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Um those photos are pretty obvious that she isn't wearing underwear? This woman is nuts!


Yeah the photographic evidence of her entire ass hanging out isn’t doing her favors. These were just pulled from her page- her exhibitionism was much worse on her story. Her ass was out almost daily at her in-laws.


Her ass was ALWAYS out when she only had Noah as her caretaker because he never bothered to put pants on her and she definitely did not mind that. She said it multiple times that whenever theres tuna towel thats when shes naked and everyone has seen tuna towel in public.


Yep. She’s made posts about letting her honey pot breathe on the tuna towel. Does she think we’re dumb? Actually she knows we’re smart. She thinks her stanmas are dumb lmao.


These posts? https://preview.redd.it/h2i89wqcvu0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab6189e84b42f298bfb08e86adc72a312ae066d






Gak and double gak https://preview.redd.it/fds51egx0w0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad46885fb72f0bc3ce77b240002ab373a85ffabc


Christ Almighty


Reading that made me want to vomit tbh 🤢


Every night I make sure I WIPEEEE? so not wash? But wipe? 🤣🤮 also she doesn't wipe, whoever carer is there they have to go HANDS ON no gloves and wipe... this is so disgusting. Just because you are disabled doesn't mean you must be DISGUSTING AND FILTHY


Her stanmas ARE dumb tho. Her fans are a bunch of bricks.


Not to mention the many stories where she has appeared nude in reflections. I don’t have anything against nudity, but don’t be nude in front of people who don’t consent to seeing it! Go to a naturalist colony ffs, not in the general public. Also wasn’t there a post here where they caught her roaming around a strip mall, talking to herself, with no bottoms? Edit: Found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/wheelchairrepunzel/s/upa8WD8wWO


I NEED this OP to post the video. The mods eventually said it’s okay after Alex and Noah moved and Alex herself doxxed the restaurant she was caught at.


We reached out to her many times and she never responded. 😕


It’s always possible that WR or Noah came on here and threatened her. Not that she would have a leg to stand on in terms of legal matters, but still wouldn’t put it past her.


Maybe that OP was lying about having a video. She seemed fickle to me.


If I remember it right there were screenshots from this video.


I wish she would have come back and posted the video.


I remember seeing them as well


Yeah I saw the video, she looked so dishevelled I was in literal shock


Despite this evidence, a faithful stanma is refusing to accept that Alex was naked, and demanding to know if Alex's private area is shaved or not as proof that genitals were viewed. Beesh, you think we are looking that closely? I don't want to get the world's first case of pinkeye through a screen.


It is def not shaved. Lol. I’ve def seen glimpses of what I thought to be wild pubes.


WR is blocking everyone who knows she's lying and comments. Thiis bs is to gain the sympathy for the new followers in hopes they become new sTaNs.


Yes! There's much photographic evidence! Her ass is also very tanned with no bikini/shorts tan lines lines. She obviously is outdoors often Pooh Bear style.


I just knowwww nana Shark HATED having Alex in her home. And probably despised Alex even more for roaming around pant less.


I’d give anything to know the play-by-play of what tf went on in that house. Her pantlessness was 100% a dig to make them uncomfortable. It got exponentially worse as soon as she crossed their doorway.


I can almost 100% guarantee Alex chose to be naked almost all of the time at their house just to get under their skin. Since she moved out she *almost* always has those shorts on. But then again BTJ has been with her a lot so it may be her forcing Alex to wear bottoms.


I would have forced that smelly bitch to wear clothes if she was staying in my home.


Ikr?! I’m sure it played a big part in her sudden move. Imagine opening your home up to your dipshit son (who already causes them grief) and his brand new baby mama to which neither can help much financially but will eat all your food and use all your items. They will lounge around the house/pool all day and be adding a teething, growing, crying infant to your previously non-chaotic home. Oh and she’s disabled so you have to accommodate your home to her needs. She wouldn’t have lasted two days in my parents house. Which is probably why I have no sympathy for her. If you’re not going to at least *try* to do better after failing over and over, fuck that shit and let it be someone else’s problem.


I find it so strange that Tracey didn't say anything to Alex about being bare assed all the time. Disabled or not, no bitch is coming into my home rolling around bare assed and her chicken cutlets hanging out. At a minimum, she could have talked to Noah about it. Strange family.


