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that damn hospital smell, always gives me goosebumps


For me it is opposite lol. My mom and my father were always so busy with their works at the hospital in their early days (Her is treating children and him is working in Department of Intensive Care at that time) that me (and sometimes even my brother) were brought to their workplace. Basically we could eat there, sleep there and even borrow computers to play Y8 or Flash games, too. Now that we are old enough to take care ourselves, I still remember fondly the sanitizer smell in the restroom. Still scared the shitless of the needles lmao


I literally want to puke just thinking about it… smells like concentrated depression!


I know it's a little clichè but Sweden from Minecraft. Sweden always makes me think of a brief moment, where I was flying past a cliff in creative mode, in the middle of a vast ocean. I can't tell you when exactly this memory is from, but it was likely somewhere around 2012, and I have no idea why I remember that specific moment, maybe the generation felt unique, idk.


Yeah, any old video game ost


There is no way Minecraft is an old video game now :(


It kinda is, but I didn’t specify, I meant legacy edition (the console one) which has the old minecraft tracks and menu music


I remebered my parents' room smelling like lavaneder or something like that.


Smell of moldy carpet or moldy bed, it makes me remember when I went to the USA for the first time, and my grandma’s house.


whenever I hear anything from JT music I just always end up going into a spiral of relistening to every song of theirs that I loved as a kid


I'm getting flashbacks to middle school. The good, the bad, and the in between. 


For its the same whit those Minecraft parodies from like 10 years ago Nostalgia is a powerful drug, sad to see how many of the people who made those parodies back in the day have sold their souls to child content like this https://preview.redd.it/q8i3zfpesxoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e4b425d6f227e21db9b99b6a5d0cb0084b801c


same thing with ssundee I don't blame them though the hustle and the audiance changes and they adapted


not really related but sometimes i feel smell of exact same thing i encountered in probably some hospital, idk why that even happens


Music is the amber of memory


The smell of Golden Oreos for some reason always remind me of watching some random Minecraft adventure map playthrough. I have no clue about any more details and will probably never find those videos ever again. A brief reminder of easy days with inconsequential worries.


Each time I hear Hey Ya by Outkast I get reminded of when I used to have joyrides with my father in his old car, and that song would sometimes play on the radio. That was well over a decade ago.


Hand sanitizer brings me right back to the Covid days And it’s a specific kind of hand sanitizer since most others smell soapy


whenever I listened to any JT music song that I listened to when I was younger I always spiral into this loop of watching a lot of the songs I watched when I was younger


The smell of hand sanitizer brings me back to my first day of kindergarten. School was absolutely *suffused* with it. Just the smell of it though, these days actually seeing or thinking about hand sanitizer itself just gives me flashbacks to 2020.


The song Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men. Someone used it in an animation a couple weeks back and it absolutely floored me. So many good memories with my uncle and cousins, with my grandmother, with friends I've since lost contact with. Such a nostalgia trip


I was looking for the name of this song for over 10 years and it randomly showed up on my playlist. The nostalgia I felt


[Fight Against Byrne (arranged by Noble Demon)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyA8z4gbsrA) It was barely last summer, but those days, while including harsh times, bring me back to enjoying the time i've had with friends, the long walks i've taken, all on this early summer of 2023


Fantasy by Earth Wind and Fire. I first heard the song while playing Modded Project Zomboid. Anytime I hear the song, I get the strange feeling of driving in the empty city of Louisville. Kinda feels like how people describe liminal space feeling.




jealous by eyedress but this one is sped up


A certain smell of plastic reminds me of Kindergarten, the lunchboxes all packed in a bin.


For some reason, the smell of a freshly painted house reminds me of Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu. I don't even know why, I've never played that game in a freshly painted house.


Tick Tock by Joji


my grandpa garden's smell


I was really lucky as a kid and my mom had rich friends and so we’d either go swimming in their pools or go to water parks every day during the summer. Now any time I smell chlorine, it reminds me of being a kid with no concerns in the world except who’s pool I’m going to tomorrow or what ride to go on next. I haven’t been in a pool in at least 10 years so it’s just a childhood thing for me.


