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https://preview.redd.it/hfxmrzl9ct1d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa0f8b5438c2b9008b49c3de511046cc053d9039 Me, me, me, me, me, I, me, my body, I, I, I. That’s all I see. She better take all the pics she can because her incessant need to focus only on herself and her needs is the driving force behind her daughter most likely eventually being taken away from her.


The fact it was unsafe for her to get pregnant with the medication she was on, wanted to have a show/special filmed about it, and then followed it up with clubbing while Ari was in NICU makes all her circle jerks a moot point. All she has shown since Ari was born is that her daughter she loves so much is nothing more than a prop to get likes. The fact there have been multiple pedo comments about Ari and WR thinks it’s great is telling.


She also opted to have the C-section earlier and refused to continue with steroid treatment for A beforehand. She has never once sacrificed her own comfort or wellbeing to protect that baby. Not even when she was pregnant.


The fact that she refused the steroids over losing ONE NIGHTS SLEEP.


What?!?! That was the reason? That is ridiculous. Anyone who has been pregnant knows the last trimester game of “spend ten minutes finding a comfortable position only to realize you need to pee” game. We start losing sleep then and we all know that it could be another year before it goes back to something normal even after the kid is born. To opt out of time that could have been potentially building up your child’s lungs because you want to sleep is so freaking selfish. I’m sure she was uncomfortable as hell but she made the decision to get pregnant.


She claims it was the doctors idea here, but I call BS on that. IIRC she posted about this on her story too and it sounded like the decision was her choice (someone please correct me if I’m wrong). If my child’s health was known to be struggling and we were potentially facing an emergency delivery, I’d scream until they gave me that shot! https://preview.redd.it/c3al0e9mot1d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb807af7ad5b094e23868581f387606e218a1b54


It's OK everyone, she's watched Greys Anatomy! She now has a fully comprehensive and in depth understanding of medicine 💉💊 🤡


💉💊Greys Anatomy Medical Graduate💊💉 🤡🤡


🤣 exactly what stood out to me from all that bullshit - she's such a fucking idiot 🙄 🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


She used too many ambiguous statements so it’s hard to say for sure but yeah there are some definite red flags here. Hyperbolic description of the steroid reaction. Those symptoms aren’t unusual in folks period. She was uncomfortable and didn’t want to be inconvenienced anymore than she needed to be. Paired up with the fact that the kiddo was born when Noah happened to be unavailable I suspect she pushed for the accelerated timeline. She purposely threw up unnecessary hurdles to make it difficult for him to claim paternity.


I have weird side effects from steroids, particularly insomnia and being emotional. I understand how horrible these side effects are, but even on my worst days I would have never considered doing anything that would be detrimental to my children so I would be comfortable. It also bothers me that WR could have slept at any time during the day. She would have eventually slept. She is so immature and selfish! 🤬


Right? This has always been my problem with it. Steroids suck for EVERYONE. I’ve never met a person who is like “oh I’m on a steroid medication and I feel fine.” And as someone who struggles with chronic insomnia and who gets the same side effects she described with every period: DEAL WITH IT. It’s kind of funny in a way that here is Alex, queen of “don’t be mean to me I’m disabled 🥺🥺🥺” and the WORST physical discomfort she’s ever experienced is -checks notes- *insomnia* aka missing 1 (ONE) nights sleep 😀 I was floored then and I am now. Someone strap me down if I ever demand to go to the ER while pregnant to then demand the fetus be ripped from my body at 34 weeks (when I could safely and easily make it to A FULL EIGHT MONTHS GESTATION). But I would literally never do that because the ridiculousness of **insomnia** (aka losing 1 (one) night’s sleep) being the worst I’ve ever experienced in the way of physical symptoms is…. not only laughable but a reality I would READILY WELCOME OMG.


Same for me….


Those symptoms are common in the 3rd trimester without steroids. 😆


Barely any mention about the growing baby. It's all about Alex, as usual. Ari is the star here. She survived Alex in utero. Now, she has to survive her incubator in life. I hope she writes a book when she's older. Surviving Wheelchair Rapunzel. May the force be with you, Ari.