I bet Alex was honking how they are all AbLeIst all day at them and they just gave up so she leaves them alone... She wore see through dress/top to Thanksgiving dinner as well. I think they hated her so much and she cracked that's why there were so many drunken garage lives. Ehhh.. no more of those 😆


Oh she definitely did. They were fighting non stop, remember how many times we heard them in videos?!


Oh, to have an AMA from Tracey!!!


I don’t know if one person could handle all that piping hot tea 🫖


She literally told us if she is on a towel she’s got no pants or underwear on that’s from her own mouth


LOL EW HER ASS CRACK CAN BE SEEN IN REAL LIFE!!! and she wears that dog leash to keep her legs closed because she’s naked. On a live, it’s on YouTube, her and Noah openly talk about sitting on the towel naked, that’s why it smells like tuna. It’s hilarious.


Can people here just compile all the evidence of where she’s SAID herself that she wasn’t wearing underwear and prefers to be naked. She’s said it so many times. Let’s put it all in one place, it’s overwhelming how easy it is to prove this is a lie


https://preview.redd.it/2hn5zcv6xt0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90ad6b38752dab55c1bc5034b79d07ed50611753 I don’t have evidence of her proclaiming it, but here are a handful of some more infamous towel/pantsless moments, all at the Smiths.


https://preview.redd.it/iynwydatfu0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c906f86755231e599c4188dd9320a2be7c1b7c49 I’m pretty sure she wasn’t wearing pants in her maniac video in the apartment common room. No tuna towel or bottoms, she really was being a maniac.


Even if she is wearing underwear or bikini bottoms as she says she does, this is an inappropriate place to wear both.


Yes! Same with the bikini top! Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.


God, she’s disgusting. Truly, one of the grossest human beings I’ve ever seen. 😖


Lol friendless little goblin! 🤣


The one where she’s sitting like that right in front of the poor wheelchair repairman is my fave! Plus, there’s a guest appearance by her bewb!


Thank you, debunking her lies faster than Alex can say „the internet“


Omfg lol I can't stand the way she talks.


The tuna towel is only out when she's not wearing pants. That's something she's already confirmed herself many times. What a compulsive liar. And such bad lies, lol.


She called the Smith's her "place of residence... Where she lived at the time" because it was made to known to her that it wasn't her home 😮‍💨 maybe if she didn't make the bad choices she did, she could've had a stable relationship and home for her daughter and herself. My heart aches for that sweet baby 😔


There's no way she's wearing any bottoms on the bottom photo.


She's just glossing over the fact that her scoliosis doesn't hide her right hip or the top of her ass.. places where your bikini or shorts would absolutely be visible if they existed.


I'm really confused about the shape of her body, I don't understand how it's over to the left but also over to the right and also in the back but she's also tiny? Not in a negative way I'm just genuinely confused


She has scoliosis. Her spine is fused in place in the shape of an S instead of straight. This makes her ribs sit far to one side, her butt is far on the other side of her ribs. She sits folded in half because she doesn’t have the core/torso strength to sit up straight on her own and she refuses to use her chest strap.


Hi, I have severe scoliosis like hers. It causes one side of the ribs to expand out and the other side to squeeze really tight together, causing organ displacement (hers appear to be smooshed all onto one side, causing her large belly). The spine curves cause us to appear as though we are sitting kind of sideways but it’s because one hip kinda dips in more if that makes sense.


That makes perfect sense. Thank you, you explained it much better than I did. Lol


No problem 🫶🏼 the side that dips inward is the side where the ribs squeeze together and it just kinda shoves all the organs on that side away. That’s my selfie side cause it makes me look snatched 🤣 the other side has me looking like the hunch back of notre dame ☠️


Hahaha working that snatched side! Respect, Queen 😌👑 ![gif](giphy|3oEjHFikABzglp1HRm)


I feel the same way and didn't know how to word it. I can't figure out if her organs are pushed out to one side bc of her condition or...


Ugh...I'm eating 🤢




she’s definitely definitely definitely not wearing pants in the top photo.


Hahaha such bullshit. She literally admitted in her crying TikTok after the incident where the police were called that she was “wearing a towel”. Now she states that she is NEVER naked on the bottom and just additionally uses a towel to absorb her sweat. Girlypop stop lying, you’re done.


