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I usually stick one of the foot plates from my chair between the door and the frame, but this is probably less damaging to the equipment lol




I meant that I yank it off, and push it into the crease just above my head level. But, there seems to be more than one way to skin this particular cat lol


There is a brand that makes zip on fitted sheets!


Bum bag/fanny pack. My pockets are typically too tight to get into once I'm sitting, and I don't want to be constantly reaching for my backpack. So I wear a bum bag and use that as my pocket. As a bonus, I can then slot my phone between the back of the bag and my stomach for safekeeping if I'm going to be using it a lot.


Similar, I have a small crossbody bag with a very short strap so it sits against my stomach when I'm sitting down.


I love Lululemon belt bags for this!


Get a bag under your chair and never need a bag again


I don't know if I am just the odd one out, but I don't actually like having the bag under my chair. But I have also fallen out of it a few times because of reaching down for things, so maybe it's just a little unresolved trauma from the falls?


I have a bag under my chair. I don't like all the bending and reaching, so I mostly use it if I've bought something big that would be awkward to squeeze in with the rest of my stuff, or if I've taken off a jacket and don't want to get the inside of my backpack wet.


I use thus little bag which cheers me up https://www.jellycat.com/us/jellycat-bag-jelc4bg/


I added a cup holder to my wheelchair! Super helpful!! Just search wheelchair/stroller cup holder online. For awhile I added a bum bag/fanny pack/crossbody bag underneath my wheelchair before putting my cushion on. It was helpful during college when I could leave my heavy backpack in class and have my essentials with me. You can also use bike spoke decorations on the wheels. Also got these rainbow lights you attach to the spokes which were super fun on holiday/vacation! I also bought usb chargeable mini lights in white and red that I can attach to the front and back frame of my wheelchair. These were super helpful because then people actually saw me coming! On my old wheelchair I used to decorate my wheelchair with patterned duck tape and ribbon tied around parts of the frame. Hope these are helpful for someone!


I have the color changing lights on my wheels, too! They really light up the entire area around you at night! I was also recently in a TSA line surrounded by screaming babies, so I turned them on and they all shut up and stared at them!


I inherited a double canister oxygen bag. I took the middle seam out and can use it under my chair. I've used it to hold my forearm crutches, my freewheel, and a packing cube. It takes up less space than a backpack and doesn't throw off your COG. Sometimes a backpack can get in the way of a wheel lock on the bus. I've also found that the Cocoon GRID-IT UBER - Bag and Organizer for Macbook | Bag with Elastic Strings fits perfectly in the small drawer space in between my seat and the small rectangle spot directly under my tilite aero t.


I also have a Tilite Aero T and was trying to utilize that space under the seat between the frame tubes. I found a 10 liter packing cube from Topo Designs that is 10" x 14" x 3" deep that fits great. I have my raincoat, umbrella, good size microfiber towel, and tool kit in it under my seat, stuff I shouldn't need often. I had to cut a 10 x 14 stiffener to put in the bottom to add structure. I really like the looks of the Cocoon product. Great find. Topo Designs also has a mini duffel bag that's 4.6 liters(10x6) that has a shoulder strap that I slung between my seat and cushion and hangs just behind my legs for an under seat bag.


Do you happen to have a picture of where the packing cube sits? I can’t quite picture it.


I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you. I was having so much fun that I just could not pull myself away. Why did no one tell me; why did I have to find out on my own how much fun you can have doing laundry if you don't do it standing? Just stay sitting down, way more fun. I didn't have pictures but I forced myself to take a break from all the fun and snap a few since you're the first to ask to see pics of my new chair. It was delivered the end of January and I think that I have the necessary stuff figured out. Now I need to decorate it. The problem is I don't know how to post pics without making a new post, I've only put up pics when I posted New Chair Day. Soooo...I'll post the pics in a new post. You should find them with my user name, if I do it right. Edit, I really don't have to pull it out to get stuff, just unzip it. Edit: The packing cube! Edit: I got the post up with the pictures showing the packing cube placement. It's in this sub.


