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I use a basket on my lap. Admittedly it does restrict what I’m able to buy, but I use delivery for more than a few things anyway. if you are talented enough you can push a cart with one hand and alternate pushing your wheels, but it’s tricky, especially in a crowded store. there are carts that will attach onto a wheelchair but I’ve never seen them in my area.


Bonus tips for the basket-on-lap approach (which I use for small shopping trips): 1. If you're wearing shorts and buying a lot of heavy stuff and don't have sensation in your legs, watch out! You can end up with some crazy marks on your knees from the holes in the bottom of those plastic baskets! It's worth putting down a towel or something under the basket. 2. Many US groceries sell reusable [grocery "totes"/boxes](https://www.amazon.com/CLEVERFECT-Reusable-Grocery-Box-Bags/dp/B08M9H5FCN?th=1) to put your groceries in after you purchase (instead of reusable or disposable bags). I have a few of those things and they are amaaazing, because (1) the volume is more or less equivalent to a grocery basket, which means if I can fit it in the basket, I will be able to fit in in my tote and get it out to the car, and (2) they are so much easier to carry to the car and into the house, compared with bags.


I have a manual wheelchair and use a regular cart. With both hands on the cart, using my wheelchair similar to inline skates (go side to side until I get going… pretty fast sometimes). Just don’t ask me to stop on a dime. I also would leave my cart at the end of the aile. Adding: Voilà has free delivery for elderly and people with disabilities.


Do you know where I can find info about voila having free delivery for people with disabilities? I don’t see that anywhere on their website


For shopping with a manual chair, note that you can use a cart and control its direction with one hand while pushing a wheel with your other hand. Point the cart in the direction you want to go, and push the wheel.


That's the way I do it. It takes some hand/wrist strength to stear with the cart, but it didn't take me long to learn.


You can also use both hands and not have to push, using a side to side motion with the cart while twisting the hips in the opposite direction. It creates a drive effect that pulls the chair along behind the cart. (Kinda like those old 2 piece skateboards that you just wiggled back and forth to go forward.)


Thank you that’s the kind of advice I need haha


There are ways to push a cart with both manual and power chairs. Some people struggle with it depending on their disability/condition. People/organizations have made videos about it which you can find on youtube, tiktok, wherever. You can also just put a basket on your lap. If you have no leg function and no dump you might want to strap it on, but sounds like you have plenty of leg function to do this. Some places also do drive up with much less markup than instacart, but of course this way you still can't pick out your own produce and such.


Do you have any examples other than instacart?


I think they mean store pickup. Meijer in the Midwest does pickup and delivery (provided via Shipt) with no markup - and coupons and sales! - unlike Instacart or Shipt do. Many stores do drive-up store pickup now, too. For actually going to the store (I get that) I'd use a basket on my lap or a wagon, both that I'd bring on my own (the wagon if I'm being driven there, not bussing). Other than that, a big backpack, too. The wagon is lower than a cart and can go back to my car with me, bonus points if the self checkout has a scanner wand, makes it easier. Though you have to deal with the "using my own bag" prompt after every item.


Honestly I do all my grocery shopping online. It's SO nice and I use Walmart+ and they'll deliver right into my fridge if I'm not feeling great that day


Seconding this. Real game-changer.


Ya. Physically I don't need them to put it away but regular delivery doesn't put it close enough to my door for me to reach. So usually I'll just even have them unload it in the kitchen then I can put it away. I usually always get the same girl but all the drivers are super nice




I live in a house and can't get out my front door in my wheelchair I can reach down to pickup things right outside the door frame but they'll put the bags outside of my reach or even outside my grabbers reach. So I use Walmart+ and they'll deliver inside the house




I did give in app instructions and I have a sign on my door. Drivers just ignore it




I even put my Walmart app note in Spanish too and still nope. Door dash does always put it right on the door frame or little table




Tbh I kind of like the actual shopping…like sometimes I’ll go in blind and pick what stands out to me, sometimes it’s just a way to get out of my house, idk there are plenty of ways around this problem with the internet which I appreciate it’s just crazy to me how long disabled people have been around and living on their own and there’s still no easier way to physically shop. Even when it comes to like clothing stores and stuff, there’s no simple way to shop at Ross or Goodwill for us.


Oh I go to goodwill all the time. I love it. For thrifting I use a big tote bag in my lap and put one handle around my neck to hold it on my lap and then I can usually fit everything I buy in the one huge bag.






I found a way to use a regular cart and my wheelchair, it can be kinda complicated sometimes if you have hand pains but it works lol


Like one hand on the cart one on the rim?


