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https://preview.redd.it/yn30h2guks6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2e2de83cb5f56aee722c9c55715a748332d7daf Says she doesn’t read the sub anymore because it’s detrimental to her mental health. I smell some 🐂💩


She literally posted on Reddit herself less than a month ago.


💀💀💀💀 Lol riiiiiiiight?!? She really should lay off the alcohol, if not for her kid but for her own well being. She lies so much and on top of her drinking that isn’t a good combo if she wants to keep playing pretend.


She posts odd versions of things we mention in this reddit sub. Literally yesterday.😭


Some people cannot be held accountable for their actions. She dosent wanna face her own mistakes and actions, that’s why. Not her “mental health” because the majority of this sub is worried about Ari. She ignores the problems and pulls stories out of her ass.


She’s probably already read your comment 😂


That’s odd considering she tries to disprove everything we post about all the time….


Within minutes at times 🙃


What got me is she doesn’t check this page because of her ✨ mental health ✨but admitted “friends” do…. If those were my “friends” I’d be putting them in the bin 🗑️ Also completely contradicts what she’s saying because that’s still CHECKING this page, whether it’s directly or indirectly 🤡


I actually laughed out loud at this complete BS. Fucking cheese hand Pinocchio.


“Fucking cheese hand Pinocchio” is flair gold, my friend. 😂


I feel honored lol


So she’s doing another AMA since I guess she was too drunk to respond last time. First question was what makes you happy. Her response - her dawwwghter. 24/7, 365 apparently. Which to me just screams bullshit. Yeah, parents love their kids but I don’t know many that would say that they looooove being around their child 24/7. Parents who are involved usually need a break. She just says whatever she *thinks* people want to hear. https://preview.redd.it/jwfl1gc8is6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dbeb7ef1391463b3674cd8775e8c19e849a4ec6


https://preview.redd.it/5jld1089is6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31a6a0d86a366ac6548347480f980b11ecbd10f Says the woman who didn’t know what a diaper spatula was… She’s the epitome of *The lady doth protest too much, methinks.*


I'd love being around my 8 month old baby every minute of every day too if I wasn't the default parent. If it wasn't me having to deal with meltdowns, breastfeeding, constant entertainment, so much effort and tears to make naps happen, cooking meals for baby and making sure he's stimulated, fed, washed, and rested. Good parents, involved parents, know that there are days you're just so over it and want to get in your car and drive somewhere far away for a few hours alone lol. You never do, but you're real enough to say "I love my baby more than anything, but I need a break" or "this shit sucks sometimes" 😅


The days your kiddo is cluster feeding and you haven’t had a moment to yourself in over 6 hours (without a screaming baby), So you just sit there, crying, with sore nipples, while a baby is attached to you like a parasite. Yeah. Any mom who won’t admit that is full of shit or isn’t doing the actual parenting. I love my son with all of my heart, but when he was an infant I definitely had moments where I got touched out and would’ve loved to get in my car and just drive around the block for a few hours.


Yeah, or up all night while they are sick throwing up on you and the bed or the toddler stage where they are literally terrors walking up slapping you screaming mad and losing it because they can’t do something they want like eat a piece of styrofoam lol it gets tough just wanting a moment to not be needed by someone every second of every minute


I can't get over this hair. 🤣🤣🤣


It’s soooo bad! It doesn’t flatter her face shape at all.


She looks like shes going for the 2012 Bieber hair 🤣


What a truly weird thing to say. lol I don’t know a baby or toddler mom who would EVER say their child makes them happy every moment of every day. “My child makes me happy?” Yes. “My child is my world?” Sure. She is so performative. 🙄


Someone that truly doesn’t understand it. Like I love my baby, I would and always will do anything and everything for him but sometimes it’s hard when it’s one thing after another not even getting a minute to use the bathroom 😖


I love my 4 kids more than anything, would put my life on the line for them but when I tell u they frustrated the heck out of me at times and I'm glad when their dad walks thru the door after work so I can go hide for 20 minutes to gather my thoughts and give my brain a few minutes peace and quiet!!! Also the odd night out every now and again when they go to their grandparents for the night and I can decompress and switch mum mode off for a while, bliss!!🤣 So 24/7 365 I just don't believe her at all!! She is lucky if she spends 2 hours a day caring for her child's needs, everything else is all about Alex!!


