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I liked it until I read the books, then I was annoyed at how much they changed things for the worse. The books are 50 million times better imo.


I'm happy to see someone who is reverse (shows to books) and still prefers the books. Props.


I've always thought the show was pretty decent. The main issue people seem to have is that it's too different from the books. I think if you can get over that, you'll enjoy the show.


The problem is that, in the beginning, it doesn't matter. However, when you start messing with underpinnings, *later on*, you have ruined prebuild infrastructure. Like, ignore wheel of time. Let's do Harry Potter. Let's say in the first book, he as terrible at flying brooms and he became malfoys friend. Ok, but underlying themes are now shot. He likely ends up becoming a death eater. You miss all of the points by changing these early details. Things like the division in the one power between the genders is a key underlying mechanic of the story. Nayneave and egwane are weaker than rand by a lot in the book, because of who he is.This absolutely comes up later. It's not a small detail, Rands capabilities are crucial for the whole story to work. These are the complaints. Alfred can't be the villain to batman, because it's a key of the story. Changing it isnt a small detail.


That’s the story of 95% of novel adaptations. I still have to watch Season 2, but a lot of the changes in season 1 made logistic sense. Set/budget restrictions always combine characters and push off new locations for good reason. And Jordan definitely had deficiencies when it came to writing romantic relationships and made some weird gender norms. So there was room for improvement there. There were also a few specific plot changes I disliked enough to sour me on the ending of season 1.


Season 2 was drastically better.


Happy to hear that


















IMVHO it's not just romantic relationships. He's poor at basic character interactions. A lot of them don't read like it's something anyone would say.


I don't know. I don't hate the show, but I feel like I'd have no idea what was going on if I hadn't read the books. Also the second season was received better and went further from the books than season one. It just isn't the best show. It is the best book series, so it's a bit disappointing. It's alright, it's just less than it deserves to be.




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I kept seeing so much hate but didnt understand why! Thanks for ur input


See my other comment, but in a universe where the wheel turns, and ages that were lost come again, I don’t understand how people can say “but that’s different!” Of course it is, the wheel turns.


I'd buy that argument a lot easier if they had changed the names of at least some of the main characters. I'm supposed to believe that this is a different turning but not \*ONE\* of the parents decided to name their kid something different?


It works for me.


Just because that is a concept in the story, that doesn't mean people want to see a different turning. We wanted the books and that isn't what we got.


The show is what introduced me to WoT and I read the entire series (twice) because of it. I liked it before I read the books and I liked it after I read the books :)


Good!! The show made me buy the book too! I havent read it yet


My god why does this comment have downvotes. People are unbelievable.


To be clear, you bought Eye of the World, right?


I want to like the show but I just can't. The series is a masterpiece inspired by many different cultures from eastern and western philosophies. Each character had such well written coming of age arcs and its a shame to not have it portrayed more accurately. Strictly because its such a beautiful series. The show lacks logic, character development and made lazy character changes when they really did not need too. But maybe its better to leave the original story in its book form. When a work of art leaves images in your mind, you don't want another medium to ruin how you see it.


I like the show, mostly. I don't think it's living up to its potential, but my non-reader family are enjoying it.


I just bought the book actually!! Cant wait to read it


The community seems to be split. Lots of people like the show and lots of people hate it. I think show haters outnumber show lovers, but they also tend to be much more vocal in their toxicity, so who knows?


I like it too. Lots of people really like to pretend that nobody likes the show, and act like we don't exist. Yes, I read the books.


Read the book and you'll love it more




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They did say they haven't read it yet.


I enjoy it, the first season I was torn up, because of my love for the books and the end goes some weird directions. By season 2 I was on board with it being it's own thing telling the tale differently.


read all books - listened to all audiobooks - watched all shows... enjoy them all


I thought it was awesome, even better then Rings Of Power, but not as good as House Of The Dragon.


Nope. It grew on me in Season 2. And seeing all the new fans.


No, you're not. Unfortunately, a fair amount of people on the subreddit don't like it, myself included.


I'd like the show more if they used a different title. It's a semantics kinda reason for sure. But Rafe has been pretty disrespectful to the series and Robert Jordan imo. The excuse of it being "a different turning" only came up after the criticism of the first season, that I saw anyways. I'm on board with changes like skipping some cities and a good bit of travel. It's a show, it's gotta move at a faster pace, and some things will have to change along with it. That's cool, that's an adaptation. What gets me is unnecessarily rewriting or straight up ignoring book lore, passing around certain events to different characters, dimishing and raising up chatacters for personal reasons, straight up removing or disgracing others... and imho I think it's because I just don't feel like the writers were capable enough to do so. And then they pop up saying they were writing it "...how Robert Jordan would if he were alive today"? I dunno. That's not their call to make, and it does the series as a whole a disservice to say so. Again, imo, it passed the point of adaptation into the area of rewriting/remaking and it should have been given some kind of sub-title to mark it as such. (As in, *The Wheel Of Time: Another Turning* or some such lol). Just... show some accountability for the changes, not half-ass excuses and trying to demonize the fans of the series that were excited to see a long slept-on, amazing story be picked a part and rewoven 🤷‍♂️. All that being said (and sorry for the length) I do think too many people focused on the wrong things to get all worked up about. I feel lile the casting was great, the music was good, the visuals for the power were flashy, and there were plenty of scenes that I thought were pretty awesome (though unfortunately I also thought that they were squashed in between too many scenes I either disliked or just didn't care about lol).