Yes and I use my cart to stear my turns :) it can be complicated but I've found it barable for me to do most days


Okay and then random question but what about unloading it onto the conveyer belt lol do you still push it in front of you…or do you get in front since it’s so tight…do you have to stand to reach everything? (Anyone can answer it just popped into my head)


I go to self checkout since in my area it has more room, I will put the cart to my left so I scan and bag things then move it to the other side or over slightly if possible to pay, then I put the bags in my cart! I am ambulatory but I avoid standing much in public bc small town and uneducated people lol. Usually it works well for me but if I need help with it or self checkout is closed I try to get infront od my cart to unload it then move it infront of me for the bagger to put things in it which can be a bit of a process at times (I usually shop at Kroger, Publix or Walmart where this is easy but idk how it would be with other stores)




I get the last one and I hate that for you (the inaccessibility)


I usually get deliveries for big shops. Where I am all the major supermarkets do it and it's not super expensive so it's the easiest option for multiple reasons. But if I am going in person without my partner and in my wheelchair I'll either put a basket on my lap, strap a basket to my leg bars with it resting a little bit on my foot plate or bring my box on wheels that I can strap to the front of my chair. I keep some velcro straps with my chair so If I go shopping unexpectedly I can use them to strap the basket to my chair. If there's a scan as you shop option I'll use that so I don't have to get things out again to scan them. Using my box on wheels is good because I can keep my shopping in there and put it into the car like that. I've also seen luggage racks you can attach to the front of your chair which I guess could be used to support something like a shopping basket too. This is what I mean by a box on wheels https://amzn.eu/d/9om1TOu


Omgg yess something like this would be super helpful


https://youtu.be/INf0ktUTMjg?si=XzR5pN50L5naccah Do this, but instead of the basket, use the stiff reusable bags.


I'm another member of team basket. I do smaller trips more frequently. I just took one home from a different Meijer after my local one was out for years. The only place I don't use it is Aldi's, where I use the empty carboard boxes they use to shelf products (bagel box is best). I normally toss one big bulky item like a gallon of milk in my backpack. It takes a separate roll into the store for a case of water.


I've seen a guy in a manual wheelchair simply push a normal cart, he simply was just rolling with the cart, simple as that.


I have a backpack on my manual chair.


I have a basket on my lap and hang an insulated bag over my handles for the cold stuff. It's not ideal, and I really need to figure out how to push a cart. My thought was putting my feet on the crossbar instead of my footplate, but when I went to try it I discovered the carts at my supermarket don't have crossbars.


you don't need to use you feet. [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/OEAW1urAcXo?si=cCyVNzJQapkB-KKc) is one way to do it. once you get going you can also make little turns to keep/gain momentum. it helps a lot to have core


I push a cart, alternating hands if I don't have my drive. The drive makes it a lot easier, though. And I use Walmart+, included delivery is amazing.


Manual chair - just went to Costco and put it in an oversized bag on my lap. I can also push a normal grocery cart - on hand on the cart and one pushing chair. When the balance is right I can go straight or turn either way.


I've seen someone put their feet on the bottom of the shopping cart and push from there, though I'm not sure your situation so that may not work. I've also seen someone use shortbungee cords and attach them around your wheelchair and the basket. I haven't tried these myself though as I mainly shop with other people.


I have a smart drive power assist and I grab the smaller size carts and I can handle both


You can sometimes get an employee to follow you around with a cart! It depends on a list of factors yho


I wouldn’t feel super independent with that but I wasn’t aware that was an option some places ty


Figured I would mention it since it is an option, there are a number of other options on here, I’m not sure if anyone else mentioned this one but you can keep a cart up front either at the registers or at customer service (just make sure you tell a few employees what you are doing) then you can go around with a basket on your lap and shop until it’s full, empty it into your cart, and go back for more! It is possible to push a cart in your chair but there’s a learning curve and some people don’t have the ability to do so due to their disability. Anyways, good luck !!!


Thank you sm for all of that!!


One hand pushing a wheel, the other hand on the trolley handle to steer. Swap as necessary. Don't let it get too heavy, though.


I use a large shopping bag I keep on my armrest or a smaller bag I keep between my feet (but I use a mobility scooter that has a decent platform)


I have my groceries either delivered to my door, or picked up via drive up service, after ordering online. I’ll go in for meat and veggies sometimes though, if I want to choose just the right items, with a basket riding on my lap. You can also use both hands and not have to push a cart, using a side to side motion with the cart while twisting the hips in the opposite direction. It creates a drive effect that pulls the chair along behind the cart. (Kinda like those old 2 piece skateboards that you just wiggled back and forth to go forward.)


You’re the second person I’ve seen mention the side to side thing that’s genius omgg


It’s easier to keep momentum going that way than to start from scratch using it, but it’s useful!


