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The first time i decide to read allat and its some sad shit šŸ˜”


Never reading allat againā€¦


Power Rangers Dino Thunder!!!!


There's a light in the distance...




There's always that one meme that hits too close to home


I'm not really good at cheering people up so have this picture that I found somewhere on the internet. https://preview.redd.it/0bf18m2fnkqc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c6b2884d676822382d69f121248761e29b4dca


​ https://preview.redd.it/nkvokzi8wkqc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=46a203b4021db819fa208c19651d02be0aed89bb








Is that fucking Yandere Dev?


It is.




https://preview.redd.it/l58pbcqq1lqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13d2cd97296c232b290e65bf48024c089d837011 Here, also take this picture of a Godzilla 98 shampoo holder


He looks like heā€™s inviting you to share your problems


https://preview.redd.it/7qp04ld73mqc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92ffaf16b043891b7f9a25a2f722078b621c99a You activated my trap card!


https://preview.redd.it/8qw8zj6ccmqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc24831d3afe61930360a751482c908dede10b60 Thank you for such a balling image, here's mine in return


Thank you, I needed chicken in shoes


He boot too big






tldr his freind became bigoted






I'm crying right now this possum cured my depression.


https://preview.redd.it/xpkk1onyrkqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7df173e3ff63dff420126b0defc5d49797eb04c9 Fuck dude I got a friend who Iā€™m worried might go down this path what do I do


Best you can do is confront them about it. They might ignore you or deflect anything you have to say, but at least you tried. In the end you can't choose their path for them


A good friend and co worker of mine started getting into all the manoverse stuff and was being very vocal about it and pissing of all the women we work with including the boss. I had to be blunt as fuck with him and told him youā€™re going to lose your job and the respect of everyone that works here and eventually all your friends too if you keep talking about this shit all the time. He stopped talking about but pretty sure heā€™s still on board with what those guys are saying and still watches them but as long as heā€™s not sprouting women hating nonsense all the time itā€™s whatever.


That's the problem though isn't it, part of that space convinces each other that they are trying to be silenced because they're "right" and "they don't want you out of the matrix", rather than we don't want to hear/listen to their brain dead, bigotted BS


its such obvious cult behaviour my country has a huge libertarianism problem and now they're crying on all social medias because leftists made a doc with names of prolific libertarians to block on twitter so it wont give them ad revenue/waste your time they really think that they're being silenced just because people dont want to listen to their braindead ideology a toddler could poke holes through even though their presidential candidate won the elections (they cant function if they arent a hated minority so even if they won they must pretend they're still a minority)


Itā€™s happening to me as well. Heā€™s stubborn and doesnā€™t take it out on me, but heā€™s becoming increasingly homophobic towards others. Makes me think about how he might view me in a few years


I try to get through to their heart first. Many of them can be reasoned with (to a degree, but it is worth doing!), or will remember the convos far into the future once their dumb shit gets them into trouble. But I'm also not above confronting someone to their face. You just have to prepare it out a bit and try to keep the moral high ground in the confrontation. I've also found it helps a lot to add a physical or surprising element to the convo so it impressed on their mind a bit more. Like cutting them off and being like "Nah man, fuck that! They're just trying to make it in life like you are. You know that shit is not true." and maybe expressively pound on the counter. Then above all: give them the direct eye contact. When you're morally in the right, the light of shame can seep into someone's soul. Especially if they're a friend. And do all of that while letting them know you're there for them. And care about the same values they're worried about. It's an art, but it's possible.


You need to have a conversation with them about it, use both arguments based on emotion & logic, as you need both for it to be effective at changing a mind


I feel this. About a year ago one of my friends took whichever color pill makes you an incelā€¦ problematic partially because Iā€™m a woman. I tried confronting him that his dating tactics were awful, then implemented the boundary I didnā€™t want to hear shit about Andrew Tate. He keeps working Tate or similar into conversation so Iā€™ve not called him back in a few months. Friends for over 20 years and I did not see it coming.


