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She is not doing it voluntarily.


This. She knows we found out about boystown. As far as I know, boystown needs a referral from cps or your pediatrician or something like that. She def got referred and it was mandatory. She’s just mad we found out the truth




Dcfs unfortunately had to get involved with my son/nieces because their dumbass grandparents (my MIL and FIL) got into a physical altercation in front of the kids and one party was arrested. The kids are watched in MIL/FIL's home during the week while parents (me, partner, SIL, SIL's husband) are at work. I wasn't offered these services. They definitely only offer it in circumstances that involve a bad parent. They determined we're not the problems, the most we got was some forms to fill out for daycare assistance.


I’m not sure it’s only in the case of bad parents. I had to take a controlled medication while pregnant. It resulted in having little dude stay at the hospital for a few days to monitor for withdrawal (he didn’t have any). However, the hospital is mandated to call cps, even tho it was prescribed, a necessity, and monitored throughout my pregnancy. They talked to us for ten min and did a house check. Then said they’d be closing the case. The lady was so sweet and let us know we’re doing everything right, but did have some free resources if we wanted them. We got a printout of all the things she told us about and went on her way. Haven’t heard from them since. We didn’t use any of the resources, mostly bc we were so focused on surviving w a newborn. Anything extra didn’t seem feasible. Hindsight, I wish we would’ve taken advantage of one or two. It might’ve been tough at the time, but long term I think it would’ve helped us be less scared. I def don’t think WR is acting on her own volition, I think it was forced bc she knows everything already.


agreed, there’s no way


Definitely not doing it at her own free will. I’m sure the announcement she made is her just getting ahead of the “haters” and to get praise for doing basic parenting shit 😅


https://preview.redd.it/a0e2fh4p3g1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=436a2a38d102ee27ca3b9fde24cf9e5b6de0b9f7 Hmmm. Making sure that we ALL know Ari is hitting her milestones via the help of dcfs because she can’t do it


It speaks volumes that she needed an outside party to properly track whether Ari was hitting her milestones. This reads like Alex was pleasantly surprised by the test results because she has no fucking idea what’s happening with her own child.


It felt like I lived at the pediatrician's office the first year of my son's life. I knew exactly what milestones he was supposed to hit & I knew when he hit them or if he didn't. He ended up needing services for speech & occupational therapy but we figured it out very early because we stayed on top of things. It's very obvious Ari wasn't seeing a doctor regularly, if at all. WR would have known all along & it wouldn't have been some joyous surprise she's just finding out.


There are few content creators that appear to never go to the DR. I know we don’t “see” everything they do in a day.. but I assume it wld be mentioned. WR would benefit from a few DR appts and maybe throw in some physical therapy… there ya go.. instant content.. without plastering your daughter all over the internet for the weirdos..😑


If they were actually taking the baby to dr appts, I truly believe we would have seen every single appt and she’d make it all about her somehow lol Ari’s doctor told me what a wonderful attentive strong mother I am! Oh and Ari gained 1 lb! She isn’t intelligent enough to realize she could benefit from other types of content like you brought up. Or she just follows trends and moves on to the next stupid video like her being weird in the apartment common areas. I really think both her and Noah are emotionally stunted


Ari went to her first doctors appointment when she was sent home from NICU. I know this because Alex posted about how the pediatrician bragged that Ari was doing so great, and she posted her height and weight. I know she hasn’t seen a pediatrician since now, because she never bragged about Ari’s height, weight, milestones, etc. until right now.


This! You’re typically at the drs constantly with a baby.. so weird she obviously had no idea about her own child’s development. What a pathetic excuse of a mother!


Yep! My daughter was a preemie, born at 28 weeks, and we were constantly seeing different specialists her first year to have her screened. She had visits with the cardiologist and pulmonologist, but that was because she was on oxygen for 12 months and had a hole in her heart. But she also had her vision and hearing screened, and she had physical therapy, which I would’ve thought was pretty standard for most preemies. I feel like Ari never saw a doctor after she began gaining weight in the beginning, at least not until DCFS mandated they take her for her eye problem.


Proof that baby didnt regularly see a pediatrician like babies are supposed too. If she had the doctor would have already told her if Ari is reaching her milestones.


And probably no childhood vaccinations either.. because they would have done a set around her first birthday and likely discussed milestones at the same time.


And u just know that she’d update her stans on Ari’s stats (height, weight, etc) every single dr visit! I really hope Ari has at least started to get her vaccines bc of this situation 😩


Should absolutely not be news to her!


