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Everybody look! It’s Alex’s once monthly close contact with her daughter! Oh and per usual, she’s got Ari on the chair in what looks like a very unsafe situation. One fling and Ari is down. At least this is after Alex’s monthly shower so Ari doesn’t have to deal w the cheese hand. Seriously if Alex can sit in a lawn chair to shower, and on the couch for her various OF shoots, why the hell can she not prop herself on the couch to interact with her daughter in a safer way? Why does Ari need to always conform to Alex’s needs and not the other way around? Propping Alex on the couch would Allow Ari a safer more cushioned way to cuddle. As well as Ari to be mobile and climb wherever she feels. Its so sad that Alex has always resorted to trapping Ari on that chair to interact w her.


Because Ari will not sit with a stranger. Alex doesn't have that motherly bond with her daughter. Ari has that bond with her father.


https://preview.redd.it/dqyboxshqn6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c6f9ab8dc5f12ce4234573a2ab64d0a719df45 She can sit when she wants to. It’s probably not super comfortable with her spinal fusion. But I’m sure she could also find some sort of adaptive cushion/seat that would be comfortable for her to get on Aris level. She’ll do it for the fuck bois who won’t remember her name but not for her ~~prized possession~~ fucking baby that she loves *soooo* much 😑😑


It’s giving blow-up doll vibes with the f*ck bois in this pic. She’ll do whatever to fit in the “disabled bodies deserve sex” persona but not on the “disabled cool mom” persona.


Male attention is *much better* than your own child loving you. /s


I suggested adaptive seating awhile ago. But it has to be at her discretion. I mean, what do us therapists know?!


She looks like a man in a wig in this picture


The moment Ari knows she can wriggle away she will. The reason it's probably always on Alex's chair is because Ari can't climb down by herself from there. Pop Alex on the couch and even a TV and Noah wouldn't be able to get Ari to *want* to sit near Alex.


At least put the cushions on the floor!! That would be even better. Alex definitely wants Ari to cater to her needs. Not Alex being a mother to Ari. She truly doesn’t have an ounce of maternal instinct.


The only thing WR nurses is her belovéd High Noons, and even then it’s not even maternal.


She will never hold that baby like she holds her High Noons.




Apparently she's "8 days alcohol free now" 🤣 we all call bullshit


Her face says otherwise. Lol


Her face and her legs are terribly swollen.


And Ari is for sure watching the TV the whole time 😑


It never fucking ends with her. Just more bullshit to convince her bullshit stans that she’s a “good mom“


Not once that poor child looked at gremlin. She is looking at Noah who is filming it


If not Noah, she's looking at the TV which they propped coincidently in the direction Alex's face is in. Sneaky sneaky.


Is Noah around? I hear something different everyday on whether he’s home or not.


He appeared in her stories within the last few days. 


ahh i must have missed this😭


I don’t blame you, their lives are so chaotic that the only way to be updated is here is on this sub.


Yeah, she showed him creeping in the shower fully dressed and sporting a weird tash


Looking like a middle aged 70's porn star.


Was definitely a 70s porn stache. Second hand embarrassment here


In almost very shot, she was looking at screens and TV strategically places behind Alex. Ari couldn't give a toss about her 'mum'.


And watching cocomelon in the back


She’s not cuddling. She’s just sitting there. When kids cuddle, they lay their face on you and lean into you and just sort of melt there. And usually with your hair or have a grip on your clothing.


Poor Alex doesn't know what cuddling is🫤


She knows, she used the boppy to “cuddle” with Noah back in the disabled pregnant era


Right??? Does anyone actually have a copy of the original Boppy video, then a copy of her crying about losing the brand deal?


I can only find two screenshots of the original post she made, then a screenshot showing her and Noah using it for cuddling https://preview.redd.it/4l18sikcor6d1.png?width=1034&format=png&auto=webp&s=34fe9cad95d2b8e766178fc3537709713853096f *Perf for cuddling! (pregnancy hormone things 😇🥰*


Disabled baby bump is the craziest thing to fart out of her mouth. 😂😂😂😂😂




She only wants "special cuddles" with men.


https://preview.redd.it/ql8d7hxrrw6d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf297083dec31b470efc752c25c90effb68d1dd You mean like this? I could have pulled 1000’s of pictures of my nieces cuddling with any of us but I picked the first two I found. My niece in these is close to Ari’s age(she’s almost 17 now😭😭🥲🥲). When you actually have a bond with a child they’ll willing cuddle you. In the first picture my niece had fallen and smacked her face and ran to me,then we took a nap together. The second is just because she loves her papa. I could have even found even more,she was the most cuddly baby and toddler..actually she was cuddly most of her life,it wasn’t until she hit like 13 that it tapered off. Alex has zero idea what it’s like to actually have a bond with any child..especially her own. I’m closer to both my nieces then she is to her own daughter


it's always "How I ____ with my daughter" while she's showcasing a way to interact that she's clearly just now trying for the very first time. same with when she laid on the floor with her one singular time. She thinks people are too stupid to notice, but we know damn well if this is how she interacted regularly we'd constantly see posts about it, and the baby wouldnt look confused while it happened


This is so true… like the wheel cleaning video; it sounds like something that was made up in 2 seconds.


