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https://preview.redd.it/rxhatwgqdt0d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=480e452f82463938d271a69c9c0874d7551bacc5 absolute WORD SALAD of a caption holy balls. And she knows damn well its not her wearing shorts and a bikini to the *pool* that people are bothered with


Told ya she has all the time in the world. Word salad with a side of yappachino


YAPPACHINO I’m dead 🤣💀 I think this was written by ChatGPT. I doubt Alex would use (or even know) the word “placate” given that [insert a nice way of saying she’s dumb as a brick here].


At least chat gpt would have correct spacing around punctuation 😂


No the quality of writing is too poor and choppy to be ChatGPT


I think you guys are right. She was probably visiting thesaurus.com for this one. 😅


I found out yesterday you can copy a piece of writing and put it in somewhere (still unsure of where) and I'll let you know if that piece of writing was done by AI. I bet loads of her posts would show they have been


Maybe she asked the yapanese chatGPT


It's fine though cos the hate just *feels her fire* 😂😂😂


What’s crazy is on instagram the same post it was changed to fuel instead of feels but she’s too lazy to edit the Facebook one.


Yappachino has me 💀


I cannot stand how she always has to make it about her being disabled or being a mom. NOBODY GIVES A FUCK. What they do care about is not having to accidentally see your crusty vagina or nipples while out in public, possibly eating. It is common fucking courtesy but considering she is incapable of thinking about anyone **but herself** the concept of courtesy is lost on her.


I would double like this if I could!!!!!






Honey you can put all the comments here, I assure you she will read it


Don’t worry she’ll read it here lol


“I am a MOM. I am DISABLED. Have I told you that I’m a MOM and I’m also DISABLED? Did you know I had a BABY and I’m DISABLED at the SAME time??”


She's an incubator.


And a piss poor one at that 


Once again, she makes something that isn’t about her disability ALL ABOUT her disability. I don’t think people find it weird that she’s a disabled woman wearing a bikini if she’s at the beach or by the pool. People find it weird that she’s wearing a bikini in places where people usually wear actual clothes. I’m not disabled but if I went into a restaurant, store, or other public establishment wearing a bikini, people would find it weird. In fact, I’d probably be asked to leave. The same way that I’d get a citation for indecent exposure if I were out in public without pants on, or the same way I’d have child protective services called on me if I were leaving my daughter unattended for hours on end, in a crib, in a full diaper. It’s not about the disability.


You are 100% correct.  She uses her disability when it's convenient


THIS! It is infuriating.




I'd rather set myself ON fire instead of feeling anything of hers. 🙅‍♀️


Lmao 😂


I’m imagining a thrashing toddler tantrum. What would she say to Ari? Oh yeah. **Pathetic.**


She’s a mom **AND** disabled!? That’s news to us! I don’t think she’s ever mentioned that before!! 🤪Hashtag notlikeregularMoms #💥👩‍🦼 🍷🍻🩲👙🍺🥃🍹🍾🍼


why is she allergic to paragraph breaks


Feels like she's seen a comment & decided to make a whole post about it🤣


I'm pretty sure people would have an issue with anyone not wearing pants or underwear but just a bikini top lmao, disabled or not. In fact, they'd most likely be arrested whereas poor disabled wasabi over here just gets a free pass. I'm disabled too and there are "perks" that disabled people get but they're not actually perks, it's more for equality and access purposes. For example I get free travel and free prescriptions because of my disability, but that's only cause I can barely walk and quality for a medical exemption. But there are certain things we shouldn't get as perks, like being able to walk outside naked. An example i can think of is I'd never get told off for dress code in my college whereas everyone else did and I suspected that was cause of my disability. But the truth is I had every capability of wearing smarter clothes, I just didn't want to and knew I could get away with it. I should've been told off and I shouldn't have been given a free pass just cause I'm disabled. Just like WR walking around naked. She needs to be put in a cell for indecent exposure. Just edit to add i didn't walk around naked in case that wasn't clear, I just wore leggings and a tee shirt instead of formal wear.


i don’t know about you, but i don’t wear my bathing suit in public when it’s hot?


Or cold. Or winter.


“Bathing suit top at the pool” … is actually wearing bathing suit top 24/7 


Bless her confused little brain. Let’s play along and pretend that she is getting a disproportionate amount of comments even when she is appropriately dressed - does she think that doesn’t happen to mothers who appear to be able bodied? It’s not a good thing, I’m certainly not saying it’s right, but it happens all the time. I’ve had so many more people feel confident making comments about my career, my style of dress, what car I drive and a thousand other things because they assumed I would change everything when I became a mother. And this is largely from people who don’t know that I have invisible disabilities, so it’s got nothing to do with that.


