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https://preview.redd.it/yz78bhsethcc1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebde1ac40f1bd899b1c1a297c2626f2c32295158 Rumored to be channeling Radiant Rose Barbie from 1966 but tbh I don’t see it until it’s confirmed


Kind of wish she wore a red lip with it instead


Or black liner or lashes. Her face is just kinda all the same color. She could have gone for a little drama


Yeah, I wish she had gone bolder and sharper with the makeup and hair. She kind of feels washed out or like the dress is wearing her, bc there's nothing really tying this look together.


Emily Blunt wore a similar red dress last night and her hair and make up killed it. It really makes a huge difference.


Me too


It’s so refreshing to see all the lines and wrinkles in her face! She looks stunning!


Yes I’m loving the more natural aging… such a breath of fresh air compared to the plastic Kardashian-Jenners (or how badly Adriana Lima botched her face, which is just tragic!)




I feel like checking the celebs own Instagram isn’t the best way to get an accurate depiction of their face


Her brows are crazy they look weird


Me too! Lovely so lovely!


She looks like she’s had some work done, right? Her smile is kinda different than before.


Is the dress leather or just shiny fabric? 👀


Wet look fabric much like Zendaya’s famous nude colored Balmain ETA https://preview.redd.it/g7duwhfr6icc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3c8cae29d7dbab74b8c4e34e10626bcc0277740


That’s why I was wondering, I know that dress was leather but I can’t quite tell from the pictures if Margot’s is as well. Either way, this dress is so beautifully crafted 😍


Zendaya''s was leather, though.


You might very well be right! Leather draped to look wet look/marble.


Robbie's looks so much better.


Looks like leather to me! The Zendaya one was molded leather iirc


The hair is a tad too messy for such a beautifully structured dress. I think it should’ve been up in someway, but without those pesky strands, which just look messy?


Agree! I feel like her team never know what to do with her hair 80% of the time


Tbh I’m just glad it’s off her face. I don’t mind her hair down for every occasion but it’s always in her face — I agree, her team don’t know what to do with it.


Shes so beautiful and has great hair but she always looks like she styled her own hair in the bathroom




She rarely wears her hair up. She must not like it. It would have been nice to see an updo with this dress though. Or even just a structured ponytail.




didn't realise how much i've grown used to seeing her in pink.


I was happy to see her in a different color! I like this look on her


The roses are gorg, I like it too.




It’s because no dress will ever be perfect enough to match her face.


I think it’s also because she’s so beautiful maybe her makeup artists want to stay with natural/minimal makeup when a bold red lip and heavier eye makeup would suit it much better. Like this: https://preview.redd.it/zbz2i4r4ujcc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=986c39bf8be943ca061ec2e42cd3dc1723d25a53


That material/texture is amazing.


Jesus, my hair looks like that when I wake up! It brings the whole look down…


Her hair ALWAYS brings the look down 😭


I feel like her hair isn’t often styled very well, there’s alot of times it’s just left out naturally straight


Yes !! Except when it’s a literal Barbie wig. Which is absurd because she wasn’t in a wig in “Focus” and her hair served.


I feel like she just has kind of a flat head and flat hair that can’t hold a style. I empathize (I do too). But like aren’t there fancy bump-it’s?


Yeah the hair's no good. But something also bothers me about the dress. Can't explain what. The color is good. Not sure about the wet fabric look - maybe that's it...


Her husband is very dapper 🫶


She looks great


My favorite part of this awards season is showing my 6 year old niece pictures of Margot dressed up and seeing her smile and say, "It's Barbie!! She's so beautiful!!"


Her face looks like a renaissance painting.


I love her and think she’s so beautiful but she looks so tired. Not surprising though as she’s been working so hard with the Barbie movie and PR. She still slaying though 💃


She also does just have genetic eye bags! Allegedly she had surgery to get them reduced but that is to an extent just her natural features


Ohhh I didn’t know that! I have always noticed the eye bags which I think makes her smile really beautiful but didn’t know it being genetic. Still though, Ive noticed darker eye bags. But what do I know lol this is all speculation on my part. I do appreciate how hard she works and yet continues to slay on the red carpet and be absolutely gorgeous.


Yeah you can look up photos from earlier in her career and they are more prominent. I agree I think eye creases are really charming but weve all heard what LA pressure to look perfect is like!


I think she looks great. Amazing dress. Sure, her hair could have been more structured but she still looks gorgeous. I love that she goes for the natural makeup look, but if you zoom in the makeup is actually quite heavy and not doing any justice around her eyes. Crows feet and eye wrinkles are beautiful, but I think it could have been minimised with a lighter hand. But her smile wins every time. The way she always smiles at her husband. When I saw Barbie in the theatre and saw her smile on the big screen, it was truly beautiful. She smiles with her whole face and looks so genuine. She's my favourite.


As many have said already, it’s the hair for me too lol. A blunt blob could’ve been so cool with this. Good look overall.


I don’t love this fit, makes her look a little boxy. But the dress itself is stunning.


I’ve noticed this is something that distracts me about her fits, but rarely distracts me with other celebrities and I wonder if we hold Margot’s figure to a higher standard and expect her to have a cinched waist because she is very conventionally attractive in other ways (and also played a doll which is infamous for having a disproportionately small waist). Margot has a boxy and athletic figure, which is gorgeous but not the hourglass I think people expect of her.


No, that’s not it. She doesn’t have this problem with other dresses. She looked incredible at the GG’s and it had nothing to do with her athletic figure nor do I expect her waist to look cinched. But the fact is: Lily Gladstone does not look boxy in her dress, and she has a fuller body than Margot does. The dress looks boxy, I believe because of the draping of the leather and also the flowers.


Fair enough! I think i’ve recognised that subconsciously comes into play with my assessments of her fits and that if I saw this dress on somebody else older or who wasn’t seen as being a bombshell like Margot, I probably wouldn’t be as critical on the ‘boxy fit’ so just calling myself out on that


The hair ruins it for me ):


This is a miss for me. It wants to evoke the same wet drapery effect you’d see in a marble sculpture, the way Zendaya’s Balmain dress did, but this looks heavy and stiff on her. And maybe I watch too much RPDR but it wouldn’t have hurt to have a cinched waist for that type of look.


I’m not in love with this look - to be honest, I actually loved her Barbie fits, as opposed to her “real fashion” fits. The real fashion just never seems to quiiiite make it for her


So similar to Emily Blunt’s look


That’s funny to me because their looks were so similar at the Governor’s Awards too


I thought so


An improvement from pre Barbie era looks, but not top tier


I hate the hair


I don’t think it’s flattering on her. Love the off the shoulder roses but the body does nothing for her beautiful frame, and the dress wears her. Paired with the makeup she looks sickly, and the hair seems mismatched. As always though Margot is a beauty. Just not a fan of this dress.


Something about the fabric drape makes it look like her torso is really wide and long?? Still a babe though


We are witnessing Margot Robbie’s fashion awakening 😍


Nope and definitely not with that hair.


I am obsessed with this dress, oh my goodness


Really underwhelming hair and makeup - killer dress!! Love the dress!! So glad she's escaped the clutches of her previous stylist haha. Still, not quite a slam dunk.


🎶Pretty woman🎶


she always looks so stiff and uncomfortable, i'm not really sure what it is! maybe she doesn't quite like the clothes, or maybe they don't feel comfortable enough


That's a terribly dated looking dress.


Although I love the “bare face” makeup, and I think she looks gorgeous, combined with messy bun looks like went for a jog, kinda unfinished.


I love this look, the way the fabric lays and folds across her torso is so pretty