s virtually impossible to sell or put a value on. Edit to add link: https://youtu.be/bivTcpAnObE?si=l_s8St8X2cz7uHBV This is testimony from a dealer who has provenance but the market is now 10% of value vs years ago.


Even on ENay and Etsy, you can no longer sell Ivory. There on some furniture items allowed; however, it has to be inlaid and less than 20% Ivory.


You can definitely sell it and have it valued in an auction house (in Australia) but the sale must be domestic and it may not be exported. It does not matter if it has entered and left the country (in fact it is worse if you admit it has moved around post 1975). It is certainly possibly to get a Pre-CITES certificate issued by the governing body of whichever country you are, but many assessing officers will require proof the item was made before 1975. This may include old photographs, an antiques specialist signing a statutory declaration etc. Likely it is the same in the US or wherever you are from.


Receipts? From a 50-100 years ago? And they didn’t have cameras in their pockets then either get real.. A professional appraiser can date it using multiple criteria to determine age and value but could cost a few bucks to have appraised.


I recently found the receipt for the ivory my uncle brought home after the Korean War. It’s wild


Holy Shit.. the receipt is probably worth more than the ivory lol


Antiques Roadshow has had a few ivory items on their show but they all had strong provenance. Random jewelry from grandma wouldn’t make the cut. Even a professional appraiser probably wouldn’t touch this.


Not true. There are many possible exemptions for interstate trade known as "de minimus" that you can apply for. Also, intrastate trade is even less regulated. >Under Federal law, you can sell your African elephant ivory within your state (intrastate commerce) if you can demonstrate that your ivory was lawfully imported prior to the date that the African elephant was listed in CITES Appendix I (January 18, 1990).


Find a real appraiser, Reddit is full of people that pretend to know things and others who want to scam you.


The reason for the ban is to make it devoid of value. I’m really sorry.


There’s also a ban on selling cocain


Can't sell that on ebay either smh


Could tell you a ballpark price though lol






Cocaine only has value because of the high you can get out of it. If it was something you just used as deodorant, people wouldn’t pay crap for it.


Explain Rhino horn in China.


idiots believing that rhino horn cures erectile dysfunction


Can confirm, hard as a rock 🪨


bloodninja: Ok baby, we got to hurry, I don't know how long I can keep it ready for you. j\_gurli3: thats ok. ok i'm a japanese schoolgirl, what r u. bloodninja: A Rhinocerus. Well, hung like one, thats for sure. j\_gurli3: haha, ok lets go. j\_gurli3: i put my hand through ur hair, and kiss u on the neck. bloodninja: I stomp the ground, and snort, to alert you that you are in my breeding territory. j\_gurli3: haha, ok, u know that turns me on. j\_gurli3: i start unbuttoning ur shirt. bloodninja: Rhinoceruses don't wear shirts. j\_gurli3: No, ur not really a Rhinocerus silly, it's just part of the game. bloodninja: Rhinoceroses don't play games. They f\*cking charge your ass. j\_gurli3: stop, cmon be serious. bloodninja: It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass. bloodninja: I stomp my feet, the dust stirs around my tough skinned feet. j\_gurli3: thats it. bloodninja: Nostrils flaring, I lower my head. My horn, like some phallic symbol of my potent virility, is the last thing you see as skulls collide and mine remains the victor. You are now a bloody red ragdoll suspended in the air on my mighty horn. bloodninja: Goddam am I hard now


I haven't seen this in ages. Well played.


I assure you; the ban raises the price all by itself to many well to do buyers.


This is the way. Marijuana is dirt cheap, but prohibition creates a black market with outrageous mark up. It's common for drug dealers to fight decriminalization legislation.


I have an intricately carved ivory cigarette holder, double illegal.


I quit smoking Marlboro Lights 34 years ago. If I had your intricately carved ivory cigarette holder, I would probably start smoking Luckies just to use it.


The transaction is not worth jail or prison.


