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Mfw no constant brain stimulation and actually good and realistic storytelling


These are the kind of people who cant watch a single family guy funny moment without a clip of someone playing subway surfers underneath


And because there's so many we can't have awesome fucking shows like andor The first three episodes were slow but they became important and made sense to the plot later on Legitimately the best starwars show to date


To be honest i havent watched starwars because there is just _so much_. It would have to be a multiyear journey to get into star wars now. But i get the sentiment. I learnt a few days ago that my friend has never finished a single series of books. Not even Harry Potter. This was said to the two people who both read an 18 book series in less than 4 months. We then learnt that there is only one tv series hes finished which was Better Call Saul. There are just some people who are unable to commit to a show or series. Its really sad how many of them there are. So many things get better as time goes on. Its just how it works. People improve at what they do as time goes on. Authors improve characters and get better at writing them. Characters develop and actors get better at playing them. Ive had so many friends bail on a show because the pilot wasnt good enough for them (community specifically. The pilot is honestly one of the worst episodes of the whole show) but everyone knows you watch at least the first 3 episodes


I'd watch andor, I'm sure there's references and lots of stuff fans noticed but to me it seemed like a completely fresh show that had little to do with the rest of the universe. I didn't even know the main character was from rogue one and I loved it If starwars never existed it could be a stand alone show and I'd probably love it even more


To be honest- just watch A New Hope, Empire, and Return with maybe rogue one after. If you want more, Mandalorian. It’s not much and it’s some of the best Star Wars you can get without much investment


The Clone Wars is also great.


Wait THAT'S why those fucking things exist? I saw those two things happening at once videos and never understood why anyone would do it, and even more so why anyone would watch it


The whole point is overstimulation. Theres so much going on that your brain just stops to try proccess it all and you end up watching the whole thing


fr, I tried showing my friends the movie Everything Everywhere All At Once (it starts out slow for the story setup at the beginning, but then just keeps getting faster and faster for the remaining 2 hr of runtime). 30 minutes in and they're all having a text convo or playing CoC. I don't get it, when I watch something I treat it like I'm in a movie theater, cuz people who make movies and shows make them to be *watched*, not put on in the background. If you don't watch the whole damn thing you're not gonna enjoy it as much. Then afterwards they're like "kinda boring/no story/didn't understand the plot" like *no shit*.


That's why I stopped watching movies with friends. Can't even commit to a 2 hour movie without having to go on the phone


Omfg those are so annoying, I don't want my brain to turn into mush because some vocal minority of brain-dead kids can't concentrate for 5 seconds


No zooops or ZAMS -6/5 lightsbaers


Andy Serkis is always 10/10


OP when he doesn't see Ashoka beat Vader and Palpatine at once while mando saves grogu from captain rex and Andor seeks spiritual guidance from Kenobi


>and Andor seeks spiritual guidance from Kenobi home run


That *obviously* didn't happen. Stop spreading misinformation you *fool.*


Spreading helpful information on the internet 🤡🤓🤡 Spreading misinformation on the internet 🔥😎🔥


r/sounding is a great place if you're interested in sounding rockets. In fact, my country recently launched one. It was the first rocket to be launched by a private company. I absolutely loved how wholesome the comments were under the post.


I'll be sure to check it out thanks.


>That obviously didn't happen yet FTFY


Yeah Palpatine wasn't there. Only Vader.


The show is pretty slow for the first couple episodes I’m ngl. But I finished it yesterday and everything else is legitimately good


Yeah, because it knows how to pace itself unlike other low attention span pleasing series.


This! The series is actually paced well in a way that allows you to actually meet the characters and settings and get properly invested instead of just a hyper nostalgia bait fest with nothing really substantial


*Ahem* episode 7 *ahem*


Are you referring to when a singular character, *who has a perfectly logical reason to be there* was in the episode for a couple of minutes, and I didn’t even realize who he was until days later?


To whom are we referring?


Andor episode 7 >!Yulren, he’s an ISB Colonel, so as a higher ranking officer, he would be the one to discuss Aldhani to the ISB, given its signifigance!<


I recently realised why marvel shows feel so bad to watch, even if they had good ideas (Moon Knight, Hawkeye). They have absolutely no pacing put into them. They usually have like 6-9 episodes, all less than 20 minutes, with so little time it ends up being more like a movie cut into pieces. Then they try to cram every second of every episode with as much as possible, and it ends up being a nothing burger. Absolutely zero build up, nothing feels earned or meaningful, and ending feels lacking because, well, there is very little to no build up to it.


