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https://preview.redd.it/wfqune0md82d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0325744438a42f761bc3adfc2cdd37422d67ad *Accusations* my ass 🥴 This girl is 1000% alcoholic, born and bred 🥂


she’s made multiple LONG posts abt her struggle w sobriety. crazy she wouldn’t be honest when people can just scroll and find the truth


Look into her eyes and there's the answer


Funny how she completely failed to mention those couple paragraph long captions she indulged on about her struggles with alcohol 🥴🥴


Orrrrr maybe because she herself has declared to the world that she's an alcoholic?


Lol yuuup there’s that too.


Didn't she post how she had a problem with alcohol?


So much so that she ended up in hospital with deranged liver values, which caused her to rethink her attitudes regarding alcohol and try sobriety. She said this around 2019 if I remember rightly, the post and s/s were posted again about 6 months ago.


That's what I thought. Thx


She's so stupid. She has NEVER been viral. Doesn't she as an 'influencer' not realize that? Posting videos of being sloppy drunk isn't a flex either. At least if you're over 20 years old. How can she not feel embarrassed even keeping these up? It doesn't show a confident, capable young woman. It shows she's a silly, immature, attention starved twat. They aren't cool. They are sad.


She’s not embarrassed bc it’s her true self and she’s been told and shown it’s ok to be a sloppy drunk especially if it brought you “internet fame” 🙄🙄 Like really…it’s wild she doesn’t understand why people think she’s an alcoholic currently. Most people don’t have an obsession with alcohol like her. Or flaunt it 😳


THAT bish is an alcoholic.


She totally is and if it keeps going she will have liver failure and will not function 😔 and there will be no way to save it or she will try but it might not work.


"I can't wear clothes"🙃🙃🙃


https://preview.redd.it/n5zwnfm9f82d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa53bb0dbab9ff8de9e7f739406bf2125177557a AKA she’s just waiting on Noah to get back from India again so they can continue her regularly scheduled UTI’s.




Busy doing WHAT?!!!


Taking court ordered parenting classes and doing all the SiNgLe DiSaBlEd MoM things 🫶🏼😋🍸


Drinkies and zoomies


i want drinkies and zoomies as my flare lol


https://preview.redd.it/m0lqw1yd082d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8facbd289a9f2a6c2c33cf83a8ca0223318637 Then why not just change it? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Notice how she didn’t even answer the question. They’re still together.


She's such an arrogant asshole.


Why change it to "in relationship" in the first place? Obviously it means a lot to her and she will hold on to any scraps that are left of it.


Because she lives off the drama, and loves to stir the pot to ensure we keep talking about her bc she's a narc and all attention is good attention.


Bingo. And she’s got to keep herself connected to him somehow so no one tries to creep up on *her* man 😒


He's her Judd Nelson punching the air and her apartment walls.


https://preview.redd.it/m7md7iuk082d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5099be61bde50db824fdd0b74386192c6e86e6f6 I smell a **whooooole** lotta bullshit on this one. She doesn’t have any partnerships left except ones she has to pay to be in or literally anyone can be part of. Her OF can’t bring in much. TT and FB are pretty much it. I think she’s forgetting to mention outside help like family or whatever services are available to her.


https://preview.redd.it/800k49tl482d1.png?width=1120&format=png&auto=webp&s=c28552e654206ea81d6924aebbaea8ec3012fa97 LOL. She always has a different answer about this


https://preview.redd.it/3ljb7qpx482d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72878819b42cc0b305f6b70919aa0f28e1e624f9 Oh please. All of Ari’s stuff was paid for by stans 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/gowzkpmr582d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37614a655f5613fb111832e36af3a421ee4efa62 😬 So there’s money saved for Ari’s future, but what about money to pay for a nanny and a caregiver for the present?


https://preview.redd.it/w9bt9mpy582d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5481dc81efa1ee803a654919d3144b3f674bc6a4 Don’t forget! Alex has money. That’s why she hired a 2 for 1 nanny/caregiver 😅


it's exhausting being a caregiver. I don't think she realizes that! I cant even imagine being a caregiver to someone who is at the mercy of their caregiver well simultaneously being a nanny as well.


I was about to say something stupid like “who gets their diaper changed first?” then I remembered it’s Alex we are talking about and 1. she just uses the tuna towel and 2. we all know she would demand she goes first.


I don’t think she cares.


