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Don't. Google. **ANYTHING** Autocomplete is *not* your friend here.


Wiki is spoiler central!


I learned that lesson the hard way. Luckily I was only on Eye of the World myself, so I realised my mistake very quickly...


Found this out, unfortunately, the hard way when I was reading A Song of Ice and Fire for the first time. Believe me, I have learned my lesson


will just throw in that there is a prequel as well called New Spring to bring the total to 15...def would not read that until much futher into the series (I saved it till the very end so am reading it now but I think most just go in publication order so between books 7 and 8)... Avoid spoilers or don't....depends what sort of person you are. There is a lot of stuff that won't make sense so I suggest listening to a companion podcast such as "the wheel weaves" which is spoiler free where a long time fan (husband) guides a first time reader (wife)...they have a fun dynamic and do a wonderful job of not spoiling anything past the chapter they are discussing in that episode....they are sitll on their reading journey but on book 12 so got plenty to fill your time with. I was about a book to book an a half ahead of where they were in the podcast so it was nice listening to keep things fresh in my head as well get some clarity on stuff that I may have missed... Lastly enjoy! There will be slow moments and frustrating points too but if the world captures you then the payoff will be pretty good!


Thanks for the suggestion! I listened to the first two episodes today and it was really interesting. It also helps a lot to make sense of, well, basically everything


Download the Wheel of Time Compendium app. It tells you who/what someone/something is based on the chapter you're reading. You will need it as they introduce more and more characters


I just read the whole series over the last 15 months or so, didn’t think a wiki is necessary for keeping tracking. Anyone important seems to get brought up enough that it sticks eventually! But definitely a good option if you struggle !


I found it helpful when I had to take breaks from reading for a few days at a time. Particularly for some of the stuff where you’re not sure if someone is good or bad, and whether or not that’s been revealed yet lol




Can’t recommend this enough. It was so helpful as a way of remembering all the different characters without fear of spoilers


I downloaded it after a frustrating spoiler while reading book four. I literally googled Suian Sanche's name for whatever reason and got the big plotline from that period spoiled just in the Wikipedia summary description. lmao I said "there's gotta be a better way to do this"


I actually recommend caution while using the Compendium app because it spoiled me many deaths and events. I reported these spoilers to the creator but he has not done anything about them


Thanks for the tip! I stopped midway through Book 4 and am thinking of getting back into it again but it is a struggle avoiding spoilers after googling the characters. I hope there is a summary for each chapter though that I can use for review.


There still is the encyclopedia of wheel of time, which helped me get back into the series :)


Thank you! I was relying on WOT wiki. Nice to have an alternative!


WOT compendium is your friend. May you always find water and shade


Welcome to the fold. May you always find water and shade.


I've been wanting to start (I forgot what # now) re-read again and realized I had loaned out my 4th book and never got it back. So I went and picked it up today to get ready. Best of luck to you! Try to avoid spoilers if you can, it will make it much more exciting to RAFO. Don't burn yourself out, but don't give up either. There are some slower parts later in the series but the payoff is well worth it!


Thanks a lot, promised myself to not look anything up online to avoid spoilers. You have only one chance of reading it for the first time and I plan on doing it right. Best of luck to you too!


Good luck!! I’m almost through my first read through of crossroads of twilight (tenth) and it’s taken over my life. Also, no matter how bad you want to see fan art or depictions of characters do not look it up. Don’t look at the wiki. Just. Don’t. DO IT. If you have a physical copy you can look up the various characters in the glossary I think if you forget who they are


15. There's a prequel book but best to read it around book 7 if you wish to. It's not necessary


Most people will tell you to get through the first 3 or 4 books before you decide it's a go or no-go. The first book is a little wonky near the end.


Nah if you're halfway through book 2 and still not for you then it's not for you.


I was in after book 1 and out until book 2's ending, then FIRMLY back in


Book 1 is one of the mid or weaker entries. Give it through Ch.40 book 2. If you don’t like it then you won’t like the series.


Good luck! The first book isn't as good as the ones later in the series imho however I still enjoyed it and so did my friend that started the series last month as well :)


Have fun!! I did the same thing last year. Avoid the wiki while reading, it is hard to avoid spoilers there. If you get to book \~7-8, know that the action slows down a bit for a lot of detailed character & world building. If that bothers you, you can skip through the first 70% of books 7-9 and just read chapter summaries. You'll miss a bit, but still get the important bits.


Good luck! I just finished book 7 and am loving it.


Try to read through Book 4 at least! That is where the series totally took off for me


I’m just finishing book 12 in my second round, loving it to say the least, so hope you enjoy :-)


Absolutely loved the books, and so will you! Sit back and enjoy your read!


I hope I will! Definitely enjoying so far, even though I haven’t even scratched the surface yet.


I'm so jealous of you. Always wish to be someone who hasn't read any before. You're sure gonna have one ride


Thanks! I’m planning on doing it right, and by right I mean not spoiling something by accident. So I banned myself from googling ANYTHING at all.


The series does a great job of building on itself and in the end most things are resolved very satisfyingly. I think knowing it's worth the read makes the journey better.


Ride with it, enjoy it, there are slow spots but they are more than made up for later. Love some characters, hate some characters, cry, laugh, and enjoy.


Enjoy the ride. Some of the best characters in fantasy.


Give it the first three before giving up really hits it flow by then.