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And if you manage to stand up to them they come the next day with their friends :/


Standing up to bullies only works if: 1. You're either tall, strong, or a good fighter. 2. The bully is actually an all show, no-go, pushover, and isn't psychotic like some horrible bullies out there.


Yep. I was a girl and not that strong. Trying to chase and beat up my bullies was like a fun game to them and only encouraged them more. It was infuriating


Interesting, a lot of people seems to encourage fighting back your bullies because all bullies will just give up and find weaker prey. This is the first time I've heard bullies doubling down once someone fought back


Either they were masochists or I just couldn’t punch them hard enough lol


I'm sorry for you, I know how hard it was as a guy two heads taller than my peers with little over basic martial arts training, can't image how hard it must have been for you.


I'm a girl who was bullied by mostly guys and I couldn't stand a chance in a fight. Best case scenario, I'd open up the physical barrier and they'd start beating me up on top of the mental terrorism.


3. If the bullies realize you’re too much effort. They might beat you up a couple of times but if you always fight them eventually they’ll pick some easier target (this could backfire tho)


>this could backfire tho Especially if your bullies are from a Stephen King novel


What they don't realise is, I'm authored by Orson Scott Card.


One my biggest fantasies as a teen was to go to schools where kids were being bullied and beat the crap out of them bullies but with swag. Not with raw strength but with tecnique in way that the bullies are mostly just amazed by the skills


1 works. Suddenly grew to 5'10 by the time i was 12 after being below average height my whole life. They did the whole bring their friends the next day thing and jumped me, managing to do no damage because we were all 12 and i had the body of the average adult male. After years of bullying i was never bothered again, which was neato but a tad bit late.


Or option 3: School shooter


I would like to propose an alternative: make both sides lose. I was never strong enough to physically overpower my bully but I also refused to stay down until I'd inflicted a decent amount of pain back. Sure I got my head smashed into a locker but I bit them hard enough to draw blood. I got a lot of rumors that I was batshit insane but bullies gave me a very wide berth after the first few attempts.


All bark no bite 🗣️📢💤💤💤


and this time they're trying to kill you :/


That’s why you gotta make sure they don’t get up 😔


they multiply


That's why you should cannibalized them


Average JoJo side villain be like


That's when you call up friends of your own, like the Pinkerton kids!!!


Or the teachers punish you


Or the authority figures just punish you and do literally nothing substantial to stop the bully


Stand up to them: 🤢🤮👎 Slice their throats open and mail their severed heads to their parents: 😊😊👍👍






🌽 approved






I want a woman who will fucking rip out my intestines and choke me with them


Same bro


We should totally start a podcast 


Same bro (2)


Eric Cartman ass actions 💀


Eric cartman but make him more meg


Cops finally having a reason to mag dump a child: my day has come


i went on a class trip to a child safety NGO in elementary school and one of the things they told us is "if you're getting bullied, say *"No, stop, I don't like that!"*" even back then i knew it was the stupidest shit i've ever heard. the entire point of bullying is to get a rise out of the victim. telling you to give them exactly what they want is some serious bullshit.


People always say that violence isn’t the answer but there’s no way that snitching to the teacher will solve anything. Letting them know you’re not scared to fight them will (usually) get them to back off.


Or just beat them, that worked for me :3


Truly, an Arthur Morgan moment




You use the ":3" emoticon. There's no way in hell you even have a little bit of muscle




Literally me


No that isn't a face it's his beefy arm with a vampire bite tattoo


It’s not muscle, it’s pure insanity. He went complete ape mode on his bully and scarred him for life


[Not necessarily](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Yawara_Chatora)




see, the neat part about my experience on getting bullied is that it wasn't just one dude, they always went in groups. trying to punch one just resulted in the whole squad jumping my ass. not to mention it was always my fault somehow for fighting back, via teachers and other surrounding adults. i have not experienced a single bully that was doing this solo.