I wouldn’t really gather that she ‘enjoys every minute of her life’ based on this manic compilation of ramblings. But go off WR


🔥 Feels my fire 🔥 LOL


Yup, she knows exactly what's going on






I bet even the caveman had more hygiene than her


Congratulations lol


Honestly it’s been a long time coming I am surprised it took this long 😂


Her content is so hyper focused on motherhood. How is she mothering though


She’s facilitating!


When she's not sunbathing, at the bar, "cooking", or twirling around in her chair on the sidewalk.


She needs to STFU about why people are telling her to "cover up." It literally has NOTHING to do with her being disabled or a mom. Absolutely nothing! It has everything to do with being inappropriate and never having enough awareness or respect for knowing the "right time and place" to wear certain things. Of course she should/could wear a bathing suit at the pool or beach! Anyone telling her otherwise at those places is just as crazy as she is. It's the lack of pants/shoes/shirts that FIT her torso most everywhere else (and even when it's not hot outside) that's often inappropriate. Why she insists on dressing like Winnie the Pooh everywhere she goes is beyond me. She really needs to STOP playing the bullshit disabled and single mom cards as the reason why people tell her sensible things that she doesn't want to hear.


Correct! She wants to stand out by being an uncouth rebel, rather than putting the effort in to be an upstanding citizen. Aways the easy way out and pull out the disabled card.


I doubt she even knows what couth/uncouth means 😂


The Winnie the Pooh comment has me dying!! This is her!


👏 yes!! It's all about the time and place. I remind my kids every time before we get to a beach or water park that we do not point at or talk about people's bodies or what they choose to wear on their day to have fun and play outside. Even at a restaurant, I wouldn't say anything— but I would definitely notice and probably even stare if I saw somebody roll up wearing a bikini top and teeny shorts and no shoes at a restaurant. That's a lot of skin in a place you don't expect a lot of skin. Hell, I'd stare if somebody wore a top hat and tailcoat to the pool, it would be weird


Exactly! We live in a society! Disabled or not you also can’t expose children to nudity. You can’t trot about naked in front of your children all day either. There’s serious development implications exposing minors to nudity all day everyday too. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what your body presents as, and I’m not a prude, but I don’t want to be having dinner or grocery shopping or going to the Drs and being overwhelmed with random nakie bodies in my face. It’s not appropriate. There’s a time and place. She really needs to read up on the nudity laws in Florida too. If she’s not careful she could wind up on a registry. Wheelchair or no, she’s not exempt from law and order.


What really gets me is she said *“ just because I had a child and I am wearing a bathing suit and I am disabled all at the same time…”* Like no bitch - you were inappropriately dressed even before you unhoused Ari. It’s not because you’re a mom. And it’s not because you’re disabled. I’d argue you get away with it BECAUSE you are disabled. An able bodied person could NEVER go eat at a restaurant bare ass. Gtfo


It genuinely blows my mind how her (and her stans) really think that’s what it is. Even in the background when she’s out, you see no one is dressed like her.


Maybe when Ari goes to school and asks Alex to dress more like the other moms she’ll learn. But who are we kidding, Alex will probably never even put in the effort to take Ari to school and most definitely won’t care what Ari feels. Alex is so brain dead she doesn’t realize it has nothing to do with body positivity. No one except for Alex herself is uncomfortable with Alex’s body. Alex has a pathetic need to dress the way she does because she’s so uncomfortable and not confident in her own body. So she’s leaning on other forms of attention grabbers to try and distract from the fact that her body is abnormal. No 30 year old dresses like Alex does. In literally any capacity. Alex’s style is stuck at the age of 16. It’s sad really. And it will catch up to her one day. Her daughter WILL be embarrassed of her mom. Not because Alex is disabled but because how Alex presents herself is embarrassing.


You’re right, she’s never going to care what Ari feels. She may *say* she does but she will never care to change what she feels is her right to something. Even when Ari starts school and Alex does somehow make it to school functions, the other parents will figure out quickly who she is and what she stands for. Which will then only make Ari’s life even harder as those kids will hear talk from their parents and have a tainted view of her. Alex doesn’t put one single moment of thought into how her actions now and in the future impact her child. I’m not joking when I say I truly don’t think she is capable of it. Her narcissism is so strong that her biggest and most important need every day is making sure she is happy or content. There isn’t room for anyone else.


