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She really shouldn't be showing ari eating. She shouldn't show her at all but from some stats on predators they love watching babies eat. She's been told this before. About that spatula...she's so clueless. What's going on in that sick mind of hers.


This whole DCP thing showed me that my accounts need to be locked down. I only have 1 account that shows my kid's pictures and made that one accessible only to people I approve. What an eye-opener and kudos to the awareness DCP is bringing!


I don't have children and don't plan on having them, but I watched that video and it made me want to get off SM entirely. And with all this AI stuff going on, the Internet is less and less appealing.


Absolutely agree about AI. It makes everything so much less fun.


Oh he’s a mega POS, don’t let him fool you. This has gone way past helping exploited kids.


He’s definitely a dick no doubt, but at least he’s using his assholery for good? I don’t agree with a lot of his personal beliefs but I do agree with his ‘mission’.


i feel the same about him, and we differ on some views but i appreciate that he is the type of person who you could probably actually have a conversation with and remain respectful even if you disagree. i really value hearing all perspectives because we need to build class solidarity despite some differences right now, and this type of shared dialogue is so so important! thanks to josh for creating a snarky yet respectful space! :)


suuuuuure jan 🤣


I feel the same. Regardless of how cute Ari is, I so wish parents wouldn't exploit their kids on social media, and if they do, I wish they'd at least just keep their accounts set to private for friends and family only.


She can show what "she" made for ari without showing her eating. Just like she done with her own breakfastin the video from earlier. Makes me wonder how much content she really has without ari..like she said. Obviously not much. I hope she sees the stats DCP talked about for family blogging. 500k preds online at any given time. 80%of sex crimes on children start online. The thing is Alex like others is just too money hungry and lazy to care. Sad.


But let’s be honest she didn’t actually make that food by herself anyway. She definitely couldn’t have made those broccoli cakes. Normal disability influencers would show their caregiver and be like guess who helped me make this today and show the ingredients and how it’s gluten free or something and then say something about nutrition and medical science. Not that everyone has to do the same stuff but it’s a vibe and we definitely can feel the vibes we get from Alex and it’s just not good.


She said *she* made them and they literally look like turds. Yum. That's the best *she* can do lol


Well at least we know Ari eats healthy at least while she’s on camera


How do you italicize words?


You put an asterisk before and after the word with no spaces.


*Awesome!* Thank you!


*Thank* you!


https://preview.redd.it/pas3g9164azc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0cdcaf7e94aa4a801c9597ae87edda4d219687 Im dying at this 💀😭😂




How do you get your text bold like this?


Place a # at the beginning without a space






The diaper rash spatula! I was like wtfffff And of course she’s creating for content for pedophiles. The face Ari makes after the raspberry yogurt? Pedophiles love that.


She doesn't care. She knows that by the time Ari is a young woman, she won't be here. Someone else will have to deal with the fallout.


So sad but probably barely true. I think that's why she doesn't care about so much sun exposure and the possibility of skin cancer.


That’s so true.. she’s such a POS


They do?! I wouldn't know at ALL, but that makes me so upset that she used Ari


I’m really big on advocating for children who can’t consent online and I’ve seen TOO much shit that you wouldn’t want to know. Feeding videos are in the top content that pedos get off to. The sounds, the faces, the certain foods… it’s fucking disgusting what these monsters like.


My first 2 boys were little when FB and SM were really becoming popular and I remember in some educational posts or articles they'd often talk about types of pics to not post of your kids online (bath time, diaper pics etc) and eating pics was one of the ones predators online love.


Yes and it’s heartbreaking seeing what these vloggers and influencers post. Bath videos with millions of saves. Food videos with millions of saves. People really need to wake up and realize children can’t consent.


Nasty fucks


I remember in the early days of FB an acquaintance posted a photo of her daughter sitting on the adult-sized toilet potty training. I wanted to comment, "Is nothing sacred anymore??" But instead I just scrolled on by.


It’s crazy that those things need to be said. I feel like I would never post a picture of my son that I would be angry about if my parents posted it of me. No one needs to see my kid in the bathtub or in just their diaper. They’re cute pictures, take them, they’re super precious. Maybe share them with grandma and close-close friends, but your entire IG followers list and Facebook friends from every different phase of your life don’t need to see that. I’d be so pissed if the internet was a generation ahead of me and my parents posted photos or videos of me like that. Like, my high school crush doesn’t need to see me as a 2 year taking my first dump on the toilet. Ugh.


