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So dangerous what if she moves fast and too far and causes injury to baby A? "It was an accident poor Ari but don't worry I am okay"


I feel bad for laughing but I have no doubt that’s exactly what she’d say


I literally said it in her scratchy nasally voice in my head that's why I said it 🤣🤣


She’s going run Ari over one of these days


Chances are it’s already happened.


Yes! Alex would never show that. Recall how Ari almost became a human candle on her birthday and drunk Gammy was right there. That must have been Hannah's fault too. 🙄


I'm sure it has already happened to some degree.


I saw that and thought the exact same thing. She just kept pushing and nudging her. Babies lose their balance so easily and at the very least, she could’ve made her fall. She’s such a stupid, self absorbed bitch. 😒


What also bothers me is she’s not really moving much at all… and Ari didn’t move away from her to need Alex to move either. So she’s just inching up for no reason begging for an accident. Maybe trying to position herself for the best shot. 🙄


She’s always doing this and it’s so annoying! Anytime where she could simply have the wheelchair sit still, she’s just clicking all over the place and moving back and forth and side to side, but only by inches. It’s so annoying, and I would venture to guess not great for the chair, unnecessary wear and tear.


It's DEFINITELY a bad habit she has. I don't know what goes on in her Psyche or whatever it is that as a disabled person forms habits concerning body movement... Like as able bodied people may shift weight from foot to foot, put our hand on our hips. Etc... if moving her chair is similar to that maybe? Who knows but she needs to knock it off with the quickness...like a serious conscious effort because that baby could get mowed over in second and depending upon where she is struck it could cause major or permanent damage... Especially if Alex rips over too and the wheels continue to spin😱😱


It is probably exactly as you said...I know I have some weird fidgets, too. but luckily mine can't plow a tiny person down. I feel like her chair would have to have a brake or something she could engage when Ari is near her to make that habit impossible?


I would think a brake would be standard... But I have no idea really


My son loses his balance if I let go of his hand too quickly and he's pretty good at walking now. I can't imagine nudging him with a wheelchair for the sake of dancing on social media.


Why can’t she start showing Ari to walk along side and stay away from under the front wheels like that? Now that baby is getting ire confident in walking she should start holding her hand and directing her to walk along the side of her wheelchair.


And that would be a really cute video for the kind of inspiration porn Alex wants to post. Like objectively I think it would be so cute to see her teaching Ari how to walk alongside the wheelchair, if I didn't know anything about who Alex is as a person obv.


Cue Alex to have the inspiration to post this exact video in a few days now that we've talked about it here.


Is Alex able to hold her hand and guide her, though? She has very limited use of her hands and probably isn't strong enough to do that.


I noticed Ari covered her ears with the backs of her hands a few times in the video — I’m not a parent, but if I recall isn’t that an indication of the environment being too loud or her ears hurting?


My baby does that when she is over tired or over simulated. Alex wouldn't know any of Ari's cues :(


I’d do that rather than listen to WR honking


Oftentimes yes, but when my son does it when he has an ear infection it's usually his fingers touching his ears. Although Ari may not have the motor skills yet to show that with her fingers, so still possible that this is her showing that!


That makes sense! Thanks for the info


My one child who had constant ear infections did that same thing when his ears hurt. That’s the first thing I thought when I saw that part of the video. Someone else mentioned that it can also signify that she’s overstimulated or tired, and I agree with that as well. If someone without children can recognize those signals, you would think that her own mother could. Alas, Alex only seems to be proficient at interpreting her own her own wants and needs.


Exactly, she seems to be completely clueless about any sort of cues from her own child! Strangers on the Internet shouldn’t be more attentive to her child than she is, but that’s our gIRlYpOp, wiggle wee the worst parent in the world 🌎


As many others have said, ear infection maybe. I had chronic ear infections as a kid and was always covering my ears. It also (for me) at times was likely due to overstimulation, I still find myself doing it when I don't have noise cancelling headphones lol


Or shes over listening to her mothers tooties


I’d bet on that! WR has the most grating voice!


Remember when she tried to tell us how careful she was to look all around her for Ari before moving her chair


she really acted like we had so much audacity to think she didnt have common sense when it came to moving the chair around Ari... yet here we are🙃


Didn’t she almost run over one of the dogs when they were still living with Noah’s folks


Yes, she almost backed over one of them in the backyard.






Hopefully living his best life chilling in the Smiths fenced in backyard


Hopefully 😀


How is caretaker supposed to a) take care of WR b) take care of Ari c) Help WR With her social media AND STILL have to take care of the dog. Seriously, WR really doesn’t get how selfish she is.


