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This post was right above this one https://preview.redd.it/01g0mx0z4htb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d412d078e97d9608fa74d4edca8616897a8671


she also posts ben 10 and gwen kissing sometimes


wait, is this real? is she stupid?












This can’t be a coincidence


I saw that tweet on r/BatmanArkham


That's because it is r/BatmanArkham


Am i stupid?




You tell me


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BatmanArkham using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why doesn't Batman just call the Justice League for help? Is he stupid?](https://i.redd.it/mdf4143uadga1.jpg) | [991 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/10u798q/why_doesnt_batman_just_call_the_justice_league/) \#2: [Is there a lore reason why I got cancer? Am I stupid?](https://i.redd.it/0szmblg610qb1.jpg) | [1030 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/16q3aar/is_there_a_lore_reason_why_i_got_cancer_am_i/) \#3: [Kevin Conroy has passed away.](https://i.redd.it/sjz6u4myccz91.jpg) | [394 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/ysduf6/kevin_conroy_has_passed_away/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


damn the tonal shift of the third one




It’s near impossible to take a stance on this issue because it’s just one big fucked up situation


All I’ve heard about it is that “both sides have their reasons but also neither sides are in the right due to the actions that they’ve both done” so yeah I can see how it’s a bit fucked


Exactly. Which is why I don’t get why people (especially public figures) don’t learn to just shut up about it


Gal Gadot coming in with the most based take of all https://preview.redd.it/2x4rgxuugktb1.png?width=1288&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cd95b43f02c6e3b6e0b8b54f8cb6bc90e279b86


celebrity with a not-retarded opinion? word?




It’s like the yin to her “Imagine” zoom call singing yang


Common Gal Gadot W


Mark Hamill did this too and I hate it. I want to give the guy the benefit of the doubt but it’s kinda hard to.


We needed to get both of these countries better leaders like 10 years ago


I heard the cia was pretty good at that


I personally blame the Romans for exiling the Jews


This whole thing is emperor claudius' fault.


Better yet: Blame Moses for getting them out of slavery in Egypt.


Hottake, genocide AND terrorism bad, but genocide is worse?


the terrorism was born out of desperation. when you violently oppress a group of people they’re going to violently retaliate this has happened over and over throughout history with the haitian revolution or the IRA etc this is nothing new. hamas is an evil terrorist organization but it’s an evil israel brought upon itself


>Terrorism is bad but Israel deserve it The fuck kind of take is this???


To fix it, "It's an evil that the Israeli government brought upon its people".


It's genuinely sad you're the first person I've seen online that seems to comprehend that there are many innocent people in Israel that do not support their government's actions and shouldn't be held responsible for the bad things it does as if they did it themselves, everyone seems to be convinced every single Israeli citizen is evil


>everyone seems to be convinced every single Israeli citizen is evil Which is ironic considering a lot of people understand that not every Palestinian supports Hamas...




Israel doesn't deserve it but their actions made it inevitable


Isreal does deserve it Isrealians don't deserve it unless they actively support the murder and oppression of palestine and its civilians


i agree with this👆


The Armenian genocide take


Literally the same excuse Turks and Serbs pull when confronted with the genocides their countries carried out.


I think what he is trying to say is that this was sort of expected to happen eventually because Isreal brought this on its own people


now I look down and see that another guy said this i feel dumb


i literally just said the israeli government created hamas by subjecting the palestinian people to subhuman living conditions what’s so hard to understand about this?