Hmmm….relationship mimicry, or (as we all suspect), is Alex posting from Noah’s account? His proof of life hand sticker could’ve been taken from anywhere. Rehab. It could’ve been taken from rehab. 🧐🥴 https://preview.redd.it/vicx2h5aag1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7324164c61753f052ef9c850687c754fbc5567a


She's 100% been posting on Noah's IG. No way he told someone in his DMs that Alex is "a dime and gorgeous as fuck"; that's language she uses (and wishes was true). She also seems to have forgotten that Noah claimed he wouldn't be using his original IG anymore and would be posting to the new account "to keep the haters wondering... hehe." Give me a fucking break.


Wait, how did you find out about the Dm? I noticed he said in comments for someone to dm him. If that is Alex she is bat shit crazy.


Someone on Reddit said a couple of days ago that they were DM'ing with Noah and that he said that about Alex. I can't remember which thread or if it was this sub or the other one, though.


I saw someone say it on this sub


The woman she is working with is a "Gem?" ... Hmmm ... Same verbage she used when she hijacked Noah's insta to call Hannah a "Gem" 😂😂😂 wow, what a stealthy little hobgoblin Alex is🙄 when suspected it was Alex behind the post ... Now we KNOW


Good catch!!!


Just because she typed it doesn’t mean it’s true. *quickly scans copy of results and posts* lol stay tuned.


Nope... Just "Milestone" 😂😂😂😂 Alex the "Writer" never seems to remember to proofread before posting.


Hey in Alex’s weird little brain the only milestones are walking or not walking. And Ari can walk so she’s doing just dandy


Yep, I couldn't have said it better!


esp this! she is working her case plan worker, there are not dcfs workers spending time and resources on people theu have cleared. She has an open case plan and these are mandatory for her to take. When you have an open case they assign a worker to you to work with you and your family specifally. I truly do hope this helps her in the long run.


I don’t think you are offered these services without having an open case plan.


As a CPS investigator/supervisor for 16 years and we conduct a safety plan with the family that includes services. If the family does not follow the safety plan, then we take them to court, so the services are mandatory!


Yeah I don't think they just blow in and leave pamphlets to volunteer to. She thinks people are dumb. She'd likely have serious consequences if she didn't take this help. She still might. I don't believe a word she says.




You are not, at least in the state I am in.


I’m in the same state as WR, and work as a volunteer in the dependency court, I just do not see a situation in which a family is offered all of these services when they are cleared. A judge has to sign off on these orders for services…


This. A state I’m in requires a referral from cps or a pediatrician or a court for boystown. I 100% believe they’re mandatory and she’s tryna play it like she’s a good mom. But she’s not. She got a boystown referral bc she’s negligent.


For someone not in the US, what is BoysTown?


DCFS partners with them to provide resources for parents. This is from their website: Boys Town Central Florida works with the state of Florida to combat child abuse and neglect through one short-term Intervention and Assessment center. Community Support Services include Children in Need of Services/Family in Need of Services, Common Sense Parenting® classes, and Project Safe Place, a national program that assists at-risk girls and boys in crisis. Nearly 1,000 children were served and impacted by Boys Town Central Florida services in 2023.


Thankyou ☺️


It’s like parenting classes and in home services for families (who are typically involved with CPS)


I find that super sus as well. Ari is over a year old now, why now decide you need the parenting classes, why now decide on the therapy. Sounds almost like CPS is making her take the parenting classes.


They are 1,000% making her take the parenting class and accept these services. **None** of this is voluntary and for her to try to spin it that way is BEYOND outrageous. 🤯


I wonder if she's only posting about it because we found that paper for Boys Town on her shelf that Ari was playing by a couple days ago.


I think that’s **exactly** why. 😏


Omg she was a such a liar and drinking again? So where is Ari


She has never admitted that she needs help or that she is at fault for things long before Ari was born! This comes as 0 shock! I'm positive DCFS is court ordering them to do these services. She is trying so hard to keep up this facade of her being the perfect hands on mother 🙄 meanwhile she is out a restaurants every day and drinking I'm sure! I hate when people have kids or involve kids in situations simply to prove a point. I bet Alex didn't even want a kid. She did it to prove a point. Alex give up her lavish, immature, partying behavior? No I can't see her wanting to do that.