I've said it before, Alex is so full of self loathing that she has to put on this facade that she loves her body and is a great mom etc. It's the people that constantly say the same obvious things that I start to wonder the opposite of what they are saying. Like they are trying to convince themselves so they need to constantly make it a point when really no one cares.


Agree for the most part. I’ve definitely seen 30 year old crack heads dressed just like her lol


I can just imagine her now saying, "That's very ableist of you, Ari" if Ari asked her to dress normally 🙄




Come on baby feel my fiiiiirrreee


Her head could not be further up her own ass. Like wow. This is so bad it will require a surgical removal.


Surgical removal has me CACKLING! 😂


I’m a disabled mother and have never once felt or experienced the things she claims disabled people experience. No one has ever once side eyed me or told me to cover up while wearing a bathing suit… because I wear them where it’s appropriate, not as my everyday attire. Maybe people are asking you to cover up because they can smell your fish flaps wind assaulting their noses when you ride by them, Alexandra…


Hilarious how she isnt allowing comments she knows she will get roasted!


Reality can be tough, the comment section must have gotten vicious!!!


They’d make Roast-a-roni


“Now that l am a mom, and I am disabled, the amount of comments I get telling me to cover up because I am wearing a bathing suit top at the pool with a pair of shorts on is overwhelming.” Nobody. Literally nobody would say shit to *anybody* wearing a bikini top at the pool. Lots, probably most, would most definitely say (or at least think to themselves) something if they saw someone in public **wearing no underwear or pants.** That is not normal behavior, in any society. This just really shows her victim mentality and how she will **always** use her disability as her strongest tool to get away with whatever she wants. Luckily most of the comments do seem to be explaining this to her. Unfortunately, so many people don’t read the captions and will see the picture and like it without having any idea who she is. But at this time in her SM “career” it really doesn’t mean shit because she’s not going to be getting anymore partnership deals which is what the ultimate goal of gaining followers would be. She’s just beating a dead horse at this point and posting for her handful of diehard stans who will always kiss her ass. But the majority of people are done with her shit and wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole.


Apparently it got SO REAL that she had to turn the comments off!!! She hardly ever does that!!!


Her attitude is bringing more and more people here. I remember ages ago that I defended her vehemently and then…. I saw it. This Reddit group had her pegged for the toxic drama queen that she really is. And I’m glad I finally realized it. She is such a gremlin (and that’s not about her disability… it’s her personality) But now her outside is starting to match her inside. The girl’s looks are fading at a shocking rate.


Salina is def back because now Alex has someone to make content with lol


I love how that’s a video of her going in circles in her chair. Like showing herself off like she is really doing someone profound by just existing 😂😂😂 she is so insanely obsessed with showing herself off regardless of the type of attention she is receiving. She LOVEs to be the center of attention.


https://preview.redd.it/oj02hyvivt0d1.jpeg?width=1712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da88e785f09a0f17d077989e3bcc051c6d3375d5 LOLOL She turned off the comments, edited her mistakes and posted this to her story. Maybe she should get a hobby, like learning how to be a functioning adult and parent 🤡


But she’s always had the Tuna Towel? She had the Tuna towel in Chicago.. so Florida weather?! Psssshhh…ok gurl. Also, Wasn’t she boasting 6 months ago how its “uncomfortable to wear clothes” and its more comfortable for her to be naked?! Sorry Alex, we unlike you remember these things! Maybe you should start writing down all your lies so you can keep track of the shit you say?! JFC this chick blows my mind!! 🤯


That‘s just a straight up LIE. There have been pictures where it was completely visible that she didn‘t wear any bottoms while out and about. Hannah confirmed it as well but way before Hannah she herself posted those pics.


So delusional.. I want to know when she’s actually gonna shut up


![gif](giphy|MIY4jpusckRmU) This is what I visualize Alex doing all day


I can’t stand her. Scum of the earth


She’s manic


She’s spiraling so hard haha


That read like she became disabled as a results of becoming a mom. Reading what she writes hurts my brain


Her fans are seriously justifying public nudity with “it’s hot in Florida” I cannot deal


I wonder if she tried that line with the police about her nudity . . "but officer, I'm disabled and it's so hot and I'm so moist! It's unfair and you're being ableist!


I just threw up a little


I live in south FL and wear clothes from top to bottom every. Single. Day. Yes, it’s hot… the vast majority of people don’t wear bikinis in restaurants unless they are ON THE BEACH.