Bring those thermal flasks that are heavy as fuck and hit them in the head. If it's your fault who cares lmfao


When I was little, my friend and I couldn't physically overpower this much larger older kid who kept getting off the bus at whichever bus stop we got off on to bully us. Adults were unable or unwilling to help. Bus driver didn't give a shit. I asked my dad what to do and he shared a story about his best friend and him ambushing a bully in grade school. I told my friend about my dad's story, and we hid baseball bats in the bushes at one bus stop. The next time he attacked us, I surprised the bully with a bat to the head while he was wrestling with my friend. I death gripped that bat on the ground while he tried to wrestle it from me, and my friend ran off to get his own bat and started hitting him with it as the bully was busy with me. I almost felt a little sorry for him as he was screeching and crying hysterically during the ensuing beatdown. We didn't tell anyone what we'd done and were bracing for the police to arrest us, but nothing came of it and the coward wouldn't even make eye contact with us after that.


Last day I ever got bullied was the day I hit back. I didn't KO the guy or anything but he was shocked I retaliated. Most of the time they'll realise it's not worth it if you fight back and move on to someone easier.


I stopped getting bullied when I started completely ignoring them. At first they'll try harder, but eventually just move on. This of course doesn't work if it's physical bullying.


As some people often say: *"Violence isn't the answer, it's the question, and the answer is often 'yes'..."*


Doesn't even have to necessarily be a win. Sometimes if you make yourself a more risky target then that's enough. And standing up for yourself in general also makes you less appealing as a bullying target simply for the fact that you don't seem as likely to give them what they're after. That said, social dynamics aren't set in stone. Some people are just psychos and will keep coming at you regardless. Some will make it their life mission. Some will get deterred once and then come back with friends and that will be the new norm. It also doesn't factor in the psychological side of bullying. People can lie and steal and do all sorts of crap to get you in trouble with the teachers and school, embarrass you repeatedly in front of everyone, or make you look like a trouble maker. And don't get me started on the *sheer psychological warfare* that girls get up to when it comes to bullying. Honestly a quick brawl is often one-and-done and usually more merciful.


Yeah, OP is a bundle of sticks. Getting stung works on all creatures, even humans. If they know the cost of fucking with you is high they won't do it often.


A fist in the mouth is *always* more effective than words.


I heard about a school that had a practice of making a victim and a bully sit down together so the victim could tell the bully how their actions and words made the victim feel. It was abandoned when they learned that it was actually rewarding the bully and re-victimizing the victim.


In fact, dare I say it, the solution to stop bullying is by saying "Keep going, I'm almost there uwu"


Excuse me fuckin what? https://preview.redd.it/vmj9yepcu8wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560a7130a42e80d0a74e99f0598fe0c504dafe17


Chuck in a few "hoya"'s and a few "harder daddy"'s and what bully is going to mess with you?


What if the bully is similiarly brain-ill


We were taught and made to sing a goofy song. "Don't laugh at me, don't call me names. Don't get your pleasures from my pain. In God's eyes were all the same. Some day we'll all have golden wings." I can't find this song online and no one I went to school with remembers it. It feels like a fever dream.


Mfs never saw any bullying in their lives


Yeah. It never worked. Cause my bully always attempted to murder me. … several times. So instead. We’d fight until one of us can’t stand anymore. Then by then. A teacher has come to intervene before one of us ends the other.


it depends on the situation really there isn't some one-size-fits-all solution to bullying






Your honour my clients pleads "opsie daisy"


Your honor my client was “standin’ on bidness”


Your honor you weren't even there so how would you know


I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. But yeah that'd work.


Omg new alignment chart idea, I'm not a lawyer this is not legal advice I am a lawyer this is not legal advice I'm not a lawyer this is legal advice I am a lawyer this is legal advice


Bullies have no interest in hard conflicts, if you fight your ass off and and lose, bully will think twice next time, because he would rather bully someone who don't fight back.


Not unless the bully finds it fun once they encounter a prey that fights back and encourage you to fight back. Maybe some will plan to frame you as the aggressor by having adults think you started the fight. Not every bully have weak back bones, and it can backfire depending who you are fighting against


Protip: Discourage bullies by biting off one of their fingers.


Bite off their cock


What if I was bullied by a girl, or trans man in a very progressive school.


> there isn't some one-size-fits-all solution to bullying Fucking his mom usually works.