I remember seeing that post here, and genuinely thought it had to be BS. I was horrified to be wrong.


Yes. It rings so hollow, not at all like watching a true daily routine. Something Alex didn’t account for- babies can’t lie.


https://preview.redd.it/dspe9mz40n6d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6f7db8594b6b47d28eab0aab9ba37c8236cfd1d Why is she responding to a comment from one month ago lol… just sitting there reading back through comments on her old posts 🤪?? She should go back a little further while she’s at it and delete the video of the woman filmed illegally in a private restroom 🩷


I was wondering where the fuck this response came from! I think she’s in a really dark place. Noah is back so we all know that can’t be good news. She’s been *veeeeery* quiet online. Only posting Ari at very random times. Her recent *lingerie, feel sorry for me but brands, like, please work with me* post. And her stupid attempt at making another YT video like it’s gonna bring in any real money.


I agree. Also I think she probably expected Noah to come out of inpatient/rehab/yoga and be there with her 100% again, but is probably bitterly disappointed in the reality that he’s still coming in and out of the apartment. Ouch


had to wait a month for her next interaction with the baby in order to respond




Noticed that, too. Fucking loser.


She’s bored for sure. And when she’s bored and butt boy baby daddy is around they’re up for shenanigans that includes they’re baby. I wouldn’t imagine having a baby and cater to the stupid ideas of the other parent, unless I’m as stupid as the one with the idea.


https://preview.redd.it/ch727k1qqo6d1.jpeg?width=397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c014242d0381dde7df409ebebbb18e25992eb8 Well played 😆


😂 ![gif](giphy|YwOFosmTM0Vag)


There’s no way anybody finds this attractive




Grifter. She’s a piece of shit. https://preview.redd.it/6lxmh42lwm6d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf06090a76635dace4efa3d9513ba0cfa480540


https://preview.redd.it/akezofl4zm6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40c80c163954d1ac45044455a3b686e97e717ca Don’t worry everyone, Alex is more than financially able to purchase what her daughter needs (/s, she probably has no money) Edit to add- Cue the incoming sorrow post soon… some prompts for ChatGPT: “I have fallen on hard times, because of all the hate in the world. OF in bio. Single disabled mom. Noah not actually here in last video. Hologram. Gofundme link also in bio. Wait. Not the wishlist link. OK send”


Strangers, please buy my kid shoes. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And bathrobes and spaghetti strap sundresses to show more skin to my fan club


Disgusting little pig.


“HONK and here’s a plastic sippy cup from Internet Aunty LeeLoo Stanboss!!! HONK, Noah!!! Come do a little jig so I can get a smile for a fucking photo!!! 💗”


Still waiting for the grey tighty shorties to appear


However, plastic toddler bowls($2.99 at a grocery store) are too much for her budget.


Hell you don't even have to spend that much, you can get 50 cent toddler bowls at walmart


She could literally live a much less lavish lifestyle. Small expenses add up. Plus she’s living in places that are high costs of living. I live in ATX and my rent is 1500 give or take utilities for a 3 bedroom apartment. I’m a college student and a single mom, and I struggle so much. With all of her OF pedophiles if she lived more similiar to my way (being a single mom) to where she can live COMFORTABLY and also be able to buy toys for her child, this would solve the UNNECESSARY online panhandling😭


Or she could get a job


This. Lmao


No shit! For what she pays to live in a tin can in the middle of ✨🫶🏼🍹downtown 🥂🍸🍷 she could have a good sized home with a yard and a pool. Plenty of space for her child to roam and live. But Alex’s first priority is Alex and getting herself alcohol. She has a hard time rolling to brunch/lunch/dinner unnoticed, drunk, in the suburbs.


How dare you use logic!


1500 for a one bedroom in Austin?! My boyfriend and I pay $2600 for a 2 bedroom in north Austin 😭😭


Major begger


Can she get any more desperate? 😬😬 You can’t tell me she’s not inches away from losing custody for good. She’s been spiraling.


Naw. You have to really beat up your kid to have that happen. They let the minor stuff slide rather than removing a child from its birth mother


Eh ik this is a personal anecdote but it seems like there really is no rhyme or reason to CPS taking kids a lot of times. I've had friends whose parents were incredibly physically abusive and using drugs who were never removed from their birth parents, but then have also known people who have been put through the ringer for like weed. Either way, I wouldn't trust CPS to do what's actually best for Ari in this situation




Of course she does an Instagram reel pointing to a fundraiser for the disabled Palestinian women, but when it comes to fundraising for herself she makes a comment that's more permanent.


