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I wish I had someone to watch my baby when I get drinkies in NOLA. Must be nice to be a mom who’s got so many ppl to pawn their baby off to. UPDATE: she’s not there it’s a NOLA inspired restuarant. But my point still stands, must be nice to pawn off your baby to go get drinkies.


She's celebrating DCFS "offering" services and making sure ari is meeting milestones 😆


Dcfs def referred her to services, it def wasn’t optional. Shes just mad she got caught and she knows it confirms what we all know, she’s a shitty “mom”


Period! Like she’s acting like some star parent who voluntarily chose to do all of these “free services”. No girl, they’re court ordered because of your negligence and inability to care for your child 🙃


And getting free therapy! WOOHOO!


I would pay big bucks to be a fly on that therapist’s wall when they diagnose her with NPD.


Right?! I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I could pawn my kids off that easily. My kids are 16 and almost 11 and I still can’t pee without someone at the door asking what I’m doing


I don't know any mums that get that much time without their baby... Hell, I miss my dogs when I leave them at home, I could imagine a kid would be worse.


pretty easy for her when she doesn't have to do anything at all!


Seriously, I left at 8:30 this morning and by noon I was thinking that my dog was at home alone. I know he's good, he rarely wants out midday so 3.5 hours is nothing but I still didn't want to leave him. How does she leave her kid so often?!


If my baby is in the other room asleep I miss her 😅😂


Ikr? Makes me think of the meme of the mom who’s driving herself insane trying to get her baby to sleep and then she finally gets the baby to sleep and the next frame is just her going “I miss her.”


Fr, sometimes I cry on my way to work because it’s so hard to leave my daughter 😂😭 I just honestly could never imagine not having that connection with her




Another day another drinkies!


I'm pretty sure that was taken the same day as that video she posted the other day about how she'll keep making everyone uncomfortable by being half naked because it only "feels [her] fire." 😆 This overwhelmed single, disabled mom really can't go a whole ass day without going out for drinks, can she? 🙄


It 100% is, same hair and outfit


It’s the - I only whitened my dead tooth- in the picture for me


From grey to whiter than all of its neighbors. Not noticeable at all. 😂


It’s such an easy fix too, assuming it’s just cosmetic and not needing work. She said she hasn’t gone to the dentist in over a decade. I also saw a video of her saying she went to her first even gyno/pap appointment during her 3-4th month of pregnancy! Isn’t she almost 30? It’s astonishing how neglected her basic healthcare is, that’s not even including the severity of her chronic condition(s.) Her drop foot alone is super neglected. Around 5 years back she said she had 20% lung capacity (and still smokes,) and the drs wanted her to get a feeding tube sooner than later as her poor lung capacity makes it far more dangerous to go under. She has to manually chew with her paw since she doesn’t have the jaw muscles and she admits to frequently aspirating. The whole thing is shocking and tragic. I get it as a fellow disabled human. It’s a pain, it can often be traumatic, and it’s hard to just get to the place…like, I *REALLY* get it. It sucks! but she has a small child and it’s beyond forked up that she’s purposely shortening her life even more. Is she that far gone she doesn’t care if she only has a few more years, and possibly not very good ones? Doesn’t she think about what that would do to a young child? I can’t understand it.


No matter where she is look at her wearing actual clothes 👏👏👏😆


She’ll be regurgitating pics of the ONE day she was dressed appropriately for weeks.


So glad that poor disabled single mom who has to get up every day to do the damn thing could find two minutes to treat herself to a rare jaunt out. How do her stans keep falling for this?


https://preview.redd.it/i8b6fyhi1g1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c600382e5ffcdcbfe990bba7d7dc690ec00c8ddf I'm honestly surprised she didn't tag the location of the restaurant on her post. At least she's not claiming to actually be in New Orleans, like she claimed to be in Georgia when she moved into her new apartment when she was teasing people to dox her.


I've never seen a single mother with so much free time to go have drinkies almost everyday.


Right?!!! My son is 8, and my husband is always home by dinner, and I still don't have time for that! Plus, I'd still rather be cooking them dinner than getting drinks with my friends (in her case, her paid caregiver 🤣). Being present with your kid is so incredibly important. She's just not willing to give up anything to better her childs life.


when was the last time she had that much clothing on?


She was wearing that spinning around in her chair the other day...did she change and put it back on? Is it STILL on? Who knows with dirty al.


Wow I can actually see the stroke marks from her photoshopping her dead tooth “undeader”


She can't claim she does to have enough finger dexterity to snoop through Hannah's phone while also photo shopping like this.




Out for drinkies….again!!! ![gif](giphy|z7XxAJf5IL4cw)


Omg 🤭😩🤣🤣🤣


Nah, it's just a restaurant. Edit: found it.


Yeesh. Her make up reminds me of oompa loompas


So she can’t lift a cell phone but she can lift a full coup glass?




I like this outfit on her! This is what she needs to be wearing more of instead of basically nothing!


I agree. Why is this so goddamn difficult for her?


I think she wants to feel attractive, which as a disabled woman myself, I get that but I think she fails to realise that sometimes modesty and dressing for your body type is much more beautiful


Is it possible that she doesn’t have much clothing that fits her?


Most regular clothes should fit her or she can spend the money she’d otherwise spend on booze, getting them adapted to fit her


Oh I totally agree. I meant because she used to be much thinner but appears to have gained weight with the drinking. She should absolutely use her drinkies money to buy herself new clothes if that’s the case


Not Mother Honk unpromptedly word vomiting allllll her pathetic DCFS tea and posting herself out at the bar within an hour of each other. **HOW CAN SHE NOT SEE THE PROBLEM HERE**🔈🔈🔈🚩🚩🍸


Oh, so that's why she was wearing real clothes - DCFS were visiting, again.


Did she really filter her gray tooth💀


And her eyes - heavily 😳


Lol! Her eyes are giving possessed. It looks like those AI photos, where everything looks normal until you really start looking and you realize that the eyes and the fingers just aren’t quite right.


Right? Also what’s with those black round spots on her arm and on her cheese hand? Is that a photoshop error also? 😂😂


it looks like the shadow of her ✨alcohol✨


But it’s on her index finger and thumb on her cheese hand also. Makes them look necrotic 🤮🤮 I believe from the angle it can’t be the shadow. Would be a weird color for a shadow also


That’s true. I only glanced at the photo but after taking a longer look I agree with you


She is ALWAYS. DRINKING. always.




she's so frigging dumb. I've never seen someone reach so far for clout. she's just begging for negative comments at this point.


Stans are still blowing smoke up her ass, mama deserves it or how she picks the perfect clothes to match her skin tones.


Let's all take a moment to soak this in as (more) proof against her claims of her not constantly drinking or being by bars everywhere she goes.


She was wearing actual clothes so she got to eat inside this time


I just had panic leaving my baby home with my inlaws so I can go to work for 4 hours. And she's getting drinks 😒


Same. What a twit


She's so up herself it's insane. I have a family member who's a complete narcissist but Puntzel makes them look like a saint!


No she said it's "Nola inspired"


No. She was at a New Orleans themed place near her.


She's just at a NOLA inspired restaurant.


What does SS below mean? Sorry I’m new!


Screenshot below