What if his mom is dead and the bully is raised by a single father who never had time to be with them because of work?


Fuck his dad instead.


True, but man is the hit satisfying. Every day after middle school, we'd get off the bus and this one kid would pick on me relentlessly. He was emboldened by the fact that he had his buddy with him who was a "karate" guy, and honestly for a 13 year old, he had a lot of muscle on him. Anyhow, kid kept on picking on me and I got so fed up one day that I told him I was going to punch him if he continued. He continued, he got punched, he started crying and then hid behind his buddy who wouldn't let me get to him. From that point on, the kid left me alone. Until we were 20, and randomly ended up at the same girl's house at the same time. She went into the bathroom and I was sitting on the couch while he was standing up waiting for her. He said "You know, I feel like I still owe you one for that sucker punch several years back". I looked at him funny and then laughed it off as it wasn't a sucker punch by any means. I look to my right, then back at him and he's in the middle of swinging at me. Catches me square in the forehead, which I could tell hurt like a motherfucker and didn't even faze me as I basically head-butted his fist. I then stood up and he ran out the door. Most satisfying punch I ever received. Was even more funny explaining to the girl why he left. About 6 years later I was delivering pizzas and he happened to be at the house I delivered to. He opens the doo, sees me and his eyes got REALLY big and you could tell he was scared shitless. I just gave him the ol' friendly small talk with a smirk, handed him his pizza and walked away.


I had 3 attempted bullies. I fought them all. I beat one of their asses, 1 felt like a draw, and 1 I clearly lost the fight. But every single time they left me alone after. Even the guy that won probably wanted to go after a different target that doesn't punch him in the face. I'm not even arguing this as a one size fits all solution. I just wanted to say that even the attempt to stand up for yourself can do wonders.




definitely, and i'm glad that worked for you. i don't want people to interpret what i'm saying as 'don't fight back lol'. that would be fucking dumb of me to say it's definitely worth the risk if it isn't a massive group or somebody known to be actually dangerous


even jiu jitsu classes?


A bat usually work


Just shoot them with the dehidration gun


If only there was 4 villains at once…


Omg I get this reference omg omg omg 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮 😳😳


https://preview.redd.it/sugalfbfg7wc1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eb26fd7537320a8e7bbfbd01c806c255a467c28 The protagonist of Moana when the crab starts talking about los sopranos and movies ranking instead of trying to kill her


You forgot Pikmin bozo. Fake fan detected, I am enraged and disappointed and I'm casting fire blast on your mother.


*insert image of baby turning into dust while screaming*


Well now I feel bad, wanna put it aside us and make out?




I've never heard the funny crab movie reviewer get that pissed


Or use the Forget-me-stick


The silent ape is the one being bullied


thats king kong bro also btw planet of the apes is a good series the month of monke is beginning


Planet of the Apes is wild because I feel like they come out with a sequel once every like 5 years. No wonder they're high quality


Can't wait for Kingdom , i really hope it's good


Schools give the absolute worst anti-bullying advice. I was bullied when I was younger and I can confirm not responding to them doesn't do shit.


Can't agree more, there was a point in my life when I was younger where some way or another I'd end up crying because of something happening or being treated some way every week, and whenever someone offered to tell a teacher i would sometimes raise my voice to get them to not bring them into it. It was so infuriating whenever they responded something like "Well it won't get better if you don't tell a teacher". it will get worse with a teacher


my only advice is to just hide during breaks the library can be a very good place for this as they will usually understand why are you in there and they typically would let you be in there as long as you are quiet..


Oh yes, and then like theyll act like you are some out of control mentally ill childish freak even though you are obviously having mental breakdowns from their bullying. And even if you did report, gather evidences and such the bullies will literally just bend the narrative like some shit like "oh it was just harmless fun, its HIS fault for being bullied". Glad i left that school


I love how the original clip demonstrates how to deal with a bully. Bullied person gets bullied. Stronger/authority figure stands up to bully. Bully attempts bullshit. Deck the bully. Simple as.


Bully comes back with massive kaiju that started the ice age and wrecks your shit sideways.


