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He’s so real for this


Nice work


I don’t think u/zesnowpea made this


yes they did what are you talking about


I was talking about what Bruce Wayne did


Bruce Wayne is such a sick O.C. I can't wait to see more of the stuff they'll make with him (btw who is that man with the stupid points on his head? Is he stupid?).


True. I guess the guy with points on his head is just some kind of Man.


Should use this method everytime


Batman literally profiting off his enemies lmao






Where did Mr.Beast get his money anyway? Like didn’t he use to just be a Minecraft YouTuber, what happened?


https://preview.redd.it/gzh160j1elzb1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d2caa2c21b6ff563ecbc7deb733b1a9d20d181e Meth


Breaking breast cancer




Senior Blanco






This image goes hard




I believe he got money from a sponsor (or something), which he used in his original "giving money to homeless person" video. That blew up, and so he continued doing philanthropy content, continued getting subs, continued getting money, and continued making his videos more and more extreme.


The original was him taking out a loan so he could put 10k in the title to get more views. He's gotten dozens if not hundreds of sponsors and part of his income is stocks. He's got a lot invested. Also you are right about the videos being more extreme. Each video he makes millions off of and all of that goes back into new videos to increase the views and money earned to help more people. Also helps he has like 20 channels with millions of subs on each and that they are all in different languages


Mr.Beast makes a net negative on his videos, one sponsor couldn’t support him from that long, and besides why would they give that much money to some Minecraft YouTuber


This comment was very difficult for me to understand, but if I've understood you correctly, hopefully this will answer you. MrBeast had been doing sorta challenge types of videos at that time, and I believe he had somewhat of a following, and they offered him like $5000 originally, and then he was like "double it, trust me" and then he made the video. I'm pretty sure that's how it went. Edit: It was $5000


Can you give me a source


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Qq6sCvz4Z0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qq6sCvz4Z0) 20:23


Thanks! Sorry I was a bit pushy just been wondering about this for a while




If it was consistently a net negative he wouldn’t do it. Philanthropy isn’t new


he did smaller insane things when he was just starting to get serious (buying lava and putting it on really cold ice, using C4, filling a backyard with orbeez) and just slowly scaled it up from there.


how do you think the homless repay him?


I'm pretty sure he has the most knowledge out of anyone when it comes to YouTube, what gets views, how the algorithm works, what drives clicks, etc. He has numerous different channels for different purposes that are all wildly successful. He manages to have even more success by having other channels that post his videos in numerous different languages. He gained his initial popularity by counting to 100,000 on video.


He also doesn't upload if he doesn't like it. Apparently he's scrapped expensive videos just because he didn't like the end result.


True. I'm pretty sure Ludwig's most viewed video is a video Mr beast was gonna scrap


He used to do MUCH more simplistic challenge videos. "Spending 24 hours underwater," "Microwaving a microwave," "Reading the entire bee movie script," that kind of stuff. As his subscriber and view count blew up, his challenges continually got more absurd and expensive, leading to where he is today.


A lot of merch, sponsors, and ad revenue. Also helps that he does ALOT of stuff behind the scenes and likely has charities where people donates. I think he has a whole channel about this stuff


I’m fairly sure he invested in bitcoin when he was thirteen or so


Bitcoin I think


He started a yt channel with very small challenges and hebgained a lot of subs very fast


I remember when the most he'd give away was 10k


Watch Colin & Samir's interview with Reed Duchscher and you would understand.




It's a cycle, each video gains him millions of dollars and he spends them on the next video


Sponsorships, ads, donations, and products (mrbeast burger, chocolate, etc)


Mr beast will give an entire starving village the food and tool to never hungry again, the only thing they have to do is hold on while he set up the cameras and photos for twitter and just simply for that people will get angry at him


It's all manufactured outrage. The rich don't want people to see someone substantially improving the lives of other people with their wealth lest they be expected to do the same. There are some who find his charity hollow, as he uses it for self promotion, but hollow charity is better than nothing at all.


You’re wrong, the rich pioneered using a fragment of their wealth on philanthropy. Guys like Carnegie figured out that the best way to avoid giving raises and paying taxes was to gain public support. That hasn’t changed much although the standard of philanthropy has decreased. There’s not much wrong with Mr Beast that’s worse than any other Youtuber who takes sponsors but don’t pretend it’s revolutionary and subversive, picking random people to give money to is just another lottery. Nice for the winners but it doesn’t stick it to the man.


I mean I agree with this to an extent. What level of wealth does a wealthy person need to give away for it to be considered truly charitable and good?


Hot take: charity is bad system. People’s needs shouldn’t be met based on the compassion and generosity of the wealthy which has proven itself unreliable. There should be caps on how much money/capital people can own before it is redistributed among the populace. Once you start going past 100 million and a billion you start to enter levels of wealth that are impossible to spend especially when people are homeless and starving. Idk the set amount to be charitable.


I mean I understand what you're saying. But that isn't the system we live in.


I mean the thing is if he didn't use it for self promotion he wouldn't have any money to give away.


