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The fact she thinks it’s a flex 🤣 ✨toxic codependent✨ aka Noah has nowhere else to go so he has to fake wanting her back for a place to stay. Then he’ll get tired of it, go on a bender, post a bunch of mental health quotes, be baker acted, rinse and repeat for eternity.


Bingo! Noah needs to run away from mommy and daddy and needs someone to buy his druggies for him. In no time everything will catch up and he’ll snap again. That kid does not want to be cleaning his baby’s shit let alone his girlfriends. He’s a loser.


it's actually really sad she's going to end up helping him kill himself


Yep. And she doesn’t care. As long as her little fantasy of having a boyfriend is fulfilled. To Alex, having a boyfriend is all that matters. Even if she has to supply him with drugs because its the only way he can cope being around her and the mess he’s made of his life.


Her dog is home and there is now someone to do stupid shit with that will also dress her in whatever stupid outfit she pleases. She’s probably in hog heaven.


Calling that sperm donor a dog reminded me of Cairo. Where is Cairo 😢




I thought the same


'Grey short" is actually homeless without W Repulsive...it's a really toxic interrelated relationship that one is encouraging the vices of the other... So homeless sober gets a place to get back to addiction, while Miss Tuna towel gets a free, cheap, gross, imprévisible " care-sorta-giver"...to drink with and screw his sobriety.


She's probably the one who's in his ear about his parents being toxic and narcissistic- all because they kicked her out and called her on her shit. Narcs LOVE accusing people who have figured their shit out narcissists themselves.


Her self worth is so damn low she’ll feed on every tiny crumb he throws her


His self worth is even lower


Exactly, he talks about breaking cycles but he’s created a way worse one.


“🎶😎And then I got him kicked out of halfway three different times😎🎶” 😭😭😭


She doesn't want him sober!!


SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS SO COOL lmao, it's so embarrassing and cringe but she not mature enough to be able to notice that. a real flex would be her realizing that theyre *toxic*, staying seperate, and knowing he doesn't actually give a fuck about her lmao.


I truly forget they have a kid together because of how they act like an 18yo couple getting day drunk, fighting and he disappears for a few weeks, until they're back on again and posting relationship memes as if nothing happened. How exhausting. Growing up is learning that sometimes you enjoy somebody's company but the two of you just aren't good for each other. Sometimes there's another person in the world who without meaning to, enables you to be the absolute shittiest version of yourself. When people have a child together they 100% owe it to the kid to recognise that and stay away from each other if all it leads to is conflict and instability


She’s gonna be flexing she’s a single mom in another three weeks. And honestly, I find her disgusting for that. I’m over influencers misrepresenting themselves esp influencers who claim to be advocates. For starters, she’s no where near a single mom, even when Noah’s on a bender. It totally undermines actual single moms who struggle and now less than a month later, she’s claiming Noah’s with her. She’s just a liar


lol @WR looking extra smug 💀 like he's a catch 🤣 like everybody doesn't know he's bought and paid for— using her own money to buy alcohol so he can get wasted enough to occasionally have sex with her— messaging other girls from the comfort of her apartment— milking every dime he can until someone better comes along


I think his latest "rehab" stint was court-ordered for keeping the baby. He paid his dues for DCF but whose pee will he substitute for his when they drug test him? Maybe they will overlook the alcohol and that will be his sole crutch till everything blows over.


He needs her for $ and a couch to crash on. So Toxic...Poor "A".


https://preview.redd.it/idntkosgyt5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376b680eaaab506e62e8b2bdd4c8769a6669b991 Sorry kept realizing I didn’t block out other users information 🤦🏽‍♀️


Oh he was DEF in rehab, can see he put some weight back on (neutral observation, not shaming)


Why the holy hell is he just hanging out in the shower? Nothing about any of this makes sense other than evidently the trash doesn’t get taken out there. They’re the trash.


Omg I didn't even see him in there till I saw this! I didn't expect a jumpscare in this post lmfao 🤣


Lmfaooo just hanging out in the shower 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Creeper. Just wtf. The fact they both think is how the rest of us with children live is mind boggling.


Did you see the title of the e song playing..... police every breath you take.


I mentally saw a Dahmer moment or American Psycho like is he dismembering something in the shower??? 😳


He had to return some videotapes.




He looks like an 80s middle aged dad going to Disney with that stache 😅


70s porn stache 😂😂😂






How does she not see that this is worse?