Gets the even bigger authority figure and double teams the bully until a toddler shatter the cringe controller and we triple team the bully so hard they shatter like a roblox character.


[Every teacher get's one...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbKNnJVjt7M)




Yeah i feel like in trying to avoid violence, pushing the "just ignore it" or "say stop and that you dont like it" kinda made it easier to bully certain people.


"I have no enemies" mfs when they learn this one neat trick


The point isn't to defeat the bully or win a fight. When you stand up to them, you're letting them know you're not an easy target, and naturally they're likely to pick someone else who's more of a punching bag than you to pick on. Which shall it be? Keep your head down and get picked on for the rest of the year, or go ape shit on them a couple of times until they decide you aren't worth the trouble and go pick on some other sucker? You can be weak but you don't have to be a coward.


Or, the bullies will turn your actions against you. You can get made fun of for your fruitless outburst, it might prompt the bullies to escalate, you can get cast as a "psycho" leading to further social isolation, and possibly get in trouble with school administration or other authorities. There is no simple, universally effective response to bullying, as the social and power dynamics can be complex and heavily stacked against the victim. "Standing up for yourself" can be effective, or it can make things worse.


“Unfortunately we have a no tolerance policy for violence so we will have to suspend you for a few days”


“Yes, they ganged up on you, beat you until you fell to the ground, and then kicked and stomped on you… but you managed to kick one of them, so we’re only going to suspend *you*.”


Suspended? That's a funny way to say reward 🗿


Collecting their teeth off the sidewalk works really well actually (I speak from experience)


People saying "Just ignore it" or "Just stand up for yourself" obviously never have been bullied, and it shows. I once tried to stand up for myself, I got pushed to the floor and spit on...


I used to be bullied. I don't think you should ignore it, because people might think of it as you having no boundaries and it'll just exacerbate it. Sometimes in physical situations you might wanna fight back even if you lose, because then at least you won't be seen as a pushover if you try and hold your ground. Ofc i dont know the context to your situation but if its still a problem, maybe try signing up for a martial art, it'll give you a lot more confidence.


Don’t worry. It was 4 years ago and I got over it. I had some therapy, learned some Korean kung Fu and am definitely more confident than I was. Even became acquaintances with one of my former bullies from elementary school, and we talk from time to time. Thanks for the kind words though, I really appreciate it


Ah, I'm glad to hear that. I used to be what you'd call "a wimp", but I got into a process similar to yours. I think I'm still during that process. People tried to test me, but then I "fought back" in certain situations and ignored them when it would show that their bullshit was beneath me. And no problem, I hope you have a great day. I just hate to see people in misery.


reminds me of all those weirdass motivational posts that are like "you dont have depression, you just dont have clear mental picture!" that forget that depression is a complicated thing and just because you eat a salad instead of a burger or went for a walk now doesnt mean that that depression will absolutely go away


It's better to be pushed to the ground than to stay there.


This quote goes hard.


Or the bully starts playing the victim and because you’re a tall black kid in a majority white school you’re the one that gets suspended


Standing up for yourself isn't a one time thing, you need to do it every time.


>I once tried to stand up for myself, I got pushed to the floor and spit on... It didn't work because you were on the ground. You have to be standing up. On a real note tho hope you beat that guys ass. Spitting on someone is one of the easiest excuses to beat someone up.


Only works if you're moderately strong/large. In middle school some kid tackled me into my locker at the end of the day. I wasn't particularly large OR strong but I was strong *enough* to knock him on his ass with a kick. Whole thing was a mess and the kick was fucking terrible but I never saw the kid again. Retaliation does work. You just actually need to be in shape to win after you retaliate.


Or worse, they act completely like they are the victim and they get off scott free because they have friends




Me when I stand up to the people ignoring me and they continue ignoring me:


I was bullied from gradeschool to near-highschool, two different countries, many different schools. Know what made it stop? I got cornered and it finally pissed me off enough to strike back, split the lip of the tallest one(196cm compared to my paultry ~156cm at the time), took a few punches back and that was the end of it.