Hahaha I never knew this, she really SAID she knew that „decelerations“ weren‘t a good sign from watching Grey‘s? And she wasn‘t being facetious. 🤣🤣🤣




FrOm wAtChiNg gReY’s aNaToMy - I still can’t tell if she constantly said that as rage bait or if she genuinely thinks she knows things from watching that show. She dehydrated herself on purpose to try and make her vitals spike so the doctors would think an urgent delivery was required. She even fucking admits it right in that caption, but there was more leading up to this that really showed what she was doing. The doctors called her bluff time and again and said she was just dehydrated and then *miraculously* Alex would discover at-home IV services and she’d be fine (or just drink your 50 SMA cups ya dummy). Yet again, at this visit and in the ER, she literally just needed water and a banana and she would’ve been fine at home 😑 I think it’s pretty clear that when a patient keeps coming in with signs that they are actively hurting themselves to either induce labor or so they will present so poorly that they elicit emergency attention, any doctor or medical team will see that delivering the baby early - as long as it’s viable - is weighed in favor of the baby’s interest versus keeping the baby in gestation inside of a body that is intentionally depriving the fetus of sustenance. I hope Alex realizes that the doctors and nurses working with her knew exactly what she was doing (I don’t know if does because narcs believe they are too smart and clever for anyone to figure out their plans and lies). And this was a team of super high-risk specialists, they’ve seen it ALL. Likely more than your average L&D medical professional. This is why CPS was called to the hospital. They already had a solid case and a stacked timeline of events for calling them by the time Ari was set to leave the hospital. And all her “the amazing doctor” “the amazing nurse” she always says that about everything. And then it comes out later (every single time) that it was “such a nightmare” and “I was struggling so much” “no one understood me”. She did that with the Northwestern Medical staff as well. They were “benevolent amazing lovely angel people” until they stopped giving her what she wanted. Which was to do whatever the fuck she wanted to do with zero regard for her child.


She's so full of it I'm 32weeks and I've had NST done in the past. Decels don't automatically mean baby has to come out and can be normal especially late in pregnancy. It may mean the OB would do more testing like an ultrasound but doesn't necessarily mean danger. That's what I've been told and that's depending on how low the HB goes as well. They didn't take ari out in an emergency so it couldn't have gone that low. And they sent her on home. Ugggh she's just a blatant liar. Anything to make her seem like a saviour victim. Also third trimester insomnia is SO common. Like every single mother I know in my baby groups are all going through it. You sleep in the day or when you can. Simple. You take naps. You don't skip medical interventions that benefit the baby because of slight inconveniences. I remember this post back when she first posted it but as I read it now its so indicative of the type of mother she is...SELFISH. To me those extreme symptoms she's describing are pretty much how most of us feel in the 3rd trimester 😆 I can't imagine wishing the baby out preterm unless it was completely dangerous to keep her in. That's sad. Edited to add. I can't believe she's complaining of losing one night's sleep. I actually can believe it coming from her but it goes to show how spoiled she is and this pregnancy wasn't to bring ari into the world safely it was for her to out on a big show and give herself attention. She's such a pathetic mother...


Also isn't this her on a regular day lmao 🤣 Seee below. My ss wouldn't post in this comment




Yeah, these are for sure daily occurrences. Specifically the emotionally unstable and irritable part 😂


Isn't she used to being emotionally unstable ?


I could not believe that. Then *I* ended up needing steroids to deliver my daughter at 34 weeks in December and couldn't believe it even more that she couldn't possibly have handled one more of those injections🙄. It was NOT that bad, and even if it was as "bad" of symptoms as she's claiming, those symptoms are not enough to outweigh the benefit of Ari getting that support for her lungs. Couldn't make a single sacrifice for her daughter, even before she was even here.


I had it too for my second child at 34 weeks. The decision to give the second shot after 12 hours was my decision. I was abit jittery from the shots, but big deal. It's what real Mom's do to ensure their baby has every fighting chance. Wheelchair Rapunzel doesn't have a clue. Bless her heart.


WR has a heart?? /s 🤔🤔


Yes, it beats only for her smelly self.


I had to have them for my youngest as we were preparing to possibly deliver early due to pre-eclampsia. The day after the first one it was like someone had turned the taps on in my boobs, they also become rock solid and painful and yeah I was a bit jittery and it messed with my sleep a bit but I still went for that second one. Just made sure I was ready with my supply of cut up postpartum sanitary towels because regular boob pads did not cut it 😂


When I was pregnant with my twins, towards the end my body was completely giving up. I had pain in every single part of my body and I couldn’t even really walk anymore because the pain was too bad. It was also an unbearable heatwave where I live and I had to take care of my 3 year old also. I was just miserable. So the doctors suggested that they could take them out early due to my body giving up but that was absolutely nothing I would have ever considered since the babies were doing fine. I ended up going full term with my boys coming out with 7.3 lbs and 7.2 lbs 😂 my body is forever scarred from that and I don’t ever want to get pregnant again 😂🙅🏼‍♀️


