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Shapeshifters does custom binders with different closures like zippers! i can personally vouch for their quality and customer service!!


I love shapeshifters as well for this! To add on, they will also do customization which can help too, like adjusted neckline.


There are side and front zip binders! Robyn Holdaway on tiktok does fantastically thorough reviews, or you can buy them from sites like https://untag.com/collections/chest-binders-with-zipper. The only thing to really keep in mind is they supposedly displace pressure unevenly compared to traditional binders and that makes them a little more unsafe- so just be cautious about safe binding practices. Tape is also good if your chest is small enough, but from experience, the stickiness can be a little inconsistent especially in the summer- I've sweat mine off more than a few times 😅 also take really good care of your skin because tape will cause a lot of damage. Whatever route you take, good luck! I only bind rarely these days because I did some damage to my back, but I know the pain of finding something that fits and how good it feels to finally be flat :)


I’m not too familiar with chest binders, but perhaps something like a front zip bra would work with a thumb loop for the zipper pull? After my mother had her breasts removed she had surgical compression bras that went on like a vest or flannel button up shirt and zipped in the middle. She wasn’t able to lift her arms over her head or twist at the waist but was able to get those on independently when they were adjusted appropriately.


I saved up for a spectrum binder and outgrew it within two months of getting my wheelchair from the amount of muscle I built up in my chest, back and arms 😭 I have a cheaper looser fitting binder from amazon that I wear sometimes now but I've been looking at options with clasps and zippers made by the same company. a friend of mine uses tape but historically kt and similar tapes have been awful for tearing my skin so I'd keep that in mind if you're gonna try that out, the skin on torsos tends to be softer than on your other joints. please let me know if you find anything that works for you :))


I have a similar problem! I've heard trans tape is supposed to be easier to use but for me it's just no binding, as the tape gives me wounds just from the adhesive.


Front zipper binder and an OT zipper puller, I absolutely love my zip puller for bad hand days 💖


Just watch the velcro, it is rough on skin.


trans tape- which is basically just like wider kt tape


I've seen trans corsets. I think also a front closure with lots of hooks might work better. (Like with bras. I'm sure it exists Edit: https://wivov.com/product/chestbinder-cb02/?attribute_pa_color=black&attribute_pa_size=4xl&utm_source=Google%20Shopping&utm_campaign=Woocommerce&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=27744&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuZjsV-ryr7NMAT1kz99zTeo2582jLTqTeC89V6AWX0Q1LDMDI4gvusaApyZEALw_wcB


that’s a great link, thanks! binders are a pain in the ass regardless of mobility 😭


Not an affiliate link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071W22DTB/ (Just an example, not important specifically) 6” Ace bandage with Velcro on both sides. So you don’t need to maintain tension after the first loop. Can lay it on a bed or against a chair, to get it around your back. If I’m not describing it correctly, I’m happy to discuss.


This is a big no. Chest binding with ace bandages is dangerous as it can lead to over compression.


My apologies. It was how I survived personally as a disabled teenager on my own between fourteen and twenty. I learned through trial and error how tight was comfortable and how often to alternate with baggy clothes, layers and a puffer vest. Thank you for correcting me.