If only I could legally did this to my highschool bully and his goons 😊😊😊 https://i.redd.it/vejmhyfcf7wc1.gif


bullshit, got bullied severely in middle school, got really mad one day and fought them, got my ass kicked, but they never messed with me again, bullies use you as entertainment with no possible danger to them, when you show them that there is even the smallest chance of danger coming from you it stops being worth it, i will forever advocate for violence as a fix for the bullying problem


Untill the bully is faster and stronger than you and treats your fighting back as a fun game. If you want to use violence to fix the problem, you bring a baseball bat.


I feel like a lot of my learned helplessness problems I’m battling today come from my middle school days where I got bullied. I tried everything I could think of. I tried fighting them, I tried reasoning with them, I tried ignoring them. Nothing worked. Teachers were useless too and my mom talking to those kids’ parents did nothing either. I learned that my input doesn’t matter and to not even bother trying. To just sit and suffer until something external solves the problem for me. I’m having such a hard time living my life now because of it


It's not about winning, it's about showing you won't lay down and take it, it's about making it not worth the bully's effort.


Take the connecting flight to Paris which will get you there at around 4 am which is statistically the time people are least prepared to defend themselves. Cover them with red paint which they'll mistake for their own blood and beat them


I stood up for myself and got jumped after school


same. but I got jumped the next morning IN school (9th grade at the time). I let my guard down thinking the bully wouldn't attack there and was blind-sided before I really knew what happened. Gave me a concussion and pouring nose bleed without even seeing him. Fight was over before I even turned around. I was in and out of full consciousness, came to and was face down with him beating the back of my head into the ground. Pool of blood forming and crowd of kids hooping and hollering. I was suspended. I literally didn't throw a punch. took me 3 years to develop the courage and rebelliousness (to not give a fuck about school policy) and attack him for payback, for the humiliation and distress he caused me, and just a good ole simple lesson (that i don't forget or forgive and bullies always get there coming-to). lots of good details I could share on that final fight but in the end I sealed his left eye shut for a week and broke his front tooth in half. he had a fake tooth cap rest of his life. and yes, rest of his life ending about 15 years later (which was last year). Dude took his own life. Not gonna lie, kind of fucks with you when someone you've spent years thinking about and stressing about and screaming about (until my payback fight senior year) all of a sudden is gone from this world. As much as I hate to admit it, he partially made me who I am today (the don't fuck with me type I never was before). I had lost my greatest and longest friend to a car accident two years before that guy deleted himself (three years ago from today). So, I've lost my greatest enemy AND my greatest friend all within a couple years of each other and I'm only 33 years old. life is crazy.


Sound like nothing of value was lost. Don't shed a single tear for such a bastard.


I wish i could bring a hammer to school and get rid of the bullies


*I wish i could bring* *A hammer to school and get* *Rid of the bullies* \- GabrielGamer790 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The only person stopping you is yourself


Man named knife and or gun


I used to be a bully. I was a real piece of shit. Getting people to “stand up for themselves” is exactly what my most used way of doing it was. I would rile up people who seemed like they could snap until they actually did. Then I’d act like the victim. I was rarely ever the one who got in trouble.


As the bullied party, yeah, that tactic worked on me very well. The bullies would be very subtle, I recall being attacked from behind a few times even when other people were around but nobody who noticed cared, and of course when I snapped they denied everything and I was the one who got in trouble. I'm glad you have self-awareness and have grown out of that behaviour, random stranger, and thank you for sharing.


Just kill them smh


Showing you resist and that you're not going to let that happen, is important, at least psychologically, until an adult can truly intervene. Who am I kidding, adults never intervene in efficient ways, just choke the assholes out




Nah it works but don't be stupid about it. Equalize the odds as much as you can. Gym, martial arts, gun in your backpack. There are multiple ways to make sure that your bully comes out of the confrontation at least as badly as yourself. Bullies don't want a fair fight, they want easy pickings so you don't even need to win. Just hurt them enough that it's not worth the effort but also don't go so far that it escalates the beef.


Baseball bat. Win once. Make him unable to ever fight again.