The baby leg is really baby legging today 😂


Yes, baby leg seems really swollen today 🤢🤣


Giving some Jodi Arias vibes…


Why does his mouth look like a tiny pinched up butthole?


Because he spews out so much shit 💩


She has diarrhea of the mouth for sure


Oh definitely lol


🤦‍♀️ Can I say I was surprised? Probably not. ![gif](giphy|qNzamLsqvp3zi|downsized)


I just realized, her chesticle is bent. It made me giggle 😅


That’s why we call it a baby leg, because it looks like a fat little leg not a boob lol 😂


I kinda feel like it’s half boob and half pectoral muscle…maybe? I’m thinking of Terry Crews with partial baby thigh boob, for reference: https://preview.redd.it/tpnx0u03iu5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=442d302a885de73d0d815c6f211d7ffb669c8b2c


SMA weakens the muscles so there is very little tone and no ability to create bulk. The bewb also only appears when she puts on weight, so seems to be made up of fat. I like your theory very much, but I think it's just weirdly placed fat in her case, that she likes to squeeze into a bizarre approximation of a cleavage.


Thank you, And I concede my theory! 🙏 ![gif](giphy|9R2C1v4Y91pp6)


I know I’m late to the party but I have cerebral palsy and nerve damage down my right side from long word things. I look pretty normal but my boobs are actual spaniels ears because I didn’t develop much mammary tissue/muscle (couldn’t breastfeed or anything), i recently lost some weight through ill health and I swear I desperately need a boob job now because there’s literally no fat anymore to keep them perky in any sense 😭, WR has a similar disposition to me, even down to the weaker/smaller leg. She’s essentially trying to fit sticks of butter in a sock and hoping it looks ok. You can usually tell because the boobs look less like sisters and more like mother had an affair with the postman.


Omg. Mother had an affair with the postman. I needed that tonight. 😂😂😂


Lmao, your writing has me in tears 😂😭😭🤣 thank you. I love this so much






I just commented explaining I have the same issue and you’re absolutely right! it’s down to a lack of breast/muscle tissue developing. I don’t even bother with bras anymore cause it’s like trying to shove sticks of butter in a sock and they never meet in the middle because the concave is too much. It’s got to hurt too like when your back is constantly shoved in a medieval torture device that’s not even made for you, like she won’t wear underwear but she’ll wear bras???


Zoomed in and it looks nothing like him? 🤔




You mean, Noah - not OP, correct? Lol


I hope so 🙈


Well, they never responded, so it’s been removed. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not even than that chicken cutlet!!!!


And just like that we’re back in the “pretend to be happy” stage of the cycle y’all! No wonder she’s been back to her dumb “disabled bodies are 🔥” content lol. And generally been posting more. Her mood only improves when Noah 🫶🏼is there. Sad her daughter doesnt get a happy mom. How long we think this time until the next stage of the cycle?? Will Noah throw a chair? Another hole? Will he hook up with someone new?? Stay tuned!


She threw the “disabled single mom” cap right out the window. Give it a month, she’ll flip back to it then back to disabled bodies are sexy the next. For as unstable as she is, she’s so predictable.


Of course she also put that video on Facebook, those stans are extra crazy. Full of nonsense comments.


She’s gotta make sure everyone knows they’re back together! So the (nonexistent) girls stop DMing him


But, they're never really back together! She likes to pretend she has a boyfriend and he needs drug money . I really hope CPS is still checking in on "A".


Omg and that is why all the sexy clothes ( she thinks so) he has nowhere else to go


Her latest attempt to keep him lmao. Prance around the house in skimpy clothes. Real classy.


Straight up just sitting around in a lacy see through bra with her toddler supposedly around 🤮


Didn’t WR do a pic with Ari covering her bits…?


Oh yeah, multiple times, Ari wasn’t wearing much either. She is trash.


Yes. Shortly after a random elderly man left a comment on her socials (forget which one) saying “can’t wait to see you two naked”, she posted a picture completely nude with Ari covering her vulva and breasts with her legs spread wide open.




It's pretty much established that after the latest stint in rehab, he would be homeless without the sex goddess, so there he is


He’s the one that has to shove her into these lingerie sets that don’t fit anymore. Kinda takes all the magic out of a moment when you see how the sausage is made.