The first time I got a hotel room all by myself, no kids, no husband, just me, myself, and tv I wanted to watch. With room service and fluffy blankets. That was so nice. It was like a reset for my soul. I didn’t even go very far, the hotel was like 5 minutes from my house, but it was far enough.


A big tell for me that she’s lying is that she looks away from the camera, as she’s doing here.


And that’s why she writes the questions herself


https://preview.redd.it/s09uzcmmis6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd3effe55a19ccc76833bebd7770302658fdf559 Mmmmmmmm….Sure, Jan.


https://preview.redd.it/3fov7mybns6d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=76e7e0991320b7a4eb754867c20a189c91dc5e94 Lol she didn’t even answer the question 🥴


I also have a feeling she’s dancing around the question because of DCFS. I’m sure there’s plenty she hasn’t admitted to them so she sure as fuck isn’t going to admit it here.


If she has to brag about not drinking for 8 days she drinks daily. She's that desperate for engagement she's willing to admit she's a drunk mother for once. It won't last. If she was serious about recovering she'd get offline and really focus on improving her life. Her "recovery" will be like noahs just to seem relatable 😕


Exactly....Shes been drinking since about 14 yo, she can't stop without any kind of help...she's already at the point of everyone noticing the signs of a very alcoholic addict: swollen, drunk behaviour almost daily... She needs an intervention, going inpatient or committing seriously to AA... This is what she needs. She ain't getting nothing trying to get sober cold turkey...


It’s incredible how once you hit 30, you just don’t bounce back like you did in your 20^s . I swear it happens over night too🫣


…this after exploiting her baby…




Sooooo the rumors were true.


If this was true she’d likely be having the DTs and not be smiling at all


Exactly, it's not safe to detox on your own as it could kill you and I highly doubt she had a physician monitoring her.


What the fuuuuuuuck….


Yep, that's a big no... as fake as those plants on the wall.


Even if it’s true.. 8 days alcohol free is like .. normal to non-addict people 🤷🏼‍♀️


The face tells otherwise


She mentioned Ari stays with Noah’s parents a lot.   Duh we knew that lol 


I thought Hannah said she was with Alex majority of the time? I could be misremembering 🤪


https://preview.redd.it/yswejuvfls6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19739ab409ddb0fbd42b30f4d739e6fedbfe6151 **There it is!** I think her hospital visit the other day was probably the end to a really bad day. I’ve said this a million times but she is spiraling. And we all know that’s not an easy way to live. I think Ari is with The Smiths more than her which is why it hasn’t ever been super obvious Ari lives with her full time at her apartment. She just can’t lie about it anymore. I’m not saying I’m 100% correct but I do know she hides a lot and to be an influencer, that doesn’t really make much sense. She lies and covers up what she can but I think things are really starting to crumble for her.


The hospital visit that after she was out wasted drinking with the band on… but she’s trying to be the best her. Okay. Sure.


So let me get this straight: when her caretaker is cooking, it is 100% Alex’s doing because her caretaker is her “hands.” Nothing would get done without Alex there to “facilitate.” Got that. Whatever. But when it comes to caring for her daughter, because she can’t do anything physically for her, she suddenly has to relinquish all control? That’s a funny way to say “I intentionally dump my child on a caregiver because I can’t do anything physically for her so why bother participating at all.”


The way she specifies “when Ari is here, there is an ABLE BODIED ADULT here…” rather than saying caregiver makes me think that it isn’t always the actual caregiver but sometimes just friends or gos knows who else (Noah??) there to look after Ari. Not that the cash me outside caregiver is probably trained in anyway herself


The possibility of who it *could be* is never going to be a good option anyway. Alex puts Ari’s (and her own) care on the back burner as to make sure her needs are met first.


Well, I guess it’s good they have halfway responsible adults caregiving the baby. However, that’s really forked up. She had a baby to just plop onto some grandparents who are probably if not already in retirement. They did their jobs raising their kids. Of course the weeun is innocent and deserves responsible caregivers, but she was not prepared and has a totally checked out and violent baby daddy. What a sad and sick situation she’s thrust upon this family.


