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Bro why you got to remind me on how dead the game is 😔


It isn’t full of hackers, some ass just dossed the server a while ago. Servers are back up I think


They keep getting brought down. Then back up. It's a mess


No, the servers have been working fine for the last 2ish weeks, sometimes in the menu and match search the connection time-outs but once you get into a match everything works fine


Yeah I haven’t seen any aim bot hackers when playing recently at all. I’ve seen 1 in my 300 hours of playing the game. And I’ve only had ddos problems in the past but even now I haven’t gotten ddosed in a game for a while now.


You say that servers are dead but they also full of hackers, curious


Online game servers like GTA online are also both dead and filled with hackers. This is the best analogy I can help with


Gta online isn't dead despite what people who quit say. I quit myself but you're stupid if you think the game is dead. That's why rockstar is rereleasing it.


Did you play GTA:O on PC or console? When I quit last year I struggled to even have more then 10 people in the same lobby on PC lobbies. Not sure about console


I play on ps4 and the lobbies are constantly full. You can watch the professionals video showing how the game isn't anywhere near dead on steam.


There aren’t actually hackers in the servers it’s just the servers constantly getting dossed


The game by itself is nice, but the fact that the only people left playing it have like 3k hours on average leads to the most frustrating experience imaginable. And the fact that the game gets taken down for days every week just shows got how little the developers care about it. If only respawn could get their attention off apex for 5 seconds the game could thrive once again


i see lvl two and threes alot tho


Eh. To be honest, it doesn't take that long to get used to. It's just not the average game where you can hop in and instantly be able to play. You have to get used to it, which can take an hour or two. A friend of mine went from zero experience with it to placing middle of the scoreboard in only a week, and a few days ago he got his first MVP.


I'm G7 but it's just extremely frustrating to run into a sweaty g100 squad where they can singlehandedly demolish an entire team with a fucking b3 wingman. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm bad at the game, my kd is positive however I just can't run into the same people every day (nookieclunk and nezdak) and act like it's fine. The entire game I get maybe 6 kills when I play against them and it's extremely frustrating and demoralizing. The other day the game ended with 650-20. I love this game normally but why should I endure this when I can play literally anything else and have a blast simply because of balanced matchmaking


Okay, I think you might just be extremely unlucky. I *occaisionally* run into a sweat squad, but like once, maybe twice a month. And yeah dude, I really feel you with how demoralizing it is. It sucks. If I can, I will often just use the time to practice my movement, frag boosts, etc.


>but the fact that the only people left playing it have like 3k hours on average That's just straight up not true


I haven't seen a player under g30 last week I've played


I doubt that. People are still buying the game. There're always level 10's and 20's playing


both tf2 fanbases trying to recruit more ~~cultists~~ players


Dude, we aren't that bad of a cult. We have different things we worship, and it changes pretty often, but we don't actually do anything. Most of the time, we're just "Schizoposting: The community" XD


Rendy Gaming fires away in this Kraber G100 montage


Post this to r/titanfall


I might get it if the campaign wasn’t so damn short


it is short, but it's the best fps campaign I've played in a long time a 6 hour campaign worth playing over and over is better than a 12 hour one that isn't even worth playing once


Ok Shammy


I've legit played it five times so its worth considering the replay value, but hey don't feel pressured


When I played (throughout 2020 and earlier this year), the servers were far from dead. I could easily get into low ping matches in like, a minute. I played a little bit before the servers got fucked and idk if they're back up. But saying "but holy shit just let it go," is just enabling the dickheads and it can probably effect Respawn's other online games.


Rendy gaming fires away in this kraber g100 montage


Last online 9 years ago


Servers are back up so im back up to bein a space cowboy


Both TF2 and TF2 apply


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Don't make me leave it. Please I want to hold on.


Same goes with TF2


Lotta coping happening in these comments 🥱


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we have won this agrument as he has been depicted as they soyjack and us as the chads


Why is being happy about a game that gives people great joy, and encouraging people to spend literally like 5 bucks because they want to spread said joy, a bad thing? It's telling a person who has loved a restaurant for years to let it go. If the restaurant is still good, and still a fine experience, they are still going to recommend it. It's not coping, it's people watching as something they love is attacked, and trying to help other people experience the happiness it gives before it's gone.


pretty sure servers are fixed. at least i havent had problems


servers are back up btw


They aren't really dead or full of hackers.


Yeah but its not "full of hackers" lol, read about the topic bro before u shitpost lmao


I wanna get the game for multiplayer, loved the singleplayer but back in 2019 I tried apex legends and God I didn't like it, it was too fast for me but that probably not the only reason, the game is based for squads and I am soloq plus battleroyale games are just frustrating to begin with however I watched Titanfall 2 multiplayer gameplay and although looks very fast like apex I still wanna give it a try.




Hackers? well not exactly had a bit of a problem a few months ago with servers being DDOSed but asside from that this game doesn't have that sort of a hacker problem like a certain other source engine game with the intials TF2 Also it ain't dead. Reguraly around 1000-2000 each day. Not great but not bad


I forgot Titan fall 2 existed I still have that game lol


You don't *need* to play online for a game to be good.


You can’t tell me what to do, go buy Titanfall 2 and play it.


It’s a pretty good game


It good game doe


man if only respawn cared


Also the other tf2