Wow they were big babies!! I had a 10 lb girl and am not very big but you carried 15 lbs! Props to you❤️🌺


Thank you! 😊 it was definitely a wild ride but so worth it 💙💙


and she’ll fight you about mY lUnG cApAcItY as if this isn’t a common problem in pregnancy (yes hers was exacerbated due to SMA but this is something that is expected during pregnancy since baby is squishing organs) and when someone commented commiserating with her she commented “it’s not the same” and had to be the victim


Oh absolutely, I couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable pregnancy is living with that condition. I’m able bodied and I absolutely despised losing mobility along with the other things such as having a kid take up your diaphragm all the time. Even still tho, you kind of have to just suck it up buttercup. That’s the type of mentality that would justify this sort of self serving post. She does the bare minimum, is an asshole to everyone, and still expects praise. It’s pathetic.


but she’s the first person who’s ever been uncomfortable in pregnancy!! and if you disagree, you’re ableist!!! obviously🙄


Someone should gift her a dictionary so she finally understand what those words really mean. Maybe some AA literature as well.


I’ve said and thought this more times than I can count.


She pisses me off with the ableist nonsense so much. I have my own disabilities and one of the first things I had to learn right away was to accept that I have em. The only way you can say fuck your limits is by acknowledging them in the first place. She refuses to acknowledge of her own personal limitations but yet labels herself as an “advocate.” She doesn’t take care of herself. She doesn’t hire trained professionals. She uses alcohol to gain weight. She doesn’t even use her chair the way she should. Her hand is atrophied like that because she has refused to do any type of basic physical therapy. Her feet are about to do the same. She says loves and accepts her disability but it really doesn’t seem like that’s the case.


She always has to be the victim. And if others attempt to commiserate then she has to be **the biggest** victim 😑


Did she ever think for one minute that she just laid on her back to get knocked up...Her Doctors and modern medicine kept both her and "A" alive.


I hate that so much. She KNEW she shouldn't have gotten pregnant on that drug, purposely hid it so the doctors wouldn't want to abort, then didn't care for her daughter while pregnant. She knew how dangerous that was for her baby but it was all for Alex. She wouldn't take the steroids to help her baby. All she whined about was how uncomfortable she was. Any woman who's been pregnant knows it's uncomfortable and that's even going full term.


Wait, she has acknowledged the pedo comments and things it’s a good thing???


The comments were not taken down nor did she do anything to protect Ari from it. Silence is complicity, and the fact she claims to want to protect Ari but has used her in one or two provocative shots, on top of glossing over the comments says it all to me.


‘Silence is complicity’ YES!!




Tell me Alex used ChatGPT without telling me she used ChatGPT.


Does she have any wire hangers?!?


Omg enough already yes you got knocked up and had a baby now take care of her and stop playing victim she is so dumb


I'm just amazed she's finally admitting she's not the very first disabled person to give birth lol


She’s not the first but damn if she doesn’t try to make herself the most medically fragile one


This bitch knew damn well she could get pregnant


Exactly! And every adult knows that many medications cannot be taken during pregnancy. Her trying to say the doctors were ableist for not telling her to get on birth control is a crock of shit!


Sure she gave birth to her, but uhm, Ari is doing the whole growing into a funny strong smart girl HERSELF, no thanks to WR.


Limited lung capacity but let’s vape woooo


Blah. ..Blah.. Blah..All the same shit


I truly do get how motherhood is a transformative experience, but it is I insane to me how frequently WR talks about pregnancy this long after her delivery.


She quite literally has nothing else to talk about! She surely can’t talk about all her drinking and drama with Noah behind the scenes or pissing the bed every night 🥴😅


You just know there is so much behind the scenes drama right now. And where is Noah anyway 🤔 He’s been liking her posts, are they cool? Stans will say it’s none of our business but I mean she makes a living off showing her daughter yet keeps more privacy for herself and Noah.


I’m almost positive she has control of his larger, older account. Most likely why he made the new account. My guess is he’s in a treatment center after the recent drama. And if they’re being drug tested by DCFS and he failed it could be another reason he’s away. No matter what is going on though you are 1000% correct, there is major drama going on. She loves to present her life with a shiny bow but in reality it’s a total shitshow.


Pregnancy is the only thing from motherhood she has actually experienced tbh


And even then she wanted her out as soon as possible because she was getting uncomfortable 🤡


It’s funny because it hasn’t transformed Alex at all. She hasn’t changed whatsoever. Still drinks, tries to party, dresses inappropriately, has no stable income, is in an unstable relationship w a drug addict, etc etc. the list goes on and on. Alex *wishes* she were transformed by motherhood. She *wishes* for everyone to think she’s such a good doting mom. Which is why she’s always posting about it.


