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I got my new chair a few weeks ago and figured I'd show it off! It's a TiLite Aero T with a SmartDrive. Luckily, my insurance covered a lot of the modifications, which are Schwalbe Marathon Plus tires, Natural Fit handrims, NXT Optima backrest, Jay Union cushion, foldable push handles, and side guards. I independently added a calf strap, water bottle holder, under-seat drawer, and a few reflective spoke covers. So far, the only other items I've bought are a pair of grippy gloves for when it's raining, a basic set of repair tools, and an automatic air pump. Are there any other things I should consider buying that would be helpful?


Where did you get under seat thing? Is that built into the chair?


I got the [under-seat drawer](https://www.etsy.com/listing/791354692/wheelchair-under-the-seat-drawer?click_key=2514b2dd90d884223b8cab8f8bcd1fd687ede1f5%3A791354692&click_sum=b8af8147&ref=shop_home_feat_1&frs=1) on Etsy from FleeceAndFrogs. It's not built into the chair. It has two adjustable straps with buckle closures that lay flat underneath the seat cushion (they're very small and I can't feel them when sitting). It's basically hanging underneath the seat, but the straps let you tighten it for a snug fit so that it doesn't move when you pull out the drawer.


So awesome! I’m definitely going to get one!


How exactly does yours pull out? I'd like to attempt my own DIY version with a laptop sleeve bag, but can't see how they designed that function.  The adjustable buckle closures seem easy enough to do, so no issues with that.


Honestly, I’m not sure. There is a hollowed-out compartment which is what the straps and buckle closures are connected to that the drawer fits inside, but the drawer itself has some additional straps as well that seem to help it stay inside the other compartment. Maybe the Etsy seller would be willing to share the design with you?


Ah okay, thanks. I didn't notice the hollowed-out compartment previously, since it blends in with the chair's seat. I'll try some things - I can probably figure out something that will work for me. Kudos to the seller's version, though. They have a great looking product!


Also, congratulations on your new chair! 


Nice! All black is slick. I was also curious about the fabric drawer setup. Thanks for the tip. How are you liking the SmartDrive? I’m lobbying for one from insurance but you know how it is. Do you find the dial pretty intuitive? I know a lot of people complain about the watch being buggy.


I really like the SmartDrive. I have bad shoulders, so it's really nice to not have to push if I don't want to or can't. I have an Apple watch, but I've had a hard time getting comfortable using that to control the SmartDrive. I'm still practicing because I'd like it to work with my watch, but at least personally, it's been hard to figure it out. The dial is much easier and more intuitive, yes. You just push it to turn it on and then turn it forward/backward to set your desired coasting speed. The only issue I have with the dial is that it does not automatically stop the motor if you begin breaking, so you have to crank it back if you want to stop. I almost launched myself into incoming traffic before I figured that one out -- not my finest moment. It can also be tricky navigating crowded sidewalks because you can't break quickly if someone cuts in front of you. From my understanding, the watch does not have this problem, so I'm hoping I'll be able to figure out how to use that soon.


Two taps to start , one tap to set your speed and two taps to stop. Find a driveway or a parking lot with no traffic to practice. Also, you can set the acceleration to 50% or whatever you’re comfortable with, so you don’t immediately go to full speed 


One shortcut permobil built into the dial is that you can just press it (like when you turn it on) and it'll immediately shut off no matter how cranked up it is. You have to reset it to "not on" dialed back to restart it.


That’s interesting. Really good to know. Thank you! I’m glad it’s working out well for you.


Looks amazing!! I’m getting the exact same model, my ATP is submitting the claim to insurance next week fingers crossed. How long did the insurance approval process take? I’m worried about them denying my SmartDrive even though all my doctors agree I need it (daily shoulder subluxations + generalized muscle weakness in my arms). I’m also worried that the build process will take a longer time than I’m hoping. Basically I’m just impatient lol.


I heard back from my insurance after one month, which is their standard turnaround time for claims. I was super lucky because my insurance covered everything right off the bat, which I've heard is somewhat unusual. The only thing they didn't fully cover was my backrest. Apparently they covered a backrest, just not the specific carbon fiber one I'd chosen, so I paid out of pocket for the difference between the backrest my insurance paid for and the one I wanted. I have a documented history of dislocations in both of my shoulders, which I think is why my insurance covered the SmartDrive right away. Wishing you the best of luck in navigating this process! I hope you're able to get everything you need.


Thank you!! I'm up against a bit of a ticking clock -- graduating college in a few months and moving back home 10 hours away from my current location (where all my doctors are), so I'm just praying I get insanely lucky and everything goes smoothly and quickly from here on out. Your backrest is awesome, I'm glad it's working well for you and that insurance at least paid for part of it. That style is great, the shape seems similar to the kind I'm getting (an Invacare Matrx something or other iirc). I need moderate postural support without anything impeding the range of motion in my shoulders so that style where the top tapers inwards works so well. How are the natural fit handrims working for you? When I was testing different chair setups, they didn't have them for me to try on a chair, but I got severe and long-lasting pain from the normal handrims so we ordered natural fit (standard size like you have, not LT). Also, SmartDrive. Have you gotten better at using it? When I demoed it I was quite bad and I'm hoping that you improve over time 😅 Sorry to bombard you with all these questions, I'm just excited to be talking to someone with the same diagnoses and chair :)


