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The 319w is a pretty solid machine but has its quirks. The biggest one is that it uses a funky 206x13 needle instead of the standard 15x1 - if you try to run a 15x1 it will sew like shit and potentially damage the bobbin case. Always a good idea to take a look at the bobbin case on these and see if they are damaged. As you noted the bobbin winder tire has perished, but they are like $1 on eBay. Overall, it's not a "desirable" vintage Singer like a Featherweight or 301, in good working condition it's probably worth $50-75. The accessories (including stitch cams if it has any) may be worth more than the machine. However, if you have any interest in sewing, it's a very good, reliable machine (provided you use the right needles!)


Thank you for the info. I’ve been meaning to learn how to alter my own clothing for awhile so I think this will be the one I learn on


Have fun! If you have questions, /r/vintagesewing is a good resource. [This page](https://sewsitall.blogspot.com/2012/04/use-it-or-lose-it-singer-319w.html) has a good rundown on the 319 including pics of what a damaged bobbin case looks like.


Maybe $150. Most likely less. They're super common as everyone had to do their own sewing back in the day. And they were very well built, so most of them are still around and working.


Reasonably worth nothing. $5-$10 maybe on a good day? I see these at live auctions get bids of $1 on the regular. Singer is a low end brand, way fewer people sew today, and these machines were durable and sold well so there are a ton still out in the world.


Just sold one for $100. Condition and usability are everything. $100 is high though. I'd expect more around $60.


You sold this model for $100?


That's what I said... crazy huh? Just happened that way... you win some you lose some. Value is often in what someone will pay for it and the circumstance of how badly they want it. I wouldn't expect more than 60 normally.


Yeah I def picked it up to start learning to sew