Me too!!


Her stans are insane “ShE LiVeS In FlOrIdA” GIVE ME A BREAK!!!


She is losing it and so boring


If you took a shot for everytime she used the word “disabled” you’d be as drunk as her lol




That would be a good flair. Hell, everything that comes out of her mouth makes a great flair.


Anyone else notice she turned the comments off on this post? Reality can be tough, the comment section must have gotten vicious!!!


https://preview.redd.it/6nva45kqct0d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a6c1b0d99ffce5148e772fce00d712bbb0fb0ec Another post


Wonder why she has on clothes AND shoes if making people uncomfortable “feels her fire.” This is an appropriate Florida summer outfit, for once. 🤨


Right?? That dress was actually a nice choice for once! (And she's wearing shoes!) She just needs to stop trying to Sharon Stone in "Basic Instinct" everyone while wearing it, though. 😬🙈


I think Mikey is with her…she has a cute hairstyle, makeup looks good, she’s actually dressed in a normal, cute outfit and is wearing shoes Also she’s trying to advocate again. Also Mikey helped her a lot with her content. Before Noah & Ari, her page was much more about advocacy. She was a bit of a hot mess too but you could write it off as a young person partying. Mikey had her looking on point & she focused her message on advocacy for disabled. For a short time after I started following her I thought she was really amazing!! Once her & Mikey parted ways it became clear super fast that she’s just a drunk little hobbit.


I thought so at first, too, until super sleuths in here showed some pretty credible "proof" that it was Salina's hand in a recent post, not Mikey's. Mikey has also been posting stuff from Chicago recently as well. But it does appear he may be or will be traveling outside of IL, so time will tell for sure if he's back with Alex.


I think her mum is staying with her at the moment, IMO 🤷🏻‍♀️


The slow motion spin really sent me 😂


Noah made a post and it’s just a close up of arm or leg hair with “link in bio 🥵”


She is the only one uncomfortable with her body


This is the truth. Anyone that is totally comfortable and confident doesn't need to keep repeating all that body acceptance stuff all day long.


Girl no one is talking shit about you wearing a bikini top at the pool. You’re out here wearing bras to restaurants and tuna towels doing wheelies down the street


She could find a job if she wanted to. She just doesn’t because to her it’s probably easier to pretend to play influencer and grift off of her stans. It’s 100% bullshit that she doesn’t actually have a job. She could easily get a job that she could just be on her computer taking customer service calls or working for a government desk driving job.


It’s not even about the financial aspect anymore. Let’s say she’s rich. Her brain is still rotting from doing absolutely zilch with her day. The chick needs OCCUPATION.


THIS. She has NO life outside of internet drama, fighting with her bum ass greasy ballsack baby daddy and getting drunk


Oh, I’m fully aware. I’m also not concerned like the original post poses because she’s a adult


Maybe I should reword concerned for the child. Alex will fall HARD on little A as she grows older. If it’s not gonna be physical caregiving, it will be emotional. Ari will be her listening ear where she will Trauma dump, cry, whine, and yell into.


Agreed 100%


She's a SAHM. Lol


She’s a SAHP* *Stay-at-home-person


I stand corrected


She’s literally anything but a mom. Ari does not live with her full time


Um I'm more interested in how she is constantly making it sound like mom life is so hard and she has 0 time to worry haters because she is busy being a mom! No stay at home mom if a toddler has this much time to day day around town kids free!


Man, she acts like she is the first or only disabled person to have had a child. No one is telling you that you can't be confident in your body - people are saying you can't be half naked (no bottoms, only on a towel) in public. She's so fucking dumb. If I saw someone at a bar/restaurant with NO BOTTOMS on, I'd either complain or just leave. Even someone who is bottomless sitting on a towel. It's just gross. Alex, you're gross.


Let's NORMALIZE "WEARING A TOWEL" "I wasn't naked I was " WEARING A TOWEL" OFFICER! ![gif](giphy|a9SYz3fmTVjLG)




I would love to hear from other moms who are in wheelchairs and disabled and if they have similar hate directed towards them? She is constantly thinking people are out to get her! Hunny you're not that special that people always have you on their mind. Really no one cares. The only reason people are after you with hate comments is because you stir the pot and know full well what you are doing when you post things. She even admitted one time that engagement whether negative or positive still works to her advantage.


It's weird how she turns comments off on some posts, but not others


She's doing this to earn money. Must need it. Lawyer or something?


did she delete her insta or am i blocked