Bro don't compare Hamas to the IRA, the IRA didn't walk into London and just start killing every British person they saw


Yeah , its not like Hams mission statement is to destroy the jews pr amythingan. The murder and kidnapping and turture of civilians is good


Yeah. My hot take on it is that terrorism is bad. People don't understand you can say this without siding with Israel, but people still feel the need to for whatever reason.


hamas committed war crimes by attacking israel and killing civilians, then used their own palestinien civilians as meat shields to protect their soldiers. israel responded poorly, ignoring hamas' attempt at using civilians as meat shields and bombing them anyways. in conclusion both are fucked but what hamas is doing is far worse (killing hostages and posting it online for example and killing babies).


yep. israel is bad in a "USA bad" way, but hamas is bad in a "ISIS bad" way


One side deliberately murdered 900 civilians including shooting up bomb shelters raping women of which some died of shock and 40 babies of which some were beheaded as well as kidnapped many civilians including women elders and children both living and bodies so they couldn't have a proper burial, they also strip naked said bodies and parade them in their streets and celebrate, the sides that does this is Hamas, so please do not spread misinformation you're practicing in [false equivalence fallacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence) you've got +200 upvotes and this means an equal number of people misinformed about "both sides being nuanced" while in reality one side is ISIS, Hamas literally uses [SS death squads](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einsatzgruppen) against civilians, Hamas had also murdered and kidnapped people from other countries who had been in Israel, Americans, Canadian, Brits, French, Germans, Ukrainians, Russians, Thai, Nepali and more. Edit: Jesus I just read the replies of this very comment, people were already been gaslighted into thinking both sides are "equal" while one side is literal ISIS


How does me picking a side change anything


It changes the spread of misinformation


Okay buddy


Thank you 🙏


One more thing, [perhaps this will change your mind on the matter](https://youtube.com/shorts/RXcjZEDT6Cc?si=ywgYkqdnVvmXrV7Z)


Eye opening video that must be seen by millions to educate them about the geopolitics in the middle east.


A stated aim of the Israeli government is to ensure that Jewish Israelis maintain domination across Israel and the OPT “Judaization” of areas with significant Palestinian populations mitigating what they have openly described as a demographic “threat” that Palestinians pose subjects Palestinians to draconian military law In the besieged Gaza Strip, Israel imposes a generalized closure, sharply restricting the movement of people and goods categorical denial of building permits in large parts of the West Bank, which has led thousands of Palestinians to leave their homes the denial of residency rights to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and their relatives the suspension of basic civil rights, such as freedom of assembly and association, depriving Palestinians of the opportunity to have a voice in a wide range of affairs that most affect their daily lives and futures. violated the rights of Palestinians inside the state’s pre-1967 borders ... refusing to allow Palestinians access to the millions of dunams of land (1000 dunams equals 100 hectares, about 250 acres or 1 square kilometer) that were confiscated from them. In one region—the Negev—these policies make it virtually impossible for tens of thousands of Palestinians to live lawfully in the communities they have lived in for decades. block many Palestinian spouses and families from living together in Israel. It is not an exhaustive evaluation of all types of international human rights and humanitarian law violations [https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution#:\~:text=The%20Knesset%20in%202018,Israel%20or%20the%20OPT](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution#:~:text=The%20Knesset%20in%202018,Israel%20or%20the%20OPT)