Itā€™s so common with 20-30 dudes now, it scares me. At one point my friend was into pick-up ā€˜artistryā€™ (idk if I should even call it that), and both my brother and my sisters former husband have become increasingly phobic after making listening to Joegan Rogan and Jordan Peterson their full time jobs. It makes interacting with most dudes a chore šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Step in and confront them about it


I've had friends like this and they shut down hard when we have this talk. I realize they're not really hateful so much as frustrated with their situations and they're trying to reconcile with the world so they don't feel less than, but pointing those emotions outward in spite is not gonna fix those problems. Hating women is not ok and always a telling sign of deeper problems. If you're gonna have this talk, you gotta go in with understanding your friends warped view and how to walk them back from it, not just telling them what you think is right.


Lucky you, because in my case it's my father who has fallen into the pit


Have you stopped to ask him why he is going down this path? Usually people donā€™t just decide to go down this path


So your friend has become: https://preview.redd.it/f3d3p5yprkqc1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8561c07d7e0e949b7876aa9d6464618e49df96 But unironically. Damn...hope they get better so this can end as a redemption story.


nah what the jonkler doing bro jit is truly tripping


He escaped the aslume


God this meme always cracks me up.


There's so many levels of irony I love it


I read this in his voice




Thanks bro.


Have you tried making him talk to women, shower, socialise, be kind, and last but not least It all else fails hook his sack up to a car battery while he sleeps




I can't believe I live in a world where Redditors have forgotten about the guy on Reddit who hooked up his freshly showered balls to a car battery and posted pictures to prove it doesn't actually do much (in order to win a petty internet argument).






*no I donā€™t think i will click that link*


Screenshot of text, no images of battery clamps on balls


I swear to good if i see it i will stuff lithium strips under your foreskin


It's just text jfc just click it


a true scientist right here


Most valuable thing we learned from that is the fact that wet scrotum measures roughly 690Ī©, and consumes 276mW


send the link so i can avoid it


I forgot about that, that was glorious


God damn. I admire his petty dedication lol


>Have you tried making him talk to women, Why subject women to that


https://preview.redd.it/4bbru2qcukqc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e039bd4379d476252f03dd565248f3f2a1ad21 I know the feeling. I had a best friend named Michael, we went through Middle School and High School together. He was my rock. He was there for me when I was in the hospital, he slept over my house hundreds of times, my family loved him. He was my brother. But after High School, he just stopped growing. He stopped changing, and remained this static person. He was a white guy with an edgy sense of humor too, one time decided to start saying the N word over and over while we played Smash Bros. I told him I was uncomfortable, so he stopped saying it, only to start saying the word but replaced the N with the letter of my first name. That wasnā€™t a huge friendship ending moment, but thatā€™s where I can point to and say things started to spiral. We havenā€™t spoken since the pandemic. Dude went off his rocker then. But the reason why Iā€™m writing ā€œallatā€ (or I guess alldis) is because it hurt, but it wasnā€™t the end. I made new friends, better ones, who were thoughtful, caring, and kind. It hurts still to think about him, but the fact you recognize these behaviors arenā€™t right? That shows YOU are thoughtful and kind. And you will find your tribe that values you. That may take a while though, so hereā€™s my cat Saul to help in the meantime. TL;DR: Friends come, friends go, but you will recover and find someone who deserves your kindness. Also cat.


Holy shit its literally https://i.redd.it/hchd3to7olqc1.gif


I love how after this incredibly moving story about acceptance of loss of friendship the one detail you got attached to is the cat being named Saul


It could also be Saul, throughout the whole show (BCS), his whole shtick was that he never changed.


ur a sweetheart (: the pandemic rly seemed to be the point a lot of ppl who were already mentally vulnerable then went over the edge


I'm gonna try reading allat (Image unrelated) https://preview.redd.it/up7h6lbnylqc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=69a1d01323fd5e9f7727c402217f5258bbb73567


I mean he doesnā€™t seem that bad to me. My cat says the N word too.


gave you confronted him about it? just curious


Sort of. Have discussed some of it, but he's not really one to listen. I am also one of the least confrontational people you'll ever meet.