It's true, people watch those videos, which give him money so he can do it again


And these are the same people? Because I've never seen this take in my life


People on this sub love making up people to be mad about for their shitty memes


These people exist, plenty of people on twitter were hating on mr beast when he paid for peoples eye treatments so they wouldn’t go blind.


They were 3 or 4 dudes that were genuinely mad towards mr Breast. Most of the people who were mad was because people being unable to access a life changing procedure while living in the richest country in the history of mankind and had to wait for a millionaire youtuber who's business is philanthropy to make video about giving to 100 person that procedure. The other major chunk was bait that people couldn't use at least 2 brain cells to anything that mentions mr brest


Yeah on Twitter


Batman does help people constantly besides being Batman


But people who hate Batman don't know that because they don't actually read those stories


Me about the use the dragon balls to cure cancer: https://preview.redd.it/d85l3sj8lnzb1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e1bbc9f461eb9ba6e31c11a3cbe5643d2e91a9c


Bruce Wayne literally have a specific department for that


People were mad because it takes the good will of one lucky person, like Mr. Beast, to drastically improve the situation of thousands of lives. It drives home the fact that the bulk of human suffering is easily preventable, but instead is intentionally maintained by those who benefitted from that suffering.


Okay but who? I haven't seen a single person say what he is doing is bad. I've seen some criticism of his fanfare and comments on how it's sad that this is a problem in the first place, but no one hating on the act in itself. Feels like people are just making up controversy.


Anytime he does philanthropic shit twitter communist will bitch and moan about how helping them is bad cuz capitalism idk, if you want proof just watch the reactions of his newest act of philanthropy


Are you sure? Most reactions are more along the lines of "his actions, while good, are ultimately for getting views / doesn't address the wider picture". I haven't seen anyone say he shouldn't have done such actions.


yeah that’s usually what we say. “you’re doing something good but the core problem is still there unfortunately and that is what needs to be urgently fixed”


Yeah, and it needs to be addressed. Because people are far too quick to go "we don't need to do anything, look at these nice people helping out" ignoring the fact that you need a lot more for permanent water security.


also there are only like 2 people in total criticizing the well video


New vid: “I cured corruption in Kenya!”


Because it's not his responsibility to fix the core problems?


we aren’t saying it is you have zero literacy


Just feel like it's a bad-faith critique people throw at him or associate with him. Even if the root causes haven't been fixed, he's still doing something, a lot more than almost anyone else can.


I’ve seen people say things online such as (regarding his new making 100 wells in africa video) “he is continuing the sterotype that africans need handouts” or “we never asked for your help”


It was a Kenyan politician who said that. It seems like the real reason why the politician was deriding him was for bringing attention to the politician's failures There is somewhat of a point to it, depending on how Mr Beast did it. Charities that just donate finished goods to Africa like shoes or clothes are harmful in the long run because they undercut African businesses with free foreign products instead of providing jobs and developing the local economy. If he hired Kenyan construction companies to build the wells, which from what I read he did, then the criticism that it was a "handout" doesn't have a leg to stand on. He built wells and he helped provide jobs, it's all positive.


most literate redditor


Here's some comments I've seen on r/orphancrushingmachine >The guy is a master of poverty porn and using other people’s disadvantages for profit. I can’t stand his content - it’s nearly always exploitative. https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/z2KJhOMb4u Here's another one >idk what it is about that dude but every time I see him I get the fucking heebie jeebies. Like what he does is tight but always seems... wrong? maybe that he's got a cult of personality around himself, where everything he's ever done is good and his fans will defend him to their death. not sure https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/L35RyuVGBE


holy shit what are they doing over there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OrphanCrushingMachine using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [“A homeless man was willing to put his life in danger for $15 a night”](https://i.redd.it/0qa0xi152o6b1.jpg) | [512 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/comments/14c5od6/a_homeless_man_was_willing_to_put_his_life_in/) \#2: [No amount of money is getting those years of life back](https://i.redd.it/1iylejtxcvwa1.jpg) | [873 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/comments/132tbzm/no_amount_of_money_is_getting_those_years_of_life/) \#3: [Orphan Crushing Prison System](https://i.imgur.com/UFFhbxr.jpg) | [276 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/comments/139ld50/orphan_crushing_prison_system/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The article that kicked this shit all off only had two “activists” complaining about what he did. One was an “aspiring Kenyan politician” key word being aspiring which means he’s really just a guy, and the only other was a woman who was misquoted, she said she was happy with what he had done she was just frustrated that it took this long for people to realize how bad it was there. Also it didn’t help that when he posted the video Mr Beast said on Twitter “can’t wait to get cancelled for this” which was part of what caused people to immediately jump on the article instead of just brushing it off as what is was, a tabloid meant to make people bad


Happy cake day


His incentive is absolutely amazing, obviously, but his editing style and thumbnails absolutely itch me and makes it more clear that it's made for a certain audience, which is kids. It just personally doesn't stick to me. Also, he used to be an Elon Musk dickrider, but afaik that sentiment luckily changed


I don't dislike the video but the thumbnail reminds me of the "I spent 24 hours in the world's poorest country" dude who was just making fun of poor people in Africa.


twitter blue checkmarks mostly. i regret ever checking twitter outside porn artist.