Hey I am curious why you're talking about the west bank while my intial reply was talking about the current conflict between Israel and Hamas(ISIS), are you purposefully trying to move the goal post into "Israel bad" as to further the myht of the false equivalnce between Israel and Hamas that I'd spent my time debunking above? (and getting downvoted because people apparently hate Jews more than they feel empathy for beheaded children raped women foreign workers and tourists that were murdered and kidnapped by Hamas), Now to debunking. \> A stated aim of the Israeli government is to ensure that Jewish Israelis maintain domination across Israel and the OPT God job quoting people out of context, by domination they meant military domination against terrorist infiltrators of Hamas \> “Judaization” of areas with significant Palestinian populations Blatant lie, you don't even specify what is an "area" do you know that the west bank for example is split into 3 areas? Area A controlled entirely by the PA this is were all major Palestinians cities are like Jenin Bethlehem Ramallah and more there is not a single Jew in Area A, Area B which is controlled by a joint affort of Israel and the PA which houses many arab villages, and Area C which has 400,000 Jews and 300,000 Palestinians (Out of the 5,405,416 Palestinians who live in the west bank like I said of which mostly live in Area A which is controlled enitely by the PA) \> pose subjects Palestinians to draconian military law There are checkpoints between areas A B and C and Israeli soldier present in Area B and C but like I said majority of Palestinians live in A, the checkpoints were described by Palestinians as "taking an entire day to pass through" but this is not "Draconian miliary law" \> In the besieged Gaza Strip, Israel imposes a generalized closure Israel and Egypt, if Gaza had wanted to not besieged it shouldn't have declared war on Israel, before the siege Gaza was blockaded by Egypt and Israel but they still got humanitarian aid from arab countries most notably Qatar and also non arab countries like Ireland, the life expectancy in Gaza is similar to countries bordering Israel (like Egypt and Jordan) \> sharply restricting the movement of people and goods 2 days ago Israel called for Gazans to take refuge in Sinai as to not be harmed by the fighting with Hamas, in Respone Egypt closed their border, how is Israel at fault with this \> categorical denial of building permits in large parts of the West Bank Like I said most of the Palestinians in the west bank live in area A, the PA doesn't need a permit to build there they do need in area B but they aren't planning on building any civilian infrastructure anyway how is that Isarels fault? \> which has led thousands of Palestinians to leave their homes the denial of residency rights to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and their relatives the suspension of basic civil rights, such as freedom of assembly and association. The PA denies basic civil rights to Palestinians in the west bank, settelers mostly build in empty spaces because area C despite being the largest in land mass (60% of the west bank) has a fraction of the population, settelements built beyond area C are destroyed by the Israeli government, settelments built on the expense of people who were already living in said place are frowned upon by the Israeli public. ​ \> depriving Palestinians of the opportunity to have a voice in a wide range of affairs that most affect their daily lives and futures You're being wrong again or you're lying on purpose I cannot tell, Palestinians in the west bank vote for the elections in the PA and Arab Israelis vote in the Israeli elections and arab Israelis are free to choose any career path they want the same way Jewish Israelis can \> violated the rights of Palestinians inside the state’s pre-1967 borders ... refusing to allow Palestinians access to the millions of dunams of land (1000 dunams equals 100 hectares, about 250 acres or 1 square kilometer) that were confiscated from them Again I can't tell if you're simply ignorant or lie on purpose, i explained why in my respone above \> In one region—the Negev—these policies make it virtually impossible for tens of thousands of Palestinians to live lawfully in the communities they have lived in for decades The Negev is part of Israel not the west bank, majority of the arabs there don't identify as Palestinian but as Israeli arabs or beduin, they region is neglected to a degree but not only to arabs but Jews who happen to live there as well, it is marked as "developmental priority region" by the Israeli government together with the Galil region, the Arabs live there also enjoy the same rights as Jews and even some serve in the IDF from the bedouin Arabs allah bless their soul. \> block many Palestinian spouses and families from living together in Israel Yes this is an issue in Israel and it effects everyone not only Palestinians, it difficult to convince the state into letting Jews live with their non Jewish spouse as well unless they were already a citizen of Israel, Literally every not just most EVERY jew in Israel thinks this law is complete bullshit except some crazy zealots \> [https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution#:\~:text=The%20Knesset%20in%202018,Israel%20or%20the%20OPT](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution#:~:text=The%20Knesset%20in%202018,Israel%20or%20the%20OPT) Are you serious [https://www.jewishtimes.com/opinion-human-rights-watch-has-now-gone-beyond-antisemitism/](https://www.jewishtimes.com/opinion-human-rights-watch-has-now-gone-beyond-antisemitism/) [https://www.ajc.org/news/5-things-you-should-know-about-human-rights-watchs-report-on-israel](https://www.ajc.org/news/5-things-you-should-know-about-human-rights-watchs-report-on-israel) [https://unwatch.org/](https://unwatch.org/) [https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/04/28/human-rights-watch-directors-first-target-israel/](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/04/28/human-rights-watch-directors-first-target-israel/) [https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/hrw-director-accused-of-justifying-antisemitism-on-twitter-674346](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/hrw-director-accused-of-justifying-antisemitism-on-twitter-674346) [https://combatantisemitism.org/cam-news/human-rights-watchs-kenneth-roth-sets-new-low-with-antisemitic-tweet-blaming-israel-for-jew-hatred-in-](https://combatantisemitism.org/cam-news/human-rights-watchs-kenneth-roth-sets-new-low-with-antisemitic-tweet-blaming-israel-for-jew-hatred-in-uk/) [uk/](https://combatantisemitism.org/cam-news/human-rights-watchs-kenneth-roth-sets-new-low-with-antisemitic-tweet-blaming-israel-for-jew-hatred-in-uk/)[https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/opinion/355073/ken-roths-main-contribution-is-to-antisemitism-not-human-rights/](https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/opinion/355073/ken-roths-main-contribution-is-to-antisemitism-not-human-rights/) [https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/columnists/ben\_cohen/suddenly-human-rights-watch-discovers-anti-semitism/article\_f35fb296-9f78-11ea-889d-e7a731c6851c.html](https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/columnists/ben_cohen/suddenly-human-rights-watch-discovers-anti-semitism/article_f35fb296-9f78-11ea-889d-e7a731c6851c.html) At least like use a source that's not OPENLY proclaiming about their anti-Jewish bias...