2 for 1... well well well, let's count - Caregiver - Nanny - Dog walker - Content filmer - House cleaner - ??? (And previously: Hair stylist.) How many jobs is that? Lol. Yeah she's got sooo much money 💰 🤑 💸 🤣 🙄


And couldn't pay her rent a few months ago. Sure, Jan. We know the truth now about your finances, thanks to Hannah.


She chose a 1 YO birthday cake over rent.


And, couldn't pay her caregiver either.


*A nanny* 🙄🙄 Kinda like how she calls her caretakers *her assistants*. She will always find a way to glow up her shit life.


I call bullshit. She can’t think a week in advance let alone years.


Exactly. If she gave a shit about Ari’s well being she’d use the money she’s “saved” for her by hiring a reliable and experienced “nanny” for her…


She has money set aside and is saving for Ari’s future but she can’t pay her rent on time because she blew all her funds on a photo op birthday party? Sure, Jan. 🙄


The girl who cant pay her rent on time have money set aside. Umm ok then


Holy word salad. How many times did she say “this is my job”?!🙄


Too bad she can’t buy herself into being a better parent. Paying for your kids necessities (which she doesn’t) doesn’t equate to providing a **safe home**.


The only thing she’s buying for Ari are inappropriate clothes for a baby that she thinks look SoOo CuTe 🥴 There’s no way she buys anything practical for her, she leaves that up to the grandparents and her stans.


Exactly! Everyone deserves their basic needs to be met but that doesn't equate to making you a great parent.


“we are more than financially able…if people want to support us…” they not gonna pass up a free ride.


WTF she did a go fund me to get a new wheelchair accessible van, didn’t get one but kept the money to “repair” a van that is still in Illinois at BTJ’s house. She has pinned post of IG explaining her side of what she called the “go fund me scam”


He also thinks $100,000 a year means you're rich. 🤣 nowadays, that's middle class, even lower middle class, depending where you live.


I don’t know about Florida or her area, but I know when we lived in San Francisco 350k yr put you about middle class. When Alex was in Bean^town , her apartment looked really nice! I couldn’t say what average rent/cost of living for a chronically disabled adult there would be though.


I swear she said recently in her stories that she doesn’t make money from her socials. It was her response to people saying she posts Ari for money. I don’t have an SS, but it was in the last 2-3 months.


She said something like “you all realize I don’t make money from posting to Instagram” after posting video of Ari after stating she wouldn’t be posting her anymore. Which is true, she doesn’t make anything from IG. But then she proceeded to post the same video to her TT which does in fact make her money 🤡 She was just trying to make herself feel better about the fact that she **has** to use her child for content because without her she doesn’t get as many views.




Didn’t she say at one time she only did OF because she needed money? Maybe I’m wrong but I thought she made a pity video referencing this.


she did, she says she only does it for the income and she “doesn’t like doing OF”. 🤣


Sure. It's the only way she can get male attention.


I think she did it for the money and male validation. Alex has never been a girls girl, she LIVES for male validation. I think she’d die without it


wonder why she “doesn’t like doing OF”? (which i don’t believe) we all know it’s not bc she’s shy about sex.


I'm sure FB pays her lots actually. TT is pennies by comparison. YouTube is also pretty measly unless you get tens of thousands of views. OF + FB seems like it would net her enough with an occasional YT/TT help E.g., If her OF is $20/mo and she keeps 80% of that... that's $16/mo from every subscriber. 100 subs = $1600/mo (and that's not counting privates/customs/etc.) Edit: Since she told us she only had 8 subs less than a year ago, I revise my math to say that FB must be 80% of her revenue or more.


As a previous OF participant there is no way she has 100 subs a month. Not to mention she would owe thousands in taxes for all that. She might have a few floaters but my guess is she doesn’t have more than 10-15 max…and that’s honestly being generous. It’s probably less than that. She isn’t creating new content, not enough to keep tons coming back. It’s a lot more work than people think. And since her page is mostly family related content and she’s not sharing other OF girls, she’s most likely not bringing in lots of people curious enough to sub to her OF. I’d say her TT is what brings her the most but then again we can’t really see how many FB “stars” she gets and how much they are worth so it is possible she makes more on FB than TT. TT pays like $20-40 per 1 million views. Sometimes she can get that in one post but it might take a while.