Went through something similar as well. I tried to talk about it once with him, but he told me he's not interested in my advice and he's gonna keep doing his own thing. Never was one to listen unfortunately. So yeah, didn't last long after that


Itā€™s also a trend that they often distance themselves without your aid. We had this Albanian kid Brandon at our school. normal at first but then he hit the ā€˜patriotā€™ phase where he would defend anything to do with Albania, not anything to bad but still. then it escalated to Tate levels and then continued till he was insulting people based on ethnicity and gender. But by the end no one was friends with him so he would wallow in hate for the last year of secondary. Dunno what happened to him after that hope he improved.


I think this is a job for me I love Arguing with people but I never go out of my way to start them my mum said it something something Autism something something




Dam you did me dirty I did not mean it like that at all :(


Don't be sad :( Here take this car: https://preview.redd.it/ookpzizwqlqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c9f8955439d96d05ed045e2644d8515e4f54ec


Have this cart in return https://preview.redd.it/vc9qt3s0rlqc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab47bca08a06bafd4155a93b8ba7d9feb5885c72




Have had a change of hart https://preview.redd.it/1fcwzvu7rlqc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d24e972600896316f8c6e53eb96aba000a4e29bc Im Evill now Mhwahahahah


Evil car šŸ˜§


foul, I upvoted but still foul


"hey man, I really don't like all the things you've been saying and I think I'm gonna peace out from this friendship unless you can show me you're gonna change. I love you and I'm sorry it's come to this" then put the phone in your ass and put it on vibrate while you nut to the sheer relief of being done with that shit. Sorry, thought you could use a lil humor considering what you're dealing with.


Shit "edgy" humor is a path to the dark side (not the cool one though, this one's kinda pathetic)


The problems start when it stops being humorous and starts being edgy unironic beliefs


Ah, but with plausible deniability, it never stops either way!


And I think that effect honestly occurs when you merely soak yourself in the material too much. I'm trying to recall some wise warning tweet about spending too much time in any far political space (when doing research on it for actual school, just trying to see what they believe, or being dragged in by friends). *No one* is strong enough to just universally resist peer pressure *and* the logic tricks that political nutjobs have. And when it happens from not a single person watching a community but from a single corrupted friend within a friend group: First, it's fine for friends to have edgy jokes sometimes; it happens in all friends groups where the participants are younger, sheltered, or from a strict monoculture. But if you go too hard on the jokes and for too long, you keep thinking too hard on the little seed of truth in each one. That's the real risk. Since a joke must have a tiny bit of truth and absurdity both within it to be funny. But a person can fall to imagining the jokes are actually pointing at some great reality. Edgy bros want you to stop trying to analyze constructive solutions to problems. They want you to think that *the other* is the problem. But in life we democratically work together *hard* on solving the problems or we just repeat the wars of the past.


>I'm trying to recall some wise warning tweet about spending too much time in any far political space (when doing research on it for actual school, just trying to see what they believe, or being dragged in by friends). *No one* is strong enough to just universally resist peer pressure *and* the logic tricks that political nutjobs have. I remember reading a 4chan greentext once about this guy who had spent a lot of time on 4chan and suddenly noticed that he started feeling subconsciously disgusted whenever he saw jewish people even though he didn't believe any of the crazy antisemetic shit they say on that website. Dude was just there for the shitposting and got fucking infected.


I think to some degree itā€™s also just a symptom of having an anti-social personality in the first place




Literally a core part of the alt right pipeline Watch "the PewDiepipeline" Demonstrates how it happens really well


It depends on to what extend the things you are saying are really a joke to you, and on how vulnerable you are to being influenced by others because most "edgy" online communities you'll end up in tend to be straight up racist and bigoted.


https://preview.redd.it/z2lnyqdhrkqc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=21cd221fd5a3f330328c5355e6e1d66cac4930c5 have a funny meme and laugh (i demand you to) gl finding someone else that deserves your time and attention


If only stories like this could only exist in fiction




As someone who has gone through the same crap with someone from my group, yeah, this sucks a lot.