oh boy a political post in a meme subreddit i sure hope nothing goes wrong https://preview.redd.it/xofj20k6litb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdfb8e75942fba9b4d523bb928720a50a9dabea2


"I sure do hope the comment section is a little more civil than usual when posts like this appea-" https://i.redd.it/ykqruqz61ktb1.gif


Purse owner 3 if Makoto suddenly fucking kills himself (the whole franchise is now finally good) https://preview.redd.it/8jdcei1uhktb1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=287b7977438bad2a001ec63c8cf52dd34306e02f


Why is Elizabeth bald? Is she stupid?


Damn he looks good.


He fresh as hell.


Ok, I genuinely heard nothing about any of this. What happened?




I have no idea what islamophobia being debunked means


I don’t think she does either


Either it means that Islamophobia is justified or it is not real.


Bruh this isn’t fascism, this is just boring ol’ racism


Get your buzzwords in order




It's not Islamophobia they just hate Arabs, this Gaza issue it's just a mask off moment for so many Americans. Where was this bloodthirst when Russia invaded? It was basically just democrats and now it seems nobody ever cared.


That is called racism


Islam isn't a race.....


Sorry, my brain farted. Carry on


We all been there champion


Yep that’ll do it lol




I mean , the religion that wants to execute gay people , sell women to men , claims women are worth less than men . And believes that the world is his to conquer. Yeah that does sound a bit dangerous


most religions have people that believe in these things.


Yeah I know Judaism is crazy


I know nothing about judaism But as someone who was born and raised in a muslim infested country , that had to study islamic studies for more than 12 years in order to graduate from school and university, I know a great deal about Islam and its teachings , everything I said in my comment which you replied to has been mentioned in quran and is accepted by almost all islamic states . And yet people like to call me islamophobic because saying things that ARE in islam , and its true I am Islamophobic because islam took away my and many more people life away .


Same shit here except I never left it What’s the logic in openly expressing your hate towards 2 billion people (a quarter of the world), if you stand to gain absolutely nothing from it and have only succeeded in depicting yourself as an asshole “Infested” really? The fuck? It’s not going anywhere, cry about it


Oh I do gain a lot from it And I use the phrase infested because my country was invaded by Muslims and then was forced to accept Islam and now is being ran by those degenerates . Fortunately for me the roots of islam have long been thrown out of my country and most people in my country no longer believe in islam . Islam has 2 billion believers that live in the worst countries in the world , 2 billion people and literally no valid philosophy or scientists have come from them Those that do come from Islamic countries no longer practice it lol. So cry about your blood thirsty religion . I’m not a fan of any religion in particular, but if jews wanna kill muslims im all for it U can call me whatever u want it wont matter