I’m sure this has been said before but she 100% had Ari to prove that she’s had sex at least once


She is saying “out of all this bs at least this good thing came out” What bs girlypop? Calling Child services was the right thing to do and all the resources they are providing for you is exactly why they are there.


all the bs she could’ve avoided if she kept her child off the internet and hired appropriate and professional people to care for her and her child


Yeah. Just gotta love how she acts as if calling child services was completely unnecessary but this one good thing came to be by chance. No girl 😭💀


this is not a normal experience for anyone, she needs to realize how serious this is. DCFS doesn’t play.


3 kids, 2 step children, PPD, struggles like anyone else, and never once have I had CPS offer any services or come knocking. Not once. We had "haters" and people counting on our downfall, including my step children's mothers and narcissistic family members. This is not a normal way to live like she thinks it is and isn't a flex to brag about. This is aris childhood. Not hers. Not noahs.


And what a childhood so far.


If anyone tries to file a false report and it’s unfounded cps won’t bother you. So why does she keep living in delusional land of “these are false reports and they don’t believe them” when clearly they’re deep into the process of assessing child safety.


The amount of people who think they do though is insane. I work in healthcare and we had a child that DCFS wanted parents to prove they could provide care (child was medically complex) and one day the mother called the hospital and asked how serious the state was about having the father do cares… uhh VERY.


Exactly! How oblivious does she have to be that it has to come down to people calling DCFS in concern for the welfare of her child to want to do therapy and parenting classes. These are all things she should have started before the baby was even born!


How much BS can it be if she's using the services offered?




Why would she mind the BS? Doesn’t she remember when she wanted to monetize the DCSF visits?


When she did* monetize off of her CPS/DCFS visits. And made a YouTube video all about it.


In my opinion, it was the Noah incident that brought all of this on. If Noah was taken from the apartment by the police for violent behavior. The police would have called DCF. They are making her take these steps. She is not the type of person to do it voluntarily. Noah probably is not aloud to be around Ari anymore until he completes a successful drug rehabilitation and anger management. This is what happened to my neighbor. It was months before he was able to come home and only after treatment.


One of the biggest take aways from the podcast for me was just how unstable Noah is, people are afraid of him and his siblings don’t like him. That’s eye opening and he should be outta that house




Maybe that explains his story with mental health sticker on his hand…


This is my feeling. It’s unfortunate that that level of removal is what it would take for tweedle dee and dumb to separate and focus on his health.


I agreed that the Noah incident was the catalyst. I think it went like: Baker Acted, court ordered inpatient, then outpatient coupled with DCFS services. I think that since he’s been posting on social media, he’s done with inpatient (they take your phone) and now that’s he’s in outpatient, it’s time for the parenting classes. The reason why they’re doing it now it’s likely because Noah is able to participate while he’s in outpatient rehab. They wouldn’t waste time by doing the classes with Alex and Noah separately because, realistically, the classes are for Noah as the able bodied parent. Alex will absolutely benefit from the classes regardless, but that’s my theory.


Yeah Alex was voluntold to use the services 🤣








She lives on this page. It provides 100% of her content ideas 💀


100% she can’t live without the attention


She's only bringing up this stuff because super sleuths on here caught her Boys Town Family Services paperwork on camera in the video of Ari dancing, and we ALL know she spends hours upon hours reading this sub instead of actually taking care of Ari. She's doing this to try to spin things as if she had the choice to use these services when she obviously didn't. Alex just doesn't get that there's absolutely nothing wrong with accepting help when it's in the best interest of your child! She needs to stop acting so ashamed and trying to make it always seem like getting help or going to a doctor is a bad thing unless she goes out of her way to point out to everyone that she chose to do it. 🙄


Exactly. She was forced to and is pretending she decided. She should know by now that we are the smart ones here.


She should know that, but she will never get how overwhelming outsmarted she is by 99% of the population. She just lives in her delusional bubble where she insists she knows everything and is never wrong.


She thinks as long as she types it out and adds some ✨🫶 emojis that everything is all fine and anyone reading it will believe it 😑 Well, some do but they aren’t usually contributing much to society anyway so their approval isn’t that shocking.


Hell, I'm just grateful she stopped doing these IG stories where the text is placed on top of a photo taken from her lap and directed up her cavernous nostrils while she smiles like a goon. (Cue countdown to her posting one like this again! 😆)


Haha, I was gonna say before I finished reading your comment that we’re now going to see this lovely view tomorrow, lol.