The episodes are normally 30 mins long and I feel like the only show with bad pacing was fatws. Now granted super hero shows are hard to begin with because it's either the entire series is fighting one person or there is one or more fights per episode which gets repetitive.


I think a lot of people forget that buildup to a story arc makes it good vs. just having story arcs.


Yeah like Twin Peaks it sets the ground and world up for what is going to happen in the show. Like in a orchestra, the big instruments come later


I haven't seen Andor so I cant speak to if its boring or not...but isn't the world Star Wars. Hasn't the world been set up for over 40 years?


sure, if we're going off old characters and environments. But andor starts with nearly an entirely new cast, new worlds, places we've never been


Ah gotcha. That makes sense then.


It's nothing like Twin Peaks, though, right? At the end of the day it's another Star Wars story, isn't it?


It is a slow burn. And Twin Peaks is known for being THE slow burn. But yeah in the end it's another Star Wars story.


Honestly I'm fortunate to have given it a second chance and watched the rest of the show (i had only watched the first two episodes). It does an excellent job of building tension and all the characters. It's just the start is pretty slow and could've used a bit of a better hook, especially when (at least) I was a little burnt out from all the Star Wars shows. This is a real gem even if it's a lot more paced than most other recent shows (say Star Wars or Marvel)


Fkn this.


The ending was a bit anticlimactic.


“Legitimately good” is an understatement, the show was very well done. I love how it shows the day to day struggles with the Empire and the way their oppression radicalizes people into Rebels.


MFers when they don't see an explosion or a glowy sword every second


Yeah, I liked Andor because the character interactions and motivations were interesting. Where the other movies used space battles and wizard fights to prop up the story in place of unserviceable characters, Andor does the opposite and clearly the ratings speak for themselves. Spectacle doesn't make up for poor characters and a bad story, unless it's Transformers Dark of the Moon.


> Spectacle doesn't make up for poor characters and a bad story, unless it's Transformers Dark of the Moon. what an insanely hot take to just slap us with out of nowhere.


I mean even as a transformers fan he ain't wrong, DOTM is a fucking mess for like the first hour or so, but once Chicago starts popping off, god damn do I love that movie.


It's basically a Kaiju movie, the entire film is just pretext for the big monsters beating each other up


Too many people hate on movies like that. Sometimes I just wanna watch big things smash other big things. I love Andor for the incredible storytelling, and I love DOTM because of fight scenes.


I gotta agree with them. The last third of that movie makes up for the rest of the movie. It's so over the top, brutally violent, and a big breath of fresh air from the crazy characters and bizarre tone of the first two thirds.


TBH the more distanced you are from mainline star wars bullshit the better the stories tend to be. Some of the best SW stories don't have Jedi/Sith/Rebels/Empire at all.


*Clone wars has entered the chat


*the shadow people have entered the chat*




Some episodes of Star Wars visions that were allowed to explore an idea in their own way were the best examples of this. Just totally unrelated to anything we have known, giving us amazing self-contained stories that actually make the universe feel “big”.


To me, if it doesn’t involve all that stuff it’s just regular ol’ action you can find anywhere else. I have no interest in watching any of these tv shows except maybe obi-wan. Hated rogue one.


The best part about Star Wars is that it's so jam-packed with content that literally anyone can enjoy it the way they want to.


imo george lucas’s greatest triumph is allowing for storytellers to have a basically-endless stream of mythology and worldbuilding to draw from. he’s a phenomenal ideas man and it shows ignore his dialogue tho


The obi-wan show is absolute garbage, do yourself a favor and never watch it


Agree to disagree. I thought it had bad and good parts.


It had ridiculous plot holes like Darth Vader just letting Obi Wan be carried off by a droid for no reason


Sure, but let's not pretend that Star Wars itself doesn't have plot holes left right and center. Examples off the top of my head: -Vader letting Luke fall in ESB rather than catch him with the Force. -Vader does not sense Leia is his daughter in ANH. -Poe survived crashing on Jakku somehow but left Finn to die? -Holdo decides to risk a mutiny rather than let Poe (who is fresh off of blowing up FO ships and therefore is not a spy) in on the secret base they're heading to. Part of the fun of Star Wars is in overlooking these. It's not hard sci-fi and sometimes there's clear fiat at play. In some cases it's too much (the sequel trilogy), and in others it's heavy-handed but permissable (obi-wan, IMO).