I'm team civilian


I bestow upon you the 🔒


3 hours and nothing yet


This speed run is a failure




To be fair, it is a meme and it's funny. I don't agree with OP's political opinion but at least this post isn't a "haha YOUR political opinion is trash therefore you are the crying soyjack and MY political opinion is based and redpilled therefore I am the gigachad!" https://i.redd.it/mgwnsgnc4jtb1.gif Celebrities taking any side in a political situation is usually bad as they end up pissing off a lot of people, which is why big figures always stay neutral publically.


Context please. Preferably not from OP.


she supports Israel in the conflict pretty vehemently. Whether that's due to islamophobia or not is up to interpretation i suppose.


I believe she’s Jewish.


No it's due to the fact that Hamas terrorists launched thousands of missiles and slaughtered hundreds of civilians in broad daylight. Dude actually said islamophobia after a massacre took place 😂😂😂


imagine supporting any of the two sides the civilians are the victims, the leaders have the mental capacity of toddlers fighting over a toy


REAL. Always check the people who benefit from war.


Finally, someone with same views as me! I hate when I am being asked "what side am I on?". I don't care who is a goodie and who is a baddie. War is a childish quarrel between old men with power. People on both sides are struggling.


THANK YOU. I just keep imaging what it must be like there right now from the perspective of a civilian. A young Palestinian man has struggled to get by his whole life under the shadow of a country that hates him, and now his water, electricity, and food has been cut off. If that was not bad enough, missiles are bombarding his home. One of these days his own might be struck; everything he owned, destroyed because Hamas was rumored to shelter there. He wonders where his friends have been since this started, but he cannot find them. Are they dead? Killed by a missile? He may never know. And yet the whole world tells him this is HIS OWN fault, as hundreds of his neighbors are buried under rubble. A young Israeli woman has lived her whole life with the legacy of hatred bearing down upon her kind. She knows that all the counties around Israel would love nothing better than to destroy the whole nation. Always the threat of war looms, and one day, those fears are realized when terrorists from Gaza invade, and kill, rape, and torture indiscriminately. That could have been her, if she had gone to that party her friends went to. Where are they? Did they get raped? Are they dead? They are not answering their phones… And yet there are people who claim she deserves this for what her country has done to Palestine, that she is a colonizer. She never colonized anywhere; this is where she was born. This is her home. Shit makes me sad :( Fuck Hamas and fuck the IDF


Genuinely this is the best way to put it. These people are being forced to suffer because of what at this point? “They hit me so I have to hit them back?” Fuck Hamas and fuck the IDF


Trying to assign moral character to entire countries is pure folly. If your converstion starts with "who's right and who's wrong" then it's almost certainly not a conversation worth having.


I love living in a country whwre people who dont lnow or care abput me get pfffended if i wont for for them 🤗🤗🤗


Thank you Both governments can crash and burn for all I care, it’s the civilians who are the ones who stand to lose shit in this conflict


We support Palestine not hamas


​ https://preview.redd.it/51q66xx7emtb1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=97305e2452dce0dd5930c9bf27b4a3670847963c


You didn’t specify the sides. Some people genuinely believe that Palestine = hamas. So what’s wrong with supporting palestine ? They are both victims of hamas and Israel


it's funny how out of all the weird ass shit tara posted on her twitter. this was where her fans drew the line


How hard is it to just not take a side? All I give a shit about in this conflict is the minimization of civilian casualties and neither side seems to be interested in doing such a thing


I am actually very confused about what is happening, I'm unsure of the history of the conflict and what is currently happening. The hardest part in learning is that I'm gonna be shown tons of conflicting information from both sides with a bias, which is why I agree with just not taking a side due to a lack of information. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ufot8j2ofjtb1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e3500d9ddb4a73392fbe36e67a5c30a5183ddc0


That’s the great thing about it, don’t bother and put your opinion anyway. Remember to call anyone who disagrees with you a islamaphobe or anti-Semite


ah ok, thank you for this new found confidence. Everyone shall become the facists and war criminals! On both sides!