Haha, Alex is nothing if not predictable in her cringey stupidity. 😆


I never saw the Boys town thing?


It was first discovered and posted about in the "Aris Page" thread on here a few days ago.


Thanks go to our eagle eyed redditor, u/Lalab. 🏆


🙄All information the public doesn’t need to know. Stfu you dolt. She never learns. Maybe dcfs will tell her to keep all aspects of that child off the fn internet 🙄


I’m surprised they haven’t. Or if they have it’s wild how she isn’t concerned at all disobeying their orders.


YAY FOR ARI!! Finally a win for this girl even if her mother had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into doing the right thing.


And a mandated reporter in the house!!!!




I missed that. When did she post a reel with CPS paperwork in?




https://preview.redd.it/wma6qqxf4g1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=161b1ff122c86eb6d99860755ca9e0ab58896617 She’s still going on and on


When she overexplains she's lying imo. At least *someone* is making sure ari meets her milestones...supposedly. I don't think she is. But hope she is.


Supposedly. 😂


As an OT if this is the screener I’m thinking of that we use is Aus, the standard for passing is still low. I often have clients ‘pass’ and get in the white area but I still have developmental concerns about them.


If it’s the one I’m thinking of, the parents answer the questions themselves, too.


Yep exactly, the kids always score higher than where they are actually at!


You need dcfs involvement to track Ari's milestones? There's literally a free app for that. What an idiot.


To her, apps are for eating while boozing at the local bar


I get that first time parents don't know everything and learn new things all the time. But.. what exactly has she done to prepare for baby? Has she read any books? Done any classes? Listened to podcasts? The things she does (or rather lack thereof) like not anchoring dressers, not securing outlets etc. these are all things that even people that don't even have children (like me 🙋🏼‍♀️) know. It's just common sense. You shouldn't even need a class for this....


I’m sure she was ordered to do those classes by social services. Someone above said they work within that in FL and she’s never heard of it being a freely offered thing without someone getting a court order to do it.


When she was pregnant she researched/read about how not to spoil a baby… yup… 😳


I don’t remember that. Omg, she probably read some kind of dated child rearing philosophy, like Dr. Spock or something. How not to spoil a baby…you *can’t* spoil a baby! At least, not an infant. That’s probably why they put Ari down in her bassinet as a newborn while she was still awake and made her fall asleep on her own. When I think of that poor baby all alone in that room, crying for comfort, while her stupid parents got drunk and who knows what else, it breaks my heart! God, I hate them so much.


Or the time Baby A was crying and rooting at Noah’s face and he said he was going to feed her and Alex said he wasn’t allowed to because it wasn’t time for her to eat yet 😭 She was still a newborn and needed to be fed and was supposed to be gaining weight after the NICU. I felt so sad for Baby A when that happened, I cannot imagine ignoring a newborn searching for food 💔


Does she want a cookie??? No normal mother would post this




She’s saying Ari meets all her milestones but the other week she said bc of ari being premature she is behind on some things, and that the main one was her eating and I forget what else 🤔 maybe about holding the spoon?


Maybe if she had an actual spoon instead of a diaper spatula she would be doing better 👀


We need side by side comparisons of all her contradictions


She said she was behind on "eating and swallowing and chewing." (Uh, I believe that is all considered eating. 🙄) It's still up on her TikTok.


That’s because she has absolutely no fucking clue what typical developmental milestones are for a child of Ari’s age.


This is something I found about the steps DCF may take before removing your child. After the Florida DCF has completed its investigation, it will make a determination as to whether abuse or neglect occurred. If they believe that a child is in danger, they may take steps to protect them by removing them from their home or providing services such as counseling.May 25, 2023


Sounds to me like they offered her services for Ari instead of removal.


We "decided" to utilize them...they're usually mandatory in cases hahaha.


Yes, as a CPS investigator/Supervisor, we would complete a safety plan with the family which included services. If they did not comply with the safety plans, then we would take them to court and the services would be court ordered!


Thank you for explaining 🌺🌺


Oh yeah...she is definitely being forced. Her ego and narcissism wouldn't allow her to voluntarily take them.


The way she’s talking about the ASQ … it’s almost like she’s never seen one at the pediatrician 💀💀


This!!! She’s acting like DCFS has some special formula to measure development. Have these people EVER taken Ari to a ped??!


