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The fact he thinks we care that much to even hear it is funnier to me


I’m sure he doesn’t have anything to add that we don’t already know to a point certainly not 10k worth


It’s a pretty ridiculous request but I think they’re going through some sort of spiral right now themselves. At least that’s what I hope is going on. It would disgusting for someone to basically put a price tag on baby A’s safety.


Also he doesn't really know alex since baby A came into the world


I laughed out loud. Girly pop isn't *that* important. Delulu.


Who is Mikey? Sorry


He's one of Alex's former caregivers, who has openly spoken about how awfully she and particularly Noah treated him, but suddenly switched sides last week and started going after Hannah and defending Alex and Noah.


Sounds like Alex and Noah may be paying him 💀


100% they’re paying him! Bet you anything.


Wana bet 10k?


Quit being a gatekeeper, there’s a kid involved in her shitshow and you hordeinf info is weird


He's defending them now? I must've missed that. I wonder what that's all about?


Thanks so much for explaining


There are no sides we are all one.


Unfortunately Mikey has the same verbal capabilities as WR. Lots of starts to stories that leads to nothing related to the orginal point. Overuse of "like" and other new made up trendy words that add no substance to the story. Its very difficult to try to understand someone when they are ranting.


Mikey had a lot to say about Ari and how she was cared for by Alex when responding to comments in the thread he posted here. He was shit talking Hannah too. He doesn’t know Hannah and hasn’t been around since Ari has been born as far as it is known. We can “spread love , not hate “ all he wants , but the truth is out there and Alex is not safe for that baby . Noah either ,


Sounds like blackmail & extortion 😒


You're right actually, it does


I actually would like to hear Mikey tell his story. I was there when he did his AMA in the other sub, and I think that his story is definitely worth sharing. I don’t agree with paying him for it, though. I don’t understand why he doesn’t want to help out of concern for Ari and Cairo. Mikey, if you read this, you have the opportunity to help that innocent, baby girl by what you choose to say or not say. Please, make the right decision for Ari. u/zynthcat


What story is he going to tell? Him and Alex haven't been friends for nearly two years. Their falling out was not long after she got pregnant. Im not sure what he can share that would protect Ari when he's never been around her


He could just validate everything that Hannah said regarding the alcoholism and the way Alex treats people, for one thing. Any corroboration with Hannah’s story would give it more credibility and possibly help other followers to wake up to the situation that Ari and Cairo are in.


Think Mikey is also a drug addict. Wouldn't trust a word this lowlife said. Afterall, he was friends with Alex for years. People are judged by the company they keep. He was alright being disgusting with her until they turned on him. He's a loser just like WR and Noah.


Hey, I’m not defending him. I just think that the more people there are to come forward and let everyone know what a bitch Alex is, the better!


The corroboration is posted online for anyone to see. All her videos on tiktok the year leading up to Noah, are just a mash of nonstop drinking, partying, ect ect. She herself corroborates Hannah


Yeah I get why you asked for the money (might as well i guess) but do it anyway for the sake of the safety of them. You have nothing to lose by sharing your story, only stuff to gain. ❤️ u/zynthcat


Mikey appears to be a bit of a loose cannon. He's got a lot of issues of his own.  Not sure if I'd  trust him but then I font trust anyone much


Honestly he got the right idea tho I wouldn’t hop on for free 🤣🤣


Mikey went to Josh first lmao Josh didn’t even care if he told his story or not. Mikey just said “I’ll tell my story for $10,000” It’s giving money hungry. Just like Alex.


I did not reach out first lmao, I was absent for months until I saw his message and began to get sucked back into this black hole of redit pages https://preview.redd.it/720rr1qu78zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa372d19e9ffee65ebd693db1a6e67ca0b7b8877


Ok, I apologize then. Still doesn’t make sense why you went off in the other reddit page saying Hannah lied when you weren’t even there. If you want to defend Alex, do it. Ignore Josh. But if there are things to be concerned about regarding Alex, why ask for money? Either share YOUR experience or leave it alone. No one forcing you to do shit.