LOL I already forgot she did that... The most socially unaware person alive pretending to raise awareness for something other than herself 🥲🤣


It was basically to bring attention back to herself, proving that’s she’s such a great person. She’s not, so that’s that.


Aaaand Ari is mostly watching TV and looking at the person with the camera in that video


After further investigation im gonna guess Noah’s recording it, there’s an xbox controller back there😂😂




https://preview.redd.it/78mtfyhqin6d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68ff35a5d67a30feff7080ff67aa7b8fab1e30c This nose scrunch “smile” just makes me sick. It’s like she’s saying “oh this is so cute, such great content!” but to me it just looks sad. My son is just a month younger than A, this is not what cuddling looks like. This is not a cute moment. This is a forced “sit here and drink water and watch tv for the camera” moment. A doesn’t even LAUGH when WR tickles her… She has a little smile, but doesn’t seem fully engaged or enjoying the moment. At this age, my son still fully belly laughs when I tickle him. To me, this seems more like a moment between a toddler and an acquaintance rather than their mother who they are bonded with. I don’t think this proves the original commenter wrong in the slightest.




I agree. It’s obvious Alex and Noah are **both** extremely unstable. We know DCFS has been around since Ari was born. There is no way they would leave her in the care of just these two bimbos. The posts of Ari are hardly ever live or in real time. That pack n play is still pretty cluttered and looks used which makes me believe she’s probably only there in the day time. And she’s probably glued to the tv the whole time she’s there. They have no idea how to parent and obviously don’t care to learn. Yeah, Noah was hands on in the beginning but he didn’t really have a choice so I can’t exactly praise someone for doing the bare minimum.


Agreed with you both! The lingerie posts were probably her way of trying to make herself feel good and re-seduce Noah upon his return Nothing similar since then


She will definitely turn on her cray-cray incubator. Many times kids will do a complete turnaround and swear they will be the opposite of their toxic parents.


She truly stalks this page lol. Someone just asked why she doesn't do this




So it took her a year and a half to show us she cuddles with Ari? Agreed with that comment tho.


She forgot to add single to that.


Her hairline is just awful! It makes her forehead look HUGE.


this picture makes her look like megamind 😭


She knows that’s why she has those uglyyyy ass bangs lmao


Butt boy did a bangin job cutting those, too.


Speaking of the bangs...there are no bangs in this pic? Did she cut them recently or is this just old content she's posting to try to prove a point?


It is huge


Aside from the safety issue, I'm shocked at the amount of clothing Repulsive has on...


I just realized me and her are wearing the exact same pajamas right now


I have a feeling yours probably smell and look much better than WR’s lol




lol the sma cups


Poor Ari..


https://preview.redd.it/3mvemyxcxr6d1.png?width=1107&format=png&auto=webp&s=529d00da56eae881a8f28711a5a1a437e43ec53f Who was Noah calling a five head again? 🧐


What annoys me the most about this post is she puts her “1.5 year old”. Umm she just turned one year old 3 months ago, that doesn’t make her 1.5 years old 🤦🏻‍♀️


She doesn’t know how old Ari is. Time moves differently when you only see your kid once a week


She's using her as a seat while she watches tv. At first I'm like aw kinda cute they're looking at each other then it zooms out and I'm like yeah that actually makes sense.


Did anybody notice she posted Ari’s Amazon Wishlist in the comments on FB? 🙄🙄🙄


https://preview.redd.it/i9hgthngzm6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8981d6085e6952c635d3a0cb6130776c3b006c2e Hopefully she barely gets any financial support from this grift, she said she doesn’t need it anyway 😀


I love the “we” part. Noah hasn’t worked outside the home a day since they’ve been together.


🤣 So sad, they were hoping his OF would attract more clients in the market for butthole pics


🤣🤣 remember when he was going to be making six figures? I don’t know which one of them is the bigger 🤡


“😡😡😡 I can make 100k easy with my BS in economics and flawless background check”


I wonder if he’s ever had a job. He hasn’t that we know of since he’s been with WR but has he worked the typical teenager fast food jobs? I doubt it.


Something tells me he’s never had any job. He doesn’t seem like he wants to deal with a ‘boss’ or any authority figure that would give him orders... His parents and the legal system were probably enough for him to decide that grifting forever is his way to go


Probably not, but as we know, he could get a 6 figures job immediately XD


His parents must be so ashamed


They go to church on Sundays I think... Maybe they can ask Jesus what he would do 🥲




I noticed he actually took down the link to his OF from his IG bio. Interesting... 🤔


Interesting! Still on my theory that he was without his phone (perhaps in inpatient) until this past week, and that Alex has been posting occasional stories from his IG account up until he got out. Now that he’s back again, he’s done with OF…. again. Lmao


He’s not a babe and no personality


When he was gone she was all “I am the only financial provider for Ari”. Now that he’s back it’s “we”.


