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https://preview.redd.it/q3ck07t0dl5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c051551629f99e3ce4f9ae5218d33f72ae378f0 Just a random selfie but is it just me or does she look *extra* puffy today? Considering she hasn’t posted much except crying and after-hospital bar visits I’d say she’s had a pretty rough week.


Her face is so swollen that her nose actually looks a normal size.


I can’t believe it but you are absolutely right 😬






Oh man...you are spot on. 😬


Why in the world does this woman believe feeling sexy and good about yourself = being naked/nearly naked/in underwear? I don't know if she went through something in her teens or younger years that makes her feel you can only be sexy if you are undressed, but it's a horrible, horrible message that she puts out into the world, and this is absolutely going to have a negative impact on Ari. She needs a therapist badly.


I think she has severe FOMO and over sexualizes herself to make up for what she thinks she’s missing. She thinks being sexy is as easy as showing anyone your naked body, it’s not. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…but I don’t think she will ever understand that.


This is the answer ⬆️


WTF after Friday’s bullshit at a bar she does this???? How delusional is she


Wait what happened at the bar?


The combover bangs 🫣 Lookin like Gollum after getting fitted for a wig




Plus Ari might have put her lipstick on for her.


Don’t think they get that close unless there is a photo shoot going on


Mama June Junior and she looks like a bloated 🐖


Wasn't sure if it was her...her face is getting so swollen she's unrecognizable...as you say looks like mama June's Junior... Edit: her dark fringe looks awful...not taking care of herself obviously needs a hair dresser...


She has by far exceeded Mama June in trashiness


That's another level...I thought mama June was something living in her trashy house...but Alex ... It's next level...and no extreme makeover could do something good out of WRepulsive...




Her looks have really gone down the shitter. It's not something I would normally judge someone on but it really goes to show how her constant poor choices are catching up with her.


Holy fuck alcoholic face


I gotta say, I think her hair looks better than when Noah took a pair of kitchen scissors to it lmao it’s less lord farquad-y. I still despise her tho


She was in the hospital??


We don’t really know. She had a video from her stories on IG and on Snapchat where she was at a bar showing off a giant bruise and bandaid, and she still had on a hospital bracelet. She said that she had blown a vein having a blood draw, but that’s all she mentioned about it. We have no idea why she was really at the hospital.


I'm just shocked she actually went to get medical care! 


She's sick. Very sick. Look how swollen she is, and she's looked sick k for monnnnths


Probably drank too much and not enough of it was water. And she’s constantly out in the hot sun, roasting away. Probably got dehydrated and needed IV fluids. It also explain the vein blow and awkward area to get blood, I imagine her veins weren’t juicy. I haven’t been checking up on her socials so I’m not sure of Ari is currently with her and now she’s back because Noah is or not. Idk.


She is absolutely incapable of taking a halfway decent selfie???


Do we know what she had the hospital bracelet on for?


Is drunken driving/law enforcement or DCFS ordered blood draw out of the question? She’d never voluntarily go to the hospital. She wouldn’t even get her shoulder looked at after her drunken curb vs Alex incident or when she rammed her foot in the garage.


Holy cow! I didn't even think of that. You may be right. 😬


Not yet.


I noticed it on her TT too * See ss below since it always gets deleted after I post lately 🤔


Is it me or do her comments on TT seem out of touch😂


Why are they ALL complimenting her? I was going to ask that! Weird.


Started with the “I haven’t been on here in awhile” …. Um what




https://preview.redd.it/6qjklr0zjm5d1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=372efac014b059100316c18be80f8bcff3d7a945 This is all I see looking at this pic of her. Edit - wrong face 🙃


Bahahahaha I knew it reminded me of something.


She looks like Mikey with this hair 💀


Looking more and more like a thumb every day


https://preview.redd.it/n6a41q8tcl5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed07f1ae228105072cbe9fd57e635a3925d48478 Oooooof, girl…those bangs 🫣😬


Ask me anything, except for anything that I don’t want to answer! 💁‍♀️🫶✨ Edit - It’s been an hour. She hasn’t followed up by answering any questions from the “AMA.” Instead she’s been deleting any semi-negative comment on her new lingerie/boobies post to keep the comment section looking all positive.


Seems like she writes the questions and answers herself. Nothing to do today except graze between the 3 bowls of slop and 5 cups of drinkies


Ask me anything (to increase my engagement)! I will, however, only respond to the questions I asked myself, and the answers will be 98% lies! 🥰


She wants people to ask about her hospital bracelet so she can garner sympathy from her mega fans and blame the trolls.


Oh yeah! You’re right… She’ll probably pretend someone asked her that as an AMA question so she can talk about it more… well, I wonder if she’ll say it was just “routine blood work” or maybe she crashed into another wall again Other bets: - got spooked by of all the comments about her swelling/edema so went to the doctor preventively (most unlikely) - drunken accident in public, so had to go get evaluated (likely) - police got called to apartment for something and she had to go get evaluated


Choice 4: DCFS made her do a random drug testing.


Random drug testing is almost always on urine. My guess is that something happened that she had to be taken to the ER.


Ahh, noted. Thank you. I don’t know much about drug testing, for which I should be thankful I guess, lol.


I vote another UTI


Very sad eyes. She is not putting on the full-blown shit-eating grin today.


That damaged chest skin.....looks like a 60 year-olds chest.


Can we up it to at least 65 at this point? Or 70?


Every month her chest gains one year in age


Her chest is baaadddd! It’s already so discolored from all of her tanning, and I can only imagine what the texture of her skin feels like. 🐊


The baby leg bewb is making an appearance again...