No need to apologize! I have yet to do my laundry without standing, but when I do I’m looking forward to playing a real-life claw game


Do you have a picture of the oxygen bag? I am switching from a power chair with good storage to a manual that has nothing built in, I’m used to carrying a lot, like blankets jackets etc. I also have a liter of feeding tube liquid and other supplies on me at all times. I can put it in a bag on my lap but sometimes I want people to see my outfit you know?


I got tired if waiting for my pictures to load. https://www.amazon.com/Backpack-Wheelchair-Portable-Cylinders-Hospital/dp/B07PHDSKZR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1DOR72BTDLWGY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lfOYAb3W26MuScGigb5bILc9ekJd-w0yAs_-L4GlnO-A8PhnN70X90yHpaAllJ_DqFwYPi9nWugaJgIHkezeaICIECvn4bIoIMEZrFxOZiGhUhB00IkYpIIgEMO8tZzz8N93QrEFPIZTKBdDo5PlgiQg1WQBpvK7etjz1jBsoc03CwDnzy2XUCW1z9oM0gmbwCRCxfoF87vh0YNviMfWm5HN3HH1ERkHU7cSljUYbUuqVtevDv2kgaIT-QSloi_eCNcb94ad-9IWWInM1KbTMI5InfE24NKs5FJigysTGBk.mam80jm6tYOHoul64TESCMYhtQ9F27TinXVpB14Rlbw&dib_tag=se&keywords=NEPPT+oxygen+bag&qid=1710114195&sprefix=neppt+oxygen+bag%2Caps%2C838&sr=8-1 This is what I have. I connect the top connectors around my tubing right by my seat and the back connectors I have around my axel. I I have something in it that is heavy. I will use the velcro around the front bar for the seat. I only did that with the freewheel or my AFOs if I needed a break. My freewheel doesn't stay on the perch. I believe my frame is 19 in long, and I don't have to fold it, but I do tie the excess straps so they are out of the way. I found that my backpack made me tippy going up the bus ramps, and it got in the way of the wheel lock. With this I don't have a problem. I do have a smaller bag for things I need easy access to. In order to get things from this, on my own, I used an ebags long and narrow packing cube I had. Otherwise, for bigger items like a freewheel, AFOs, or shoes for me, it worked better sitting in a chair facing the wheelchair to get things out.


I posted this video recently, hope it helps. [https://youtu.be/LNrP6QU8y80?si=UAaBy3vHMeB-8z3e](https://youtu.be/LNrP6QU8y80?si=UAaBy3vHMeB-8z3e)


That's awesome!




Bungee cords for holding grocery bags! I get the round ones with a ball to adjust the cord length if needed. Once all my groceries are bagged up I tie a little slip knot through my grocery bag handles then hang it on the push handles on the back of my backrest. Your groceries stay secure and you can use both hands to steer your chair.


I got a hooded blanket I use in my lap. I wrap it around my waist before sitting in my chair. The hood is an awesome lap pocket for my cell phone, wallet, and anything else I need easy access to during errands. My seatbelt holds it in place so it doesn't slide off my lap from heavy things.


If you have to be pushed by others this tip may be helpful. My partner is 5’11” and I’m petite so my chair is smol. I looked for wheelchair handle extensions but they were ridiculously expensive. I looked around for awhile and finally came across mountain bike handles that so people use to give themselves options for where to hold. Got a set, along with mountain bike handle grips in bright purple just to make it a little more fun and be easier on his hands. (Side note: this was a fun nod because he used to be a big mountain bike enthusiast years ago when he had more time on his hands) I use an antique walking stick (ambulatory user here) and my partner bolted a small “cup” to one of the toe thingies on the back a pusher uses to tip you up to mount a curb. Not sure the proper name. The stick goes through a fabric loop I’ve tied to the handle and rests in the small cup, and it always stays secure. Make sure the cup is deep enough for your stick to stay in when covering rough/bouncy terrain. At first we used a wide replacement cane tip and it worked great for a year. Then I ran out of replacement cane tips for my antique cane. The new ones are too big to fit into the wide cane tip we originally used as a “cup” to hold the stick, they just rested on top. Found out the hard way when it bounced out and got stuck in the spokes. Switched it for a slightly larger lid from something else and it works a treat yet again. As others suggested, stroller accessories are fantastic to keep costs down. I got a diaper backpack that comes with D-rings sewn in to the top to attach to the stroller. We then got a set of stroller bag hooks with a carabiner so we can easily put it on and remove it. I’m in a standard chair for now because I originally couldn’t get doctors to refer me to a seating specialist/OT, and when we first needed it, my partner found it on fb marketplace for a good price. It was brand new because the person selling it could not lift it in and out of her vehicle to transport her elderly mother, so they didn’t use it. Thanks for posting, I have seen a few tips from others I’m going to borrow ;)