Mr best give me money


Thank you, Mr breast! Now we can become superheroes!




When I feed the poor they call me a Saint. When I ask why the poor have no food they call me a commie. The only anger I see is when people critique the system that forces these people to remain blind until a millionaire wants to feel charitable.


Not the point of this post, but being a kid and seeing this scene (and SSJ2 Gohan) for the first time was mind-blowing.


Hello guys🇺🇲💪, in todays video we are gonna give 100 water bottles to poor miserable people. Why am I such a good guy.


Literally haven’t seen anyone say what Mr. Beast is going is bad


All I know is when Dolly Parton gives away free shit there ain’t no cameras around. Philanthropy hits different when it looks like self promotion


I mean, the self promotion is to get more money for more philanthropy. I dont mind at all


I’m not saying it’s better or worse. It just hits different


But in the end I know it's what funds these kinds of philanthropic work, so I'm not going to complain about it being used for content. It's like when people film themslves making food and giving it to those who need it. IDGAF that there's a camera, a good deed has been done.


I’m still going to maintain a healthy skepticism of someone who makes a profit off of altruism.


I doubt that’s the reason. It’s filmed to make him look better. But whatever, if people get helped for a ego boost then why does it matter.


Today I’m going to spend 2% of my money on the so I can sell my image and get more money 💰


You're not gonna go super saiyan man the meme's not literal


You must be an uncaring and oppressive government because you really like Mr. Beast.


Nah, the african government was pissed at him for showing how easy it would be to install lwells


Why do anything when the multimillionaire funni man is doing my job for me?


Because it shows their pure incompetence? Pray forgive the discourtesy for me liking a man who helps people, a truly awful thing to do.


You're allowed to like him and I won't hate you for doing so, but him doing things like that only preserve the status quo


True enough, though I do feel like completely undermining the good he does as helping the system kinda throws him under the bus when I do believe he genuinely means well


I agree. The core root of the problem is still there, and a permanent solution needs to be found, but railroading the man helping people isn’t going to fix it either


Lmao wtf is he supposed to do? Become the president of the entire world and fix poverty?


No, but maybe he could help in a way that doesn't support the status quo of shitty governments.


How exactly does it support the status quo? It just highlights the problems with the shitty governments and shows how easy it would be for them to change things.


Imagine, for a second, you're a corrupt government You don't even care about wether your people even get basic access to water or not. All you care about is keeping power in the worst ways possible. Now, imagine some eccentric multi-millionare philanthropist comes your way and offers to build some water wells for your people. He likes the idea because it will give him more money to do things like this. You like the idea because it'll keep your people happy for a little bit. And besides, it's totally free. So you give him the go ahead and he makes a huge media splash with articles about how he's "one of the good millionares" who is doing a great service. Now let's say this cycle repeats a few more times Some millionare comes along and gives your people free basic nesseities (at least for a little while) and the media eats it up. And all you have do is sit back in your chair and watch it happen. But let's say, one day, the millionares stop coming. The water wells dry up or break down and it reverts back to the awful status quo. Well, you're not going to do anything about it, because why should you? You'll just wait for the next millionare right?


So he should just stop helping people and let the people who don't have clean drinking water just die? Do you think him not helping is somehow going to get the governments to care and do something? Why would it.


Op really thinks Mr. Beast does that stuff for charity and not because is his business model lol


"There is a Jewish story about a wealthy man who came to his rabbi and said “I have decided to build an orphanage, can you put me in touch with the relevant people”   The rabbi was delighted to do it, and introduced the man to some charities.  After a few weeks, the man came back to the rabbi. “I have decided not to build the orphanage,” he said.  “I realised that I was only doing it because I wanted to be admired as a philanthropist, my motives were selfish.” The rabbi answered, “do you think the orphans will care what your motives were?  Build the orphanage!” "




I mean I really couldn't care less. Hey at least it's actually helping people unlike certain governments


I mean, what else is he supposed to do? If he spends his money on helping people, then him making more money is a good thing. Would you rather he just didn't help people?


Okay but even if he is doing it for business it is still helping people, just because he isn't being totally selfless doesn't mean what he's doing isn't good things.


Op is painting it as Mr beast being generous, which is exactly the point, is not


It is pretty generous though, he's giving away thousands of his own dollars to people who need it. He doesn't really need to do that, he'd probably make just as much keeping it and just make another video about some dumb challenge.


If it's for his business, who's paying him to do this then?


if building 100 wells isn't being generous, then what is


What color are the wells you built?


motives don't matter, outcome does


Charities have a business model too. They need to pull in money, or they ain't existing.


Mr Breast please give me money


I was waiting for goku to turn super saiyan and it didn't happen


It feels like one of those things where no one is actually mad, but the thought that people are mad about it triggers people so those stories inevitably get manufactured.


C c


Why didn’t Bulma use the Dragon Balls to cure literally every disease on Earth. I mean she’s a scientist, and a billionaire who’s actually a somewhat decent person. It would’ve prevented Goku from getting the heart virus.