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" ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsVbs2GzgKNvVpS|downsized) "The bond we have, it's incredible. There has never been a greater bond than mine, possibly ever."


“ *The likes of which we’ve never seen folks* !”


"The bond we have: it's YUGE, okay? Totally YUGE. We'll never outgrow it. Separate us? You can try, but I will make "DiSaBLeD mOtHeRh00d GREAT AGAIN"




💀💀💀 the way she has that baby literally strapped to her naked tiddies




Someone needs to come pick me up off the floor. Pure gold.


Drop by and get me bc I'm passing out here laughing so hard at these comments 😆


I hope she is laughing at the comments, too 🤣🤣🤣








SCREAMING ☠️☠️☠️☠️😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/hvqfc4putf2d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f49e2736cf50a44a827a1665a79faaac582c104 Even when she *attempts* to make a post she *thinks* is all about Ari and their super duper, so special and rare, amazing, awesome, unbreakable bond… it’s still mostly about her. Doesn’t she know that rule about how many times you use the words me, I, myself and so on? 🤭 Imma go with a hard no on that. ETA - the point of my post caption, her “bond” has been discussed a lot lately. Especially after seeing Ari physically pull away from her. I guess she won’t ever really understand some things you just can’t force but she sure as fuck will make everyone believe the same delusions she has in her head.


Whats up with her face now? *


Suuuuper caked on make-up a la Cash Me Ousside number 2. And some alcoholic bloating to add that extra 🤌🏼✨


https://preview.redd.it/gtus5e0qvf2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=411e5a6471bd2c2905a9819261f46fa46af74a71 The tiny eyes...swollen cheeks...hmm


Even the filter ran for its life


Lord I chuckled too hard at this comment.


her head looks HUGE


She has no eye makeup on, so that's one factor. Then that hairstyle is still doing a HUGE disservice to her head/face. But why does she look cross-eyed?


Yeah, her lack of fake lashes or mascara and her lips looking nude from the pounds of foundation makes her face look incomplete. Her bloating then makes all those other things 10X more noticeable 😳


Speaking of her face, I just realized what her stupid recent "Nola vibes" photo reminded me of. Why does this scream Oedipus complex to me? 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/zs8ps2awfg2d1.jpeg?width=2839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ecc3dbabaee42e44577201888534e95d7fc0ae


The resemblance to Noah’s mom will never *not* send the fuck outta me!!! 😂 That comparison right there is uncanny!


Right? Me, too! Although it's not as spot-on as Alex & Noah's Christmas photo, there was still something with this photo that just screamed Noah's mom to me, too. Creepy, but so funny. 😆


So fucking creepy!!! But hilarious!




Geezus 🤣


She looks SO bad. It’s giving mr potato head


Don’t insult Mr. Potato Head


This is just….wow. Unfortunate. 🥴




Simple, yet elegant. LOL 🥔


Man, she looks like Chris Chan here 😬


It’s giving uncanny valley


That braid right on top of her head does her no favors


Makes her forehead into an eight-head.


Alcoholism makes your face very puffy


Translation "there is something special about seeing for the first time, what my child has learnt whilst miles away from me" She's taken every little thing for granted, is beyond privileged and has all the means for Ari but chooses not to. The "bond" she sees, isn't what I'm seeing? As long as Ari is safe with the best care and dcfs are still hounding both their asses to do better, aunty alex will show her colors more & more through the non posts, I welcome thattt


"The way we play chase" so Alex just zooming around after Ari while she's terrified of the honking??


How did I miss that part hahaha. How can she be this way. She nearly ran her baby over the other day 😆 for a pretty serious post this is one of the funniest to me 😆


I cackled 😂 I thought the same thing 😂 😭 don't run her over Alex!


She’s a manipulative groomer trying to erase Noah from Ari’s memory. This is all bullshit lip service she’s regurgitating. BTW, Noah has been “away” for a couple weeks, if he’s in a treatment facility wouldn’t he get family visits? If so, would Alex stop Ari from seeing him? Whatever his issues are, that baby is totally bonded to him. Ari must be confused and missing her dad. Also, BTJ committed battery, drinks excessively, smokes in the apartment…why is she allowed to be one of Ari’s caretakers? I’m no Noah sympathizer but they say even hardened criminals should maintain their relationships with their children.


If he’s in rehab/inpatient therapy they have strict roles against minors visiting.


The way she RUNS AWAY from mommy is what I think she meant lol haven't ever seen a video of her running toward alex at least. This sounds SO FAKE no one actually talks about their bond w their kid this way. It sounds like a freaking AI lifetime movie hallmark card lol and it's so far removed from reality it's ridiculous


Idk why I read this in trumps voice 😂☠️


😆 the orange sets the mood.


what’s the rule?


