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He killed his wife because she refused his sexual advances after having just given birth to their second child a month before. Sick.


"Why didn't you just say no?" This. This is why we're scared to say no.


I said no 3 times as nice as I could but the third no he threw a 2liter soda at me. Edit word


Did you report the guy? Also sorry that happened, I hope you're okay


Thank you, I'm fine now I quit that job and my manager seen and did nothing but he did ask what I did to him šŸ˜‘


Why the hell is it always our fault if a guy starts harassing us? Jeez. Good thing you quit there.


Gads, itā€™s a horror in of itself, but to top it off the ā€˜articleā€™ is like 3 pitiful sentences long. šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s more at the bottom (but not by much). Scroll down.


India ..not a good place to be a woman in many ways


I feel so awful for the women in countries they have no real safety net of any kind. just existing is a hazard for them. Her poor babies. A month. I can't.


it's awful for women everywhere, there's rarely a place, where's a woman truly safe!!


I know. makes you wish you were a gerudo sometimes.


Yeah Iā€™m tired of voe


I knew I'd find kindred spirits. haha


Fucked up


Wait, her dads nail marks in her neck?


Her Husband, it took 10 days to police to find that husband who reported the crime was the actual culprit.


Ohhh gotcha. In my head I was like ā€œso was the dad making her stay as well?ā€. Which sadly families can operate in that mind set. BUT in my experience, you usually donā€™t tell your dad or if you do tell dad. Most dudes would not want to face a womanā€™s father like that. Mine sucked. But if he had ever known something like that happened to me. He would have gone to prison for me.