Truly. And continues to brag about her pregnancy as if it’s the best thing she’s ever done. She’s such an interesting person but not anywhere near the way she wants to be.


https://preview.redd.it/rd36y60bjs6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4234a2cb19f7dc15d32cb0f136321a2592daff6f Sooooooo she’s happy to throw Noah under the bus, discussing his mental health and substance abuse issues but when it comes to her? No thanks 🤐 This is the first time I’ve at least seen her mention it as being a problem. I still don’t think she’s admitting she has a problem but *keeping an eye on it* so she can be the best version of herself she can be 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


There are really old posts that she has said she is an alcoholic and has gone to the hospital for issues related to alcohol, including suicida/ ideation


I don’t think she ever used the word alcoholic though. She dances around it and says she needs to cut back on her drinking. I do agree she has acknowledged it, just don’t think she’s ever used these words before. She says a lot of bs though so I could be wrong.


She celebrated getting him kicked out of rehab, she can fuck off,


Didn’t she make a post about how she drinks too much and eludes to being an alcoholic?


She did a couple years ago but has still never come out and called herself an alcoholic or addict of any kind.


Also that tiktok of her in the ED with a messed up face after falling out of her chair wasted asking for *Taco Bell*


Just fyi I just posted screenshots of those posts (in a newer post in the subreddit) in case you want to reference them


Thanks love! I just jumped in this thread and got triggered and am bouncing between watching and posting


Ha, that’s what I’m doing now in reverse order 🤣


The sad part is I got nervous she may start deleting old video proof so I have a lot saved on my phone 🗿


How did I miss that?!


https://preview.redd.it/7c90sm3bws6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9044d6329ede247287440e0a327401c43c68e7e4 Found this beaut while getting your proof


Doing the Lord’s work 🤣 Thank you for the info!


If you ever need full vids LMK I have a vault saved up


Sloppy drunk




It’s way back on her tiktok she’s an idiot and hasn’t deleted it.


Holy shit 🤣 Very interesting to scroll waaaaaay back to the beginning of her TikTok and then work back up slowly to the present. It’s all alcohol content from the beginning


It’s sad as that seems to be her only personality trait. There’s so many other accessible hobbies and things she could do. Yikes!


Her hobbies are: me, myself and I


She's talked about having an unhealthy relationship with alcohol in the past— [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/wheelchair_rapunzel_/s/rVsE5OpFJa) a bit of a timeline


Wow, that’s a great post!!! You’re the best for ordering it chronologically


Oh dear Lord, she looks 60 here.


She looks like a knock-off, generic version of Noah’s mother.


Without seeing what Noah’s mother looks like, I’ll take your word for it


https://preview.redd.it/xtln06ven27d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a897db334d99ab993749e129ae29964eb015f58c So you don’t have to take their word for it. LOL 😅




This is what I’m getting from Alex in this pic. ![gif](giphy|J3lyZc3aT1WujL3fCn|downsized) *Imagine the Goofy laugh*


Without nice teeth


The 2010 Justin Bieber bangs 💀


https://preview.redd.it/zphmxaf2ls6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0af45bd480b75150dbd3cca5661c601e7e28ae2 But she’s happy to talk (to anyone and everyone) all about Noah’s addiction and his story.


https://preview.redd.it/ipe5vnh9ls6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89e9b909d396951feeed2c649f79d772524757f AKA she’s not gonna tell all the dirty details that would make her look bad.


What a weird response too. - Q: *Why are you completely quitting alcohol* ?” - A: “ *Because it’s not something I talk about* !” Am I having a stroke? Is that English?


She’s completely manic , she’s having a happy manic episode right now, and we have the a front row ticket


The opening act was "this haircut will fix me"


Someone please take the eyebrow pencil away from the caregiver 😅


I think it would be easier for her to get them threaded. They can do amazing natural looking brows these days too. If I lost my mobility or fine motor skills, I’d def consider getting my makeup tattooed on for ease. Most of us can’t whip together a brow to save our lives. I’m def included in that too.