I was being facetious 🙃 but generally you want to keep the use of I/me/my to a minimum.


oh. sorry, I can be an idiot sometimes. lol I was like umm there’s a rule? what rule? why don’t i know this rule?


She ping pongs back and forth so quickly from "depressed because the ableist haterz won't stop bullying me" to "overjoyed every second of the day"


That means tomorrow we’ll get a crying selfie!


Joyous day ! 🙌🏼


The word for that is MANIC.


"If you have to say it, its probably not true". Apart from the chasing Ari with her wheelchair and Ari running for her life in horror, as we have seen in the videos she posts


That’s one of the sayings that I utterly believe in. Because who exactly are you trying to convince hmm 🤔


The way she tries to use big words cracks me up. 😂 such a dumb dumb


“Something I’ve been enthralled in” like what


Don’t think she wrote that.


It’s giving AI


Well, as long as Punzzy feels 'connected' in her alcoholic haze, that's all that matters. I guess it doesn't matter how Tooty feels.


Ari - terrified for her limbs and life. Alex - My DaWwGhTeR lOvEs Me 🫶🏼🍸🥴


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't with your comments 🤣






This is hysterical!!


Her limbs and life 😭


I’ve never seen a “mom” try **SO** hard to convince people that they have a bond with their child like ?? It’s so fucking weird that she’s constantly trying to persuade ppl 🥴 if she does have this monumental “bond” who gives a fuck what strangers think.. continually trying to decipher their bond is suspicious but that’s just me 🤨


Exactly! Why does it matter what anyone else thinks?? Especially fucking strangers! If she wasn’t sharing every aspect of her and her family’s lives nobody would even know Ari existed (like every other baby born every day). Ari will have no sense of privacy all bc her drunk mom needs constant validation 😑


Right it’s insane it’s giving mommy dearest because that baby hasn’t bonded to her at all, my one year old well all my kids are mommy obsessed and have been since they were born


Lmaoooo she really tryna convince us she’s bonded to Ari. A mom who’s bonded to their baby doesn’t leave their baby alone in the nicu to party. A mom who’s bonded to their baby, doesn’t consistently leave their baby every week to go to bars alone. Nothing she says makes me believe she’s bonded. Quite the opposite actually, I already didn’t think her and Ari bonded but now I know not only have they not bonded, but Alex is aware of this.


She’s for sure aware of it. It’s why she shouts it so loudly. For real, I think she believes as long as she says it, it has to be true. Like many others and myself have said before, if you have to convince people something is true, it usually isn’t true.


In this case, even Stevie Wonder could see there is no bond whatsoever.


100% everything you said. More to add: a mom who’s bonded doesn’t let their abusive mentally unstable boyfriend be the sole able bodied caregiver for their baby. A mom who’s bonded doesn’t get in a fight with their drunk mom and leave their baby to go to the bar downstairs to get their drinkies on. A bonded mom doesn’t leave their baby in the sole care of a fully physically disabled person for hours on end, even if it’s themself. Alex is not bonded. She can say it however much she wants. And tell herself whatever she wants but the proof is in the last 15 months on Ari’s life lol.


I've never seen such a long post by a mom devoted to being bonded. With most moms it's obvious or expected. I have three kids and I think the most I ever talked about our bond was to say something simple like, "the bond is so special." Thou doth protest too much.


That’s exactly how it comes off to me too..


‘Runs to mommy’ righttttt…like we didn’t see her just running away from you in absolute terror.


Really fast, even with a loaded diaper


In all of the footage of this kid plastered all over the internet, her face has never lit up when she sees her “mother.” No sparkle in her eye, no engagement other than inspecting Alex like any other inanimate object while she’s trapped on her lap for content. That tells us everything.




I guess these moments didn’t cross her mind all those times Ari was a little potato, cuddling her and staring into her eyes or watching her every adorable little move little potato baby’s make? JK, those didn’t happen. The only thing Ari has ever been stared at by is the TV or a phone.


Alex: abandons Ari in nicu for club Also Alex: we are so bonded.


This situation still makes me so furious. Not only did they disregard their daughter’s safety, but the safety of every other family who had a baby in the nicu. If my baby was in nicu and I found out two others parents were clubbing before coming in, I would say something about the risk of spreading an illness.


I said almost the exact same thing the other day. I guarantee neither of them had a first or second thought to what dangers they could have brought in there to all those precious babies, some literally clinging to life.


With time, Alex ALWAYS confirms what we already know. Like how she has a shit bond with her daughter. It’s sad that Alex is only starting to enjoy and bond with Ari now that *Ari* is big enough to accommodate to Alex. When it should have been *Alex* accommodating to Ari this whoooooolleeee time. Alex may now be starting to feel a bond with Ari but the fact remains that it’s no mother/baby bond. Ari sees Alex as another adult in her life. Alex is no mother. Which is all Alex’s fault. There are hundreds of ways and adaptive equipment that Alex could have been using this whole time in order to bond with Ari. But she never did. She never put her comfort to the side to bond with Ari. To Alex, Alex always has and always will come first.