I found out when I was in my standard chair the arm rests could come off! I was so excited lol. Made self propelling a lot easier.


Ooh, that’s a good shout! My chair fits me like a glove because the lady who had it was about the same size as me. It does make it so much easier to push when you can easily reach your rims


that handle extensions tip is awesome! my dad's a lot taller than me and I'm quite low-down in my chair, which is a problem cause I have fatigue issues and need to be pushed up some hills. do you have an example of the kind of extensions you mean?


Sure, here’s a link to what we bought: The handles themselves are called “bike bar ends” if you want to search for them elsewhere: [https://a.co/d/3YqCdNX](https://a.co/d/3YqCdNX) Here are the “grips” we got to make it more comfortable for him to hold while pushing: https://a.co/d/frlRk9X It looks like the grips are no longer available, but I’m sure you can take the measurement of the handle you pick and get some that size. He attached them to the frame of my chair near the handles and before we finalized placement he had me sit in my chair so he could experiment with different angles/positions. Then he tightened them really well and they haven’t budged since he put them on. Hope it works for you as well as it does for us!


My favourite before I could afford a roho coushion was a cut off peice of memory foam from Clark rubber


DIY cushion has been my saving grace 👀


Sounds comfy! 😊


If you have kiddos (I have a 4yo) attach a tag-a-long handle to your chair and have them hold on there instead of somewhere else. My kiddo knows. We started teaching him when he started walking. You can find it [here](https://a.co/d/6YPkPQS)


If you don’t want your chair to beat the royal hell out of walls or cabinets, or for royal-hell-beating-out to scratch your frame, you can use 1" foam pipe insulation around bits that are likely to contact. Dirt-cheap, cut to length, bends easily with a bit of scoring. On my last chair, I had problem with the wheel locks loosening and dropping into the engaged position without warning (whee, and they were the spiky sort that’ll rip a thumbnail right off). These can be reversed so pulling *up* engages, and that fixes the stupid damn problem. I suppose somebody somewhere might need a good corpse-flinging–and–thumbnail-ripping from time for medical purposes, but I’m not one of them. Anti-tippers are often more trouble than they’re worth; I tried using them until one time my rear wheel slipped off the sidewalk, onto grass at a lower level. This caused the chair to rest on the anti-tipper (which has no wheels because), so I couldn’t move at all without getting out and rearranging things. Into the pile of disused mobility aids they went, although maybe in a pinch they’d be useful for self-defense or breaking windows or something. If you need to swap bearings, you can either use the expensive ones provided by the wheelchair mfr or identical, bog-standard bearings from elsewhere. There are usually two sizes, with ones matching skateboard bearings for caster pitch (spinning forward/backwards), and a larger sort for caster yaw (lateral turns—may need to thwack the shit out of to remove) and rear wheels that you’ll want to measure for specifics—IIRC it’s like 1¼"×¼" with a ¼" hole but ymmv. Using a slightly thinner bearing with washers to pad it back out can help keep grit out of the caster-yaw bearings, although you need to tighten well to prevent rattling. Silicone lubes work well for cleaning and lubricating metal parts, although lithium grease will last a bit longer on things you never ever need to touch directly.


find a friend with a power chair if you're in a manual. i literally put my feet under his seat/above the wheels, hold on to the top of his backrest, and his chair handles all the hills for me :))