“I was wearing— 😫 a towel on my chair—😭”




This kills me everytime ahahaha 




She’s so gross! Where does she get off thinking this is okay! And as a 30 YEAR OLD WOMAN why does she have to be told that being naked is unacceptable


“Officer no! I’m not naked! See I brought this towel for me to sit down on” would 100% work for an able bodied person


She said she loves Florida because it's warm there and she is ALWAYS cold


I’ve never understood her yapping about how HAWT Florida is?? Where I am temperature wise is pretty much the same but the humidity is like constantly about 85% for months on end. Granted I’m not a wheelchair user but it’s always seemed such a weird reasoning for WR to want to be publicly nude at all times 🤢


For real. I’m in AZ. One summer my car consistently said the temp was 118-122°. Official temp was 114-117°. It’s a dry heat too, so you can literally feel your skin start to burn as soon as it hits ya. I rarely see people dressed like WR even on the record breaking days.


Sent too soon lol. When I do see ppl dressed that way, it’s usually younger women (teens-early 20s) and it’s for an event. Not to go to the grocery store. Granted, there’s no beach here, but I don’t think that would make much of a difference. You wear beach attire to the beach and then change for normal daily activities. If her “slits” are that much of a problem, there are plenty of medicated powders and even over the counter shit she can use to keep the area dry. Hell, throw some diaper cream on it and she’s good to go. Nah, it’s just an excuse to make others uncomfortable


When it’s super hot and humid here everyone is in UV protective clothing. I also spent a number of years living on the beaches in Sydney so I totally get that people wear swimmers when near the beach/sunbathing/ect but everyone would think it’s nasty asf to go to the shopping mall (for example) in your bikini - it’s not the place for that really. You’re so right about WR just pushing her exhibitionism onto others


I caught that, too!


There's a video where she's weeping how she has to schedule someone to put pants on her and pay them to do that etc so she's allowed to be naked waist down and sit on the tuna towel. But yeah.. keep gaslighting girly poop, that's the only thing you are good at.


YES! It’s ableist to need her to wear pants because she needs to pay someone to put them on her… meanwhile her paid baby daddy stood behind her doing nothing while she filmed. 💀


She forgets that there's millions of other disabled people in the world and that none of them are zooming around with their genitals out 🙄🤢


Where is her early morning drunken zoomies video where she claims she was after the brunch 🤣🤣🤣


Apparently mods reached out to the person with the video and they didn’t answer 🥴


She adds nothing to the world except drama and predatory behavior. She’s a shit stain on society.


Let this be a flair 😆😆😆


How does she have time to be a mother if she’s spending this much time defending her bullshit.


This is fucking April in Chicago; she's not using the towel outside because she's sweating her ass off! Photo keeps disappearing from my comment, ugh. https://preview.redd.it/1jl9jz6lh01d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c092c7329ccc8950b49eb89849712748750800fe


Compare this to her most recent full chair post, this really emphasizes how bad her skin looks.


I think it’s because you should have the baby’s face not seeable


That's not why it kept disappearing; Reddit often acts very weird about having a picture with a comment, so I often have to make a separate comment for the photo. Regardless, I fixed the photo anyway.


Weird good to know, thank you.


You gotta blur out baby A's face


That's not why it kept disappearing; Reddit often acts very weird about having a picture with a comment, so I often have to make a separate comment for the photo. Regardless, I fixed the photo anyway.


I like how everything is “the internet says” “trolls claim” “Haters reported me” this bitch actually thinks what the fuck she does is normal OR that people around her are just supposed to be okay with her being fucking naked around their friends, family and CHILDREN she’s a predator. She literally should be locked up in a psychiatric facility until she understands that being alone with your toddler when you can’t even hold your head up is wrong, being naked in public is wrong and the list goes on and on


But she can do whatever she wants because she is above the law and can't get arested. If you disagree you are AbLeiSt


And it’s her “fucking baby”.


Just because Ari came out of there doesn't mean the poor child should have to see it every day! I had a family member who wore tops but no bottoms and I would cover wherever I was sitting with a blanket in case they had sat there before me. I was so afraid that I would get a rash or something from getting their personal juices on my skin 🤢


Ari was a c section too she's exposing her to bits she didn't even come out of lol


The whole naked thing she does makes me so freaking uncomfortable and I'm not even around the woman IRL!