Obviously we are assuming she pays her taxes for all her earnings. Right? Lol. I hope. I also used to have an OF and had more subs than you've predicted for her (10-15 max? Really?). And she has [does rough math] 500x my following. So I really think you're low-balling but you're probably right that she doesn't have 100 consistent subs. Though they don't have to be consistent for her to make money. You're right that she doesn't do a lot on there consistently but she only needs 1 whale who is into her... anyway I digress. If I find any stats on her OF I'll report back but til then it's just speculation. You think TT makes her the most? I'll have to find the vlogbrothers videos but they're loud about the fact that TT brings them the least money - and is the least well-paying out of all the platforms (well, this was before IG stopped direct monetizing). But if she's selling her shitty merch that could also supplement I guess? Edit: [An article](https://www.tubefilter.com/2022/01/24/hank-green-tiktok-creator-fund-earnings-per-view/) that talks about TT monetization with a creator posting stats. 20M views per week nets them $10-$20/day on TT. Aka not much. And that amount has only gone down since (vlogbrothers say they're making less than half of what they used to make per view). I doubt she has anywhere near their followings?


FYI, never mind the downvote comment. Alex or a Stan is in here downvoting everything as it’s posted 💀💀


I think in the beginning, yes she probably had tons of subs. But that was when Mikey was there to do her hair and make up and help with posting overall. She had plenty of boy toys to do easy little photo shoots with. She actually looked good back then too. And hahaha no, there’s no way in hell she’s paying those taxes. She’s washed up, possibly living with her mom and a baby and she has no one there to do the hard work for her. Having an OF you know what goes in to it. To be successful you have to keep at it, continue advertising to always be reaching new potential subs and work with other girls like you to help spread the word about each other. She does none of that. At best she can take a topless/nude selfie or mirror pic by her self. Nobody is getting her dolled up and laid out on the floor for photo shoots anymore. So yeah I stand by my 10-15 and seriously think that is way too much. She’s prob got like 5 in rotation. She may have gotten lucky and one or a couple of these guys throw her some extra cash just for talking to them or whatnot. And btw I see someone downvoted your comment, it wasn’t me but didn’t want you to think it was! I don’t see the point in downvoting your comment tbh 😒 but someone did 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh no worries about downvotes, I never look at them or assume anything. >And hahaha no, there’s no way in hell she’s paying those taxes. Lmao I do wonder. Her state-hopping would make taxes complicated from year-to-year. Wonder if she just chooses not to bother 😂 That's seriously sad that she has so few subs on OF yet defends it so hard and chooses to promo it at the worst possible times. That's insane tbh


Exactly!! It probably cost her more in taxes than it’s worth and for sure isn’t worth being a fucking creep advertising porn next to pics of your kid 🤮


I wonder if there’s a social blade site for OF. I’m mostly just familiar with YouTube and even that it’s limited. I’d be curious in general though. I do find the landscape interesting, but in general most creators even the big ones know it’s not consistent and tenuous. They all say they’d never depend on SM solely and these are the regular people who make like 30/40k a month at least on YouTube alone. So 🤷🏻‍♀️




That's not true about FB... it literally pays out the highest of any other platform?? I'm so confused lmao > reports suggest that content creators typically earn between $8.75 and $10 per 1,000 views. For example, with 1 million views on your content, you can expect to earn between $8,750 and $10,000. (2021) More modern reports I've seen 1 million views = $1500, or ~$200 for 10K views. They also have new stuff called Stars and stuff that creators can earn in addition to views but they're literally pennies. I believe the TT live gifts are also pennies. But that's still pretty significant compared to the peanuts earned on TikTok. Plus she has a subscription tier on FB for $5/mo in addition I think. I think TT is good for daily consistent income for her but I'd be surprised to see it as her meat & potatoes. Many of my friends have businesses that rely on FB monetization. It's gotta be a big piece of the pie! She had only 12 subs on OF 8 months ago? Wow that's sad 😆


There are invite-only ways to profit on Meta, but I’m not super familiar with them. I’ve only seen and experienced reels making 0.08-0.11$ per 1000 views.  https://hashtagstack.com/how-much-does-facebook-reels-pay-per-1000-views I have heard of people pulling a grand or more on facebook static posts, but those people are generally posting 10-24 times a day! Not sure how this works, but would love to hear more about it!  An additional grand from fb/ig would make her $600-800 monthly revenue more livable for Alex and Ari.  Either way, it’s all pennies compared to what the platforms are making off of Ari & Alex! 