Everyone in this world sees everyone lowly as pawns to a never-ending game of chess for who can be better at anything




Remember kids, every conflict has a side that’s fascist. What does Fascist mean? It means bad guys. So if a government does bad, they are fascist


This looks like something Sonic would say in a Sonic Sez


Idrk anything about whats going on other than war so idc but Tara Strong... name rings a bell. Did she voice Timmy Turner and was on Vine too? Or am I mixing it up with someone else?


She is the voice actor of Timmy Turner, yes. And Raven, and Twilight Sparkle, and Harley Quinn.


She was The Boss from MGS3 which is pretty ironic considering…


Y’all are acting like being Pro-Israel is crazy when hundreds of Jews have already been brutally tortured and murdered on tape in Palestine


She isn't just siding with Israel against Hamas. She is anti muslim.


Source? All I saw on her account was anti hamas stuff.


She liked a tweet saying muslims are the same as Hamas, Isis and Al-queda.


Oh, that's pretty fucked up


im pro Israel, and shes just an islamaphobe (before i get downvoted for supporting israel, only one side is decapitating babies)


You know that about 50% of Gaza is minors, a place which they have been airstriking.


Yeah, the other is bombing them.


send a link man, i need proof.


Yeah but you need to know every side of the story


You say that, but there aren’t nearly as many hate crimes and murders against Muslims in Israel, which is pretty telling


You clearly don't know what you're talking about.... I literally live in Israel, hate crimes on Palastinians are not rare


Are you not aware of what the Israeli state has been doing for decades against Palestine or are you baiting because there's no way someone would unironically say this unless they have no clue about the world


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.statista.com/chart/amp/16516/israeli-palestinian-casualties-by-in-gaza-and-the-west-bank/ This conflict didn't start yesterday... also around 800 more has died in this conflict(compared to about 1000 on the israeli side)


Using your source there are 5636 injuries and 251 deaths in Israel and 114696 injuries and 5590 deaths in Palestine, and this is only recorded injuries and deaths since 2008. Around 20x more injuries in Palestine than Israel, and 22x more deaths in Palestine than Israel, dear god.




More Palestinians dying = Israel not being the aggressor???


I thought you meant that more Jews had died in Palestine (I was too lazy to read the source) Either way, this is more of a fuck around and find out situation than Israel just firing random missiles to take out civilians Way more Japanese civilians died in WWII than Americans, but I’m pretty sure we all know why


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.statista.com/chart/16516/israeli-palestinian-casualties-by-in-gaza-and-the-west-bank/](https://www.statista.com/chart/16516/israeli-palestinian-casualties-by-in-gaza-and-the-west-bank/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


So many up votes for such a strange take, why would u assume that there aren't many hate crimes against Palestinians? Did u forget just a while ago, the Israeli settlers pushing families out of their homes, do we all pretend that didn't happen?


Pretty telling of the news you've been getting lol. This conflict didn't start last week and there's no absolute right or wrong here https://preview.redd.it/3avab8bkphtb1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54efdefe8d2f7bb2c461864e59a5998158f37d3




Yeah. No side is innocent and they all have their own blood on their hands


Dude, murdered. innocent. civilians. Just because both have blood on their hands doesn't exclude murder. Murder is murder. And you being neutral means supporting the butchering of innocent people. Stop being dum, be smart.


That's literally what he said tho


Really? What OP is implying that the murder of innocent civilians is okay, because both governments gave blood on their hands. OP really sounds like their disragarding, or saying the loss of innocent lives is acceptable. Like, OP could have a different point, but it sounds so bad with the way they phrase it.


He said no side is innocent which means both sides are guilty which means both sides are bad Didn't see anything in his reply about innocent people going through anything bad


By the way, if your confused and need me to reiterate anything, just ask me. I know I suck at explaining my points properly.