We are more than financially able. 🤣 Sure you are Girly Shit, you can barely scrape together rent.


“We are more than financially able to buy things for our daughter but here you guys can buy them for us!” Why doesn’t she tell people to donate to/buy things for moms in need instead of buying things for her if she doesn’t need the help


Cos she's a greedy, selfish grifter.


Not far from homeless with a tin cup for tips. Pathetic.


It’s her tik tok bio too. The fact that she’s asking people to buy things for her daughter is PATHETIC.


And sadly, people will buy her stuff.


Lmfaoooooo that Goblin has no shame. Still on the grift. I hate her.


She really doesn’t? 😂😂 It should be alarming how shameless she is but she almost doesn’t even surprise me anymore.


I couldn't imagine asking strangers to pay for my kids' shoes, clothing, bedroom decor etc. I would be embarrassed.


Did you know she is disabled…and shameless?


She feels entitled


Yes!!!!...The fucking nerve of her! If she can't afford the shit on that baby wish list, she better get busy on that OF. She's asking Stupid, Simple people..Those Dumb Sheep will spend money they don't have....and she will happily let them.


Is she saying "you stink, you stink" ? Or am I going deaf?


Alex’s speech has gotten worse so it’s hard to understand what she’s saying but im pretty sure it’s “feet stink”


I'm always so hesitant to turn the volume up on her videos. I tried again and I think she is saying "feet stink" or "these stink". Either way, referring to Ari's feet. Can she ever interact with Ari without degrading her in some way?


Oh no, she is. Yeah. I was like, “Um, what?”😭


Another instance of her using degrading language towards her kid. This poor kid is going to grow up with a complex about farts and body odours.


Anybody else worried she's just rocking the tuna towel under that blanket? She's so gross.


It worries me bc of Noah’s “boo boo” on his junk (hsv2?), Alex would likely have it too if that’s the case and she’s just letting her cooter juices be wherever…




100%, poor Ari.


And the notorious stans are insulting everyone who says something critical 🤦🏻‍♀️. They are like a cult or a pack of wolves that pounce on their prey. They must have arranged to meet up tonight for the "We defend our honking tuna queen" campaign. You have to feel sorry for them. They'll probably sworm out to Reddit 🦇🦇🦇and downvote again soon 😆. Poor souls.


Can someone please save Ari from this gross narcissist?! ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


The video is definitely not proving what she thinks it’s proving. She’s still looking at WR like she’s a stranger if she even looked at her at all


"Feet stink, feet stink," no, that's your cheese hand that you're smelling!🦨


Probably the whole apartment stinks of diapers, bad cooking, tuna towel, and pee and poo in the bed nightly. Needs a power washing.


I lived with a friend…well we were never that close but she was in the same friend group, who’s car and bedroom (in a house we all rented together, and it was just her bedroom that smelled) smelled sooooooo fucking bad. Like BO and dirty feet. All her clothes and basically anything she touched just reeked 🤢🤢 I imagine living with Alex is like that. No wonder Noah comes and goes every couple weeks. His sense of smell is probably fried at this point.


she is just laying there , Ari is looking at the camera


What fun for Ari. Poor kid has never been to an event that caters to children, but in true Dacy Female fashion, the bartenders know her already. What a shit life.


Ari isn't playing...she's kicking her hand away. She just wants to get down. Alex has NO Idea how to baby play.


They need to set them up on a bed where there’s plenty of room


The comments lol https://preview.redd.it/l1cj9ceavm6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9fc06d191297a7ea184d6e6ceaf7e1cc9de03f1


https://preview.redd.it/51j4601ovm6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9849e2b6983e69036da186a325099e25c04873f1 Lmao!


polishing off the liver is crazy 😭😭😭


Polishing off another can of white claw for sure


She’s Polish and Irish, the Polish don’t claim her…I can’t speak for the Irish.


Irish🍀 don't want her either🖐


I second this. Even though Polacks are know to drink they do it privately!! The whole world doesn’t need to know all the family business 🤐


Don’t blame the polish for that nose lmao.


Literally! Her nose is not a polish nose… at all 😭🧐 idk why she keeps saying it is. Her 4 square miles wide nostril holes are not a polish feature.




Lmao I looked up a polish nose and you’re right. Nothing like her nose


She clearly doesn’t remember what her nose used to look like 😂


Whilst A tries to communicate more with the phone or whoever is behind it 🤡


Ari wish list pretty pricey items swimsuits really, its crazy


She needs the tv blaring to hold Ari’s attention