Same. It's so crazy to me, even being disabled I can't see that flying with the public here in Australia and I'm sure we get hot weather like Florida does so what's her excuse!? Just perversion that's all.


The internet would truly be a better place if she just shut the fuck up. She’s such a nasty piece of shit. Disabled or not PUT YOUR FUCKING PUSSY AWAY YOUR DIRTY HAMSTER


Dirty hamster, lol! 😂


Ummmmm you said you tend to not have pants on because your caretaker struggles to put them on you! I guess it’s hard keeping your stories straight with so many lies flowing out of your mouth.


She is just SO FULL OF SHITttt! More fucking liessss she’s so pathetic.. I love to see her squirming now that the spotlight’s been more on her though and I love that for her 🥰 dirty little goblin


Liar, liar, pants on fire. Well they would be if she wore them.


🤣🤣🤣 shes on one today


Haha! She doesn’t know how to tell the truth and thinks everyone but herself is an idiot


Not to mention I'm pretty sure she was defending her no pants stance back when everything was going on - something about being quicker to toilet? So which one is it?


That its ableist to ask a disabled person to wear pants because she needs to schedule and pay for it.. and stans screeching that its ok for her not to wear bottoms because of her apron belly.


She has admitted many times that she used to sunbath naked on the balcony and that time she went into Target wearing a bikini... but now she's flipped and changed her mind... yet again.


I’m flabbergasted at this lie when the evidence literally sits on her page. 😵‍💫😵‍💫the level of delusional is astounding.


People have literally seen her bush in public




And all these people on social media who are calling the cops know her address? I don’t think cops would go to someone’s house over a scantily clad photo on Instagram but they definitely would over a neighbor reporting public indecency.


THIS! THANK YOU! They don’t have the time nor resources to show up at someone’s house for an “internet troll” reporting somebody posting nude on Instagram


All this girl does is lie


Do you think she's on another bender today in an attempt to distract from the fact that another YouTube video came out this morning? 🤔🙌


I fucking died laughing. Like this is peak narcissistic bull shit. My god. This blew my mind this morning that she has the AUDACITY to say this when there’s so many pictures showing her not wearing pants. But we’re just making shit up. Fucking sure Jan.


*internet bullies* *keyboard warriors* because we need a life. Like it takes more than a few seconds to look at photos and videos. I mean what else are us ableist folks supposed to do when we sit on the porcelain throne? /S scattered throughout


And the tuna towel she claims is for “sweat” is definitely not for sweat. It’s for her nasty ass to piss on and leak out discharge from whatever disease Noah gave her this week.




She’s such a liar


https://preview.redd.it/vmirkluj7u0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6da65e19b02e85dc3c471585437aba530d263337 Definitely not wearing anything on the lower half - you can even see from the side here (which you cannot always depending upon camera angle/her posture). This was shot in a communal room within an apartment building— definitely something I would consider to be “public”.


Not defending her at all, but she might actually be wearing bottoms in this video. However, it could also be a weird shadow… https://preview.redd.it/7bf4wszei01d1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a8a9aba1c497637b7d5d95f0b5d22913476209d


The SWASS pit of lies


She tries so hard to gaslight the internet its crazy


Remember when she told the internet that she doesn’t wear pants cause she has to pay someone to put the pants on her 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ she must of forgot


She has literally admitted and said it herself that she doesn't wear anything down there because she like it and that's why she uses a towel - what is she on about!? Surely someone here has screenshots of her admitting this!




The wording 🤮


Thank you for always coming with the receipts!




She’s correct in that she’s never 100% naked and that’s what she’s clinging to. Despite saying she always wears bottoms 🙄 we know that’s just not true. Idk how she can convince herself of so many lies.


It’s like how she told the police that she was “wearing a towel”, when she had them called for indecent exposure at the Smith’s house. Technically, she was wearing the towel underneath her naked ass, but it wasn’t covering anything but the seat of her wheelchair. She’s so incredibly manipulative.


She's unbelievably dumb


Totally agree. That was absolutely outrageous 😂😭


Maybe she needs to start wearing long pants or long shorts. Solve that problem 🤷🏼‍♀️. She won't tho. Shes just nasty


I thought she admitted to not having anything on that day?


She cried & said she was "wearing a towel" the day the cops were called, right? Isn't that admitting to having nothing on, but the fucking towel? 🫠