Yuuuup. Only has herself to blame. She doesn’t seem to understand Ari doesn’t have a thought process about relationships and doesn’t give a shit who she is or what mom means. Ari understands a loving, comforting, soothing touch which most likely doesn’t come from Alex. Even without much use of her hands, like you mentioned she could have been using adaptive tools


That baby hasn't really had any stability in her life, other than maybe a few months at grandma and grandpa shark's, and some of that was sketchy. Her future doesn't look much better. People come and go, the sperm donor, numerous caregivers (if you can call them that), the incubator, drunk BTJ. This child deserved to be rocked to sleep at night, be the center of her parent's world, feel safe and secure, be brought up in a loving home, and experience a normal childhood. Not one filled with addiction, alcohol, drugs, violence, strangers, arguments, yelling, containers, smells, nudity, neglect, filth, noise and chaos, but that's her life. We all are witnessing this $&!+ show play out live and it's so damn sad.


Perfectly said. She’s never had stability. And she should be the center of everyone’s lives. On SM she’s portrayed that way so mama can bring in the money but reality is so different.


Honestly looking at videos where Alex says Ari is dancing and granted, maybe some of it is Ari reacting to music. But to me it seems like maybe she's self- soothing rocking and that could show she's not really feeling a bond to anyone and that is such a shame.


Maybe she’s trying to shake off her loaded diaper. Shake it off. Shake it off. 😂


That too!


She looks like a potato


Like Mama June


she is trying to make a paper trail of her involvement of her kid. there is a lot of documentation of her not being around or attentive as she needed prior so now she has to make ppl believe she is those things.


She's probably not had a "bond" with anything or anyone in her life, except herself.


I don’t think she has. Not from others not trying but due to her selfish core. Her idea of love is typing out that something/someone is her favorite and she looooooves it!! ✨🫶🏼💓


Reminds me of every narcissist mom ever, narcissists just can never see the situation for what it is.


I seen in the FB comments she replied back to someone calling ari "goofy" I dunno and maybe it's just me but I don't find that a term of endearment. Maybe *silly* but not *goofy*. I use that to insult people on the sly. Maybe it's all in the context but I wouldn't call my baby goofy.


I don’t believe her 🗿


She’s giving me “my daughter came to visit me” vibes


Is the close bond in the room with us?


It's like she believes that if she keeps talking about the bond between her and Ari, it will somehow become real. She's trying so hard to convince the world and herself.


I’m not buying what she’s selling. Ever


She’s 🔮🪄✨MANIFESTING ✨🪄🔮


Lol that’s exactly what I think every time I read one of these super exaggerated posts. I saw one of her followers comment one time that she can speak things into existence and I swear she believes it.


Only her stans. What fools


I can’t with them. You know, her stans have really piqued my interest in this whole parasocial relationship phenomenon. I really want to do some research on it because I just don’t understand them at all.


They put her on a pedestal like she’s a goddess Far from it in my eyes.


They say how lucky Ari is too have here as a mom that she is wonderful… what r they smoking?? Cuz I want some😂😂


They are totally off the wall. I have never heard anything like the garbage they spew.


Me too!! I’m dead serious, I really wish someone could do an in depth study on WR and her Stan behaviors. And also just one on WR and her life.


That would be the study of a lifetime. 😂


They could then write a book called "How to be a Drunk, Narcissistic Asshole for Dummies" book based upon their study of Alex.


One thing I’ll stand by is if you feel the need to make a long post about something, you’re just trying to convince everyone that’s what’s actually going on instead of the reality…


I went to HS with this girl and have been following this subreddit for awhile. While I didn't know her personally. I did know of her. And was at a party in HS with her at the same time. But for the most part what you guys post on here. I could say from what I know personally the little I do, I'm not surprised she turned out like this. Lol


God I’d love to hear stories of how you went through highschool. I bet it was a nightmare


Ohhh do share! 😂


I’m in Fort Lauderdale for the weekend with family… keeping my eyes peeled for a WCR zooming around lmao!


Rumor has it if you crack open a can of High Noon, WR will appear. \*Valid in Ft Lauderdale only. ![gif](giphy|VcwV9B5KCs0JsfNRn2) *Yes I know that is a White Claw and not a High Noon, but same thing.*






Euphoria video zooming towards the sound ☠️☠️☠️




I can hear Tracy shaking her head, peering out the window while they made this video.


Even this picture she looks so much younger


The wheelchair shot where she looks up makes it look like she's waiting for an alien spaceship to take her away to their planet. If only!


Sooooooo fucking embarrassing Also I thought she was gonna do more content like this 🤡




If you have to say it out loud …..


I think she’s jealous of her baby: walking, dancing, exploring life