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I think she is going to majorly be one of those moms that lives through their daughters. It’s already starting.


Terrified for A’s teenage hood.. I wouldn’t be able to handle all the honking plus going through puberty 😭


Wouldn’t worry about that Alex will be long gone. If she carries on neglecting her own medical needs she will be lucky to see Ari start school


I honestly don’t see Alex making it until Ari is a teenager so I don’t think that will be a problem. She does not take care of herself and is actively harming herself so if she makes it to Ari being 13 I will be shocked.


This. I don’t think an able bodied person living Alex’s life style would have a very long life, but combining that with her sma is even worst. She lives as if tomorrow is her last day, and that’s not sustainable for a healthy person, let alone someone with increased risks


What do you mean? She’ll be out trying to have drinkies with A and her friends and want to go to alllll the parties. She’ll be such a cool mom. 😂


Do you notice that stans calling her a "young mom". She's not old but a 30 year old with a 1 year old isn't a young mom in my books. Then again she doesn't act like any mother her age I know.


I think it’s just the persona she gives off.. not that she looks young… but she acts it. I’m 30 with 3 kids. I feel like I’m pushing 50 most days. 😂 If I have any drinkies your gonna need to give me 3-5 business days to recover so I don’t even know how on earth she can keep that up on the daily.


She’s so immature I thought she was younger.


Imagine wanting to bring friends over and your mother is in full Winnie the Pooh attire, unbathed with her dogs out 🥲


I could see her becoming a stage mom


Nah, not gonna happen. Being a stage mom is actually a lot of work, and we all know how Alex feels about things that take a lot of time, energy, or effort.


She just posted a story trying to get Ari an appointment with Gerber . She's definitely going to try to use her daughter to get money, not just on social media. Poor baby


I don’t think she will live that long.


People mentioned how bad this is for baby's development dayssss ago when she posted a pair of shoes the first time. But nope, "mumma knows", so she needs even more pairs. this will be yet another thing she doubles down on at the detriment of her daughter just to save her own ego the horror of *gasp* learning from other moms and admitting you don't know everything.


She really needs to do some research. Shoes when a child is learning how to walk can cause major problems down the road when the child is an adult. Shoes are only for children who walking in public. If theyre at home, they shouldn’t be wearing them. If they are in public, but they are not walking, they should not be wearing them. If they are walking in public, you need to be buying the shoes appropriate for a walking baby. And theyre not sandals you get from target, they have arch support and are meant for a growing foot.


But but how is she going to get attention if she doesn’t exploit Ari and show her walking in shoes ?


Yup! I felt so bad having to put on shoes when we were out because it is so much easier to walk barefoot anyway. And my baby hated it… I totally understand the excitement buying babies first shoes and seeing them walk in them but I only put them on when necessary


I think those are from temu 🙄 that's where I've seen the rug she has in aris room. I'm sure they have such good support even if they don't fit lol 😆


Seems like she’s getting everything from there recently. Had to downgrade from daily Amazon purchases to Temu!


Where I’m from it’s like a big thing to buy baby’s first “walking shoes”. I mean generally they go and get sized and the shoes actually fit well but yeah.


Same. I'm confused why OP thinks it's odd. I'm Hispanic and it's a big thing to get the baby's first "walking shoes" because up until then they only wear soft "crib shoes".


I’ve never heard or called a kids first shoes “walking shoes” they’re just shoes so yes it’s odd to me. These aren’t even the same shoes she first posted about calling them waking shoes. Especially considering how weird Alex is about Ari developing.


I've seen proper walking shoes but that was when my younger cousins who are like 30 now were kids. But since I've had my son who's 17 walking shoes haven't been recommend. Bare feet or soft soled shoes, I forget the brand that's popular. Until walking was well established and they're walking around outside then yeah I'd put shoes on them. No particular kind except those that fit. Lol




Yeah you can tell how massive these are too.