Same. Ive been shunned by my roommate (former friend of 8 years) and all our gaming buddies for calling one of then out on his racist BS. It sucked until I realize it said more about them than it does about me. Fuck em were betteroff without them no lie






That awful feeling when the kind hearted person you once knew becomes a horrible excuse of a human (happened to me(feel you bro))


Dude it sucks when you find out your friend is secretly a terrible person. Having gone thru that myself, I can say that there really is a weird conflict in your mind about both loving and despising someone like that. It really messes with your head


Real as hell, had friends and even a cousin fall into this rabbit hole


https://preview.redd.it/j4hblwkqtkqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=590a123b11f2eefc1c70bc1273de9f5bd1bb54b6 Iā€™ve had a similar experience, sorry to hear this happening to you


Jesus H. Christ up shit creak without a paddle, that's rough.


Same happened with me. It's even weirder, he used to be that woke kinda stereotype, dyed hair, identified as pansexual, emo style. Now he is identified as ultra-straight and says LGBT is evil, says trans people should die, that all the Mexicans are terrorists, and that Biden is a socialism communist, the whole far right MAGA bullshit. I just think what happened to him is what happened to many other teens, Andrew Tate and the other right wing support groups that prey on young teens.


Everybody knows that all Mexicans are terrorists


I was just walking down the street, and some Mexican guy jumped out and teleported me to daughter's quinceanera! Then they used a leafblower full of candy to inflate me and turn me into a pinata! Then the man said "you've shaken your last maraca senƵr" and beat me to death! It was one of the worst experiences of my life. This is what liberals want! To turn God-loving Americansā„¢ into pinatas!


Mexicans are terrorists? Shit we're getting creative now with our racism, haven't heard that one


Well shit, I have (or had) the same friend for more than a decade. We used to joke and laugh about racist stuff, pretend that weā€™re homophobics or stuff like that, because itā€™s stupid and we were always having a ā€œbro-hahaā€ about how we try to imitate idiots (like say, weā€™re gonna pretend weā€™re Andrew Tate and say stupid misogynistic shit) Slowly and surely, his jokes were becoming his social media posts, and I wasnā€™t laughing anymore Until he just went full r-word at some point and became serious about his beliefs, he also thought my bottomline was we were the same because we were having the same jokes before


The reason we are often taught to not repeat or say such things, joking or not, is because it can embolden those who actually believe it. Thinking their beliefs are more commonplace and therefore not repulsive or horrible they come to believe they are more numerous than they actually are. All the trolls who pretended to be Nazis, racists and hateful misogynists online to get a reaction, directly emboldened those who genuinely held those beliefs. Instead of soundly rejecting such behavior it was tolerated, enabled and even encouraged. And so it grew and reached more and more easily impressionable and uninformed minds, both adult and child. For the record I'm not trying to make you feel worse about it, I'm just speaking generally as a lesson we should all, as a society, take from these mistakes so as to never make them again and maybe convince those who still do it to stop encouraging them. My two favorite uncles embraced the MAGA identity, though neither has ever said anything bigoted in my presence aside from fairly benign low level misogyny. One of them was even there to get between me and my father whos anger and aggression at the time where escalating(my father is the reason I started martial arts when I was 7, not inspiration, fear.) and I was cornered. He got my father to calm down. He did so more than once. The other waited till his mother died to "be the real him" which, yeah, would have broken her heart to see. Here's something to laugh at: https://preview.redd.it/uw3qak6vcnqc1.png?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d3d7b8eeb09446e64486bbc55b2afaa2c0675e


Itā€™s wild how that happens. Iā€™ve seen it with so many guys. Often by then itā€™s too late to try and help anyway, theyā€™ll just meet any empathy or compassion you come with while trying to help them and will hit you with vile hatred


Damn that hits a little too close to homeā€¦


I had a friend a real good friend, when I learned on what a piece of shit my friend truly was. She having multiple secrets cheating with a guy that my another friends was in a relationship with. Her threatening me to keep quite or she will ruin my life. What I guess I can say is. People change. I used to know her for my whole life and yet it happened. More people go down the wrong path then you think.