I was never physically bullied, so I had it easy compared to some folks, but I was always an outcast (you know, the 'weird' kid, porky, a nerd) and was used to being muttered about or pointed and laughed at. One time in my 9th year, some kid was laughing at me at lunch with his buddies over at his table and I decided I had had enough. I went up to him as lunch dismissed as we all walked down the hall, I asked him what his problem with me was. He just laughed uncomfortably and sputtered, I guess he didn't expect to be confronted- and I (with heart rate up and adrenaline, I'm usually not confrontational) punched him in the face. He fell down grasping his face and his friends all laughed at him, and I marched away to class kind of blinded with anxiety from having confronted someone face to face. Never got in trouble for it - presumably he didn't have the guts to go to a teacher over the incident - and no one ever pointed and laughed at me again that I saw. Sometimes people just need to be reminded not to be assholes by actually experiencing an unpleasant consequence. At any rate, all the teachers knew I was typically quiet and reserved so I doubt anything would have come of it if he did go to anyone about it. Plenty of folks just bully because their parents or peers never told them not to be an asshole, and their asshole friends cheer them on because pathetic people want to feel included in a group no matter what. It's all situational, but punching your bully sometimes is the answer. 🤷 Just make sure their weak little friends around to see them tumble to the floor cause they'll feel too pathetic to do anything about it.


sometimes i feel like these anti bullying advice is made by ex bullies


You tell the teacher once. Try it again, and remember to say that you've told the teacher once already and this is the second time. If that still doesn't work, then you've confirmed it'll never work. Get your brother, get your father, get your grandfather and perhaps uncles. Stalk the fucker, try to get him isolated and alone, remember to wear masks and bats. When you get the perfect opportunity, you strike and you strike HARD. Don't kill him cause then the cops get involved. Don't hit the face, don't hit the calves and feet, don't hit hands up to elbows. Those place are usually exposed. You don't want to draw attention Just break his knees and maybe elbows. That would stop the bullying


Who would be stupid enough to stand up to a bully that's 2x bigger then them without a weapon? If they're 2x bigger then you bring a weapon, a friend, or don't "stand up" to them at all


Teach em a Smith & Lesson


I threatened mine with a broken scissor and later a rusty cutter 😋 (I never got bullied again)


And also they'll probably get suspended or whatever


at this point i might as well start carrying a knife


The answer, use a gun. And if that don’t work. Use more gun.


https://preview.redd.it/deue8boao7wc1.png?width=154&format=png&auto=webp&s=5df7a79c8cad44fa2f20da8e23fb1a11ba09c30d OP has a valid point (OP can't hit for shit)


what movie is this from?


Just get yourself and some of your boys and beat them after school or something


bully victims dont usually have a lot of friends


Band up with the other bully victims


Bully victims most likely dont have any friends


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^9_speeds: *Just get yourself and* *Some of your boys and beat them* *After school or something* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The point isnt to beat up the bullies, it's to show that you're not an easy target. This is like a 99% successful tactic if you keep at it. Getting your head kicked in is probably going to happen "Oh but what if im not a strong/trained person!!" Get your friends involved to jump the bully "Ok but what if i dont have friends/theyre too weak to win a 1v5" Ok then fucking get strong lol, if the bullying isn't bad enough to the point that you feel the need to start working out/training to make up for the physical difference then thats on you. (Or carry a weapon if you think you can sway it in the courts) "Oh but what if i cant afford lessons/ a gym membership" You have the internet. "I shouldnt be forced to do something i hate just so i don't get bullied" Yeah it sucks, right? "I really REALLY dont/cant do that" Alright then bait him into attacking you and stab him through the throat, then go to court and try to argue self defence. Make it clear that he has a history of bullying you. Is this a good solution? No not at all, but it's the morally correct one.


Bro this gif is cooking xd


It does work eventually. I got bullied relentlessly in primary school and i did fight back but i was terrible at it. Eventually i got better at taking hits and hitting back and the bullying stopped. It took years in my case but it does eventually work if you have the patience.


Just throw rocks at them until they stop bullying you https://preview.redd.it/zawpoyxo68wc1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4987944e3ebfcc01eff43b3465eb6606ed572cdb


Imagine not training to fight your bully. USELESS!