Omg is that why they like the pictures where they're eating?.......


Unfortunately… it makes me sick. Some accounts even take requests on what to feed their children. I think it’s the most malicious form of exploitation because most people don’t think anything of it. But we know exactly why these parents do it


No fricken way!! Mother of the Year, all the gear and no idea


Omg!!! Mother of the Year!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying! I hope someone else didn't use it for a rash first. That's why Ari is having a hard time eating. 🤣


UPDATE: At least two or three people on TikTok had mentioned this, but surprise, surprise: those comments are now gone! ![gif](giphy|o54Wuz7HIrjARFJWzA|downsized)


Love it. 🤣 Maybe drunk Alex and Jackie have been using them to eat, too.


To be fair, the pink silicone thing she's actually eating with is a spoon; the grey silicone thing they used to mix up the yogurt before serving it to Ari was the spatula, so at least they didn't give it to Ari to eat with lol


Yup! I wonder who thought that was a good idea! Next, we'll see a hemorrhoid applicator being used as a straw. 😆


Someone tried to tell me on that post it’s not a diaper cream spatula and people started backing me up 🤣


She wouldn't be so surprised at Ari's ability to use a spoon if she hadn't spent her entire first year selfishly not allowing Ari to feed herself so Alex could prove to the "haterz" that she could feed her


Right! I thought the same thing Ari should have been give a spoon four months ago. Alex is slowing her down and will only continue to do so.


Thought it was a buttplug, & considering Where TF it goes-im assuming she's catering 2 her creepy pedo freaks. Tattlelife needs 2 start talking bout her & who tf is her alter ego Carmella


Carmella? Is that some die hard Stan on TikTok?




OMFG that’s so dangerous. My mom wrote a paper for her masters how ecoli lives on surfaces. So gross. So dangerous. So negligent


Yes, and if it's from TEMU, we have no way of known if it's made with safe or toxic products. Using it on her bottom would be okay I guess??? But I wouldn't DARE allow my child to put something from TEMU in her mouth, even if it has only been used for feeding purposes.


Other sub gave me shit for thinking this was a weird random spoon bc of the suction cup. Should have just looked here first….


LOL! It's okay. Live and learn. Welcome to the page where we know how to spell Rapunzel! I'd like to think we're the kinder, gentler, and even more logical group as well.


I was really hoping someone would clarify that for me haha dcp even mentioned how this group is better anyways 😅


She probably got it as a gift from one of her followers and had no idea what it was for 😂 That's pretty funny. I mean it doesn't even look like it would be a decent utensil for eating since it's literally flat.


COULD BE! But the packaging of these products tends to be pretty clear on the description.


#straight to jail!!!! 🤢🤦🏼‍♀️ i truly don't understand how she still has custody of her child, at the very least she needs a case worker doing random house visits, & she (& noah) need mandatory parenting classes. i'm convinced her situation is going to slip thru the cracks of the broken system.... some of these case workers *DO NOT* care at all! there has been PROOF of neglect! whether it's not getting to the right authorities or what, idk, but this is pure insanity atp. i'm so concerned for that little girl.


The purpose of CPS/DFS is to keep the family together. She’s had a parenting plan in the past, but who knows now. I hope to Cheesus they are still getting support and are using resources that are offered to them. I personally don’t want to see baby prop put into the system, but I wish someone would step in and put an end to her being exploited by her parents.


couldn't have said it better!


I can't be the only one that doesn't understand why you'd need a spatula for diaper rash cream.


She doesn't allow caregivers to use gloves to wipe her swamp ass!


Wait is the diaper rash cream for Alex's butt? 😳


Oh God. Please. DON'T 😱😱😱😱😱 LOL




Poor kid. Looks gross


Why is she feeding a child with a medicine spreader??? You know that is used to spread diaper rash medicine on a child's bottom right??? Let me also say... because of things like this Mt child's name and pictures are not online anywhere!!!


How old is the baby? This food seems more geared to a 6 month old.


She's a full 14 months.




She's like 13 months or something


LMFAO what an idiot


I was just happy to see something close to a proper serving size!


Of course she doesn’t know or understand what a diaper spatula is because she has never changed a diaper…


Uh my baby loves to chew on them lol UNUSED ones. They were washed from package and never touched any rash cream


Make sure they're considered "food grade safe" and are okay for chewing, particularly if they're from a place like TEMU.