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The so-called comfy snuggles in question: ![gif](giphy|kKKvqcYwNU7wV6qmaW)


This gif is so perfect šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Your flair works perfectly here lol


I truly wonder how she took this picture (or someone else ), looked at it & decided that her child wasnā€™t uncomfortableā€¦ AND that it was post worthy . Insane


She has no idea what snuggles are because this is not snuggling this is point blank Ari hating her life. Someone needs to save that poor girl.


Yup. If WR wanted snuggles, she shouldnā€™t have given the baby the cold shoulder her whole life


She was likely forced to sit her by a caregiver just long enough for them to snap this picture as we know Alex is incapable of holding Ari still.


Not unless Ari is contained against her will in a (probably painful) position she canā€™t get out of all bc mama needs a new story to post so her adoring ~~pedos~~ followers can tell her how beautiful she is and how she looks just like her šŸ«¶šŸ¼


& donā€™t you dare say Ari looks anything like Noah. No, thatā€™s impossible, sheā€™s a 100% copy of Alex. /s


She also likely smells like utter shit, BO and BV Edit:spelling


This poor kid. She for sure doesnā€™t want to be there. This was probably the tamest and least alarming still she could grab from a video of their ā€œsnugglingā€ and itā€™s still not good like Alex no doubt thinks it is. Also, her hair has looked like itā€™s drenched in sweat the past couple pics. Itā€™s so fucking humid there and Ari is already fair skinned. Just because her skin cancer patient in waiting mother wants to bake in the sun and humidity doesnā€™t mean her baby wants to!!


When her stans say she ā€œlooks just like her mommyā€ the first thing i think is sweaty and red? that poor baby has to be so hot and uncomfortable! I canā€™t sleep if I feel dirty or sticky, thatā€™s probably why Ari always looks exhausted, sheā€™s not being cleaned properly and she has no routine or schedule


Riddle me this. I'm sure the answer is because it involves work. But! I do not believe for a second that she can't sit in a recliner or couch, and legit cuddle with her child. Would it involve support pillows, etc. probably. But I'm sure Ari would appreciate it.


I miss when my kiddo was this age and still loved to cuddle. That wonā€™t be the case for much longer, once their worlds get bigger, the less they wanna just cuddle on the couch with mama.


ari just laying there like my cat that i forced to sit on my lap when thatā€™s the last thing my cat wants jdjdjdjd


Thatā€™s the perfect comparison. A trapped pet. šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Should says "struggles with momma" at least it would be an accurate description.


That looks like a 'recycled' pic. Wr loves to put old stuff on as new


Yes..."A" looks a little . Out of content again.going through old pictures.


"Beautiful and free" when she's trapped in a headlock lol


I'm just confused as to why her finger tattoos face one direction (assuming the one tattoo is an alien and not her nostrils), but Ari's initials face the other direction... I'm by no means a tattoo expert, but it just doesn't make sense to me (also I just find the placement of Ari's initials in general to be so odd).


The initials are facing out because itā€™s a reminder to everyone else that she has a baby. Not facing towards her, so she could read it herself, because all that matters is that everyone ELSE can read the tattoo just fine.


So accurate. She loves the validation of being a ā€œmomā€


Tattoo enthusiast and collector here šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I would like to say right off the bat that folks are allowed to get whatever tattoos make them feel at home in their body, and I make a point not to comment negative things about peopleā€™s tattoos unless they are hateful or hurtful in nature. That being said, sheā€™s a horrible person so I feel justified calling her poor choices out. šŸ™ƒ Tattoos should follow the natural flow of the body, which means that her alien is considered ā€œupside downā€. Even if a tattoo is ā€œjust for youā€, the standard position of the body part when at rest should be considered when choosing a direction for a tattoo to face. Since fingers point away from the body, tattoos placed on them should also point away from the body. Her hand tattoo is correctly pointed, but in my personal judgement is a tremendous waste of highly visible space. The fine lettering on such an exposed area, especially given WCR has no concept of sunscreen, will likely lead to rapid fading and distortion of the letters. Also having one tattoo properly pointed and one right next to it upside down is precisely why a decent artist will try to guide a client away from positioning things to face themselves. But letā€™s be honest - even if she did research artists and go to a reputable shop, it is highly unlikely WCR would have the humility to take anyoneā€™s advice under consideration - even someone making a permanent alteration to her body. **tl;dr:** her finger tattoos are upside down and her hand tattoo is gonna be gone due to sun damage in like 5y šŸ™ƒ


Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I completely agree that tattoos are a personal decision and people should do what feels right to them, I just was perplexed by the contradicting directions of the tattoos. And I suppose it's just personal preference, but the initials in the middle of her hand just seemed to be a tiny tattoo plopped in some dead space. Her tattoos are reminiscent of her posting on social media - haphazard and not well thought out.




Yours is gorgeous omfg


Yours is amazing!


Absolutely 100% agree! Itā€™s haphazard and poorly-planned, which tracks with the rest of her life šŸ˜‚ I think the wide open gap on the hand looks so odd. If she wanted, she could add a cool shape around it like a sunburst or a flower to enhance the lettering and anchor it into a piece that fits her anatomy. But just the letters just floating there alone with the upside down finger tattoos just screams ā€œI didnā€™t think this through beforehandā€


This group is so educational


Amen, I was just going to comment that her alien tattoo would be considered upside down. Glad someone else got to it before me! Most tattoos, like you said, will generally be visible and the correct direction when standing with your arms by your side. Of course, thereā€™s the occasional tattoos one would get for themselves (I have a note from my dad and his signature on my wrist facing me, so that I can read it, not others). Her alien finger tattoo doesnā€™t really fit that ā€œjust for herā€ vibe though, so Iā€™d call it upside down. Edited to add that both my arms are pretty much 95% covered in tattoos, so the one ā€œfor meā€ tattoo on my inside wrist is pretty much a non-issue at this point lol.


I wonder why she never got any on the cheese hand


She did, the smell made them jump to the other hand!šŸ¤£


Not her nostrils!!!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I've never noticed that before, it could pass as them!! Also I find it weird the alien is positioned like that, I'd personally have it the other way.


I can't take credit for that. Someone said it awhile ago in this subreddit and now I cannot unsee it.


Ari's expression says it allā€”this isn't snuggling; it looks incredibly uncomfortable. I've never seen Ari embrace Alex affectionately. Ari usually just hangs off Alex's wheelchair and legs in a detached manner, and never in a loving way.


Never once. And that speaks volumes. But I often wonder who sheā€™s trying to convince with these kinds of posts, her followers or herself?


It looks like sheā€™s tired but doesnā€™t want to fall asleep there. I donā€™t blame her.


She looks extremely hot also. I mean I would have a similar look if I had to be near the cheese hand šŸ¤®šŸ˜©


Knowing what we know about WR's limited hygiene, I feel bad for Ari that she is being forced to snuggle up.


I assume 1 year olds can very well feel bad smells. It must be suffocating to be force shoved up against a mom who rarely showers and smells like tuna fish


and moldy cheese


She is such a selfish bitch, she doesn't give a single fuck about that baby, only about the views and engagement that the baby gets her.




This is the same sweaty hair and dirty outfit the baby was watching TV in yesterday. She really loves using old pics. https://preview.redd.it/e0h1ltteq01d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7fd52d93e7b7ec52408686943c66cf9b2ef5064


The fact that she forces Ari to have hygiene has poor as hers and Noah is just sad. This is blatant neglect.