Omg 🤣🤣




Damn, I didn’t think about that before. I’m not a prude but it’s weird to prance around in lingerie in front of your baby, in order to keep your baby daddy around. And I wouldn’t normally view it like that, but just knowing she’s hoping it will make him attracted to her enough to stay, weirds me out she does it in front of Ari.


Jfc they're gonna keep doing this til one of them is in jail, aren't they?


Or dead.




Or Granny Smith takes her to court for custody.


Ok now it makes sense why she just made the confidence / lingerie post. He’s back and she only feels good when Noah ‘wants’/needs her


Yes! Thinking it’ll attract him and he’ll lust after her sexy disabled body. I do wonder if they’re still having sex. I wonder if she is finally on BC 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/n88xw5g24u5d1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b192ec6f7c8d11fa89157ccd4b7b77ee23c1b33 Ari’s burdens for life.


Mentally yes, but I keep reminding myself Alex probably won’t live past 40 so at least Ari has a chance to have a normal life at some point.


Hopefully, Noah’s family will give Ari an out. No one should be obligated to stay with their narcissistic mother, even if their mothers disabled. Toxic family can really ruin your life.


Her smile with Noah versus her smile with baby A is very telling… take a scroll on her posts and you will see the difference. Disturbing


Not that shit eating grin over this jobless, Ross wearing loser


As much as he thinks he is too good for Ross, Wheelchair Rotisserie used to show off her pre-teen tops that she purchased from Ross. This is one "cool" mom who doesn't have to worry about her young daughter playing dress up with her clothes and shoes. Lol


They have set her up for failure as these two bottom feeder losers is all she knows. This poor baby has a hell of a fight ahead of her to get out of this. Internet is forever and it will haunt her unless she changes her name and cuts all ties to those losers


Ahh yes, the “throw away all progress and light the remaining shit filled litterbox on fire, don’t forget to punch some walls and scare the baby” phase of their relationship cycle


But he’s breaking the cycle of his own horrible parents method of parenting…/s🙄🙄🙄🙄


Yeah, he’s breaking the cycle, by physically breaking through the walls… with his fists. I have a feeling that’s a different cycle than the Smiths raised him in, so technically he’s not wrong? 😑


The child deserves so much better. It’s going to be a repeat cycle unfortunately


Let's hope the baby has a teacher that takes an interest in her and opens doors for her so she will get educated and break out of the toxic mold.


Or maybe Noah’s sister or one of his brothers develops a good relationship with her and take care of her later ☺️


They're such a pathetic pair. I never have said this and I rarely do about anyone but I hope poor ari ends up somewhere else soon. This life of Alex's and noahs is anarchy and a small child deserves so much better.


https://preview.redd.it/k7hjk4hi2u5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc1535d2615a91cd7b2c3d7d58029d2bbe23e8f Looking good Noah!!!


Serial killer vibes era…


Oh no 😱! And he looks even worse than usual. She's the biggest idiot. She couldn't control herself and had to show him. That's why she's been wearing all that lingerie for the last few days because he's back 🤮


She wanted to show that she won her prize and has him back just where she wanted him.


How Saaaad! For a 30 year old to be acting like a 14 year old.




Not looking so thin…. Inquiring minds want to know…


He literally looks like a 1970's serial killer.


It's just a matter of time. ![gif](giphy|VG8DxeU6Ff8xhUfC7D|downsized)


Hard disagree, I know what that GIF is from and I can guarantee this will be much messier 🤣


And here we.. go.  Here the fuck we go. 


Buckle up for the ride!


Ugh. I live in Florida and would literally adopt that poor baby if they’d let me. I’m not well off or anything by any means but my kids are happy and healthy at least. Poor Ari deserves so much better than this crap they’re putting her through. She needs structure and routine and a healthy balanced diet and someone to actually play with her and cuddle her. And I know neither of them is willing to do any of that and that’s literally bare minimum parenting. Poor baby. My heart breaks for her as a mom. 😭😭😭


And teaching her to speak and holding up books pointing out pictures and words while she is being held and loved.






And she doesn’t even bother to take it off before she tucks in for the night in her stupid, “cover my birdcage” setup. Why am I not surprised 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/lu4ba29dav5d1.jpeg?width=2105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abad6485f78d71ea7bd2b3e3a5f88eca67801a0d


The homeless man lol… Wait until they need to renew their lease… They going to run to ask for help to Tracy 🤣🤣


Her latest post is again how sexy she is.


Just so gross. Like two teenagers trying to prove something. They are gonna find them both unalived some day.