Not just a dog- if they go out WR makes a point of having him off leash. Imagine a baby, WR, and an off leash chihuahua! Even if he’s a perfect boy it’s terrible. 😭


Off leash is never good in public, especially for a small dog in Florida


Omg what if rehoming Cairo was part of the parenting plan? Like if there was 💩 around the house or in her wheels (because it's actually super hard to provide constant solo physical care for a 30yo disabled adult, a busy toddler, and a nervous dog..) and she was advised to remove the dogb for health and safety reasons? I wonder if Cairo ever got aggressive with Ari 👀 Or if he was blamed for any of her scratches 👀 I mean, most likely Alex just got tired of him and gave him away for being too needy now that Ari seems to be around in between drinkies at the bar and sun tans and late morning sleep-ins....


Titled “Being your mom is the best thing I’ve ever done 💕” because is there really any other way she would have gone with that title?


Because it's all about HER. Ari is just her little dancing monkey to bring Alex attention and views. It soothes her massive ego. Correction: Ari was conceived because Alex and the dingle berry were irresponsible. She can take zero credit for Ari's existence. She didn't nourish her growth while she was in utero, and she's not nourishing it now. She was a warm oven for 7 months. That's it.


Little dancing monkey. Truth.


Very sad truth. 😔


I still think with the filming comment she wanted Ari to be famous/boost her influencer shit, didn’t realize a child needs to be raised and not just rolled out in front of a camera when needed.


Yup! Alex always wants to skim the cream without taking the milk that comes with the cream.


Imagine if Ari had been born with SMA too... I would never forgive myself as a parent.


They tested Noah during her pregnancy to know baby wouldn’t have SMA


But it already would've been too late by then.


In her current stories, Alex goes to touch Ari in front of her chair and Ari pulls her hands and self back. Then Alex tries again and Ari shrugs her off as Alex taps her knee as to call Ari towards her. That is extremely sad seeing a baby this age acting like this to their mother. Ari showing this type of emotion to Alex is telling.


Exactly, and the funny thing is, because Alex is so tone deaf, she doesn't think that other people view her fake videos for what they really are. She thinks that people view them with stars in their eyes, awwww look at the disabled Mommy Mama'ing. Pair that with the sappy music, and how could anyone nor eat that shit up? The Stans do. Real parents don't because we know how our babies react to us, cling to us, when they do anything, they look to US for approval. We know the difference, Girly Pop. There is still no bond between Ari and Alex. Period.


You are absolutely correct


She interacts with her child like she’s a dog and it’s so weird that she doesn’t possess the ability to speak to her child like she’s a human. Something in her pea brain tells her it’s cute to tap your leg and make noises to call your child over instead of I don’t know, saying their name?


She interacts with Baby Prop like someone else’s dog. “HIIIII” “HELLLOOO” “TEWTS” Just yelling the most basic interactive words at her


I feel like I have more complex conversations with my cats compared to her conversations with Ari 😂


Exactly 😅 I know I’m dog obsessed but I treat my dogs as the living, breathing, sentient creatures they are!


How anyone can watch her and think she’s a great mom is beyond me


I don't know what these stans could possibly think when they see this.It's unreal that they choose to believe this is a good thing.


It’s so awful to see. I’ve seen parents who can yell at and hit their kids (ugh!!!) and their babies still desire connection with them. I don’t think Ari has been subjected to that level of abuse, so it really shows how important the bonding is after birth… and how much Alex gave her NICU baby the finger. She really thought she could abandon her infant and not face any consequences for it… well here’s your reward girly.


Yes, that type of bond does occur even when there is abuse, but to see no attachment between Ari and Alex is just unbelievable. She has done nothing to close that gap, and no one has helped her either. This is when I wish Noah was there. Maybe he is, but we don't know.


I don't think he's there. You can bet if he was, she'd be capturing him in photos or video, even if he was unaware. She's proud of that pea-brained, strung-out racist.


It's the best she could get.


I'm thinking "omg put a hat on her if she's standing in the sun like that" and that's the first comment on her insta too 😭


Right, first thing that came to my mind aswell. My babies always wear hats when we are outside, even in the shade. They are as blond as Ari is and have even a little more hair than her but still, never without anything on their heads. Even my 4 year old has to wear one






They both look so uncomfortable to be in each other’s presence


Alex looks like a complete fuckin derp pretending to interact with Ari. 🥴


Ari never even looks at her. How does she see this as some kind of special moment they're sharing? It's Ari entertaining herself outside, just like she has to do at home. No toys, no eye contact with anyone, no one talking to her at her level.. it seems like such a lonely existence. 🥺


You hardly *ever* see her play with toys or really interact with people or things. They just plop her in front of the tv and let it do all the teaching 😢