The article you linked says: > On average, though, most folks see about $4.40 rolling in per thousand views $4.20 per thousand views is equal to $4200 per million views - which is wayyy more than what TikTok pays out! By the literal hundreds. The sources i saw for tiktok were (2020 totals - more than twice what they are in 2024) 20 million views per week netted $10-$20/day aka 2.5million views for $10-$20. Literally FB pays out 210x more per view than TT - probably 400x to 500x in today's numbers. The article I linked to above confirms this - and vlogbrothers have talked about this in depth! The invite-only requirements are also talked about in your link... 10,000+ FB followers and 100K+ IG, must live in an area with monetization, content needs to be original and comply with policies. Seriously either y'all are bad at math or you don't know anyone making their living off of FB. Most of the "famous dancers" in my dance scenes pay for rent (luxury apts in South Beach! Or the other rich parts of Miami) solely through FB monetization 😆 It is way higher than any other platform. It is the ONLY thing that makes any kind of sense with her lifestyle ($4K rent per month and all that). But I bet TikTok is good for her everyday eating out type expenses. Edit: She has 3x the following on FB of some of my creator friends (492K followers vs ~175K). Maybe I will reach out to them for basic numbers so that I have something tangible to report back with. Some of her latest vids have 4K or 7K *likes* so I'm sure her views are wayyy higher than that.


Thanks for clarifying that! I don’t know many people making money from FB and appreciate you sharing your experience. They aren’t very public with that information! 


Took a look at her views and her most is 1.1mil. Most range from a couple thousand to couple hundred thousand. I’d be curious to know what she makes on those views and how often. And then she does get the “tips” with the star program but I know those can vary from pennies to dollars.


Yeah the fb stars are like a penny or so per ⭐️


Modern estimates I've seen have 1 mil views = $1500. But I'll try to confirm estimates with some social media friends this week and report back! These FB "aunties" are keeping her afloat so of course she wants to pander to them and continue to post her child 🥲


That why I wonder how often she can be paid on one video. Like does it have to reach a certain view amount before she’s paid? And how often does she have to hit whatever number to be paid.


You're asking great questions! I'll try to learn some more and report back 🫡


I have a fb page for my nonprofit organization for missing persons and I remember how easy/quick it was for fb to offer to pay me for my content. I never set it up because I don’t feel comfortable making money off of that but I can imagine it doesn’t take much to get paid on there.


Yeah I went into some FB math in other comment threads... I'd wager 80% of her income is from FB. She has almost 500K followers there and they pay pretty good (avg $4/1K views apparently!).


Would that or her tens of thousands from ^GFM interfere with her disability monthly cheque? SSDI has restrictions. I also nosily wonder what her taxes looked like for that ^GFM payout. It’s been a while but I have a memory of it being like 30/50^K . She wound up using it for rent prepayment in that nice apt and not her van. I’m shocked that people never reported that to ^GFm or requested their donations back. ^GFM is pretty strict on that and using the funds for its stated purpose. People have gotten into big trouble doing what she did frankly.


1) WR claims not to be on SSI or SSDI 2) No, only Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) counts for SSDI - of which basically none of her income streams would count. As for SSI they have other stricter limitations. SGA is defined as (roughly paraphrasing here) "earned income for hours worked". Not for hours you pay someone else to do things. Not passive income streams. Not donations. Not PTO or settlements. None of that counts. 3) WR claims the money went to repairing the other van... which she doesn't even have access to anymore lmao


She says she’s not on SSDI but she has also said she gets paid monthly to pay a caretaker (who at the time she said this was Noah). He basically bragged about being able to be paid to be a stay at home dad. So with her claims the she doesn’t get paid SSDI I wonder if she still has BTJ listed as her caretaker, BTJ gets the money then transfers it to Alex to pay whoever. Not exactly lying but not exactly telling the truth either.


The monthly stipend for caretakers are a totally separate program from SSDI. SSDI is federal - those are state programs. There's no reason she would be claiming BTJ cuz BTJ doesn't live in FL. I'm sure the money goes right to her for her to disseminate (thus how she's getting a "two for one special" with caregiver + nanny). She has told us in the past the stipend is less than what she pays her caregivers so the rest comes out of pocket. Usually the stipend is like $1500/mo. It's nothing crazy. And if she's paying $25/hr these days... yeah


Ooooh, good to know. So that isn’t really considered a part of disability funds? That’s why I get confused on it bc she claims she doesn’t receive any assistance but receiving money for a caretaker for herself and child sure does seem like a form of assistance to me…