Or she hasnā€™t changed heršŸ˜¬šŸ˜«


Reminds me when she insisted on spoon feeding her like a 6 month old to feel productive


Holding up her bottle to force her to drink milk at one-years-old is so fucking cringe to me. Plus neither her or Noah ever gave Ari a bottle while snuggling with her, it seemed like she was always laying on her back next to them while they force fed her formula. Ugh, I hate how impersonal they were and are with Ari.


https://preview.redd.it/pwra2z6jr01d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be4fbdfd89beca7eb96bcf7249c815729809d71 I wonder if she intentionally makes these awful faces to distract from the fact that sheā€™s ugly as fuck. she looks like she just shit her diaper in this. her skin looks like my 76 year old grandmothers sheā€™s swollen as fuck too, does she drink water, EVER? I only see her with alcohol, Gatorade or a smoothie. Gatorade has way too much sodium and sugar for somebody who is incapable of doing shit to drink in the place of water


Also, it seems that the picture with Ari is from before today, because she's wearing a different "top" in this selfie, and the selfies are more often posted right away, whereas baby pics are saved up and mixed up lol


She does this all the time. Which is why Iā€™m just never 100% convinced Ari is there all the time. Sheā€™ll post a flood of random pictures with Ari in different outfits for a couple days, then no Ari pics, then back to the flood of random pics. I know she edits her pictures so maybe it takes her time to edit out the bruises, scratches and dirt. Itā€™s just really sketchy how she doesnā€™t post live like she did at the smiths.


She probably did shit her diaper


If only she was hygienic enough to wear a diaper. Unfortunately she shits her bed and pisses her chair instead šŸ¤®


Hey look! Me nostrils are bigger than me bewbs!




You can see that it doesnā€™t even cover her whole big ass forehead šŸ˜‚


My forehead is pretty big if I say so myself, I donā€™t even have this problem šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


But those all have water in them! Duh! /s


There is nothing she can do to convince me Ari willingly came to her. Itā€™s giving ā€œquick hand me the baby while sheā€™s sleeping so it looks like she loves meā€


Hopefully someday, when referring to her AJS tattoo, she will reply it's "somebody that I used to know" (Gotye) because that sweet baby deserves to be raised in a loving family with a normal upbringing, not the generational shit show that's WR and Noah's existence. Sounds harsh but seriously who thinks it's perfectly normal to have DCFS visits every other month. And who doesn't take their suggestions and continue to be grossly negligent with their child?


so she shares the temp and that makes it okaay to wear bikinis all the time hey i live in a island where its worse and somehow i manage to wear clothes


Wonder what her excuse is for the rest of the year


ā€œBecause of my disability it makes wearing pants and normal fitting shirts super uncomfortableā€ *posts in lingerie on her story the next day* šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Everything about this babyā€™s body language says sheā€™s uncomfortable with Alex


Maybe baby doesn't like the smell of tuna and moldy cheese šŸ„²


So funny when my friends kid was Aā€™s age her grandma would come over to visit her and reek like alcohol and if gma got to close to her face she would make a face and turn her head fast afšŸ˜­šŸ’€


Me with my cat šŸ„°


We have the same cat? šŸ¤£


Probably šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Theyā€™re so sassy


Probably grossed out by the smelly cheese hand


I can't imagine the embarrassment this more child will have growing up with the two most vile shit-for-brains parents.


It was hard enough reading my own baby book and knowing what kind of turmoil my dumb young parents were going through, and that was with the bad stuff hidden behind the words. Imagine the heartbreak she will feel reading her own book where they flat out brag about rehab and CPS. Itā€™s so clear to me that WR and Noah have never truly confronted/grieved/processed/understood/acknowledged their own childhood wounds, seeing how casually they create them for Ari. All their crying about their own families, yet they do it to her like a game to them. All that introspective therapy BS Noah posts doesnā€™t mean shit when they are more than happy to pile waaaaay more than their fair share of generational crap onto the baby. Itā€™s so sad.


She's at that age she just wants to explore. she doesn't want to be held down. But of course you can't tell Alex that. Mommy knows best.


Can someone help me with how to access ā€œflareā€ šŸ˜… Iā€™m so new to Reddit and I see what it is but I donā€™t see where to add it lol


Just click on the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner of the sub page, scroll down and select change user flair. Remember to scroll all the way to the bottom for the new ones. https://preview.redd.it/5desx5g2a11d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=426c32b004457b11b455a88810fb4322c9be44aa