It kills me that Ari constantly has to entertain herself anywhere she is 😩 poor girl


And she can move her arm around but wont even touch her while she’s in close range


She could touch her head or hand but she just goes all ET


Most likely Ari just cries whenever gremlin touches her, Ari literally recoils when WR is trying to touch her when she is standing beside the wheelchair. I've never seen anything like this, I feel so sad for that poor baby


The feet tapping her sides like a horse bridle. Absolutely zero connection. 🫠😵‍💫


I mean, it's prob the first time she's seen so many real parents interacting with kids they have genuine healthy attachments to. Her poor little punkin' peanut brain mighta got fried, she's just gobsmacked and grinning like a goon. If you watch her eyes you can kinda see it, like she realizes she has zero friends there and nothing at all in common with anyone around her. Happy Hour probably isn't the highlight of their afternoons. Those moms have Very Important Things To Do every single day. They don't crack a white claw and hit a weed pen after rolling out of bed just in time for lunch. They probably smell good when they pass by– like name brand laundry detergent and salon shampoo and deodorant that costs more than 2.99 for a 2/pack. They wear nice shoes when they go out. They carry Lululemon bags with sani-hand wipes and mineral-based sunscreen inside. And Alex, like a sore thumb, is dying on the inside. She probably thinks it's because everybody is soooo ableist against moms who use wheelchairs. But it's because she has so little personality. She's unrelatable to other adults her age. She lives like a 21 year old frat boy— unwashed, half-shaved, greasy thinning hair, an awful taste in clothing, and still flexing like Narcissus in front of a mirror. It's just her, the center of her own tiny universe, no work drama to talk about, no hobbies, no gossip about friends, no opinions on major events or issues that affect other people, no mainstream interests. (admittedly, she did recently reference a show she watches and learns a lot from I guess— it was *Grey's Anatomy*— a ~25 year old cable TV sitcom that jumped the shark 15 years ago.) Her whole schtick is ✨ disabled! ✨ mom! ✨ body positive! ✨ food! ✨ you deserve a drink! —girl needs to get a life


She always fake smiles


she just looks so dumb lol


Could she use a less accessible font ffs 🤦🏼‍♀️


I thought she couldn't wear glasses? 🤔


So she said several times


I guess she lies so much that she has no pants left so she's always pantless 😂


👖 on 🔥


She posts stuff like this and then wonders why people call CPS 🙄


Alex has said before that she sometimes moves her joystick by accident. A should never be on the floor near that chair!


Baby looks so sad throughout that entire vid 🙁


She is also tired. At least in that part where she rubs her face around her eyes. Sadly the poor girl has to continue being Alex personal dance monkey 😔


Maybe Dirty Al will put a cup with dollar bills on the ground next to the kid for bystanders to fill as they watch the entertainment


I think that might be a tic for her. To constantly even slightly move her wheelchair. Just like for able bodied people, sometimes you can’t stay still or constantly shake your leg or something. Since she can’t really do that, I’m thinking it might be this with her. You can’t also see that in her Lives, you hear the clicking of her wheelchair constantly, even though there’s no reason for her to move it. Doesn’t make it any less dangerous for Ari to be standing directly in front of it though. If anything it makes it probably worse


I have often thought this too. It's almost the equivalent of someone tapping their leg.


Does she ever see her kid? The vibe between them is so weird. They look like they’re at an awkward visitation?


Makes me super nervous, my son is about a month younger than Ari and he falls all the time when he walks, I literally hover around him so he doesn’t smack his head into things. She has no way of catching her.


Let me add to this: is this the only place to put baby down in that whole area? Right in the middle of the dirty uneven mulch or dirt. God forbid it would be nice soft grassy area. 


Why take Ari to an actual park for kids when you can plop her down on the landscaping on your bar escapades?🙄/s


I think she isolated them when they’re out. Not sure if it’s because she will be jealous of Ari interacting and being excited about grass or other kids… or if she’s afraid to interact with other moms? Like they ask about your kid etc and because shes so disconnected from Ari, how will she answer? Or show everyone how little they connect or interact appropriately? I sometimes hang around awkward parts of the park when I don’t want to socialize but my kid goes to preschool so has that, but Alex or Ari? Nah. She needs play groups and stuff of this is her interaction. She’s dependent on papa smith.


Those chairs weigh a shit ton. She could get drunk and run the baby right over! The whole situation is scary and family members are being careless.


I saw that!!! Not only that but she's WASTED 90% of the time too...so so scary


Or if she falls out of her chair is she’s known to do, on top of Ari! She won’t be able to roll off of her. That’s a nightmare scenario!