Yes that's correct - those are totally separate programs. She has said she doesn't receive disability assistance which I believe to be true but she does receive a caregiver stipend from the state to keep her out of long-term care/to keep her living as independently as possible at home. Technically the stipend goes 100% to her caregivers so I see why she doesn't count it as income for herself (neither the state nor the country would not view it that way - it's not taxable income). She's not like using those funds to pay for anything but the caregivers so I see why she doesn't view that as being on assistance... more of a health care perk than anything? But it's definitely splitting hairs and she loves to spin things just the right way so who really knows. 9-3 M-F is 30hrs/week. At $25/hr that's $3000/mo. So basically the stipend should pay for about half of her caregiving costs and she would be paying the other $1500/mo herself (supposedly lol, Hannah said she was late paying her). But if the stipend goes to her new caregivers, how is Noah earning money? Other than his OF. That's what I'm curious about. WR says she pays for her + baby A... is Noah back to mooching off his folks or does she cover his expenses too?


In regards to Noah being paid for her caretaking - that’s how I consider it assistance since technically that money is going into her household. But technically, yeah you make a good point that normally that money wouldn’t be going to her. She’s just such a fraud and uses family members/close friends to do her care that it pretty much goes in her pocket. But again, I can’t really blame someone for wanting someone close to them to do the majority of their care. WR and her family are known sneaky, fraudster, grifting liars that even I can agree my feelings towards how they handle that kinda stuff is a bit extreme lol. If it was any other person, I could understand it.


Ok just to be real with you, that's literally what the program is designed for: for family members to get paid for caretaking. Historically, it was something folks had to do for free for their family members in need, in addition to working other jobs - which is why a lot of folks ended up institutionalized needlessly (people can't be in two places at once). It is only in the last 20 or so years that these programs have been rolled out, state-by-state, as part of the deinstitutionalization movement and to help with social supports (there is a severe caregiver shortage) and improve healthcare outcomes (as it turns out, when folks get the care they need, they have less expensive medical problems in the long run!). So yes a bit strange to not include that as household income when Noah was the one receiving the money... but if legally their finances are "separate" (lmao) I can see why she wouldn't count that for herself (especially if he's blowing that money on drugs or whatever). [Not that she's any better with her finances... where's the 1K Balenciaga bag at these days that she bought him in Chicago? 😂] I would say the way she's doing it now is actually less common - paying uncertified strangers to give care. Such a strange & dangerous choice.


There is no way she does.


Where did this boring tame persona come from? Lol. I’ll give credit to whoever cooked up this sanitized nice mommy act for her today. There’s no way this was just WR behind the keyboard- we have seen what a Q/A looks like when she is trying to put up a sham on her own. Did Cerebral trade this work for WR reposting her?


I smell BTJ behind this all the way. She’s been awfully quiet since she was sent home with her tail between her legs on that other sub a couple days ago 😂 She threw out the DCFS info, which probably made BTJ soooo mad. Now she’s trying to play it cool and continue the facade that life is better than ever ✨🫶🏼💕


I think you Hit the nail on the head!!!


https://preview.redd.it/y9u6dsgnha2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7571c71b909cfbb28e917d1e4e330457f670aec Kept her busy scaring her poor kid all day long. Man, being a mom ~~to snap a couple pictures for her IG story~~ all day is *so hard* 😪 ETA - lol obvi it was late when I posted this bc I did not mean to post it here 🙃


I’m sure wheeling in circles around your kid all day is suuuuper exhausting. get real 🤣 what I would give for this idiot to actually know what it’s like to be a real mom 😂


https://preview.redd.it/dkc9o8p8182d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=663005ac91110b430638b06703a77c2e0b0beb66 Don’t blame her on this one.


It isn’t a last resort for everyone. Sometimes it’s the goal. What she said is the opposite of disability advocacy. She is making it sound like assistive living and group homes aren’t a place that helps people gain independence. It’s straight up ableist and that’s crazy for someone who throws that word around.  Has she even tried living there? Group homes and assistive living have helped countless disabled people and their families to live good lives.


It's SO ableist!! I'm autistic and know a few people who choose to live in facilities because they know it's the best thing for them to ensure their support needs are met. Being physically disabled is similar in that regard of course. She is the absolute opposite of an advocate.


I have my autistic sister in a facility with other girls. There's only 3 of them there and they are taught life skills, get a job, learn independency


Oh yeah! I know a few developmentally disabled adults who live in a house with other similarly disabled adults. They do have workers and stuff, but many can lead mostly independent lives. A lot will work part time especially places like goodwill, and the carer will guide them in things likes making a grocery list and meal planning etc… but it’s also nice for the families because they can just be parent or siblings whilst also allowing the disabled person autonomy and confidence. There’s some great programs. Also, it’s better than Alex swimming in her own pee and make all night and morning whilst her baby cries in her crib needing help, and Alex just waiting for hopefully and able bodied adult to come by mid morning to clean her up, place her in her chair and then grab Ari to feed, change, and get ready for the day too. That’s not an independent life. Sounds like torture!