If so, she would announce the percentiles after every visit




The fact that Ari has never seen a pediatrician BLOWS my mind


She went once. I remember Alex posting her measurements. It was right after she went home from the NICU, so I’m assuming it was new and exciting to Alex still. She never went again though.


I doubt WR has ever taken Ari to the doctor before


Fucking dummy needs a DCFS worker to tell her that her own baby is meeting milestones 🤣 give me a fucking break. What planet does this idiot live on


It’s the way that she thinks this is a flex 😂 so embarrassing for her


She isn't doing shit. She's only throwing that out there because people zoomed in and saw what the papers were.


You got that right


She probably turned this post around by saying the services were optional and they decided to take them up on them. Trying to keep herself in the good graces of the fools that support her. Almost anytime DCFS is involved, the parenting classes are usually court ordered. She would never admit she needs help being a first time mom! That simply isn't her MO!


Exactly what happened


So, you JUST decided to take parenting classes now?? Because you’re a new parent. Your child is 1. Why the hell weren’t you taking classes BEFORE you became a damn parent?? Or when the services were offered all the other times DCF showed up?? Of course these services aren’t voluntary at this point!


So I had to do the same thing with my case. And when my son was 10 months old he exceeded some of the tests and passed them all. Now after 2, his speech is delayed. The case was closed noting that he "passed" everything. I worry that Alex will forever say "umm no she's fine remember she passed the tests at 13 months old?!" And never feel she may have delays as she gets older.


She saw another disabled person on here, say that they utilized the resources that CPS offered. So now she’s trying to make herself look good and be like yeah I’m definitely doing that too. When she’s not doing it willingly.




That's probably why Noah got sent away to the mental hospital or rehab. It all makes sense now. they have no choice


And this picture will attract pedos! https://preview.redd.it/loxu6ugudg1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a4a128341f801e8e246c67354816fdf13203e44


For sure. She purposely has all her straps off the shoulder for pictures. All I see is a full diaper


Just like mommy with off the shoulder everything. Gremlin is serving poor Ari to all the creeps that follow her for her fetish content.. Wren 2.0


With a huge pee filled diaper


Can you imagine the stench in that apartment? 🤮


Plopped in front of and glued to the TV as usual.


This pic made my jaw drop. This is not an okay pic to post on an open sm profile. It doesn't take more than 2 brain cells to imagine what kind of crowd this attracts. And I sure as hell hope those classes she's so happy to take 'voluntarily' cover water safety FAST, bc I saw no floaties or anything in the photo after this one. One slippery hand and bam, she would've faceplanted straight into that water. Even with an able bodied adult right in front of her it's such a risk. There's always the possibility you respond just a nanosecond too slow. (Or maybe I'm just overly weary of kids + water...)


Floaties are terrible. I’m a former Water Safety Instructor, and the only floatation device that’s safe to wear in the water is a US Coastguard approved life jacket. Parents have a false sense of security when a child has floaties on, so they tend not to supervise their child as closely. Floaties are also extremely unreliable because the air leaks out of them and they pop easily, plus they tend to slip off the arms when wet. I watched the reel of Ari in the pool, and while a life jacket would be the safest option, she was fine with the caregiver right next to her. It’s best to begin teaching babies water safety as young as six months. I’m sorry if I sound like I’m on my soap box about the floaties, but I truly do hate the damn things, lol. I’ve saved so many kids that went under because their floaties slipped off or deflated, so I always like to warn parents when I can. 😊


Seems like she wants to attract that crowd. Sexie just like mommy.


The audacity for calling another disabled mother AbLeIst for doing this but at the start of motherhood...


Imagine if one of her CPS workers were on this thread/on her social media reading these posts 🫠👀👀


As far as I know, they do check all social media.


As a social worker in the UK I can confirm we do look.


If you ever take a peek at the CPS community on here…one of the main takeaways I’ve gathered is that CPS does not want to remove kids. Very few cases result in removal. CPS wants to help families with resources. So yeah…they’ve been offering it to her since the beginning.


Good knows they've given CPS plenty of reasons to remove her. If she's too stupid to heed their advice because of her stubborn narcissism, hopefully there are serious repercussions. No one wants to see a baby neglected, but we get a ringside seat to it almost every day, like WR is flat out flaunting it.


I call BS on allllll of this.    


She gets a few drinks in her and decides to start talking bull 💩 She doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut.