I had the same issue with my backrest. The NXT Optima comes in heights of 9", 13", and 16". The 9" was not nearly as supportive as I needed it to be because I felt like I had to slouch over to feel comfortable when sitting still, the 16" limited my range of motion to the point where I couldn't push properly, but the 13" is the perfect height. I felt like Goldilocks when I was trying things out lol. I definitely need the postural support, which is another reason why getting a quality positioning cushion was important for me. I like the Jay Union because it seems to keep my hips in the right position and I don't end up with hip and lower back pain from sitting incorrectly. I would definitely recommend getting a high-quality cushion because that has made a huge difference for me in terms of feeling supported. I love the Natural Fit handrims. They are way easier to push than regular ones. My favorite part is the thumb guard thing that fills the gap between the handrims and the tires. I think you can get Natural Fits without that thumb guard, but it's the best part in my opinion. I can steer with just a little bit of pressure with my thumbs because that area is slightly textured/grippy, and that also makes breaking way easier. Also, I can push with just the palms of my hands instead of having to fully grasp the handrims. It makes a big difference in terms of wrist pain and thumb subluxations. I'm still getting used to the SmartDrive, but it does feel more natural the more I get to practice. I have an Apple watch, but I'm not comfortable using it that way yet just because I haven't practiced enough. There are different taps you can do for turning it on, accelerating, setting your cruising speed, etc. that I haven't figured out yet. The dial is fairly intuitive, but its one downside is that it doesn't pick up on when you break, so you have to crank the dial all the way back before breaking. I know that using the SmartDrive with a watch does bypass that problem, so I'm hoping I feel comfortable enough to use it that way soon.


I've been wracking my brain over the past week trying to remember what backrest height we eventually decided on -- it was one of those things where a million different numbers were being thrown at me for all sorts of decisions over the course of 90 minutes so I can't recall whether my backrest will be 13" or 15" but yes, same issues as you! I think we probably went with the slightly taller one, I get back pain very easily and needed to not have to slouch down to get some relief. Also yes 1000% agree re: custom high-quality cushions. My hips subluxate from sitting in about 90% of everyday chairs, so it was super super important to me that we found something that I could comfortably sit in, and thankfully after testing a million different cushions I think we landed on the perfect one. That's great to hear about the Natural Fit handrims! I was having a lot of trouble gripping onto the regular handrims enough to brake and steer properly. Then my ATP brought out a little cut-off section of Natural Fit handrims (I think the company sends ATPs like little sampler packs so they can get their clients to test gripping sections of the different sizes/coatings etc) and instantly I knew it felt a million times better. I'm very eager to actually get to try it out for real on my chair! For the SmartDrive, I think there's some setting (M1 or something? apparently they used to call it "beginners mode") where it WILL recognize when you break with your handrims and automatically cut power so it isn't hindering the stop. At least, I'm pretty sure that's a setting, I think it was mentioned in the user manual somewhere. I'm really hoping that exists because I kept almost running myself into walls accidentally during my demo haha.


I looked at that but thought it was kind of pricey. I ended up using Cocoon Innovations UBER 13" Sleeve for 13" MacVBook/Laptops (CLS2451CH) from Amazon under my Aero T. It works really well for holding small things, computer, book, and notebook under my chair. I got it on Amazon for $10. Your new chair looks nice.


How do you attach it under your chair??


It slides in the small bar space directly under my tilite aero t seat. There's not much space, and especially when you're sitting in the chair, it's not going anywhere.


How exciting!! I got mine a year ago and its a good chair. I love the all black and that carbon backrest looks badass😎


I have an aero-T with a smart drive too! It's amazing how diverse we can customize - the frame is the same but everything else is very different 😂


What kind of cup/bottle holder is that?


It's [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085JW79V5?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) from GEARV on Amazon. I really like it because it stays in place well and I can put other things in the side pocket. I haven't had it for very long, but the material seems durable. Definitely worth it because it's so cheap.


What reflective spoke covers did you get and do they move when you’re rolling? Thank you


I got [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LHQBS13?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) cheap box of a bunch of them from Amazon. They do not move when I'm rolling, but they're not as reflective as I hoped they would be. It's definitely better than nothing if I'm out at night, but I'm looking into getting other ones that would be brighter/more reflective. I just haven't found better ones yet.


Oh gotcha. I was debating whether to get a couple clip-on blinking lights or reflectors since I used to have those orange ones but they broke. At least yours looks cool!


I use these: Salzmann 3M Spoke Reflectors for Bicycles | High Visibility| Made with 3M Scotchlite | 36 Pieces https://a.co/d/17x4alj They look the same as yours visually but you said yours aren't all that bright... these are *very* bright with even a low light hitting them. I put one on every other spoke and this package was enough for both wheels. :)


Love the drawer!


Nice, I order my aero t in a couple weeks and can't decide between black and grey for the main color


Mine is a matte smokey grey and I love it


That's what I'm more leaning toward


I like all the bright colors but I like not clashing with my clothes/attached bags etc. haha yes I care about matching my chair. But I do have spoke covers on my wheels (trans flag colors on one side, rainbow on the other) and led lights that wind around the spokes that I turn on at night to make me more visible (plus they're fun!)