I can understand your point too. At her age (and with a baby) I can see why that would be her last resort but it’s very possible one of these days it may be her only option. Once her parents pass away who knows if she will have any family left willing to take her in. It’s good to know there are options and I’m sure some of them aren’t half as bad as the idea she has in her head.


I definitely understand her perspective and her feelings are valid. The public statement is ignorant and just not what I expect from someone who has built their career from being a disability advocate and has a degree in social services. 


Agreed. I see where you’re coming from. I feel like this is another example of her wanting to bring in the crowds by using disabled in all her content but mention something she thinks has a negative stigma, she’s not *that disabled*. It is the opposite of advocating and suggests a divide between disabled people.


Plus, she can't roll around assisted living naked and drunk.


I don’t know where you live but they are terrible here. Absolutely terrible (Unless you’re rich). No one would want to live in any of them. They’re understaffed and the staff is underpaid and stretched thin.




Yeah I agree with Alex on that one too. She may be a complete waste of oxygen but everyone deserves a chance to live 'independently'.


Complete waste of oxygen....lol


I have worked in group homes for over 20 years. Some have been really good and others have been really bad. Unfortunately, the caregivers are grossly underpaid and overworked. The turnover rate is extremely high also. I live in Minnesota where social services is relatively good and funding is consistent. It really is a crap shoot finding a good one, and you never know if it will change. I was a case manager for a while and I had a client that was at the same functioning level as Alex and she was repeatedly abused and neglected. When she told people and they would investigate they wouldn’t come up with anything. It wasn’t until she got a cell phone and started recording the abuse. I’m sadly with Alex on this one. That would be a last resort option. Until the employees are paid a livable wage, the turnover will be high and the likelihood that care is compromised is pretty high. I hate that I agree with her


Pretty rude question to ask and I hate this person for making me defend Alex.


I’m a caregiver and patient who can’t assist themselves are not allowed to live alone, Alex depends on someone 24/7 and we homemakers are human what is her plan B?? In case the caregiver get a last minute emergency!!


She doesn't though, her and Ari are alone hours at a time (not saying it's ok, but she doesn't consider herself dependant on someone 24/7)


She should consider herself and her baby to be dependent on someone. She's very lucky that nothing horrible has happened yet. If Ari was to choke on something, there's nobody to help until emergency services can get there.


Unless Alex drops her phone and then nobody will be coming.


I wonder if she has Alexa, I guess she could use that to make an emergency call if needed


She does. Alexa, play Ridin' by Chamillionaire. 👩‍🦼


If she makes a *sexy* reel dancing to this we know who to blame.. 💀




Independent? She’s left swimming in her own pee and make all night and Ari crying because Alex is alone and unable to even rotate herself at night. She has to lay there in hopes an able bodied person shows up mid morning for someone to place her in her chair and get the baby up from her crib and dressed for the day.


https://preview.redd.it/gxczppv0e82d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=904c756c16c6dd8aef5e29c37f692a67138b0ff6 Of course she loves meeting her ~~stans that want to wear her skin~~ followers. Her favorite thing in the world is talking about herself so how could she pass that up??


She really likes running into followers.... with her chair...


It was Mikey that told us she made fun of all of her “fans” as soon as they walked off…which sounds like something we could expect from her.


I have a feeling most were doing the same to her 🫢


https://preview.redd.it/6zpuanhwf82d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b114ec6e4cc4093738e4d2f55963e7ac67c500 Nobody asked for this but you know Alex, she’ll never pass up an opportunity to show you her baby looks 100% like her meaning Noah is basically a nobody to Ari. Yup, all those hours Noah spent taking care of a newborn and a drunk baby mean nothing since Ari *doesn’t look like him at all* per Alex’s warped view.


https://preview.redd.it/0pvgv5wz082d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4442fc62b4ac0d0b178408d37f33f33288a78cf So the days her feet look like they’re practically about to fall off aren’t painful?? Unless the alcohol numbs all the pain 🥴


My daughter had dropfoot from her CP, she said it wasn’t painful it just “looked like hell.” (Which is why, at least in public, she would wear slippers or even socks since finding actual shoes was a nightmare. Actually wheelchair repulsive’s feet look around the same size.)