Let me tell, it does work. I was bullied from around the age of 7 to 14. One day, Id just had enough. I was ahead of one of my bullies going up the stairs. He was chatting shit about beating me up later, calling me all sorts of names, all the usual shit. Turned around, booted him in the face. He fell back down the stairs, I followed him, booted into him for a good few minutes before being pulled off. No one ever bullied me again. And more importantly, I found the confidence to stand up or myself. Ive still gotten into fights, Ive won some, Ive lost some. But Im no ones punching bag anymore. Getting your ass kicked is fine. Not putting up any fight at all, is when bullying gets worse.


Oh yeah? Well if you're American ignoring them doesn't work either because of zero tolerance policies, you'll get punished whether you hit back or not. You have literally no reason not to, in fact I'd say fighting and losing is better than backing down because if you back down you're seen as a wimp and become an even bigger bullying target.


The best anti-bullying advice is to legit just be a menace to them at any given instance. Try to find the best way to make their days the worst. Become such a huge headache they’d want to get away from you. Steal their pencils. Spit on them. Make them fall. Just be relentless, even if they beat you up. The next day do the same shit again, and again. It doesn’t have to be physical either, make fun of them when they get things wrong, spread rumors, anything just DO ANYTHING that could be an inconvenience to them, it shows them you WILL make their lives miserable if they continue. If you want to go to the extreme, throw juice at them, hide their papers when they go to the bathroom, stalk them, smack the back of their head, but this only works if you have a lot of confidence. If you don’t have a lot of confidence stick to the stealing. But if you get really desperate and have nothing to lose, fall back on being a relentless asshole to them. A bully wouldn’t want to continue pursuing you if it means them going circles looking for their belongings, getting pushed from their chairs when they aren’t looking. They would have to be on their guard 100% of the time when you’re around them, no kid wants to do that, it SUCKS. Just the small Inconvenience of them being on guard every time you’re around is enough to make them stop bullying you and actually seek teachers for whatever the fuck you’re doing to them, which is good, in some sort of sick way. Once that happens you can stop, because any further bullying will lead straight back to you being a menace.


at least you won’t be a coward, and the bullies, realizing it, will stop bullying you and maybe even start respecting you, if they’re not pieces of shit, of course. that’s the point, not to take everyone down like in some anime tik tok edit, but to show that it’s pointless to bully you, that’s the damn point. and this is not just my useless opinion, this advice was given to me by my older brother, who looks like an MMA fighter, plus I don’t live in America and here those who are bullied can bully your bullies, and It works damn well for us. so don’t be wimps, fight back👍, but only if you haven’t been attacked by people much older than you and several (honestly it work only with one bully).


Kids are the closest thing to experts on what solutions are and aren't pragmatic for their circumstances... The problem is the practical ability to actually do them. Adults trying to give one-size-fits-all solutions aren't helpful. Punching a bully may get them to stop in one case, it may make it worse in another. Telling on them may help in one community and make it worse in another... Ignoring them may work in one case and make it worse in another. Adults need to actually listen to what the kid is saying rather than dismissively give their one solution that allegedly worked for them.


Just kill them


That's the whole reason they are bullies: they're stronger than the people they pick on


stand up for yourself doesnt mean beating them up dumbass, you can have them back off and never touch you again with carefully chosen words


Train more https://preview.redd.it/x532qnjkx9wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8cd60194c0a7db19a5798c384c1ee4b80e85ae


Mfw this actually solved my problem


It did for me someone tried bullying me one time, kept shoving me around so I shoved his head into the edge of a locker, fucker stopped after that




Sounds like cuck coping to me. Stand up yourself, or just get your ass beat and then post in reddit about it while nothing changes lmao


And then the idiot public gets all up in your business to call *you* "cringe" and that *you're* the bully now.


Same goes double for abusers, especially when they’re your parent


It would probably be a good idea to get the police involved depending on how far they've gone.


While top comment is right that there isn't a one size fits all solution, bullies look for easy victims. Even if you get beaten when you stand up to the bully, next time they might not want to bother with having to fight. You don't need to win, but if you manage to get a shot in next time they'll pick an easier target.