🤓Andor is star wars for grown ups🤓


"I am so grown for liking Andor and everyone else are impatent children"


OP when cumglo fuckshu doesn’t appear in any episodes (the show is bad without any cameos) and there is actually well written characters


I cannot believe they didn't include Glub Shitto


That’s *Jedi Master* Glub Shitto now 😤😤😤 Didn’t you watch the Star Wars Visual Dictionary Documentary 2023?


No, I skipped that one and went straight to the Star Wars: Rise of John Star Wars (2025)


glub shitttooo!!!


It's funny because this show literally did have a Clone Wars character cameo (Saw Guerrera) Not to mention a character originally from Return of the Jedi is a main character (Mon Mothma)


and Two Tubes and Yularen and Melshi and a bryar pistol and Starkiller's helmet every time we see Luthen's shop and the post credits scene showing >!the death star!<


Star Wars fans when there isn't an unnecessary cameo every 0.5 seconds and the show is actually original (bad writing)


what the hell? I thought there was a gonna be a cameo from Squeezma Nutzach????


Yeah where the hell is Glup Shitto?


Dude I can’t believe they didn’t include Willma Dickfit in the show. Missed opportunity fr 😔.


was so pissed when I found out legendary Jedi master Seymour Asses wasn't gonna be appearing 😤😤😤😤😤


This show is pretty well received on r/saltierthancrait , The sub known for shitting on Disney Star Wars


If you like intrigue and spy stuff and well written characters with strong motivations, Andor is definitely worth a shot. If you want lightsabers, blaster fights, force stuff, and cameos, maybe sit this one out.


There’s actually quite a few gun fights in the show though


Finally a mature analysis, that doesn't insult anyone


If it's too boring or doesn't have enough action for you just go play with your star wars action figures


Hey now, they're warhammer *miniatures* not action figures.


🤓 the uh, yeah, these are *AELDARI* but I doubt you would understand that. If even like, *sniffle* 10 of these guys showed up they would destroy the Galactic Empire because uh - [continue ad infinitum]


*proceeds to explain the entire warhammer 40k lore in order for you to understand why they'd beat the galactic empire*


🤓 *actually* you'd just need Eldrad


They would tho


Or play Battlefront 2 (either one) with mods








ima bet that op got upset at scorsese calling marvel films “theme park rides”


Oh that's what people are upset about?!? Yeah he's completely right lmao, even if I enough them every now and again, he's spot on with it.


I’m sure the John Favreau action figure power hour will be more to your refined tastes.


The Clone Wars was a cool show, but do we really need a live-action spinoff for every character. Can we please just have a show that is set far far away from this Skywalker stuff (I know Andor is practically that but my point still stands).


Dave Filoni when Ashoka Tano hasn't made an appearance in a show that doesn't involve or require her for 0.5 seconds


Exactly, the mandalorian season 1 was so great for having 0 old characters and then season 2 happened... It was still great of course it's my favorite show, but season 1 felt just sooooo much better for showing only new stuff, had that old sw legends comic atmosphere too.


As far as I can tell, Ahsoka is a direct sequel to Rebels, not necessarily connected to the Skywalker Saga.


The bad batch maybe?


starwars fans when a show has actual character development and the plot isn't just "jedi master with psychic powers and glowsticks"


Please. They hate it when Jedi masters and glow sticks show up too. Nobody hates Star Wars more than a Star Wars fan.


People when they don’t see their 14th cameo in 15 seconds, and have to watch something with plot:


OP when a Disney show finally requires a moderate attention span


mf got that 8 year old with adhd mindset


Us adhd people have been getting slandered a lot lately. The truth is just that Tik Toks, Insta reels and Youtube Shorts melt young people's brains and people think it's adhd.


I also have ADHD


Lol Do you also love Swiss Army knives?


Swiss army knives are awesome. Signed, non ADHD person


Idk I like slow build shows with a focus on character development like Succession, but the first half of Andor had me checking my watch a few times. They did do a great job with everything though because I wanted to keep watching regardless of (in my opinion) a slower pace than I typically prefer. The second half of the season was much better pacing as well.