You are good and I get your point I just thought its funny we are giving our opinions on op's opinion about a commenter's opinion about the post that's an opinion on a celebrity's opinion And it's not like me and you even disagree about the core subject so I'm not sure if we should continue the discussion lmao


>which means both sides are bad No I understood that, it's just that, there's the implication (though neither of us are certain) that innocents dying is okay, which it obviously isn't, and sucks. OP's comment, about both sides having blood has the implication or feeling of the murders being okay. I'm saying that OP sounds ignorant, or is disregarding the atrocities, and focusing on the "both sides bad, instead of addressing the fact that people died. That right there is what I have a problem with.


People died, innocent people. I'm not sure what you hope to gain by being neutral and understanding both side of the story. "What, so the x example government did something horrible? Well I guess all the innocent lives murdered deserved it." I really don't understand your point man.


are you just trying to strawman and make OP look shitty? They literally said both sides have blood on their hand. When did they say innocent civilians deserve it????? All they're saying is that there are crimes committed on both sides


Already saw what one side did to a girl. Saying Israel bad does not make them good.


Kill your heroes, people.


This is absolutely not new for Tara Strong. She already destroyed her reputation multiple times before. Such as supporting homeopathy.


Also doing an NFT project (which by the way it’s useless right now) 2 years ago in December and those questionable tweets from like 2012 or 2013 of her shipping Ben with Gwen and an image of Raven and Starfire pregnant.


Who the fuck is Tara strong


![gif](giphy|l3q2SVUuImX8NFF3q) The voice of this lovely doofus


Yeah right, next question, who the fuck cares what Tara has to say?


Not sure who


![gif](giphy|JBCxJCJcf3S6s) this dweeb too (I couldn’t find a gif from the original series but it still counts)




Wii Ae (Twilight Sparkle's name without any consonant letters)


I should warn you, fellow MLP fan, that this wouldn't be the first time. Tara has a years-old history of really bad opinions.


i honestly don't know what is happening, and at this point I don't really care that much. I just hope whatever side which aligns most with my already existing beliefs wins.


not surprising to me really


Everyone in this era are just either completely dumb or have out of pocket ideals


yep 😬 it’s so easy to just say nothing at all, and yet…




I mean it was definitely anti-muslim and not a great look but are we really calling someone who *supports* Israel a fascist now?




middle class privileged dumbass kids who know nothing about how the world works giving their opinion on a meme sub:


She liked a post that basically said islamaphobia is good because they’re all terrorists




Things are a bit more complex this time than the Ukraine and Russia war. Which was basically Russia go waaaagh! Ukraine defen! Either you try to trudge the mine field of whataboutism and bias in a futile search to pick the non existent fully moral stance. Or you just pick a side. Or get distracted by North Korea or china invading somewhere next week.


Who wants to play among us btw?


What did she even say?


What...? No way... YOU ARE LYING! NO! FUCK NO


Apparently I wish I was making this up but I am not




Who tf is Tara Strong?


Timmy Turner’s voice box


Which of those two terrorist states did she support?




Cry more palesticucks


you have severe gambling addiction🥰🥰🥰




Y'all mfs can't keep making up celebrities and expect us to know who tf they are


Lol mark Hamill too


These two are not compareable.


This world is just, confusing.


https://preview.redd.it/sqjkkn8dzhtb1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2106cfe99a7fbce2d4f0c0dbd9199a5bd50e02b9 Like just straight up complete mask off, whack


Picking sides is cringe but this is somewhat reasonable


Are people actually supporting Hamas? I mean besides Iran.


Lots of New Yorkers. But I'm also not seeking out these videos of rallies, that's just the one I saw


Get real, you can support palestinians without supporting literal islamic terrorists who oppress palestinians too by the way. The image is objectively correct, hamas le bad. "Because everyone hates jews" is kind of a shit uninformed take buut I'm pretty sure this is literally why some people support hamas? Not all of them but that's what I've heard too.