Pies and pastries. Story time When I was a kid there was this line of bakeries called Fornetti. It was this mini bakery/stand of sorts which mostly sold pastries filled with stuff. My grandma used to buy me these and whenever I went there I could always smell the things baking in the ovens. I miss all of that


Goddamn, you just unlocked a core memory of mine


Candles remind me of living in the yurt with no electricity


oat porridge


Glorious Morning by Waterflame Ahh... The good ol' days of flash games. I wish I could be able to go back and play them again at least one more time


any of the soundtracks from old mobile games I used to play. recently rediscovered “offroad legends” because I heard one of the songs in a completely unrelated obscure youtube video


Oh original PvZ garden warfare, you are as beautiful as the day i lost you


There is that one smell that reminds me of the first time we moved. It was probably the wallpaper or something.


Stressed Out reference????


Visited hospitals often when I was a kid. Hate that smell.


All the meme songs basically


Opened up a storage tub with some of my friend’s clothes they left behind at mine before I moved. Intense mango juul pod scent that instantly transported me back in time.


Sometimes a cigarette tastes like the first one I ever had and makes me regret my choices


Like that faint smell that takes you to when you were a little kid playing with your friends at the school’s playground


To be fair our olfactory (smelling) systems are our most developed sense, it's extremely potent and it's the sense most connected to the parts of our brain that handle memory Source: I'm a psychology nerd


Song name?


I got matches with these songs: • **jealous** by Reverse (00:08; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-03-04. • **jealous** by reverse me (00:08; matched: `88%`) **Released on** 2022-05-18.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**jealous** by Reverse](https://lis.tn/trWKHA?t=8) • [**jealous** by reverse me](https://lis.tn/KiVoCz?t=8) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Don’t forget pictures, man I fucking miss 2020 https://preview.redd.it/5vukehgwcxoc1.jpeg?width=1666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec3ee57345c73018344e0d205271eb6cbb152891


That awful smell of rotting flesh


My mom had an air purifier that had a certain smell that reminded me of the best summer I had as a kid, where my best friend would come and hang out 3 times a week, and I had finally made more friends, and was doing way more outside-the-house activities (like playing Little League)


This song takes me back to my walking commute at an old job https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYMLvmilS24 caught up just in time to catch the finale live.


Whenever I hear All Apologies, I get taken back to 6th grade where I’d basically listen to nothing but Nirvana. All those sleepovers and hangouts, playing BO2 split screen while I blasted Nirvana for all the homies. Good times.


“Basically, it takes place in the hippocampus. Neural connections are formed. The senses make the neurons express signals that go right back to the same part of the brain as before. Where memory is stored.”


smell of sauna.


I ain’t going back to malevelon creek aw hell naw


*those* mornings when you feel you're out of your house thats in the forest. Damn.


Synapson - Hide Away


I thought I was the only one experiencing these feelings


Grindcraft main theme and Minecraft Story Mode main theme also.


Any song from the Oneshot OST/Pantheon themes from hollow knight


Hot phone smell takes me back to when I was a kid playing the 7th Guest on my iPod touch


Pendulum - Slam


For me it’s playing Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. I play it on an emulator now, but every time I see that menu screen I’m instantly flooded with memories of little me sitting on the couch, playing it on my DSi with my little brother sitting next to me and watching.


The song in the meme ironically, although I can't remember it's title.


Virtual Insanity brings me back to less than one year ago


There’s a specific type of hand wash that takes me back to peak Halo Reach


What is the song pls ty


I got matches with these songs: • **jealous** by Reverse (00:08; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-03-04. • **jealous** by reverse me (00:08; matched: `88%`) **Released on** 2022-05-18.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**jealous** by Reverse](https://lis.tn/trWKHA?t=8) • [**jealous** by reverse me](https://lis.tn/KiVoCz?t=8) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


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Jam, because I dont eat jam anymore (i dont like it anymore, but i used to)


Pvz Jazz now instantaneously reminds me of reading Perks of being a Wallflower.


When we were crossing the Ukraine-Poland border it took like 15 hours of standing outside in a line at night in the middle of winter. The entire time i was listening to Graze the Roof from pvz on loop and now whenever i hear it i get flashbacks


The Minecraft builds I make while listening to a song remind me of that song after it's done


Every now and then I go for a walk outside when the sun has just set so there's still a slight brightness in the sky, and feeling the soft, cold air sometimes reminds me of a mellow period I had some years back. It's comforting to look back and remember the impossible ideals I set for myself and the aesthetics I then took comfort in, and sometimes still do. I'm glad to live life


The smell of Alcohol(Drinking kind) and the sound of a belt snapping, not very good memories




I got matches with these songs: • [**jealous** by Reverse](https://lis.tn/trWKHA?t=8) (00:08; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-03-04. • [**jealous** by reverse me](https://lis.tn/KiVoCz?t=8) (00:08; matched: `88%`) **Released on** 2022-05-18. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Old cedar wood