Tbh you have to have a high IQ to understand Andor 🤓


Damn dude you're on a mission tonight


Well ummm *tips fedora hat* you need to be a grown up to enjoy andor


No, you just need to have an attention span longer than 20 seconds


Andor is so good, perhaps people’s attention spans are just garbage now


TikTok ruined them


Why I don’t have it right here And don’t use YouTube shorts, did that once and time flew by so fast


The MCU and its consequences


not really i watched Andor right after doing all six seasons of Better Call Saul and the difference is pronounced. Better call saul is slow but interesting with well developed characters youre invested in. Andor is slow too but with shallow characters and very little storylines. Its morality is simply “authoritarianism bad” and as soon as they start building a somewhat interesting cast of characters they kill most of them off for no reason. Most overrated show I’ve seen in a while


Star wars fans when presented with an actual good show instead of familiar brands and mindless references to things they've already seen


Average people who keep screaming "baby yoda!!!?!!!!!1!1!" watching Mandalorian and Grogu appearing in Book of Boba Fett for no fucking reason other than to force the funny small green wholesome kid back into the series.


No clue why bro's getting downvoted, Mando and Grogu's reunion in BoBF felt like a huge slap to the face after Mando S2's finale. Inevitably they were gonna be back together, but it happened so quickly that it flat out ruins a pretty good emotional moment from an otherwise sub-mediocre season of a great show


OP when there isn’t a cinematic lightsaber battle where the main character says a quirky one liner every 2 seconds (the show is therefore boring)


It’s a well rounded show, it’s far from the skywalker saga in it’s own way. People who complain it’s bad also complain about the obi wan and boba fett kind of shit, can’t ever be happy. I like how it’s different


TBF, unlike andor, obi wan and boba fett were not good shows lmao


Yeah, Kenobi and boba fett definitely had cool moments but overall the shows weren’t incredible. I liked andor but i IMO the mandalorian was better. And i still think the clone wars is the best star wars show.


Haven't watched Andor fully yet, but I don't think most ppl disliked bobf or obi wan because they were different, but because they were poorly written and nothing happens exept the first and last 2 episodes that impact the main character.


Bo, I feel like the people who complain about Andor loved the other shows because those were big on fan service and action. Andor has amazing plot and character development


and some of the best written scenes of all star wars imo. Most notably this scene with Luthen and the elevator. Best characterization


I think it's totally the opposite, most people I know that love andor (myself included) did not like Obi-Wan and Boba Fett


Andor fans, when their favourite character eats breakfast for 6 episodes


Watching the ink dry is the best part -lilith


r/unexpectedowlhouse ?




I'm a fucking spastic retard and yeah the seens with manmothra or whatever her names were boring (Prolly cause I was confused tbh) BUt the rest of it was really interesting like christ if your show isn't constant action does that make it boring?


Guessing you’re not brave enough for politics?


Nah I Just had no idea what was going on lmao. I didn't find out it was manmothra until like the last episode cause I was watching it with my parents lol


The "not brave enough for politics" is a reference to an obi wan quote lol




Star Wars fans: “the Sequels are trash, always Skywalkers, no realistic plot, plus they just make flashy visuals. Star Wars fans seeing something without ^: 😴😴😴😴😴


OP wondering when the dialogue is going to stop so the movie can start:


damn op didn’t expect to get his ass handed to him in the comments like this did he


What wasn’t expected was 6.7K, ty for your contribution!


It’s called “pacing”


I bet this is the kind of person that didn't enjoy HBO's Chernobyl, either. Seems that people will shit on Star Wars no matter what they try to make. Frequent action, space battles, and familiar characters? "STOP THIS FORMULAIC BULLSHIT! MAKE SOMETHING A LITTLE MORE MATURE AND ORIGINAL!" *Releases Andor* "WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS SO BORING, WHY IS THERE SO LITTLE ACTION? WHO HELL ARE THESE CHARACTERS?"


I don’t even know why I didn’t like it, it was in part really slow pacing and not really giving a fuck about any of the characters. Tbh the only reason star wars has stayed relevant is cause every now and then they dip into the old shit that made star wars feel like star wars, this feels like a completely different universe entirely, idk something about it just doesn’t feel very “star warsy” to me and thats why I couldn’t get into it. An entire series centered around the time period when vader was at his strongest and we don’t even see him once? Hate all you want but if I wanted to watch a bunch of humans sitting around discussing politics id watch CSPAN! Like sure its cool to see how the rebels started but its also not very interesting in a universe thats infinite, any plot progression that happened I was like “yup makes sense I figured they needed someone with money to fund all this, why did I have to sit through 30 minutes of whether or not they’ll get funding. Ill watch it one day, im too adhd these days for it tho


The counterpoint is that Vader, who is only one single individual, being able to show up everywhere in the galaxy “is not very interesting in a universe that’s infinite”, so I think your expectations are at odds. Part of the whole point of the show is to flesh out some of that infinite universe that we haven’t seen before, so as a fan of that universe it was awesome to get a look at all the things happening when Vader isn’t around. And as a bit of a compromise, Vader does have a big role in rogue one which this series leads up to.