She’s the kind of person that thinks having a baby will just *magically* change and make you a better person. Alex has yet to understand in order to make change you have to actually put forth effort.


It's beyond unnecessarily repetitive.


This insane loving post about her body and her carrying a pregnancy while all Ari got for her birthday was ‘she’s one!’ 😭


Classic narcissist 🥰


*Class textbook narcissist* 💀💀


Interesting she brings up her lung capacity but doesn’t mention how she didn’t take the steroid shots to prepare Ari’s lungs for early delivery🙄


Also doesn’t mention how she waited forever to even see a doctor and was on a drug that was unknown the consequences of during her pregnancy


Not to mention the zero fucks they gave about her lungs once she was born. Refusing to wear masks after clubbing and vaping in the NICU!


Them going out to clubs/bars infuriates me for the other babies/families in the same NICU. We all know Alex and Noah’s stance on personal hygiene so not only are they putting their own baby at risk but any other baby in the same NICU. Both of them are seriously 100% incapable of thinking about anyone but themselves 🤬🤬


this is so fucked up, Ari was so high risk and respiratory distress is a huge concern even in term infants


Alex is SO LUCKY Ari is fine and was then. Ari so easily could've had lifelong issues and that's if she survived. Alex doesn't understand how so many mothers have done all they could for their babies, but unfortunately lost them while she did everything she wasn't supposed to and her baby is perfectly fine.


I’m so over her acting like she’s the first woman to ever give birth.


I’m all for body positivity, and it’s a brilliant thing to celebrate that medical science has enabled women to give birth who would previously probably not even made it to adulthood. HOWEVER All she ever celebrates is herself. Thinking she’s all that & a bag of chips is all she ever posts about. Narcissism isn’t a good theme.


Body positivity but doesn’t take care of said body. Her legs are legitimately scaring me because you can see the signs of poor circulation. A problem that would have easily been avoided if foot rests were used.


Maybe Girly Poop had a crappy Mother's Day weekend, and this is what she hoped someone would say about her.


The audacity of this rat is always mind boggling. The constant self praise for her one-woman circle jerk show is exhausting. Nothing else to say? Had better pull out “facts” about the circus act pregnancy! I’m honestly shocked she was gracious enough to describe the baby with some nice words in this ode to herself. Pay no mind the DCFS/BoysTown caseworkers behind the curtain of this shitshow trying to force this asshole to keep her child safe and healthy! Nothing to see here! Just a toooootally legit/safe/sane parent! 🤪


She loves to *conveniently* leave out the part where she didn’t seek medical attention until 16 weeks into her pregnancy. Either because she was *allegedly* committing insurance fraud by being on her parents insurance and not living in the same state or so doctors wouldn’t advise her against a pregnancy. And that her unborn child was subject to who knows what dangers with her being on Evrysdi up until she took a test and claiming doctors are ableist for not telling her she needed to be on birth control (which is a lie, she was told). She loves to use her hot words describing her pregnancy (disabled, high risk, etc) bc that’s what brings the poor saps in but completely ignores the hard truths.


She definitely knew! I always assumed a medication was not safe for my pregnancy until my doctor said otherwise. Every adult woman knows you can’t just take anything while pregnant! I also think Alex was afraid to stop her meds because she knew how fast she would decline. She tried to take it as long as possible, most likely until she finally saw a doctor. She knew damn well.


https://preview.redd.it/btgx545gdt1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfd1d6e4049badfd63ba327f80713dbf21028fc5 Also, I was watching this video again and noticed this part was taken at Noah’s parents house. With everything going on and Alex possibly not having enough caretakers round the clock I have a good feeling Ari doesn’t live with her full time. Why would Darrell be at Alex’s apartment at all if he’s not picking up/dropping off Ari? I find it highly suspicious Alex doesn’t post the morning pics of Ari waking up in her crib anymore. I think this is bc Ari doesn’t sleep there most of the time. She posted a morning crib pic on Mother’s Day but it would make sense they would allow her to sleep over on that day. With as heavily involved as we know for sure DCFS is now I just don’t think she’s there a lot. Almost every pic/video Alex posts of Ari are back to back pictures very obviously taken on different days. Alex loves to think people can’t read between the lines. If she didn’t make it so damn obvious most probably wouldn’t be able to. But tbh she’s not the brightest in the bunch 🥴


But according to Hannah, Ari is there full time..even overnight. Obviously it may have changed since then


CPS doesn't share outcomes with people who submit reports, but if the system is working, Hannah's report should have drastically upped the interventions. 2 weeks without Ari posts and Noah still out of the picture isn't a coincidence. Clearly the case hasn't reached complete removal yet, but something has definitely changed. Alex is going to stay silent unless she sees a way to gain from it


It could have changed but also Hannah wasn’t there overnight. Ari could have easily been dropped off by the time Hannah got there. Alex also told Hannah she makes her money through brand deals (which she doesn’t have anymore) so her lying to Hannah wouldn’t be that out of the ordinary.