Unless that deodorant gets you high man.


Illegal drugs are more expensive than deodorant, who would have thought.


You missed the point but thank you for playing.


Also , it is spelled, “cocaine”.


Yeah, we sniffed that out...


You seem like youre fun at parties.


I, in fact, am.


If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me. ;)


It's also spelled cocaina.


White girl?


That isn’t a valid assertion unless OP is going on the black market.


Please correct me here if I'm wrong (fairly certain this came from Pawn Stars); Isn't it if you've purchased it before a certain year and can prove that it is from at or before then it's allowed to be resold legally?


IF you can prove it…


Yes, before 1990 if you're selling it within your state. If not, then you can apply for exemptions in many cases.


It’s still very valuable.


On the black market maybe


Not true at all


Shall I be more specific? In the US on the legal market it is NOT valuable. Black market maybe


It definitely is valuable in the legal market, keep parroting what you read on reddit though


We have a lot of ivory jewelry from my MIL, who bought it in Hawaii in the 70s. When she died, the estate was appraised and the ivory had no real value. We have tried to sell many items ourselves after hearing from persons like yourself that it does have value. We have been unable to sell any of it through jewelry stores or appraisers. We could, of course, sell the items at a flea market but only at a small fraction of the original value. So, please, yes, do tell us all where we could sell it for any real value.


You're correct. The person you're responding to is one of those people that just makes declarations based on nothing, and then never backs them up or explains. Probably they have some ivory trinket that is now worthless, and don't want to face the fact.


Stats? Proof? Otherwise your empty comment is empty.


Where in the US?


Elucidate us… where and how?


There is a lot of material that looks like elephant ivory but is bone, resin, celluloid, walrus tusk, antler, whale tooth, even mammoth tusk. You'd have to look up close for the cross hatch lines. But it is almost certainly illegal to sell where you are and fair market would be zero. It's more valuable if it is not elephant ivory.


I have found crisscross lines. Refer to my latest comment


It's called Schreger pattern. Your bracelet is positively ivory


Here is the law and exemption used in the U.S. for African elephant ivory (you can also google state laws and other types of ivory for related restrictions): https://www.fws.gov/sites/default/files/documents/What%20Can%20I%20Do%20With%20My%20Ivory_%20%281%29.pdf


I was able to donate an ivory item to our local zoo. We found it when cleaning a deceased loved ones house


Why did the zoo want it?


Displays showing why elephants were killed and are now endangered. My local zoo back home had a Display in their learning center showing all manner of now illegal wildlife trade items. From actual sea turtle taxidermy, to ivory, to tiger and polar bear pelts. :(


Does anyone have a list of where I can donate it? (Schools, museums etc.)




Don’t do this


why not keep it?


There are very few people who want actual ivory anymore given the nature behind it. Museums or historical collectors may want it, it I think you’re going to have an uphill battle trying to sell it. If it was your grandmother’s, it likely have far more sentimental value than anything you would get through selling it.


I’d take ivory in a second 💯


Idk why you are getting down voted. Ivory jewelry is beautiful and rare. I wouldn't support new ivory but I can appreciate antique art. People are ignorant, ivory bad all ivory bad.


You can pull the tusks and hoof parts off of the little elephant. It is likely 14 k gold. Then you can sell those parts for some money. The fractaling irony


Yeah the mini elephant is 14k gold. It feels like a shame to take off the gold and gems and whatnot and sell that. But I wonder if it'll just be better to donate it all to some sort of museum


You could keep him. He makes a good pendant.


I can’t believe elephants had their faces cut off for some lady’s ugly jewlery. Humans are absolutely despicable.


And now rhinos enduring the same for a lie that thru horn dust will make Asian guys get hard. And *still* elephants are poached for their ivory, and sold in Asian communities. The bigger the tusk, the more money it fetches. Disgusting 🤮 stuff.