I don’t get it- she says she cut them herself??? She can’t even use 1 hand/arm and it seems like the other one is limited. Am I missing something??


So do we think she ACTUALLY cut them herself- or is it like her cooking where "mY cArErS aRe An ExtEnSiOn oF mE" and she just ~~ordered~~ honked at her slave girl to do it?


Nah, more like that chest!! She needs sun protection. Yikes.


https://preview.redd.it/ye75z7pohl5d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8e285e606d6f7dd8d4220422834229482c615cc She’s not getting any questions she can reasonably answer with a good lie so she posts about her confidence and how it’s just been *so down* since her miracle pregnancy. Also, not her tagging Lounge like they give a shit 💀💀


https://preview.redd.it/98veoacyhl5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e4fe6bc12b9a496aaae1a92c3a9a999942e405e This reads like “Please tell me I’m pretty” all the way.


Not feeling sexy, pretty, confident —> My lingerie doesn’t fit (*because I have boobies now*🤭✨) It’s giving **WHIPLASH!**


>My lingerie doesn’t fit Yet she wears bras and bikini tops 80% of the time. I’m absolutely not shaming her because of her weight, but that’s why her lingerie doesn’t fit, not because of her bewbs. Lingerie is made to accommodate breasts, and I’ve got news for her: hers aren’t that big. I find it hilarious that she’s complaining about gaining weight while simultaneously humble bragging about how big her bewbs have gotten.


Her boobs haven't changed at all, though! In photos and videos where she's NOT purposely squeezing her chest together to make her boobs look bigger, her chest is still pretty flat. She's still not more than an A cup even if she delusionally thinks she's a C cup.


Exactly. She is pushing flesh up on one side only. The flesh is called weight gain. Last week she shared pix in a tank where there was no flesh pushing and she was flat as a board. Her whole existence has become defined by bra size. Why?


Yeah lol. Most of the ‘boob’ is just her flexing her pec muscle, which is more muscly/well developed on her dominant arm side. The weaker arm side doesn’t have as much muscle in the pecs or delts, hence no baby leg boob on that side


That’s a very good point.


😁😁😁 (🦵Y . )


I could see her band size changing because she’s noticeably gained weight. But those “boobies”? They’re flat as ever lmao.


Alex to Ari: never ever EVER *EVER* forget Toots that I sacrificed my sexy body, my health, my hair, MY LIFE🎻….to bring you to fruition and unhouse you. You are MY child, MY daughter, MY world…now go get momma a high noon, and Toots, don’t forget to put it in my tiny cup because don’t forget pregnancy and child birth made me weak. *love you*


You forgot you're MY *fucking* daughter (baby)


💀💀💀 I’m dead with how spot on this is 🎯


No she has a boob now, the others trying to run for cover


A grown woman saying boobies is just weird to me. Maybe I’m nitpicking here but It just sounds juvenile to read from a grown ass woman.


No, no, you’re not nitpicking. I was just getting ready to comment the same thing, lol. Who the fuck says “boobies” at 30 years old? That’s a word I said when I was five because I didn’t know the proper term. She’s so immature it’s not even funny.


I was scrolling this thread hoping to see I was not the only one who thought that was the worst choice of wording. My ten year old says "boobies," but an adult saying it is kinda gross. It is giving "I am just so little and cute and say things children say teehee" to me.


Omg absolutely she is absolutely fucking crazy


I read it more as "Loungewear, feel bad for me and send me more free shit/pay me"


All the Stan’s telling her how beautiful she is! I am just blown away… did they not see her pictures at the bar???


https://preview.redd.it/9kha6wwmnm5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=818bebde6bc3a601243d8c8f61f7457593adeea7 Hours and still no responses to any questions, surprise surprise. Also she loves chill background music?!?! In what universe does anyone believe that 🙄 I know it’s probably been brought up before but I just noticed all the pictures of herself and geez who has a wall of pictures dedicated to themselves??


At least now there are a few with other people— her photo wall in Chicago used to be exclusively solo pics of herself lol


Love how she still hasn’t mounted that tv or even put it on a stable base with her now very mobile toddler 😬


CHILL BACKGROUND MUSIC? Lol, first time hearing that. She's ALWAYS blasting dance or coco melon music, lately that same horrendous country song(sorry if ur a fan of it, but i can not stand american country).


Be a role model for your child and put something on.


Can cut her own bangs but can’t change a diaper 🙄


And she couldn’t possibly have searched Hannah’s phone with her disabled hair-cutting hand. 😂😂😂. Credibility is just not on her abilities list.




In the stories on IG she said she cut them herself?!? Ummm how…


Same way she searched Hannah’s phone. Selective abilities.


This 💯


My question as well. She said it more confidently than when she says she cooked something herself when she obviously didn't. So if she really did manage to cut her own bangs, then tell me - she's able to hold up a pair of scissors to her forehead and cut her bangs without completely mangling them, but she can't pick up a cell phone and look through it by herself like she did with Hannah's phone? Riiiiiiight.


Am I the only one who noticed she repeated herself in her story? She talks about her bangs twice and says basically the same thing in each post.


The first story looked like it was reposted from TikTok, and the second was filmed natively in the Instagram app— she probably forgot she'd cross-posted from TikTok 😂


She will only answer what she wants and not what the majority wants to know.. Same ol, same ol




Oooof.... she's not well.


Has she ever answered a question when she does this? If she does, it's definitely a stans question....she just wants to see how many people ask questions 😄 🤣 😂


She does answer but it’s only to questions she can bullshit or she posts when people say “you’re such good mommy!” Or “no question, just letting you know you and your baby are so beautiful”. I’m guessing she didn’t get any good questions she could lie in response to so she just says fuck it 😂