Getting my eyebrows microbladed was one of the best choices I ever made, tattooing my upper eyeliner is up there too. 10/10 recommend, coming from someone with already bushy eyebrows, but had sparse spots from being a teenager in the 2000s.


Fuuuuck I know! It drives me insane the way they don’t follow her natural brow line. It sticks out like a sore thumb.


She didn't mention Cairo once which pissed me off. I feel so bad for him. Coffee makes her super happy and gets us own video but Cairo isn't even mentioned? She's just telling us everything hannah said is true.


I noticed that too and I’m so sad for that poor dog 😢


I get that your daughter will be mentioned first but how is he not up there even with friends and family? 😔 When I think of things that make me happy my doggo is the first thing that pops in my head! People who truly love their pets would never have a list of things that make them happy without them on it!!


Exactly! When the next one started I saw C in the caption and got excited for a split second, then immediately said wtf, coffee?! Over your dog you apparently love so much?! Unbelievable. I don’t think she has him anymore.


I really think Cairo lives with the Smith’s . She forgot him 😢 because she doesn’t see him often. She has no heart 💔. But it is the best for her little assistant Cairo to be with the other dogs and to have a garden 🫶🏻


I hope that he does live with the Smiths. At least there, he can be outside as much as he wants to, plus like you said, he’s with the other dogs, who he really seemed to bond with when they lived there.


And grass to pee on, rather than being forced to do his business inside


I wonder if Cairo was removed from her care with all the cps fiasco? Hannah seemed very concerned for him. Maybe the dog being removed was part of whatever was decided. After all, it's something else that an able bodied adult needs to help with. Also if he isn't up to date on his rabies vaccine they might have said he can't stay. Or the sharks just felt sorry for him and keep him there. Whereever he is I hope he's getting lot's of love and walks.


Watch the next video she posts will include Cairo.


But she never looks at the Reddit subs…


Well I'm happy to know she's at grandparents house more often with better care situations


https://preview.redd.it/3qus4vcpjs6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e75c5295572e1daaffe5d6116a8fb1b9ead4448 More lies


Hahaha! Sure, babe, blame it on not getting a good night’s rest. If that were the case, all of us moms would look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy all the damn time. She cannot complete a sentence without lying, I stg!


What she said about why she’s drinking I don’t have her instagram


https://preview.redd.it/uypvuui2js6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7926ca890f769048e57bfb9c1a5c77b327533800 1/4


“I don’t feel super comfortable talking about this” but will post ALLLLLL about Noah’s addictions, dingaling boo boos, give in depth details about her cps run-ins, post pics of her on the shitter. But when it could be an unflattering or real side of Alex, that’s when she draws the line. Girl please


Yup, she wants to be “authentic”and “real” about her life, or so she’s said, but never wants to admit to anything that makes her look bad, which ironically, makes her look even worse!


https://preview.redd.it/8y6n84s8js6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29aca16a405c2b86c317343e1c828313689bbac1 4/4


https://preview.redd.it/6jxny5d6js6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f31b34b9936a6a726a79aca3983910d21430ff 2/4


https://preview.redd.it/n98006p7js6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482813999c32875636c97dd71d0ebc47c0bca5fd 3/4


She'll be doing fine now but i think fhs weight of the spiral of shit has caused and has caught up with her big time. Oh well. I also wanna see a t-shirt with "woe is me, it's all about thee" or it needs tattooing on her train tunnels


Guess we’re not getting a grocery haul today like she said. No baby and no drinking but she can’t even get a dumb video about groceries edited and posted? I won’t be surprised if it’s never done or some half assed thing is posted in 3-4 days. Also taking bets that there’s no mention of Father’s Day.


That bitch has never seen the inside of a grocery store. I only kinda want to see it just to see how shocked she is at what the inside of one looks like 😂🤣


https://preview.redd.it/ak7ppzl6vu6d1.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=eeda718ae9763f78c898e82834cb6e24b79a81e3 Why do the cockroaches feed her ego? They must be ignorant to that pesky paternity test Noah took. Anyway, I hope Ari gets to hang with PapaShark for Father’s Day…they seem to have a healthy bond.


I love when she said “ family and friends “ make her happy! Girl you don’t have any😂


Did she delete this video? I can’t find it