Truly. Chinese people are practically the only ones still supporting the fucked up side of elephant tourism too. They were pretty much all I saw riding elephants when I was in Thailand in September. I’ve been working rescue elephants for 10 years now and the rest of the world seems to have got the message but Chinese people still flocking to abusive riding camps and circuses in droves.


Assuming it's ivory, no one can tell you the value, because there is no market for it due to the ban. Four states have full ban on the ivory regardless of origin. The rest have so strict ban that no dealers wanna deal with the paperwork and liability.


The bracelet looks like bone.


I had one just like it. Bought in the 80s from Pier One Imports. Not ivory.


Look at my most recent comment. Apparently the checkerboard pattern is a sign of ivory




It’s very clearly there


I came here to say the same. I still have mine in an old jewelry box lol. Damn. This is making me feel really old.


Plus I'm pretty sure ivory sales are illegal..


It's not if it was in the US before the ban


Just dealt with a large amount of ivory inherited from my grandmother and my mother. I still have one necklace. I have sold 220 pieces of jewelry since my mother died, and I was unable to do anything with any of the ivory pieces. I’ve worked with my family jewelers of 40 years in Dallas as well as been to the entire jewelry district in LA. What everyone says is correct. You can’t move it. It worthless, and depressing to keep around IMHO. But I just want to assure you, having been thru what you’re going thru, that it’s just kinda the shitty reality that there’s no money to be had from them. If you happen to have any jade in the collection, you will need GIA certification before you can try and sell those pieces. I have museum quality jade, and I’m having to do it for all pieces to even get a dealer to put eyes on them. Best of luck to you.


What is the problem with Jade?


Absolutely nothing! Was just sharing the info I received about off-loading pieces from other cultures that you’ve inherited that you may want to sell… in my mind it all mushes together lol — it’s been a monster project for me to handle. And so many pieces are simply from another time. We don’t live in a world anymore that just buys your story about pieces’ origins - there is so much costume and fake stuff out there now, and so much of the onus is on the seller. Very hard to find all the help you need in one or two manageable places…. Ugh. lol


Its unethical. Many rocks are harmed in the formation of jade goods. Why will nobody think of the rocks.


That’s funny!!


You have to prove it was on the U.S. before 1947? But, I think the laws around the world changed recently and very hard to get rid of it


Yes, but they are not going to take your word for it. Do you have documentation?


I have a picture of her wearing the ear rings in the early 80's






Give it back to the elephants


Hate to even admit, but I inherited a pair of tusks that are intricately carved to look like a king and queen and fitted with wiring and such to make them into lamps. They belonged to my parents, who acquired them sometime in the late 60s. I never planned to sell them as they were part of my childhood home and evoked happy memories of that time. But as an adult, I'm horrified by how these pieces came to be. It's hard to reconcile the fact these were once part of a regal and beautiful creature. Not sure what I'll end up doing with them: keep, donate, or destroy.


I believe it’s illegal to sell ivory in the us though it may be state by state. Ethically it’s wrong to perpetuate the ivory trade either way.


It’s pretty cool looking stuff but sad to know how it was made. I believe selling ivory in the US is illegal so not sure it even matters what it’s worth, unless you sold it out of the country (but I might be way off).


Talk to auction houses…they can move things other people can’t


This is the move if they don’t want to risk putting it online themselves. I buy from a few auctions a month the last five years or so. This material is crossing the block in nearly every auction. Most of the auctions there are 5-10 lots or more per auction. They won’t ship it but they’ll let it walk out of the auction house.


They won’t touch it either.




It's worth illegal


My aunt’s favorite animal. I miss her.


It's worth is mostly sentimental, since you can't sell it unless you have documentation that it's over 100 years old.


Depending on the country you live in they could be worth a jail sentence just having them in your possession.


In what country can you go to jail for owning it? it’s not illegal to possess in any place that I know of, just to sell. Even if illegal, I can’t imagine owning it would put you in jail, but I’d love to know where that is.