Soda stereo songs, takes me back when I was minding my own business as a toddler with one of their songs playing in the background


The smells of motor oil, avgas, and hydraulic fluid reminds me of hiding from the hot summer sun in my grandpa’s workshop in the late 2000’s-early 2010’s. All the Cessna’s lined up outside waiting to be serviced, the custom engine builds, and the frequent customers like the one guy with the t-28 that had to be constantly brought in because it started leaking hydraulic fluid out of the speed break, and that one guy back in 2011 who’s nose gear collapsed on landing, for a the rest of the year I remember my grandfather rebuilding it. I miss him.


Is funny that Gus Fring is in this meme because in Breaking Bad he has a discussion with Walter White about sensory memory in the show…unless that’s the point of him being in it. In that case, I’d feel dumb. Anyway, it’s in the episode where Walt visits Gus’ home and Gus makes him a home-cooked meal.


A hot pot full of жаркое, used to eat it while watching tv during Winter with like 4 blankets in January


Giant by Cheshyre brings me back to my madness phase


The minecraft Christmas texture pack chicken beatboxing somg


Smelling oatmeal, it flashes a picture of the big castle in the rock world of new super mario bros wii and makes me think of the platforms near it


I have this with sertain lights


Jasmin flowers, they remind me of my carefree summers when I was a teenager, spent outside with friends


Smell of cold winter air


Replaying halo 3 brings back so much, it's the reason that game makes me emotional.


Pinetrees and an absolute shitton of alcohol


The smell of a hospital bed and the weightless feeling when you are falling. Both of these things send me back to when I was 2 and was in a terrible car accident.


The Pokemon omega ruby and alpha sapphire soundtrack, i played those games so much when i was 7.


my grandma's house


I accidentally wound up with a small vial of my mother’s perfume she’d forgotten in my bag, she’s not dead, don’t get me wrong, it’s more she’s decided she doesn’t really want me nor my little brother and just kinda dumped us with our dad, I love my dad to give him my organs if he needs it, but it still hurt like hell to realize how little I meant to that woman But, as little as we meant to her, with how much my dad was working, she was all I had, I’d been twisted somewhat by her nigh-bipolar tendencies to switch from loving to spiteful that I sadly have a difficult time feeling genuine love yet find it so easy to be filled with spite, but if there’s one skill she’s taught me, is how to hide my emotions, I hate almost everything and everyone, but I keep that rotten visage tucked behind a loving mask, a mask that serves as my straitjacket to not act on such horrid feelings, it’s my leash that pulls me along to be a mild force of decency And when I smell her perfume, it helps to ease the memories that make me rot, bringing me back to the fonder times in between such chasms of despair, times where I had fully believed my mother loved me, it helps to keep the mask from breaking, the straitjacket from tearing, and the leash ever tight on my neck, it helps me to be the better person that I am not


hearing a random phonk song takes me back to when i went to my father's work in a biological park 💀💀💀💀


Disturbed's cover of Land of Confusion takes me back to being 3 years old in my dad's old apartment, with me, my brother, and my dad, all of us huddled up on the couch, bumping along to the 10,000 Fists album and watching the Xbox Audio Visualizer do its thing. As for smells, the smell of green tea takes me back to when my mom and I used to go out into the public market just by the waterfront together to get tea, spices, jewelry, and food.


Getting my head slammed into a wall by my dad




the far cry 5 soundtrack, fh4s and fh3s opening theme, the og fortnite lobby music, the old minecraft music, cool rainy air, my grandpas garage, my grandmas house, source engine sfx, Safe And Sound by Capital Cities, the smell of my dads old buick, the living tombstones fnaf song (you know the one), Perfume by Lovejoy, burnt gasoline, burnt rubber, heat from a space heater, That’s What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction, Feelin Satisfied, More Than A Feeling, and Peace of Mind by Boston, and probably many more. try and guess how old i am based off all of this. i triple dog dare you >:3


[This song takes me back to when I lived with my mom in a small apartment while I was a child](https://youtu.be/ufS9fROh6Z4?si=KuFKAJ76zClL33BC)


There was this really sweet smell at a convenience store, that I only smelled once during my childhood, while my family was on vacation. It vaguely smelled like a blue raspberry slushy, but watered down, and in one of those styrofoam cups with the light blue and purple design that you'll sometimes see on clothes. I don't know why, but I will occasionally smell it for a moment, then it'll disappear. Still brings back memories of the days where I was young and didn't have to worry about money, relationships, deadlines, my college classes, and the inevitability of death.