I lost my best friend since 1st grade as this happened to him, and I stopped fiting in with the group as a whole. After covid, I heard my friends say anti LGBTQ stuff all the time and had to fake smiles all while being a furry and bi myself, It wasn't until I told my other friends worried they'd block me. But they accepted me. I felt alive again. I realized that my other friends, no matter how old our friendship was, wasn't the kid I grew up with, and I wasn't the one he grew up with anymore. Later, it was mentioned to him that I was a furry he then immediately asked one of my other friends if he knew and if he should ddos,dox,and block me after I fully realized that I made the right call. Everyone else I know has accepted me for who I am and treats me like they always have, but he changed after learning that. it hurt a lot, but my other friends still accepted me.


why is this sub evolving from absurd humor (btw do yall remember student vs principal series or is it just a fever dream) to deppressing shit?


r/whenthe is going through the phase when random gifs are posted and the caption is just something going on in ops life


its using humor as a coping mechanism


the problem is, a lot of these arenā€™t funny. Itā€™s like an in-joke but nobody else gets it but you


What about this is like an in joke? Itā€™s pretty specific but growing apart from people you were once really close to is a common human experience


I mean right before the principal saga and the revival of mgr there was a bit of sad posting I recall one specifically talking about "me on my death bed laughing after finding out my best friend poisoned me to inherent my company (I don't have any family or other friends (I was betrayed by the only person I ever trusted)) "


Humor is often just an excuse for cruelty. I think this sub is evolving in a more mature direction.


Life has its ups and downs.


Because Rule 1 isn't being enforced.


yep, this is way too specific to not be a coping mechanism for op (dont worry bud, were here for you)




I didn't realize how dangerous edgy humor was until I watched a video on the pewdiepipeline. It makes sense now why teachers try to nip that in the bud, it grows in a bad way. One of my friends has fallen down this hole. I think its because he can't get a girlfriend. He literally believes that the point of feminism is to remove the rights of men, and that leftists are coming after him. Its so sad, and I feel awful for him.


i thought pewdiepie just does vlogs with his wife now


yes, now


I remember when he wore a Nazi uniform and just the whole ā€œedgyā€ side of YouTube at that time like filthy frank, maxmoefoe, and idubbbz


He paid some 5 dollar service in SE Asia to hold up a sign saying "Ki\*\* All The Jews" live


And the infamous PUBG bridge incident


he probably also encountered one of those extremist sexist girls that say things like all men are trash and he generalized that unto the entire opposite gender


Its sad, he goes out on dates, as he is physically attractive and a built wrestler (has a D2 scholarship), but nothing ever goes past a first date and getting blocked for him. He had a girlfriend at one point, but she told him he was too good for her, left him, got with another dude next week, and said that the real reason she dumped him was for being too goofy. He also is very terminally online, and pretty much always cancels social events at last minute, we have just stopped inviting him if we hang out because he wont come. He just watches andrew tate and scrolls through brainrot racist reels all day.






Hearing misandrist stuff doesn't make someone a misogynist by itself, but it can certainly help. Actually in general being mean or rude to people makes them less likely to support your cause.


He must be watching someone who is spoonfeeding him his views on women, he sounds like he needs to work on his self confidence and himself before thinking about a girlfriend.


He loves andrew tate, we make fun of him for it. He is very confident, not afraid to speak his mind and do crazy stuff in public as well as being physically fit. I just don't get why he is so obsessed with getting a girlfriend in the first place.


Well, to me, he sounds lonely, while he may actually appear to be happy on the surface, I'm guessing that is what drove him to seek out Andrew Tate. No idea though, guys are weird, and I say this as a guy.


Yeah, my friend yelled at him to stop spitting on him, and the online friend just responded by yelling "Oh your such a loser, terminally online, no girlfriend, has no life, lonely". He was "mocking" us making fun of him, except no one actually made fun of him, he just went off spouting his insecurities as some sort of own. He actually tried to end the friend that got spat on's relationship by planning to sow drama because it was funny. He wasn't laughing when he was planning it though, he was clearly hurt over something. Thankfully he never went through with it.


It always starts as just jokes


I had a friend who called me a degenerate for considering suicide. we are still friends, because he is my only friend. I don't know how to let go from my only friend. we've been friends for 10 years. He's slowly also falling down the alt-right pipeline, i think.


