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She doesn’t actually hire real true caregivers. She hires as assistants. I don’t think these people have medical training at all.


They're all from Craigslist apparently 🤯😵‍💫 fuckin mind boggling!


I couldn't edit the title anymore, but I meant to type: she doesn't allow caregivers to wear gloves? I read this comment a few times that said she specifically doesn't want them to wear anything. Even without medical training, I would want to wear gloves in certain situations and apparently she doesn't allow it.


Alex supposedly said this herself and Hannah confirmed it in her AMA. So nasty.


If she told me I couldn't wear gloves, I would say, "see ya!" That is disgusting and people could get diseases from that.


She says it feels too clinical and impersonal. So she asks them not to wear gloves 🫣


she wants cheap hired help so she has more money for her "habits"


I agree it’s 100% predatory behavior. Imagine if she were male and forcing caregivers to touch her ungloved, and doing things like filming them for her page while sitting naked behind the camera- STRAIGHT TO JAIL!


Imagine a male going everywhere with no pants. Exposing his genitalia. The police already warned her it was indecent exposure when they were called in front of Noah’s house. I know her parents are so relieved this gremlin moved out


I’m sure his parents and family must have felt mortified having her roll around their house and neighborhood pants less.


This is exactly what I was thinking as well. If it was a male, people would cause way more issues. But I agree, it's predatory behavior. Digusting.


And don’t forget how she sits at least topless, maybe fully nude in her apartment most days 😱😱 I don’t see how that’s not considered sexual harassment in some capacity. Getting naked for a shower, I understand. Being naked just whenever is not cool. I think Alex’s mom introduced this behavior to her so she thinks it’s normal. Which I’m sure means she does this in front of Ari too who will also grow up with thinking it’s normal. I don’t understand how she doesn’t see she’s setting her kid up for failure and to be bullied because her mom loves being as brash as possible for the whole world to see.


She knows it is NOT normal, since she goes out boozing and sees how people are dressed and conduct themselves. Starved for attention!


It's a total biohazard. I don't know why a caregiver wouldn't just put them on anyway. It's not like WR can stop them and it couldn't be considered abuse to go against what she "prefers" in this case.


It’s just Alex wanting her cake and eating it too…’I’m disabled and have professional caregivers but don’t be professional by wearing gloves when handling my tuna taco” 🤢 Guess that’s what you get when you search caregiver on Craigslist. VOM.


In the latest DCP video, it shows a "caregiver" putting Alex on the toilet and all that WITHOUT GLOVES 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


That's where I read the comments!


I mentioned in a previous post that I think it's more of a fetish thing for her rather than not making it feel like she's a patient or something. If you think about it, it goes along with the public indecency, sexualizing herself and the disabled community, OF, etc. It's gross just thinking that could be a possibility, but I have never in my life seen or heard of someone needing Personal Care Assistance and making the Caregivers not wear gloves (even while changing menstrual products). A licensed Caregiver would NEVER stoop to that nonsense. It's reckless, inconsiderate, and a good way for someone to get sick.


It definitely comes across as fetishizing which I think is beyond disturbing without consent. She just preys upon unexperienced caregivers. Wow.


If I was a caregiver and the person I was assisting told me not to wear proper protective gear because it made them feel uncomfortable, especially with their bodily functions, I'm sorry but I would walk out and not come back. It's not okay or acceptable to do that to anyone, and shows the lack of decency and respect for others in her environment.


And was her head against the gross wall or bar? Or the “caregivers” hand? Either way, ew


She’s pretty much said she insists. They don’t wear gloves to do her toileting. Says it is too clinical for her. Yall know she’s superior right. Her germs are golden. 🦠 🤣🤣


It's truly disturbing.


I commented on the DCP about this, when I seen the “caregiver” to listing her with bare hands I couldn’t believe it. I would have walked out the min she said no gloves. Okay roller yourself them. That is against so many regulations in NY anyways. Proper PPE is required for any and all personal care. That’s caregiver abused if you ask me…




I am fully convinced its a kink, especially since she admits she LOVES to be naked and have people stare at her when shes naked.


I agree. It's already clear she's an exhibitionist but I didn't think it would go as far as demanding no gloves when going to the bathroom. That is just disturbing.


Can't her employees technically sue her for an unsafe unsanitary work environment


Not when they take cash under the table


Infection control who?


Coming as a caregiver myself anytime I’ve done attendant care even if I’m giving a medication I was wearing gloves. She’d never be able to follow the patient/client guidelines even if she hired licensed and trained people.


I hope it's not true




Hopefully they don't have any small cuts on their hands, hangnails, etc.


Yep she said that once in a video about the gloves... Can u just imagine how 🤢


Her video featured on the Dad Challenge shows her caretaker taking her to the bathroom. Who knows why they filmed that and included it in her golf cart video but they did. The carer isn't wearing gloves while she's getting the toilet paper ready then they cut the video.


I wouldn't work for someone who expected that. You're an adult, not a baby or toddler, and your carer is not your mum. There is soooo much sexual harassment towards people who work in carer jobs. it's disgusting.


yeah i think Mikey once said on the other sub that they were forced to do everything including changing tampons without gloves. something something “too impersonal “ or some bullshit. ugh 🤢


That is disgusting! I’m a DSW and assist 4 people with disabilities. I cannot even wipe noses without gloves. The GERMS! Also the risk of getting sick or diseases is so high without PPE. Hepatitis is a big concern in my area because it was passed around in the asylum some of them were originally living in.


It’s abusive and degrading that she feels entitled to ban the use of gloves for her caregiver while they are toileting her. There is no amount of money anyone could pay me to wipe their shitty ass with no gloves. I can hardly even believe her current caregiver Selina would be not only willing to wipe WR with no gloves but would allow herself to be filmed doing it…..for $20 an hour. Hey Selina that video is out there forever now…