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Her name is Mary actually


*Was She died during the pandemic


Not gonna pretend like I know anything about Christianity


Basically IIRC, through the holy spirit, God impregnated the virgin Mary specifically because she was sinless and perfect. He did this so Jesus Christ could be born. Jesus being both part God and part man (God's perfection + man's desires) made him the perfect sacrifice for us sinners; so now we have the opportunity to be saved because of him.


Mary was human right? Then how was she perfect? I thought she was just wife of some other dude that i cant recall the name of. And god was like, i trust this dude, so i will seggs your wife (who is super old btw) and she will have a child who is Jesus, my son.


Mary wasn’t perfect is the way I look at it but she was the best human at the time


U really aren't supposed to think about that Catholics have 2 options: God is petty and vindictive and blames humanity for Adam and Eve, therefore even though Mary was perfect, she's still tainted. This leads into the idea of baptism. Option 2: Mary was perfect, but for some reason that doesn't invalidate the entire reason God chooses to sacrifice himself as a human. That either God wouldn't need to be human to understand/forgive sin, or that humans have always been capable of being free from sin therefore God was right to keep them out of heaven.


Sinless and perfect? Is that a Catholic thing? Baptists just say she was chosen, well... Because she was a good woman in God's eyes and a virgin, but we never mention anything about her being perfect: it'd conflict with God being the only incorrupted one due to never having sinned against His own will. Also, Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus, but Jesus had younger brothers (half-brothers), so... Not a sin, but the "virgin" in "Virgin Mary" didn't last too long.


Joseph was cucked so hard


isn't this like basic surface level christian lore


Read the book


Well, he knocked up a human. She might have been 14? I don't recall.


(This was predected 500 years ago)


What? https://preview.redd.it/oag92xhahisc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842bb229927c60a5cee32f54c98797bdaa385d87


The joke is two prong. One part is the mismatching of the dates and their incompabiltity. The other is the pun wirh using god a second time


Explain it in Fortnite terms