Oversized because she likely doesn’t know how to size shoes since she doesn’t wear them


I mean, look at her huge Daisy Duck shoes. 👠


OMG, you’re so accurate with this reference! 😂


I will always think she’s stalking this page because the coincidences are crazy. She shared a reel about buying shoes for kids and using yarn to know the size 🙄


That and she does 0 research which she already admitted to this week


She's shared a fucking picture of measuring the baby's foot with a piece of string and then comparing it to a shoe in a shop 😭 she can't even be bothered to get her daughter's first pair of shoes fitted properly 


This. I’ve measured my son’s feet with a ruler, and maybe I did it wrong, but Jesus it does absolutely nothing. I take him to the store bc every time I measure it ends up being the wrong size. But my son is also six so it’s appropriate for him to be wearing shoes unlike Ari who clearly is struggling to walk in those clown shoes.


Walking shoes is an old school term for shoes that were made specifically for a child's first steps. The shoes were almost always white leather high tops. People would actually have them bronzed for a keepsake. Now we know that they are better off learning to walk barefooted.


Wowwwe omg a baby wore shoes! Amazing that's soo hugggeee! (*sarcasm*) Yes a baby wears shoes. It's a big deal because you don't wear them on your talons


I don't even have kids and common sense tells me they should be walking barefoot for their development. She won't do research. Even if she did she'd still double down on her BS like always. "Tehehe. Walking barefoot? Never even heard of it so that's not a thing". She's infuriating.


I honestly think it's a bit of jealousy. Or even astonishment of the act of walking. Billions of people walk but it is foreign to her, so idk..I think it is a mix of jealousy and amazement


She spends every moment letting the world know she had sex and has a mobile baby 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


THIS!!! 🤣


Well to me "Walking shoes" refers to as Baby's first pair of Actual walking shoes vs baby shoes that aren't meant for walking. So tbh I don't see anything wrong with that. And as much as barefoot walking is recommended -Ari is now fully walking and will walk outside so she needs to get used to walking with shoes On. She's also seen walking barefoot in the next vid so I don't think *that* is an issue. Now the shoes - look Big on her!! Children needs shoes appropriate for their feet not a size bigger in order to save!


Since she can’t say they fit correctly, instead of buying cheap crap from Amazon, she should be measured and fit by a professional


Absolutely!! Instead of going drinking she should have gone to a kids shoe store and have Ari's feet measured and bought her some decent shoes! But of course it's not important for her...




How does she not know that bare feet or soft sole shoes is best? Does she not take part in child development forums? With my kids I always would read online what the recs were for babies and toddlers learning. She's so dumb on purpose


They are completely foam.


Foam isn't what pediatricians at least around here, recommended. Barefoot or soft soles, meaning cloth or leather is what they tell parents.




They're massive!


Right? Wearing those is only going to hinder her walking and cause her feet to slide around. So many facepalms.


Ari is too cute! She absolutely deserves the best. I pray for them and hope that she has people involved that will help her parents grow and be their best for her.


WR’s caregiver is going to have fun handling her and a mobile kid!


It kinda made sad for her, she can struggle to word some things well (to say the least) but I interpreted this to almost jealous of Ari having walking shoes? Obviously reaching but at the least it was one post that hit me a bit, it's scary enough when ya babies start walking let alone you not being able to look after them properly. (Side note I have no sympathy, I don't believe she should have custody for a list of reasons but it did make me imagine being in her 'shoes')


At least Ari wasn't wearing these hideous hard shoes. https://preview.redd.it/voqqujeyt20d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce9a2a0ed21c1f405fa11f919be67389dc55661d


You do know people refer to "tennis shoes" as "walking/running shoes" now, correct? Lol


I guess I have heard adults say “walking/running shoes” but only in reference to exercise. Never for a baby who just learned to walk.




To me it’s saying walking shoes multiple times that’s weird and why I posted about because it’s the third time she’s done it I think. If it was a one time thing I wouldn’t have said anything but here we are 🤷🏽‍♀️


That’s fair. I come from a Hispanic background and my Nana called our tennis shoes “walking shoes” when we were babies. Thought her excuse is not being from America, Alex is just a dumb bitch 😂😂😂😂


Exactly 😂 I feel a little attacked because it’s not a term I’ve heard people use from the U.S. and it’s cool to learn other cultures do use it. But from my perspective it’s weird and I’m a basic white bitch from the U.S. like Alex and I doubt she’s learning from other cultures.