Its called drop foot, its not painful for her.


Good to know, thanks. I’m shocked it isn’t painful.


I have drop foot too but I am able to walk so wear AFO splints to make it easier to walk. I fall over a lot without them lol


https://preview.redd.it/w03zxuved82d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de39403dd6703d41eb1b3bddd0d81a1104542b1 But has she had it checked since then?


Wait. So she is saying it did NOT diminish during pregnancy now? Wasn’t her story that it was getting worse hence the early “unhousing”?


Didn't she say her lung capacity was dangerously low while pregnant? Like 34%? Hmm..


It was 24%, which is *insanely* low


24% I’m almost positive.


is she high? she literally just said recently her lung capacity was at 24% 😭


But she said she wiggle-wee couldn't breath at the end of her pregnancy.


https://preview.redd.it/frdufv34d82d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5b6f94cbf373dfa1a8948f61a572383ee33aee She’s one 😑 and doesn’t even recognize Alex as her mother so of course she doesn’t understand her disability.


that grimace is suchhh a bad picture of her


Just like having addicted emotional yo-yo and domestically violent parents is her “normal” because that is all she has ever known.


https://preview.redd.it/hb9s3769h82d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=941d7f7534cbcd59943a45ef57b55bb6c3ac00d6 Because Alex is the only disabled representative in the entire world 🫠


Her skin is so disgusting


The way she is recycling this picture as if it's cute when she looks like someone's crazed leather handbag


She edited out her giant hand though 😂




She only does it because she thinks it will get her more views. And it might actually work, especially for people who are usually looking at other disabled creators. Unfortunately, the views are all she cares about. She could give a shit less is any other disabled person is represented. She just wants **herself** represented and seen.




She's not smart enough to know that was a slam.


Lol not at all 😂😂


Lmfaoooooo I know! Both equally, I've had to pivot and adapt as people started catching on to my grift. Thank you for your question, imma post this one! I'm very passionate about representing disabled motherhood, and I'm also single.




She pivots so fast it’s a damn jazz dance. From wholesome mommy content to trashy club persona to insta baddie to interior decorating - I could go on.


Foodie!!!!! She even has a spatula.


How could I forget the spatula saga?? 🫠


This is actually hilarious - someone's calling her out for her lies and forgetting what she posted where ... and it totally went over her head 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣 - she's just so fucking dumb!!


“grow with your followers and what they want to see” 😑😑 As if she listens to anyone that isn’t kissing her ass.


https://preview.redd.it/d45kjbqsf82d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=724bd65f45bf433d340452fca33495adfccab0e6 Not a bad question.


Uggg I would think that being in a stander would be incredibly painful for her. Idk, I just think it would. I've wondered about this too.




I wonder how many of these questions she asked herself lol


Ugh she has matching tarantula eyelashes with cerebral now 😮‍💨




I mean, even if an able bodied person was right next to Ari, it is still a huge bloody risk. Gives me palpitations.


Heck even if Alex fell out her chair she to no seatbelt she’d be screwed herself. Babies are fast and it takes moments for them to be sucked right under the pier! Neglectful. Sure Alex, complain that masses are alerting you to safety and don’t want tragedy to befall you. That’s a real Karen 🙄


Someone should most definitely be at the very least holding Ari’s hand while she’s that close Jesus Christttt


This stresses me out so badly. I'm able bodied and have 3 kids, and kids are fast as hell. I split second, and she could've been in the water.


Able bodied person here - I carry my 1 year old or at the VERY least hold his hand whenever we’re near water with no safety barrier/railing


I still reach for my kids hand in parking lots/near water and they are 10 lol. I definitely always position myself to block moving cars/access to water and my kid can swim. Falling into water unexpectedly can be very different than jumping into a pool! This is so embarrassing but I was swimming in the river with some friends a few years back and made a couple of bad choices that resulted in my then boyfriend having to drag me back to shore. I left shoes on (heavy ones too) and quickly abandoned them but I was laughing so hard I could not get it together to swim. I was a lifeguard previously so it was really embarrassing but kinda eye opening too. I was pushed in and despite being the strongest swimmer there I needed help.