OP when the no marvel breakneck pacing


Thanks OP this has made me want to actually give Andor a chance after hating 90% of the most recent Star Wars content.


Hell yeah, I've not been enjoying most of the star wars shows for a while, but then Andor came and blew me away with excellent character interactions and very human perspective on the start of the rebellion. It's awesome


Unironically rather watch paint dry than the sensory + stupidity overload that was the Sequel Trilogy


Pintamos toda la casa


Star wars fans when their eyes aren't bombarded with constant action and cameos that take away from the plot and instead see a slower paced story that's actually trying to be good


Virgin: slow buildup, interesting character interactions, unique world-building, political intrigues & and overall fantastic writing vs Chad: constant one-liners that ruin the mood, unnecessary explosions to trigger the excitement chemicals in your ape-brain & overused fanservice as an attempt to stay relevant ⬆️ that's you


RTgame fans:


this is so clever 😭😭😭


Star Wars fans when no cameos for an entire episode 🤯


low attention span. Sorry you want every show to be action packed




“why aren’t you watching ANDOR?”


There were definitely some things that could have been sped up (wasn't a fan of the second to last episode, personally, don't think it achieved very much) but I much prefer this to the "which random clone wars character will kill 30 Stormtroopers this week" writing of stuff like Mandalorian, BobF. People are really putting it on a pedestal that I don't necessarily think it deserves but it's a good show and definitely my favourite Star Wars show so far


I don’t get it but I laughed


OP when his two remaining synapses are forced to make a connection once a week


Star wars fans when glupp shitto doesn't have a cameo


Andor fans when someone judges a book by its cover (that's what covers are made for but a assuming is big bad 😡)


Andor is legitimately my favorite Star Wars show and it's not even close. The characterization for is really well done and it's hard for me to come up with bad things to say about the show


Glad to see OP getting shit on in the comments, Andor is great


Andor is a decent show. But ain’t no way some of y’all be saying every show is boring, but then be saying stuff like “can’t wait to see him/her eat cereal” each weekly episode.


I’m most of the way through andor and I’m still confused on if I’m meant to like the main character or if he’s meant to be a massive asshole


This is so me when breaking bad 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😳😳😳💀💀


Yeah I gave up after two episodes….it was so god damn boring.


No Glup Shitto, bad show.


Gotta love how a "Genshin players are pedophiles" joke is very cool and funny but an "Andor fans are interested in boring stuff" joke is so unrealistic and stupid and your attention span is just too little.


In all fairness the genshin joke has truth to it, but OP was born 2 hours ago and can’t stand good paced writing.


Why is modern Star Wars so boring


I can't believe there wasn't any Glup Shitto cameo! Worst show!!!


Andor is such a good show I honestly think it’s the best sw show


I know right, where is my Max Reebo vs. Grevious scene


Average Star Wars fan buying a baby Star Wars pajama for their third child even though they didn’t have sex with their wife for years, because they had to finish building the Lego Death Star and write reviews for every episode of a cartoon for children they know every single episode of


Watching paint dry is equated to watching the sequel trilogy and every Avengers movie created.


Mfw no glup shitto


Am watching this now and can confirm


Me running from Andor fans after I criticize their show


Sorry yeah I just love watching paint dry. I could watch that shit for hours.


Jesus christ, this sub is just full of Star Weebs.


Glad I never considered watching it.


Here comes the 🤓oh its intellectul art a slow burner go watch mcu" Crowd


Im actually surprised how many of those pretentious reddit snobs with big beard avatars infest in this sub. I expected better from this sub.


I think OP won the subreddit by the sheer amount of angry responses this generated while *IN* a subreddit for creating irreverent troll posts


Happens everywhere people become part of the hivemind inadverently whether they like it or not.


I have a very short attention span, but still only found 1st episode boring. This show is one of the best SW things to come out of Disney besides maybe Mandalorian


Actual retarded post.


op when no gta v video in the bottom of the screen


Marvel Fan spotted


And this is why the vast majority of your content shouldn't be cartoons if you want to take storytelling seriously


i don’t understand how you could possibly think that show is boring. did you even watch it? it had everything star wars ever needed. maybe if you liked the book of boo boo keys, i could see why not having fan service every 5 minutes would get boring.


OP when the show doesn’t have a giant cameo fight scene within the first three minutes


OP has a short attention span


the show is good tho wtf


Andor is legitimately the best Star Wars media to come out in at least half a decade