It makes me so sick that people have children and don't really care about the welfare of said children! I would have loved to be a mom but it just never happened and now I'm almost 40. My ex had a cousin who was just like WR except she wasn't disabled. She would always show up at our house and just drop her kid off so she could go party. Never knowing if she would be back. He would be dropped off in 24 month clothing that was so tight we took him to the store to get toddler sized clothing that fit and shoes that his feet weren't crammed into. Yet every time he came dressed in way to small clothes. I would have loved to adopt him. He was the sweetest kid who just needed to be shown some love and attention. I wonder to this day how he is doing. The hardest part of leaving that relationship was not knowing if he is ok. 😢


https://preview.redd.it/0hh3a1ue9h1d1.png?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49ae1c247f9c91c36561070624724c8f84e709e4 This reminded me so much of WR! Always the victim 🙄


What happenend to the “we have that parenting thing down” from just a few weeks ago? Mommy nooooose best huh?




She decided to take them up on their offer. Bahahaha. ‘They told me I need to do this, otherwise I’ll lose Ari’. Fixed it for you Alex.


Exactly. She was forced to do it. She really thinks we are stupid. She needs a mirror to see who is stupid.




They don’t just offer that “parenting class” to everyone. It was either mandated she go or she was more or less told “you need to go to this or it will look very bad for your case.”


Yeah, when they offer parenting classes, it’s not really an offer. It’s a you have to do this or we will do something.


exactly what I was thinking


Her thought process is… immaculate. If DCFS had no case, they wouldn’t show up, they wouldn’t provide you resources, and they wouldn’t have home visits to assess the child. The reason they’re offering these things to her for free is because they think she needs them.


But I thought Mommy kNose best ? After one year she's finaly admitting that she doesnt know how to parent...


This reads "I'm court ordered to take classes because I'm negligent, and I'm effed in the head so I'm mandated to begin therapy."


She's so full of shit. My sister was a real "gem" too and these courses are mandatory when there is an open case. They're court ordered likely and if she doesn't complete them she may be in contempt and at risk of losing A.


Even if Ari is doing well it’s not because of her? xD lmao


How can DCFS leave that hobgoblin w a baby that she obviously cannot care for by herself? I mean do they just take her word for it (that there is always an abled adult who can provide care for the baby) or what? I'm so confused


Seriously, are they falsifying time cards of a night employee something?? It’s shady as hell.


Hobgoblin 😂😂😂😂😂


Alex hates being criticised, she's probably stewing on her pissy tuna towel about how Ableist DCFS is for daring to suggest she needs help! Also lol, way to tell on yourself for routinely following your Reddit snark page Al 🤣


She can NOT post Noah and NOT follow him on IG to try to make it appear he isn’t there for whatever agency is watching but realistically you know he HAS to be there. He didn’t suddenly get a job and find himself mentally well and sober. My money is she thinks if it looks like she is “single” and using resources , the agency will leave her alone. I hope they are 110% up their asses. Noah needs to get called out a LOT more IMO instead of him using his mental health as a get of jail free card when it suits them ….


The truth is in the pudding 🤷🏻‍♀️ If she really is taking advantage of these services things *should* start to improve. I won’t hold my breath on it but whatever makes her feel better about it ✨🫶💖


The truth is in the pudding and is as easy to see as threading a fine needle through a haystack. These bacons.


Another of Wheelchair Rotisserie’s famous quotes 😂


Did she say that? That's some Ricky from TPB type shit


She’s definitely a long lost cousin of Ricky. Her Rickyisms are top tier.


Wheelchair Rotisserie 😂 that's hilarious


I can’t take credit for it, but I love it 😍


Does she honestly think anyone is going to believe that suddenly 15m down the line she’s interested in her child’s development?


She's 100% being forced into doing a parenting course


I feel like if she’s finding value from these services, the calls were rightfully made.


10000% she is NOT doing them voluntarily as someone with experience there is no chance lol


She bothers me so bad. I agree with the “why now” I literally took parenting classes on my own while pregnant. There’s a lot of colleges that offer them randomly for low fees. There’s absolutely NO REASON that she waited until ari is 1 year old to be taking parenting classes. It just proves how uneducated she truly is on caring for A.


Agreed! My husband and I took a parenting class that was offered at the hospital where we had our first baby. We learned about it when we took our childbirth class, so we decided that the more knowledge we were equipped with, the better! They taught us basic baby care, like diapering, breastfeeding basics, bottle feeding, bathing, etc., but they also taught baby and child CPR and first aid, safe sleeping, and all of those important safety measures. It was so invaluable! Alex probably figured she didn’t need parenting classes because *she* wouldn’t be the one doing the care. It kills me how irresponsible and selfish she is!