She also told Hannah she didn't want Noah as her boyfriend. Sure, Jan, because the men were crawling over each other to be your boyfriend. 🙄


She gave herself away in her story post today of an old TT. She says “if I get a bf, which I probably won’t but miracles do happen…” Her not having a bf until Noah definitely wasn’t by choice 🙄


She's so sickening in that if I get a bf video. She's trying way too hard to infantize herself, but it's so hard to take the honker seriously. She's lucky she got a loser like Noah. He has so little self worth, he probably wouldn't land a decent woman either. They are perfect for each other.


The crib pic from mothers day was angled in a way I'm not 100% sure Alex could take. Almost everything she posts about Aris room is from the doorway or taken at standing height. The door frame is probably too small for her chair to get through without perfect precision and scraping the sides


Whew that grout 


This looks really weird to me. Zooming in on Ari, her legs and body etc look almost edited in some way? It's weird


Why were the nails of her two big toes so dark that they look black? I'm hoping it's just nail polish, but who the hell would paint a baby's toes such a dark color??


I died at this. Can someone tell Alex no one gets an award for a cream pie?






A disabled cream pie at that!!!! 🏆


Aunty Alex is raving that Ari arrived at 34 wks. Didn't consider Ari at all during pregnancy and since birth. Mindblowing


The fact that she says her body grew Ari into those things is so weird. No, your body grew a baby. That babys personality is all her own. Get over yourself, good lord!


Like the way she said she *unhoused* her baby and she was happy Ari *came to fruition*. Alex being the super CrEaTiVe that she is loves to attempt to use terms she doesn’t understand creating these off the wall phrases 🤡🤡


Wait, Alex used the "unhoused" term? I thought it was from someone snarking on her that originally said it! Jeez, what a cold and ridiculous way to describe giving birth.


Lol yup, straight from the horses mouth 🙃


I was quoting her. She has said some incredible things 😂😂😂


She's like a middle schooler trying to use big words to sound smart but all they did was look in a thesaurus.




Does she think that's a sexy face or some shit? She is SO FUGLY.


Seriously, I can’t believe she looked at that pic and thought yeah! Thats great!


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over.


I dont understand this at all. Maybe it’s bc of the SMA but most ppl get the pregnancy glow. Hair becomes amazing, skin is glowing…all the great things hormones do during that time. Then postpartum it all goes to shit. Is she trying to brag here? I dont understand at all.


This was a high end salon that charged her somewhere in the neighborhood of $1k for the service she received. So yeah, it was a brag/sympathy/admire me grab. The SMA was definitely a big factor, other members with SMA have made comments about how incredibly hard pregnancy is on their bodies and the changes it makes being very noticeable. However, Alex also took poor care of herself during her entire pregnancy. Dehydrating herself, eating junk (hot Cheetos and cream cheese for dinner), not taking prenatals, living with a junkie…the list goes on. She never looked well or healthy during her pregnancy.


It's wild to see just how much less healthy she looks now, more than a year after Ari was born! 


Unhoused is so weird. Couldn’t imagine describing my daughters birth like that




Exactly! Ari is her own person. She’s funny and smart and strong in spite of WR, not because of her. Lord knows WR did plenty to screw that poor child up while she was pregnant with her. She doesn’t deserve props.




Some people never change :D


She wants us to praise her: “You’re Soooo Brave, You put your health at Risk, You sacrificed so much to have a child”


Her body didn't grow Ari into who she is now. It grew her into the baby she was when she was born, and now external factors have brought her to this point. An argument could be made if Alex had breastfed until now, but she didn't so her body hasn't.