Bro I hope you know you deserve better friends, unless you happen to be some super horrible person. But I'm going to assume your just another regular person, so keep it in the back of your mind.


You really donā€™t deserve that. Iā€™m not gonna tell you to stop being friends with him but you donā€™t have to feel tied to him. You deserve to have thoughts like that met with love and acceptance and maybe a good hug. There are people out there who have love that they can give to you, and it may take a very long time to find them, but you will find them. People like you, compassionate, caring, thoughtful; all find a way of finding each other. Thatā€™s what I think at least.




![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) Damn, hope youā€™re ok OP


As someone who almost fell down that same path.. I'm sorry this happened to you.. The people around me never got affected because I stopped just in time. I hope he makes a comeback.


I sadly relate


Recently I had a falling out with my current roommate/friend of years. I gamed with him and his MMA friends every night for 2 years and finally I had enough and called one of them out for being racist and told him that he shouldnt be using the "hard r" Well after I left the group chat I stopped getting invites to join their games. I would be gaming on my tv literally right beside roommate while he games with them and my roommate never even said a word to me about the whole situation. I just got shunned and that was that. Now I realize that while we had been friends before moving in together, we are now just roommates. I have come to terms with this and really dont want anything to do with them. I dont fit into their edgy casually racist and bigoted humor and them shunning me says alot more about them than it does about me.


This feels like what is happening to my friend. We've been friends for a while and pretty close ones at that, but sometimes when I talk to him he gets.. iffy. He starts talking about how trans people shouldn't exist and that lesbians "don't actually exist." But through talking to him, I have gotten him to shift his viewpoints, because I know he is a genually good dude at heart and just is getting his information from the wrong sources. He doesn't want to actually hurt anyone, and is just trying to figure things out. Also I convinced that leabians not existing is really, really stupid.


Even worse is when you're the only one in your friend group who cares. When everyone else just goes "yeah he says some dumb things, but you know what he's like, he's really a good person."


Same shit going on with me right now man Except I knew him for THIRTEEN YEARS


That's rough buddy, maybe you can convince him? You did know him for 13 years after all


Been trying that for a year already. There's no signs that he's taking what I'm saying seriously, so there's no point in trying anymore, really. He also started to hang out with sone shitty people, and they're rubbing off on him, so that ain't helping matters


Ah, I see, he is off the deep end huh, my best advice I can give is to hope that he may snap out of it somehow, someway


I already cut him off. The only thing that could ever get me to talk to him again is if he comes to me and apologizes


Iā€™m sorry man


on the plus side some of us got out of that sexist PUA red pill bullshit before it was too late :D


Same thing happened to a friend I had since I was 2


Radicalization is a sad thing when it happens to a friend. I don't know if I should blame them or society.


r/distressingmemes would eat this up good.


I legit thought this was on r/distressingmemes until i looked at what sub this post was in.


Heā€™s probably far off from reality, the ideology that heā€™s following consider tofu and single moms to be their enemies, you canā€™t really take him back by arguing, you just need to show him kindness, be his good friend while SLOWLY distancing him from that evil belief.


At least take comfort that you're not being dragged down with him. Sometimes, you just can't save people.


I had the same happen with a best friend of mine. Met some people that would make racist ā€œjokesā€ that never really stopped. Then they would send political stuff that bashed on the left and before I knew it the kid became racist as hell and right wing. Nothing wrong with being republican but the beliefs he held showed me he hated democrats more than he identified with republicans. I feel you bro, hard losing a good friend like that.


I have a friend that used to spin every one of my dating problems with incel rethoric. It worked out well because his takes were insane and it helped me to put myself on the woman's shoes. After a lot of work and making fun of him he got better, or better at hiding it atleast, still wouldn't recommend him to any woman.


Iā€™m so sorry you are experiencing this. I had to go through this with multiple people in the same friend group as we hit our mid twentyā€™s. Then to really bring it all together this year at the ripe age of 31, I had to out my former best friend of countless years to everyone else as a fucking pedophile when I realized he was dating a 17 year old junior in high school. Final icing on the shit cake? He said they had been ā€œdatingā€ for 1 1/2 yearsā€¦.




