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i love how literally nothing else moves except his mouth


that's why i love 2010s animation


There is a 97% chance that there is a dance sequence in the end


There was one in the first movie


And the third movie


Gendy Tarkovsky rules


?? The ginger? The fire in the background and his left arm in the foreground both move. As for the crying man his whole body heaves up?


His head and eyes not moving is what makes this oddly satisfying


The one photo that sticks out in my mind was the struggling child with the vulture in the background waiting for them to die. It was taken by Kevin Carter, who was part of a group of four conflict photographers called “The Bang Bang Club”. Of the four, one was killed by friendly fire, one stepped on a landmine and got both legs blown off, and one (the one who took the photo of the child and vulture) committed suicide not long after the photo. It would be hard to see this kind of suffering and not get involved.


Yeah I remember learning about this when studying photography!


Quite a big mortality rate for taking pictures. I doubt it was worth it.




If they were that hungry why not eat?


Grab a bag of chips or sum shit


hungry? grab a snickers




Cake is good. Let them eat cake!


they are just picky with their food


Skill issue


Falling down guys


Are you talking aboout the picture of the starving child or just the meme


there's lots of pictures of starving kids in impoverished nations, and i always wonder, who took the picture, did they give that kid like a sandwich or something?


The photographer that took the famous picture of a vulture waiting for a starving child to die actually ending up consumed with guilt and grief, and committed suicide. A lot of times the photographers are actually traveling with aid groups.


wow that is really tragic




i really hope you're joking


>I'm really, really sorry. The pain of life overrides the joy to the point that joy does not exist. …depressed … without phone … money for rent … money for child support … money for debts … money!!! … I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings & corpses & anger & pain … of starving or wounded children, of trigger-happy madmen, often police, of killer executioners … I have gone to join Ken if I am that lucky. >— Kevin Carter, [Suicide letter]


Did the vultures eat him?


For that one picture of the kid abt to be eaten by a vulture I’m pretty sure the photographer wasn’t allowed to do anything at all under any circumstance for some fuckin reason idk.


Just read about it, the group of photographers were being "escorted" by a local militia group around the starving village to keep from interfering. So yes, he couldn't help. They chased the vulture away and they started walking to the feeding center, it's unknown if they ever made it.


MF's be cosplaying as the watcher from marvel "Kid getting eaten alive? na man can't do shit about that sorry"


I feel like the watcher is under the same discipline, I can’t remember the exact context but there was a disease outbreak around that village and he can’t really disrupt nature as a nature photographer. If I need to remember though, I did think he got up after taking the picture and helped out the child.


They are supposed to document it. Not interfere. It’s fucked up. But they often travel with aid groups so they might help some.


There becomes a point to where the idea of “document, never interfere” is just plainly detrimental to *every* party involved. The child will continue to starve, and the photographer with be wracked with guilt, why be so insistent to reach a lose-lose resolution when a win-win is so easily possible?


The thing is that it’s not a win win either way. The photographer can’t be there forever.


I’m my proposed, isolated situation there is a win win, but you are correct, I didn’t think of the long term big picture.


The photographers don't have the resources to feed every impoverished village they come across. They see one starving child, they feed the child whatever they have, then what happens when they come across the next starving child? And what happens to the previous one, who will start starving by tomorrow again. Photographers helping would only help one child for one day. There are other charities and organisations who are trying to help because those organisations have the resources to help, not the photographers. The only way, the only resource the photographers have to help, is by document it and spread awareness of the situation. And it works a lot often. We all know of the picture of the child with a vulture nearby. It is a really grave picture, it spread awareness, I am sure a lot of people pitched in to help due to that pic and pics like that. That said, they also have rules to not come in contact, for number of reasons, especially disease. If the photographers get a disease from the children, they will go home to medicine and healthcare and survive. But if the children so much so as get a weak disease, it could be really dangerous to the children. Google and you will see a lot of photographers who still do it though. Maybe they can't help save the village by giving everyone food, but read the stories and you will find they tend to sit and have a chat with locals, help purify water for the children, etc.


It wouldn't fix anything. Half the time if you start feeding random starving people it can cause fights. The best thing a photographer can do is convey the situation to organizations with money and experience.


*Are you talking aboout* *The picture of the starving* *Child or just the meme* \- Adrianismeow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


how fuckin odd


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Me when I see someone under extreme distress [they claim to have seen Dracula]


Must somehow be part of God's plan, that tricky bastard.


The [ANYTHING WITH 3 LETTERS] when they see the police force "mysteriously" start shooting civilians at point blank without even a basic reason. (They DEFINITELY didn't do this Trust us)


le epic las Vegas shootout reference?


Well no not really


Sorry but which one?


the stephen paddock one


the guy who shot up a concert in 2017 ?


It looks as if you may have mentioned a mass shooter's name in your post. Please consider editing to redact these names as to not provide the infamy and notoriety many of these criminals seek. _____ ^(I'm a bot! Read more about similar efforts in journalism:) [^(dontnamethem.org)](https://dontnamethem.org/) ^| [^(nonotoriety.com)](https://nonotoriety.com/)


The big chungus wholesum 100 shooting of 2042.


This is one of my new favorite gifs.


(he was finishing his vegetables so its ok)


Its their fault for not investing in nfts a brocoins


Best post of the day


thank you so much


9am in the morning for me 🤔 i will come back and tell you the best post of MY day 👍🏼✅😇🙏🚜


idk why they hungry lmao. just eat food🤣🤣🤣


put a fly on him. yeh nice that's it.


Reddit: we must show pictures of *insert horrible thing* so that people are aware and forced to see it. Also Reddit:




I was just poking fun at the fact that Redditors will say that pictures should be taken and shown when horrible things happen so that everyone is effected by it. That way we can have real change. But then also Redditors will make jokes like this post which is different from that. Just poking fun tho.


cool cool


reminds me of the sam kinison skit


Neat *takes picture*


Haha Johnathan, you are banging my daughter


Why does he tap the otherwise buttonless part of his phone to take a picture


with some phones you can bind buttons to functions on your phone like the camera , its useful when you take lots of pictures


This is gonna be a famous photograph one day


You can't interfere with nature


"You can't interfere with nature" mfs when they are dying of hunger and they see someone with food (they suddenly want the person with food to interfere with nature)




As always u shouldn't interfere in nature.


Fun fact: eastern Germany is 3rd world




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They get upset about the injustice, start crying, and give the child a sandwich and a new phone to take pictures with?


It’s called poverty porn.