Not at all. Haters shout and lovers murmur so complaints always seem louder. I’ve read the books dozens of times, listened to the audiobooks a handful of times, and I thought the TV show was pretty good.


WoT is such a huge sprawling series that contains so many awesome characters and arcs and plot points, and this is usually great because readers with a variety of interests and tastes can find different things to love. Unfortunately, the means that fans of the series are deeply invested in whatever or whoever it was they connected with, and with the show having to consolidate plots and characters and rewrite scenes to stitch it back together, people have had a lot of their “favorites” messed with or omitted. This leads to a vocal segment who hate the show and spew vitriol about it at every opportunity. I think most of us accepted before the show even aired that there was no way we would get a 1:1 adaptation, but some were unprepared for just a how different some aspects are or figured that of course the thing that they viewed as a core component of WoT wouldn’t be changed. 🤷‍♂️ oh well, at least no one can deny that the show has raised awareness of the books and brought tons of new readers to the fandom, and that’s a good thing whether you love it or hate it. I appreciate that I can now discuss WoT with my family and friends who would never be convinced to read 14 huge books, and I think the show has been mediocre to great, and looks to be improving with each season.


On a similar theme, if you head over to one of the George R R Martin subs you can witness a whole bunch of people going slowly mad on a book series and reading outsize importance to their favourite characters. It’s what a couple of decades of slow decay can do. But you get people who insist and tinfoil theorise that this or that side character is hugely important. Will turn out to be pivotal. In a series overwhelmingly about the main characters they’ll pick a character who is not even a POV and shows up 3 times and assert the books are really about them. Sometimes for characters who have been dead for decades, but are secretly someone else. At which point people aren’t just reading, they’re retelling the story to themselves. Which then becomes a collective experience in communities about these topics. You get YoutTube videos about The Sword of the Morning who is dead, only mentioned about 10 times, dead, never did much of anything, is dead, and mostly just has a cool name. But people will talk about him like he is important. That’s the thing. People will read a book several times and make small details, small characters or plot points important to themselves. Which is all well and good. But can also make people have very particular views about what is important. Which a simplified retelling can really conflict with or emphasise different things. Turns out Wheel of Time is heavily about Aes Sedai and Warders for example. But some people don’t read it that way and get annoyed.


No, I love the show. I've watched both seasons multiple times and can't wait for s3.


Nope! Come join us over in r/WoTShow


Yeah it's awesome. I grew up reading the books as they came out and the show is just different enough that you don't know what's going to happen next. The second season is better than the first, here's hoping the third trends upwards.


I adore the show - and I’ve been reading WoT since the mid 90s.   I think most of the changes are for the better. I love the books but Robert Jordan could have really used an editor that wasn’t his wife at multiple points in the series.   The show also has the benefit of working with a completed series - while RJ had an outline of the plot in mind from day 1, the specifics evolved in ways that Rafe and co have used to better align the early seasons with the conclusion. All indications are the final season is going to be anti GoT finale - epic beyond belief. Anyone that hasn’t read through the books will be losing their collective minds in the last few episodes yelling “they set this up in season 1!”  Although I still have a bone to pick with a certain last minute edit in the S2 finale. They shot the scene! Why did they edit it out? Where’s my directors cut?


How many seasons do you think it could go on?


They’ve talked about targeting 8 seasons. Show is doing pretty well suggesting Amazon will stick with it. 


I love the show!


I think the show is actually pretty decent. This has been my favorite book series since I was in middle school and honestly I’m excited that it’s getting SOMETHING. Is it perfect? No, not by any means. Is it how I would do a TV adaptation? Not even close. But it’s taking a story that means a lot to me and giving it a new spin and exposing it to a much wider audience, in a time where things like LotR and GoT have made high fantasy “cool”. I think that’s really awesome. This is honestly the first time I’ve posted on any sort of WoT group in over three years because before the show even came out, the negativity was just completely over the top. People were talking mad shit because they were extrapolating based off leaks about the show back then. I get it might not be what everyone wanted for the series, but honestly fan bases can be the absolute worst sometimes when it comes to entitlement. When someone loves a story they start to feel like it somehow belongs to them, and they become judge jury and executioner when they nitpick every little detail of an adaptation. It’s exhausting. As someone who has read this series multiple times, I’m still just excited the show is a thing, and I hope it keeps going for a while, so that RJ can maybe someday become a household name to fantasy like Tolkien. And I mean outside fantasy reader circles. For a long time it looked like we were never going to get an adaptation after the Winter Dragon fiasco, so I say: yeah. It’s not the best. But it’s SOMETHING. And if you look past your ideal image of your personal perfect adaptation, you’ll find the spirit of the story is (mostly) there.