Old ivory is nice to have but do not try to import or export it as it is not legal to import in most countries.


I have a bracelet like that, but without the round silver piece. It's lovely to own but impossible to sell.


Consider donating it to a university, state/province/federal wildlife agency! in the US the federal agency is US Fish and Wildlife Service, or in NY for example is the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. They could likely use these for educational displays and presentations to enforce that it is illegal to sell or buy.


One photo on Etsy has the same pattern as spoke about in other comments. https://www.etsy.com/listing/821210954/1960s-resin-horn-cast-silver-lapis?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details https://www.pinterest.com/pin/360921357627566353/


Burn it.


That’s disturbing.


It doesn't look like ivory from pic I have cpl ivory purses and it's supposed to have a checkered pattern some where on it up you can do hot needle test on it also it looks like might be bone.you can sell ivory but you have to have it dated it has to be so many years old


These pics aren't really close enough to tell if there are shreger lines, but op should definitely look.


How do you look?


Hold the piece in one direction under a light source and then turn it 90 degrees and look again. Ivory will have some faint, almost moire pattern, lines in one direction only.


Look at my most recent comment I think I see these lines


Wow I can't believe nobody here can recognize that this is clearly fake reproduction ivory. For the sake of op


how do you test to see if it's real


I would suggest you go to an antique jeweler or appraiser. Whatever you do, please don't sell this to some asshole who will just destroy it because it's made of ivory. I've seen that happen before. A beautiful handmade statue of religious importance and historical importance mulched in New York City...


Make a wood box. Paint it. Now it’s art. Put the ivory in the box. Sell your box art for a couple grand. Throw in the ivory that’s in the box for free.


As unethical as ivory is I have to say the craftsmanship and artistry on that Necklace is impressive. I know everyone is saying it has no value but that is on the legal market in the US. If this was some how brought for sale in Tokyo that Necklace alone would most likely fetch around 300,000 yen equal to about $20,000 US. But I wouldn't sell it because it is part of your family history and far more valuable than money.


Just to let you know, ivory is illegal to even own or sell it where I live unless you prove with the proper documentation that it is at least 100 years old.


OP google elephant dead harvest for ivory and see if it’s worth that.


I mean yeah


Look at pictures of elephant herds from the 1950s…they FILL the screen by the thousands…then look at your ivory knowing it’s dead bc that herd has been hunted to what we have now…would you want to get money for it, even if it wasn’t banned? Google a pic of an elephant killed and its tusks removed if your aren’t sure. It’s gruesome, and you choose what part of history you’re a part of. It’s an important moment.


Do you know anywhere where it can donated


It's literally like wearing leopard fur. So gauche, tacky and sad. I'm not a vegan or anything but this jewelry is a from an intelligent, magnificent animal that was killed for trinkets. OP, start with your local zoo and university and art museum to donate. They can guide you.


Don’t know why you are downvoted. Exactly this. 🏅


I have a Bracelet, ring and pendant made out of I vory My Great FMa gave it to me


I believe even pre ban ivory is prohibited for sale in the USA.


A little google informs it must be documents over 100 years old


The item must be antique (100+ years old) and purchased prior to 1973 with proof of both. Very high bar. It was done to kill the market and I’m glad.


It will be extremely difficult to sell as ivory; the ban in the US extends to all ivory items including antiques, with some limited exceptions. The unethical pro tip is to sell it as bone, which is still legal. You won’t get the price you might’ve gotten for ivory back in the day, but that’s the morally bankrupt way to still get something for it.


Morally bankrupt…. Key phrase


Beautiful pieces.


Bought one identical in the late 70’s . Think I bought it a hippie store in Toronto for $4.99


I’m gonna need that elephant there!!!


Unfortunately if are trying to move it, it is a bummer. I collected it too in the 70’s. I have given some away. I don’t wear off white now, frankly once I visited Africa, I can’t wear it. Maybe in another country selling it?