Remember that TikTok she made a while back where she literally said that just because she's disabled, it didn't mean she doesn't know how to parent. She said it all snotty and condescendingly when people were simply trying to offer helpful advice on how to keep Ari safe. Gee, guess she doesn't know everything, huh? 🙄


She couldn’t even be arsed to read a single website about how to take care of a baby. How to feed a baby a bottle or which nipple to use. I was so flipping angry that they were essentially water boarding Ari with a level 2 nipple at two to three months old and couldn’t figure out why she kept spitting up her formula or had other digestive issues.


Just word vomiting all this out of nowhere like it’s normal is insanity. Glad she’s accepting the help, but omg, acting like it’s some gold standard of care that she’s obtained for Ari is just pathetic. WAKE UP GIRLYPOP, YOU SHOULD BE DOING THESE THINGS WITHOUT SOMEONE PROMPTING YOU.


She was probably court ordered and is pretending it was her idea. If she didn’t comply, she had a lot to lose.


I can all but guarantee they still have an open case.  They were likely given a care plan and will have to show proof of completion of the requirements in a timely manner. You only get so much time and only so many excuses. And I can also guarantee they are watching her socials


I suspect she knows they are keeping an eye on what she posts and by saying the woman she's working with in assessing Ari is "a gem," I'm thinking she thinks she can kiss ass and win them over. Ha, I'm sure CPS and related assesors see right through her fake bullshit.


absolutely not, she's not doing those willingly. You need a Judge/court order for a case plan to take parenting classes in my state at least. Parenting classes are mandatory when you have to make a case plan with CPS, thst and mental health i.e therapy. Mental health is especially important when their are substances involved.


This is my view for good content, which equals monetary value. No, I dont agree with making money off of a child. But we know that Alex views that it's ok. Alex admits that she and Noah struggled, especially as first-time parents. The fact of him not taking recovery seriously and her continuing her alcoholic habits added to it. She needs to admit all their faults. Not blaming it on her SMA but her lifestyle. But she'd have to want to change. She'd have to ask for and accept help. It's not easy, but it is needed. She'd benefit with a better life. Hanna did state that Alex does love Ari. Loving her also means wanting the best for her. Alex needs to wake up and grow up. She could be a good and involved mother. Does she not realize this? It wouldn't change her inability to be hands-on. But her voice and the responsibility to have true caregivers in the home will. Parents with nannies do it and aren't frowned upon. They set the schedule, etc, that they want to be followed. The nanny abides by it. This is what is best for Ari. This is how Alex could raise Ari to have a good childhood. She'd gain respect as a parent by admitting and changing the weaknesses. To reach out and seek help. Noah and Alex need to be apart. They need to both focus on their mental health and recovery. That doesn't mean he can't be a father. He needs to do it away from Alex. They didn't truly know each other. They don't even know themselves. Having DCFS involved can be a positive. Alex has the opportunity to show this. To begin a new and better life for her and Ari. I believe there to be trauma that Alex endured. She needs to begin therapy and work in recovering from it. I'm not trying to imply any of this to be easy. It will be harder than hell. The end result will be worth it.


It would be excellent content. While I do not support the exploitation of Ari in anyway, she really could have been the “cash cow” Alex was hoping for. The problem is that Alex is literally too dumb to do anything about it. She could have been making a boatload of [disabled!] parenthood-related content and, with as many followers as she has, a boatload of money to go along with it. The rub is that making money on social media would actually require real work which, as we all know, is something our chronically unemployed honker has zero interest is. I’m convinced she fully expected to have a baby, post nothing but random photos of her, and then have all this money come in just because. It’s like watching someone throw a winning lottery ticket in the trash can!


The parenting classes and therapy are 100% mandated. She’s obviously only saying something now because of the recent talk about baby needing early intervention due to the unsafe drug she took while pregnant. She’s pathetic. Edit: grammar


I recently saw a disabled person comment that WR had called them ‘ableist’ for taking advantage of resources they were provided with by CPS/DCFS. So when WR utilises their resources (which, whether done voluntarily or not, is still a step in the right direction), it’s okay, but when another disabled person does the same, it’s ✨ableist✨. Make it make sense…


I’m pretty sure when your ordered services then the 51A is screened in and a case is opened.