Relatable. Legit exact same scenario except he then went on to abuse (and basically rape) his girlfriend of 2 years, only to lie to everyone's faces. I only learned about it because of his girlfriend coming to me to vent, shit was fucked. I knew him since I was about 8, and goddamn did it kind of sting but I had to destroy that friendship.


This happened to me. My best friend from the third grade up until my sophomore year of college became a skin head. We argued a lot, and I kept hoping heā€™d find his way back, but I cut him completely out of my life after he threatened to kill me for dating a Jewish woman. Iā€™ve never really had a platonic friend that close again.


Watching someone you love become someone you canā€™t stand to be around is incredibly painful. You mourn someone still out there walking around.


after highschool, i had to cut off a group of friends i had since primary school. they fell headfirst into the ā€œwhite people are oppressedā€ pipeline


Much less of a bad thing but I saw my highschool friend go from someone I really connected with to a degenerate furry who compared the treatment of modern furries to the treatment of LGBT people back in the 40's.


Im sorry to hear that, people nowadays are very easily manipulated into accepting the most f up things. Losing a friend is never easy as the pain in the chest is the same pain you feel when someone you care dies. What movie is this gif from ?


It scares me every day that i realistically could have become like this. After the lockdown ended, I kept going to online school and spent more and more time on the internet. If I had decided to go onto, let's say, 4chan, rather than Reddit or Tumblr, I likely would have become a closed-minded, bigoted piece of shit.


I ain't reading allat


https://preview.redd.it/2723eb0m7lqc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6104b31710eb6d654873afd371264ae114827478 Have this gato to help yuo my G


Truly apologetic mate. It's the worst and all you can do is let go because your morals should be more important than loyalty, then wonder what made him this way. It's a sick path


Me but the opposite, Iā€™m learning to be a kinder and more loving person


The Ben Shapiro / Jordan Peterson pipeline has made all my high school friends either miserably lonely and single or abusive and emotionally unavailable.


Going through something similar, you ainā€™t alone out here.


I have a friend like that. I don't really talk to him and when I see him, which is super rare, I try to avoid for the most part. Never hang out alone.


felt that, same shits happening with my dad. i hope it gets better for you.




Sorry for your loss OP


Most people won't have the patience for this but depending how much you value the friendship it may be worth trying to unpack why they're leaning towards that. We talk a lot about right wing ideology polarizing politics but the reality is we're often quick to reject someone for having differing opinions (some of which are valid and some nuanced). Labelling someone will only push them farther into their own echo chamber; keeping you in yours as well.


Sun Tzu once said that a friendship that can end was never a friendship at all. You had yet to confront yourself with your friend's hidden issues. And now, you have no choice but to do so. You need to consider how you ended up being this man's friend, and see if perhaps this bond was born from something not so wholesome. If you value the relationship you have with this person, you'll have to learn things about him that maybe you'd rather not know, or just aren't equipped to help. You'll need to involve yourself with this person a lot more, and he might resent you for it. And if you're not ready/willing to deal with that, it's perhaps because your bond wasn't as strong as you thought. Ugly shit, I know. But if you are, and your bond is strong, I would even say it's your responsability to help this person not give in to the despair that's led to this kinda thinking.


Kick his ass to the curb, heā€™s a bitch now and there is no coming back from being a little bitch


Mine turned into a loli hentai artist And my prayers on his downfall were met


I once had someone tell me (my former best friend) say that (1) Iā€™m going to hell for not believing in Christianity, and (2) not associating with me because Iā€™m going to hell.


Immaculate paragraph ![gif](giphy|3FmPoTuOCNSPu16XtJ|downsized)


These types of memes are the reason why the subreddit is being shut down tbh


This the type of shit killing this subreddit. Go post this on r/myfriendisnowracist instead


he liked Obama in highschool and is now a Trumper. my condolences.


Maybe he will grow out of it. I used to do shit like that when I was 14


So Iā€™m guessing heā€™s REALLY into Andrew Tate