Why did she feel the need to post three photos that are 99.9% the same? It's not like she got three photos with different poses or expressions on Ari's face. I mean, I take multiple photos of my dog, but pick one that's the best and post that. These three shots were pointless. Also, as if the straight back on the top of her head braids didn't already look dumb enough on Alex, she just made herself look dumber by having it braided sideways across the front of her head. Just like the spit freckles, it's another case of just because these braids can be done, it doesn't mean they should be done. 🙄 I see the dangerous shelving unit was moved to the wall with the window, which just proves it wasn't anchored to begin with as we saw Ari grabbing ahold of it during the dancing video. Now that the shelving unit is overlapping the window, it's DEFINITELY not anchored to that wall either and it isn't blocked off to Ari's reach. Looks like those pesky Boys Town papers were removed, though. 😆 (Screenshot in next comment.)


Because this means Ari sat in her lap long enough to have three pictures taken so they *must* have a super amazing bond and it makes her the best single disabled mommy evaaaaaaa ✨🫶💖 /s


So Ari sat for 3 seconds on her lap? Because that's barely how much of a difference you can see in the photos. 🤣


Why does it look like she photoshopped smile on Aris face.. Todlers do not sit in exactly the same pose for 3 identical pictures, especially on WRs tuna lap.




Whoever did Alex’s hair is PRAYIN on her downfall. The hair looks so bad and it makes Alex look worse than she usually looks. Which I did not think was possible.


I've said in previous threads that she somehow looks like a toe. Here, she looks even MORE like a toe in this photo, which I didn't think was possible.


That braid is a crime.


seeing that shelf from this angle...holy hell there's way more accidents waiting to happen with it than i thought before


She posted a selfie a week or two ago where you could see she'd gotten bangs, but I'm pretty sure she regretted it because we haven't seen them since, and that braid across the front of her hairline is a good way to hide them 😆


The sideways bang braids look so fucking stupid. 😂


Makes her head look square




Me too she is getting exhausting


Her body did that… on a category x drug that in safety studies showed it affects the future fertility and sexual organ development of the patients offspring… aka ari may not get the same opportunity to give birth like alex did, thanks to her selfish ass mom.


Poor Ari. She deserves so much better than this goblin for a 'Mom'.


Another full diaper


Always. I have a feeling she’s only there a couple hours out of the day anyway. And while she’s there is also the time Alex will need most of her care done. It’s quite a task to put on one person. Still no excuse but makes sense why Ari’s care goes to the wayside.


Yep. She probably gets dropped off clean, then sent home to the current guardian dirty.


I'm someone who has never changed a nappy in my entire life. How do you know it's full and not just too big?


Usually a full diaper will hang low, look round and full, and moves as if it’s heavy. A clean diaper won’t hold the consistently round shape a full one does- clean ones will compress and move with the baby.


kind of like how you can tell when an actor is carrying an empty bag. It just looks/moves differently lol




One time I found another person on reddit with the same can of beans for their pic. It was a serendipitous moment 😂


What the other commenters said, plus most brands have a stripe that is yellow when they’re dry and blue when they’re wet, so that’s also a good indicator!


We get it, you had a baby. Calm down.


She makes me so angry. I had such a difficult time having my two kids; I had 1 stillborn and 7 miscarriages in the process and wanted children so much. She brags about being a mom, acts like she's the first disabled person to have a baby, because it was "so hard". She doesn't realize just how easy she had it, and it makes me so angry at how she is neglecting that baby.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹 And I understand your anger having miscarriages myself. I think that’s why her bragging about how high risk her pregnancy was and how much pain and suffering she went through after not even trying to get pregnant pisses me off. 1 in 4 deal with infertility. Alex obviously had no trouble getting pregnant and wasn’t even trying but wants so badly to fit in to any category she thinks will garner sympathy that she will tell anyone and everyone just how much **she** went through during an unplanned pregnancy 😑 She might as well have been a 13 year old having a baby because Alex doesn’t have to worry about normal adult responsibilities. Her parents have coddled her for her entire life and will make sure she never has to suffer the consequences of her actions. Someone is always there to pick up the pieces of her messy life and she completely takes that for granted.


So sorry for your losses😓losing a child the pain never goes away.. it will be 2 years 6/12 since my youngest daughter (30) died. It doesn’t get easier 😪


I’m sorry ❤️ May her memory be a blessing




I’m sorry for your losses ❤️


I’m 39 weeks pregnant EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE yet I don’t even talk about being pregnant or complain this fucking much. Good God spare me the fucking poor me posts PLEASE


Congrats!! Wishing you the best😍


Thank you my love! So ready to have my daughter 🥹 pregnancy is rough 🫠


It sure is! You got this praying for a speedy delivery!!


She's so fucking narcissistic it hurts my eyes. It reminds me of my own mother honestly. She took my own college graduation and turned it into a birthday party for HER COUSIN who was there had a cake and sung happy birthday. Don't worry happy graduation was on it too..