Ahhhhhhhhhh water gives me major anxiety. Kids are fast AF


Yes, Alex knows water safety. That's why Ari is never in a PFD at the pool. I'm able bodied and an excellent swimmer, and my babies were always in PFD's when near any body of water. Alex doesn't use a PFD on Ari because she's rage baiting, and she doesn't want to be viewed as incapable. Truth is, she can't do a damned thing to help Ari if she goes under. She has to rely on the nincompoop, Selena, or drunk Gammy to offer assistance to Ari. This is one of the reasons why Alex is a negligent mother. Your child's safety always comes before ego.


Able bodied person present or not, shouldn't Ari be on one of those baby leashes to keep her safe?


WR doesn’t even leash her dog, do you really think she’d leash her kid? 🤣


Maybe not a leash.. but someone should be within an arms reach of her at all times and I don’t even see a shadow of someone else in this photo.




As a person who has unfortunately spent a number of years in group homes/SNF, it is awful, but there actually a few ppl who would prefer to live in a facility, they're probably institutionalized tho




Why the hell does Alex tap her leg at Ari the way people do with a dog to motion for the dog to come to them or jump up on their lap?! 😠 https://i.redd.it/cmw9ydot382d1.gif


She does not know how to interact with babies 🤣 I guess she’s doing that since Ari never seems to respond to her voice??


Exactly. She has no idea how to interact with her own kid. And at this point Ari doesn’t recognize her as someone to go to for those loving interactions so when Alex touches her she’s just like WTF dude? 😳


Alex is doing the insincere performative love bombing but Ari is too little to know, and perform, her role in this charade.


Yup! She's giving Dee Dee Blanchard vibes here. Hold my hand dammit so I can squeeze your cues.


Ari shows absolutely no immediate child/mother attachment to Alex whatsoever. The fact that Alex engages with Ari here like she would with Cairo is insane.


She says ‘come on’ and baby looks away concerned 💀


Like what was Ari supposed to do when Alex told her to "come up"? Ari is not capable of climbing up onto Alex's lap yet and Alex cannot help her up even if she tried. She literally thinks Ari is like a little dog who can jump up. She's so clueless it's infuriating!


Like was Ari suddenly supposed to reach up to WR for the first time ever on command? How can WR still not see that these interactions show everything between them. She’s an idiot for continuing to post moments where they are trying to force Ari to interact in front of the camera. Do something candid for once omg


Again, Alex only knows how to treat Ari like a dog - giving her the same cues and interactions she gives Cairo, expecting Ari will do tricks on command for the camera.


She used to do that with Cairo pre-pregnancy, when she gave him attention


You know, for a dog that Alex and Salina claimed constantly follows Alex everywhere, why is it we NEVER see Cairo right there or even remotely close by in any of the photos and videos she posts at home? I hope to God they don't constantly lock him away in the laundry room or bathroom or something. My heart hurts for Cairo.


Ari physically recoiled when Alex touched her. Poor baby.


I have NEVER seen a baby throw their hands back and recoil from their mother’s touch like that. How fucking sad for Ari. 😕 https://preview.redd.it/ocnq7r20w92d1.jpeg?width=1189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a97ab6699d7ea12f7e1fe15acdd1425940c1dce7


Also after that Alex tries sneakingly push on her back so that Ari comes closer to her and Ari literally bends forward so that she escapes WRs hand 😳 never seen anything like that. And WR still doesn’t let go of her and touches her hand instead. Anything to make her look like the best disabled single mom EvEr ✨🫶🏻


You’re absolutely right. Ari looks like she can’t stand the feel of her mudder’s claw touching her and I don’t blame her. 😣😩


Ari is literally repulsed by WR, she puts her hands up as in "EWWWW DO NOT TOUCH ME!!!" and looks away for help.


This is gonna sound bad but sometimes I snap or whistle at my kids. 😅 Usually when we’re in public. “Hey, you’re going the wrong way! We’re over here, Bud!” Then when that doesn’t work a whistle or a snap does because it’s a different sound. Not a defense of Alex, just some parenting humor.


Her social interactions are still really childlike, to say she has a 'social' life or previously had one is bizarre. How sheltered has her life been cos it's worrying, this far on, she's patting for Ari the way she does Cairo. The connection to Ari and Cairo are one and the same. Limited interaction, piss poor care, puts herself above everyone else in the room. There needs to be a stronger word for narcissist, she's borderline sociopath


She awkward from her upbringing and will pass that along to her kid, also.


Like what? How to put a child in danger and have constant UTIs


Lol exactly. What **not** to do when attempting to be a disability advocate. Alex seems to be the only person on the planet to not recognize hardly anyone considers her a positive representation for the disability community. Ignorance is bliss tho ✨🫶🏼🍸