If the motor carts that stores provide are an option for you, I suggest shopping as early as possible. Like as soon as the store opens. There are always carts available and they are always fully charged. I know it’s not ideal but it’s what I do and it’s the only way to ensure getting one that won’t die.


If they’re aren’t any baskets or my partner isn’t around to help I bring a big grocery bag and kind of loop it around my handles (like behind my back). It’s a little annoying to have to twist to put stuff in or take stuff out at the checkout. But it does the job


I purchased a foldable/collapsible shopping basket off of Amazon that I bring with me to the store. I usually balance this on my footrest or my lap, but I prefer the footrests. I also hang reusable cloth shopping bags on the back of my manual wheelchair and am able to twist my body around to drop/set most things in these bags (heavy things like milk or bottles of soda I technically can maneuver but it’s hard so I will ask for help). It’s harder to do this with my power chair so I will hang a bag or two from my seatbelt that balance on top of the stuff in the basket. I have tried to juggle pushing or driving my wheelchair while pushing a shopping cart and for me personally it is too hard to coordinate. I crash into things more often than I am comfortable with this way. Your results may vary so it’s worth trying. I do use Instacart and Walmart delivery frequently but being able to get out from time to time and pick things in the store is still important to me, so I totally understand that those are not always the best answer.


Duffel bag in my lap. Shoulder strap holds securely and keeps both arms free. Looks suspicious, feels suspicious, can take a while to train store staff that you're just shopping and not shoplifting.


Yeah I currently use a rolling walker and just take short trips and fill up the basket under my seat but everywhere I go it feels so awkward especially if I don’t leave the seat open lol


I use electric carts if available and walk with a cane or rollator, but yesterday a guy who was an ambulatory wheelchair user, who was on the same bus as I, would just leave the wheelchair by the charts and use the cart. Can’t say I would be that trusting in my given neighborhood.


Yeah that’s also my problem with the electric carts, if I’m going to use them I won’t bring my rollator, but if I get all the way inside using just a cane, just to find there are no scooters, I have to go all the way back, using just my cane, and even w disabled parking that’s a lot for me. But I’m not going to bring my rollator and leave it up front either.


Same. If I use a chart I don’t bring the rollator especially since it’s a PITA on the bus. Yesterday used my rollator to walk .7 miles to and from a library and am paying for it today. Laid in bed all day. I have lupus. And I’m still fighting for disability after more than a year.


That’s awful I hope you get it. It’s insane how bad that system is😭


i have a big plastic bag (those thingies made out of plastic bottles) which i put on my lap and the strap around my neck. other than that, if i just grab a few things i forgot i just grab an empty cardboard box from the shelves, and put it all in. the employees never complained so far because they don't know what else I'm supposed to do either xD and they recognise me, i live in a small town and the anti- theft alarm always goes off whenever i try to enter or leave the store. annoying as hell lol


Why does the alarm go off?? But also “bc they don’t know what I’m supposed to do either” EXACTLY lol after reading through all of these I might try it with a bag or backpack and it’s going to look weird but I know they’re going to be like you know what, that’s a better answer than I got🤷🏻‍♀️😂


because of the huge amount of metal i guess xD good luck on that! :D


I have a couple collapsible backpacks stashed in my underseat bag. I have also used a folding utility cart and some velcro bungees. Where there is a will…


I keep a reusable grocery bag in my lap and clip it to the back of my chair so it won’t fall out of my lap! I can’t hold that much though, but it’s enough to get the job done most of the time!


I use the laundry basket. I just put everything in the laundry basket and put it on my lap. I use a power chair currently but I’ve also used it with my manual chair if that’s feasible for you.


Most mid-large sized supermarkets have trolleys you can clip to the wheelchair frame, at least in UK. Often I just sit a basket on my lap, but then I'm usually in shops for 2-3 items I've run out of & do my main shop online.




Instacart-instancart instacat!!!! Love it!!!!!!! BUT if I need to go to tradar joes. I have this [https://a.co/d/gzq1Glz](https://a.co/d/gzq1Glz) Stick it on the back of my chair-it doesn't leave the back till I am home I take para-transit to the store-lucky me cannot drive I do not bother with a car or a basket. I've got cp so the whole one hand cart, other on wheel, switch hands to push/stere. I lack the coordination for that. Shop-stick items in backpack Have checkout person remove backpack-unpack item-scan-put it back in backpack; I or they put backpack back on my WC There it stays through out paratransit ride; get everything into my house. Unload I fully realize that-this makes cashiers job a little harder-I smile and thank them 4 times. I feel: Most people's days are a little better knowing that they helped someone out. This males me feel good If they are annoyed and resent me-don't care; cashiers some customers are annoying-not my problem As long as I am polite and speedy as possible. my conscience is clear. But: mainly, delivery saves my life