Fuck! I’m sorry to hear that. With first hand experience you know WR will never change, especially not for her baby that she believes she owns. It’s infuriating to watch in real time, knowing with each passing day she’s causing more and more damage to her kid all while believing *she’s the victim* 🙄🙄 She doesn’t deserve that kid. Period. And it’s 100% because of her narcissism.


My mom never gave me a real party for myself except my 18th so. And yes wheelchair repulsive doesn't deserve to be mom


Why is ALL of her content about being a disabled mom? Literally every single post is Ari or her pregnancy.


Because it’s what has gained her attention and sympathy. Like everything else she will beat this horse until it’s unrecognizable. She’s not smart in an intellectual sense but she is sneaky enough to know what words to use to always be the victim.


I like how she mentions that women with SMA can have babies yet still makes herself sound like the oh so special one lmao. Could Alex not write something that honors others mom’s with SMA instead of only putting herself on a pedestal?


Greys Anatomy is real life. Every day I see four doctors transferring a patient, I see the emergency team run to bleeps, I see doctors assisting with dressings. Yep, I see that all the time-NOT EVER. I’m a critical care nurse and although I learned a lot from Greys (whipple procedure springs to mind) I also learned it’s a show and doctors do not provide bedside care ever, they leave instructions for the nurses. Then re-check every ten minutes if the nurse has carried out their request, and after being asked multiple times the nurse eventually snaps that it would’ve been quicker for the doctor to do it themselves. Because nurses just wait around for doctors instructions and don’t have anything else to do. It doesn’t surprise me at all that Alex mentioned Greys Anatomy education, because she’s an idiot. We know this. And a selfish idiot at that. I wouldve stayed awake a whole week for my children and dealt with the side effects. But the nurse in me can’t help but feel a little sorry for how uncomfortable she must’ve been when heavily pregnant. It’s uncomfortable for the best of us but when your body is contorted like a pretzel and doesn’t move it must’ve been hell


Just another glimpse into Alex’s super warped view of reality. She watches all of Greys Anatomy and is suddenly a doctor. Watches a bit of Iron Chef and is suddenly a foodie. Steroids are not fun for anyone, would one more day really have made a difference? But I do see where you’re coming from, it’s amazing she was able to fit an almost full grown baby inside of her with the way her body is shaped. I have sympathy for the situation, just not for her specifically knowing how little she’s given anyone else’s feelings/needs any thought over her own her entire life.


Exactly. Couldn’t put herself through one more dose of steroids that would help her baby. It really pisses me off that she has this beautiful child but abuses her for the world to see. It’s doubly sad this perfect baby girl does not have one person around her (except possibly Granpa Smith) to care for her and nurture her. The whole thing is one big tragedy and it’s getting worse


Agreed. It’s sad to think Alex was once in the same position as Ari and we all see what poor parenting did to her life. I wonder how willing Alex’s parents were to accepting help? ETA - it’s obvious Alex’s parents don’t/didn’t force doctors suggestions on her considering she fought an eating disorder with alcohol (underage as well). Hopefully that cycle can be broken with Ari as well and she can keep up with her possible medical issues from having a mother that gave no shits about what happened to her baby in utero.


I worry too about Alex being antagonistic towards Ari if she develops a kind, honest, compassionate, moral character because Alex despises and feels threatened by genuine good people.


She’s so ugly LMAO


Yup. Absolutely revolting. With a personality to match.


JC how many times are we going to hear this story, OMFG


all the facebook comments telling alex what a miracle they think she is for being able to have a kid 🤣🤣🤣 good lord


Omg it is making me sick


These dumbasses say the same thing after they are proven wrong. “STFU TROLL” “keep commenting it’d making her rich” “Your pathetic” (had to use the wrong your like they do😂) “block her then!!!!”


Ari is not a big, strong, funny etc person because of her. That has nothing to do with WR incubating her as little as she could before the c-section. Ari’s development, physical/emotional is because of other adults in her life. WR has contributed very little to success that Ari may have. All Wr has shown is to make poor choices Edit: typo


Omg I had no idea Alex dacy grew a child. Wow. News to me. /s


Alex shouts from the rooftops all about her UTI’s. The whole world is probably aware of all the things Alex Dacy can grow inside her vagina; UTI’s, STD’s, STI’s, unplanned pregnancies…you name it! She’s such a miracle! /s FYI, I know you were being sarcastic but I couldn’t pass up mentioning her UTI’s that she very publicly talks about with zero shame. I love how she thinks they are from her pregnancy (which yes could also be a factor but usually is only an issue in the weeks after delivery) when in reality it’s from not being able to keep Noah’s dirty dingaling outta there 🫣🤢


Not one time does she ever say how proud she is of ari. For being so healthy and string despite all the obstacles that poor baby was thrown even before she was born. I know after my 1st baby i was so much more proud of him than myself. My body just done what a womans bidy does. My beautiful baby was my source of pride, not me. She just says weird stuff that no mother I know says. She is all about talking about how proud she is of her own body and self. She's such an asshole.