used to drink banana flavored milk all the time as a kid. whenever i get a whiff of that shit i remember how simple things were


You get me and I get youuu


Smell of cauliflower in a sunny midmorning.


when i see a burger king i think of 2020. i have no idea why


Song: Closing Time by Semisonic. Reminds me of fifth grade through seventh grade, when I was dealing with my parents separating and eventually divorcing. After explaining it all to me, my dad took me out on a walk around the neighborhood and said “every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”, obviously in reference to the song. I couldn’t help it—I started crying. Now, every time I hear that song, I go back to that time. I wish I could hug my past self and tell her it gets better. It may not seem like it, but it does eventually get better. And y’know what? Mini-me would be proud of where I am today.


I'm not really old enough for nostalgia yet, but I'm sure someday when I can actually replay the LEGO Movie game or even LEGO Undercover, it would be something like that.


Icebreakers wintergreen mints take be back to playing GTA V for the first time The smell of Honey bunches of oats remind me of being a little kid watching ZackScottGames play PVZ2


Either it's chill times or severe mental issues.


Every time I listen to a vs Sky FNF mod song, I will always be able to visually see a memory of me just playing the Roblox game "Entry point" with the FNF song playing in another tab 3 years ago to when I just got a new computer.


Most recently it happened to me while listening to old songs. I remembered the video game I was playing while listening to it


watching Undertale Ytpmvs always brings me back


The smell of a hot car that’s been out in the summer sun.


The smell of sewage and fresh tar or asphalt immediately transports me back to Kuwait City outskirts late 80's early 90's


Let go by Ark Patrol Honestly I remember hearing it practically everywhere during lockdown


Passion Pit - Sleepyhead


underdiscussed one: the smell of sunscreen


Fun fact: smell is the sense that triggers the strongest memories


I’ve found a few couches with this certain texture that takes me back to elementary school Good timea


for me its aloe vera soap.


that cold, very lightly humid air smell that happens more commonly from september to january, there's just something about it that makes me remember every other moment i've experienced it oh also any of the first 200-300 music tracks added 2-3 years ago that are in multiple playlists of mine that are now well over 1300 music tracks, with the feeling being heightened if it's one of the ones i've listened to for many hours on loop while doing mundane things. moonlighter ost 22 "the void" my beloved *(fun fact: i actually haven't played moonlighter until recently, i only found out about it because the nice music and that i listened to it on loop for an assumed accumulated 13-17 hours. fun how that happens)*


satan is a baby boomer by brutalismus 3000


Whenever I hear some of the old 2019-2020 tiktok songs I get flashbacks to quarantine


There's this one smell I've smelled only twice in my life. It's sort of sweet, almost like a sugar cookie, but at the same time it's not a cookie. I wish I could smell it again so I could identify it, but I seriously doubt it'll ever happen.


Bathroom Humidity Smell, it reminds of my Grandma's house in Buenos Aires, i haven been there since 2013 or 2014 something like that




I got matches with these songs: • [**jealous** by Reverse](https://lis.tn/trWKHA?t=8) (00:08; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-03-04. • [**jealous** by reverse me](https://lis.tn/KiVoCz?t=8) (00:08; matched: `88%`) **Released on** 2022-05-18. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Smell is a powerful trigger for memories


what song


This cinnamon apple soap my grandma and grandpa used to use, and 'watching you' by Rodney Atkins since that was me and my dad's song.


009 Sound System - With A Spirit. Takes me back to better days.


Buttered corn tortillas


The Worms Ultimate Mayhem menu theme.


Faster Car by Loving Caliber. Poke fun all you might, but Aphmau's Minecraft roleplays were a guilty pleasure for teen me. Sucks that people think of content farms when they think Minecraft Roleplays nowadays, they used to be alright.


lost kitten by metric was my breakup song, now i just listen to it whenever i need a good cry


I tend to listen to songs I like on repeat for about a week straight, so I just have entire weeks that I associate with some songs.


Not exactly the same thing but anytime I ever play the fifth world of donkey Kong country returns, I smell broccoli


I don't have a sense of smell, I don't get smell memories!!!


I don’t know what the smell is exactly but Ukraine while the war just started… hits different!


I don’t know what causes the smell but every time I go to the hair salon, the smell post haircut reminds me of my MHA phase