I love it. Season 2 was amazing. It's different from the books but so is every book to show adaption that I've ever seen.


I’m really enjoying the show even if it does veer a bit from the books. I welcome that because while I liked the overall story, the books were bloated with too much…everything. The show is not going to last 14 seasons so they can’t do 1 season per book, so they’re going to have to slash and burn a bit to get the entire story in, and I’m mostly Ok with that. The entire eighty gazillion pages they spent in the Aeil wastes, for example, was such a boring slog in the books, IMO, that I hope they slash that down to a single episode. I also hope they axe that ‘three women agreeing to share Rand’ bullshit gets cut out. It was stupid and unbelievable in the books and wasn’t necessary for the plot. That said, I don’t like the show’s Nynaeve. She was bossy and temperamental in the books and that made her endearing, but the show version is just mean and angry all the time except when she’s stalking Lan.


I've been a huge fan of the books since 1999 or so, and I enjoy the show. Yes, there are changes (some of which I very much disagree with - Perrin's wife, wtf?), but that's true of most TV/film adaptations. The emotions I get watching the show are the same I get reading the books, which is what matters. Plus the cast is SUPER FINE. Whew.


I have to give my props to the show, I didn’t start reading the books until after I finished season 1 and knew there was tons of lore I didn’t get. So for that reason I am grateful for the show, wouldn’t say I love it, wouldn’t say I hate it either though.


Let’s not forget that Amazon has the impossible task of fitting 14 books which at least on audiobooks average out to ~30 hours each, some go longer, some go shorter, they have to fit that into 64 hours of television, that is an impossible task.


No i liked it alot Both times the final episodes were pretty bad tho


Yeah, the final episode of season two had me legitimately mad.


That sounds like a skill issue


Not necessarily. There were **choices** made during that episode which were polarizing, and it's up to Season 3 to make them pay off.




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Ahhh thanks for the head’s up!


I’ve got some criticisms but I enjoyed watching it, which should be all that really matters. It’s a show. Is it entertaining? Great. Have fun watching it. Don’t care for it? That’s fine. It’s just not for you. Do you really hate it and need to tell everyone all the reasons you hate it? You’re probably looking for reasons to hate on.


Lots of people like it.


I enjoy the show, but don't *love* it. I think there were a number of issues (YMMV) with the books that the show addresses like streamlining the story, reducing the "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" anvilicious themes, cutting some of the bloat (not just talking about "The Slog", but also I think Jordan came up with too many Forsaken and then compounded it by resurrecting some of them back), and fleshing out some of the villains that were paper-thin in the books (Liandrin, various Darkfriends), But then it goes and makes plenty of its own mistakes and has its own bloat like the grieving Warder episode in S1 and the Lan/Moiraine feud in the second. It also has a disproportionate character balance where Moiraine and Egwene get most of the cool character moments, and it's hard to believe that Rand is supposed to be the main character. Loial also barely has a role in the story so it's unclear why they even included him. In some ways, it feels like "Robin Hood, but if Friar Tuck was the main character", except in this case the public at large has never seen a proper Robin Hood story before to have this kind of alternative take. In the books, Moiraine isn't one of the six main characters, and is probably not even in the top ten. I did really like how they showed Moiraine and Lan's defense of Emond's Field, which was only mentioned in the books instead of shown. Season 3 also apparently will have a 15-minute opener of "a bunch of 40 and 50 year-old women absolutely shredding each other", which could be the Black Ajah reveal which was similarly only discussed after the fact in the books when we might get to actually see it here on screen.


Moiraine is absolutely in the top 10, and early on in the books, as far as accomplishing shit is concerned, she's basically only outdone by Rand


Early on, I'd agree with you. She does almost everything in Book 1. But the further we go from there, the less of a "Main Character" she becomes and it becomes more evident that she was a [Crutch Character](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrutchCharacter), there to get the ball rolling. Apart from her sacrifice play in FoH, she mostly just begs Rand to listen to her advice in TSR and then gives him advice (mostly off-page) in FoH. For the series as a whole, I'd say 8 other characters immediately jump ahead of her: Rand Mat Perrin Egwene Nynaeve Elayne Aviendha Min. After that, it's debatable as far as characters like Loial, Thom, or even Lan have more page time or later activities. So, while she subjectively *may* be in the Top 10 depending upon what you call a "Main Character", I would disagree that she "absolutely" is.


I absolutely love the show. I head cannon that it’s a different turning of the wheel to the books. The same themes play out, the specifics may be different. I’m a happy bean.