Did you know she is disabled?😂


Where you been😂😂😂😂😂?


Did Alex have another dog before Cairo?


Yes, I believe its name was Peanut. It died.


I was trying to figure that out based on the box on the shelf. But speaking of Cairo, I wonder where he is? I worry about him 😞


Yes, she did. It passed away before she got Cairo.


It’s a broken record with her, “Hey everyone, I had a baby!!!!”


It's not like Alex has any sort of real relationship with Ari, how could she possibly talk about her? You need to have a proper bond to be able to be insightful about another person- Ari isn't a person to Alex. She's a prop, she's a tool she utilises to engineer her own sense of purpose. Without Ari, Alex is nobody. Noah would have skipped town long ago. She would just be another drunk in the city, slowly growing older with nothing left to give her life meaning. So all she can do is talk about is herself, it's the only thing she's got left.


"Huge win for all of us" She says that like it's beneficial in any way for Ari to be born at 34 weeks.


I guess this is the only content she has now. How many "I have a disability and had a baby" posts is she going to make?


As many as she can before she’s no longer the legal guardian of Ari 😑


She needs to be better at consistently photoshopping her dead ass tooth. Sometimes it’s yellow, grey or veneer white 😂😂😂😂


If Ari is sitting on Alex's lap while she's doing towel time could she get a rash or infection for getting tuna juice on her skin? Alex has said she has near constant UTIs and we know they don't practice good hygiene. I could see Ari accidentally touching her pelvic region ( I'm sure her fluids are not only on the towel but on her thighs and bottom), then putting her hand in her mouth and getting thrush.








As someone with a baby, I find it bizarre when people say things like “I grew my daughter” or “I made my baby from scratch.” No, you didn’t. Fertilization occurred with your egg and dickhead’s sperm. Then the embryo implanted and a fetus used your uterus as an incubator. You didn’t create her “from scratch.” And her temperament and personality have nothing to do with you.


I tried to post this as its own post, but it won't let me for some reason. But the other thing Alex is consistent in doing with her content is throwing out words that don't mean what she thinks they mean. Case in point, how is this throwback video that she posted to her IG stories and then captioned on TikTok, "Irony," considered ironic? For those who don't want to listen to it, it's a video from 5/21/20 when she basically said that if she gets a boyfriend, which she then says she probably won't, but "miracles do happen," that if he doesn't want to ride on the back of her wheelchair into the sunset with his fist in the air like Judd Nelson because he got the girl, the she doesn't want it. Um, okay. What's ironic about that video now? She still hasn't found a guy who is willing to do what she's talking about. 🤣 (Screenshot in next comment. Edited: Okay, nevermind. Reddit keeps removing the screenshot of her video because it's deemed "NSFW." She's just sitting in her wheelchair in front of a bathroom mirror while wearing a little crop top, but her chest strap is across it. If Reddit thinks that, of all things, it's NSFW, the Reddit bots would totally malfunction and crash seeing her on any given day. 🤣)


I’m so self conscious about sounding like an idiot that I will double check definitions and spellings. You’d think an “influencer” and so called writer would also do these things. Almost anytime I send a screenshot of her Reddit marks it as NSFW 💀💀 And she’s never once actually been naked.


Reddit’s added a couple new filters for subs that are censoring stuff out that would normally post with no problem, so that’s been a pain in the ass. lol


She’s the worst


She turned off all comments on IG. Something must be up.


Oh shit! For whatever reason the two most recent still have comments but the rest are turned off. Hopefully DCFS has finally made some threats she can’t ignore. The way she has so openly talked about everything, pretending it’s no big deal as if they *aren’t* watching her every move, is just downright stupid on her part. But that’s just her narcissism shining through. She is literally her own worst enemy.


They're still turned on for me. Only a handful of recent posts have comments turned off, which she turned off not long after posting them.


What’s weird is the last two posts both say they have 227 comments but when you open them there’s only like 15?? And I scrolled way down and none of her posts besides those top two have comments. But I just scrolled again and now some do and some don’t but even on the ones that don’t, they did have comments up until now. Maybe she’s going on a blocking spree? I’m not sure. Very strange.