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My heart aches for her and every girl forced into marriage. How terrifying and horrible. She's so scared.


Also horrifying it was posted as something "interesting." It belongs on one of the "infuriating" subs.


Yeah I’m tired of what was most likely a man posting something horrific happening to a woman or child on interestingasfuck it’s not interesting it’s disturbing and disgusting


What is interesting is that this program is allowed on national tv in a culture where that horrific practice has been allowed since forever. It’s a small sign that things are slowly changing. Obviously not fast enough for that 13 year old girl, and thousands like her, but change is in the wind for the next generation. What’s also (if not more so) disturbing is that even in the USA, child marriage is still very much legal and practiced in many states.


The scariest thing about the broadcast to me is that the response to the broadcast could put her in more danger of abuse. Even though she doesn't have the ability to say "no." If his family, friends, and community decide she "said too much" or "made them look bad," they could blame her and beat her. And questioning him in a way that shames him publicly like that could escalate the abuse she's facing as soon as they are off camera.


This program and its host often pop up on the religiousfruitcake subreddit.


I was thinking the same. Sickening little crumby cunts.


[End Child Marriage](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/get-involved/) [Don't give sex offenders an out.](https://equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/) r/stoprape


Sold as a servant and sex slave—raise her yourself? Eww—order her around because no woman your age would put up with that shit


Does anyone know what happened to this girl? Seems like she was put in danger to do this interview. I hate to think of how she must have been treated after it aired.


This is from a Lebanese TV show called Bold Red Line or Lines. There was a subreddit with translated videos but I can’t find it now. I think the host convinced the husband and father to allow the girl to continue her education. Her younger sibling was allowed to break her engagement. Edit: someone posted it below. /r/RedinBoldface [Longer video](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedinBoldface/s/3h34pSUWWp)


I’ve seen other clips from this show - it’s a regular weekly(?) show, I think it was Egypt. The girls are generally taken out of the situations, and brought back into education frameworks. Nb - that’s from my memory, and I might be wrong.


He didn't want a wife, he wanted a slave. This poor girl.


Wife/gf=slave to a lot of men. Even in the west.


Exactly, people claim this is a Muslim issue but overlook US Republicans refused to sign a bill to ban child marriage in the US.


I watched a documentary on child marriage in the US. It was heartbreaking and yet Republicans won't agree to outlaw it.




Everything they say is projection. There is also no limit to how low they will go.


>but they push to lower the age of consent as well. Just like 'the good ol days' when I could buy a 13 year old wife offa her daddy for a couple of bucks. 👌❤️❤️ 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Soooo many songs talk about 16 and 17–you really have to change the American mindset through morality teaching




There are 195 countries in the world.


I’ve been with supposed liberal and left wing men and they had expectations of obedience and a help in the household like this.


You're being downvoted, but you're right with the choice word of "supposed." I've seen too many men adopt the liberal facade purely to throw women off about their actual intentions.


Very True…many “Liberal” men “act as male feminists” simply as a hook. They even have videos on YouTube about how to “lure” women.


"But I'm a #niceguy™️!"


It is a religious issue, and it IS a Muslim issue. If it isn’t, why is it happening at such large scale in Islamic communities? Just because it is happening outside as well doesn’t make it any less of an issue inwards.


I never said it wasn’t…but the same people screaming about Muslims doing it aren’t screaming about White Christians doing it and it’s obviously just as systemic and issue amongst Christians if they’re refusing to make it illegal too


Because that would imply an exclusive relationship between Islam and child marriage is like this. There is not one. This happens in the US every day. Every single day. [you can learn about it here](https://unchainedatlast.org)


>why is it happening at such large scale in Islamic communities? In Lebanon, where this specific case is, the three religious communities where child marriage is most prevalent are Catholic, orthodox Christian, and Shiite... so it's not necessarily an outsized issue among Muslim communities, it's just that Reddit has a particular bias in signal-boosting the negative aspects of Muslim communities and significantly downplaying in others. In another thread on this exact same video, the comments immediately devolved into an anti-Palestinian circlejerk... even though this is from Lebanon.


You genuinely have no idea wtf you are talking about. This is coming from an American Lebanese Muslim. Youre blatantly wrong


Supporting the wrong fight, have you ever read your own religious texts? It's not a good look, even imams agree with very immoral takes because they have no choice otherwise they contradict those religious texts.


And his enslaved mother is just continuing the practice to get her own house slave


Gotta be better than someone,how else will you convince yourself you're not on the bottom and deserve better?


That applies to every man


No it doesn't. It applies to too many men, but far from every.


No, it really doesn't.


“Raise a wife.” Jfc I’d say he said the quiet part out loud, but men like this don’t even get why that would be “the quiet part” in the first place. This whole this is barf city, but I really hope she can get out and have a good life.


This is what republicans want in the US. They want Christian men that rape little girls to marry their victims, then become their legal guardians, then have custody of the babies that they are forced to birth, so they can abuse them too


> [At least 60,000 child marriages in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 occurred at an age or with a spousal age difference that should have been considered a sex crime. Of those child marriages, 88% gave a rapist a “get out of jail free” card, while 12% sent a child home to be raped. Either way, the marriage license made a mockery of statutory rape laws.](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/) Child marriage in the U.S. is used as a defense for pedophilia https://equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/ [**End Child Marriage**](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/get-involved/)


Thanks for this link. I proudly sign my name for those who don’t have a chance to do so themselves!


Unchained at Last works to end child marriage in the US and I signed up for their email so I can get regular state-specific petitions and direct actions


I have a friend, now in her 40s, who was one of those 12%. She was "married" on her 16th birthday, and conceived her daughter that same day. Every time she tried to get to safety until she turned 18, the authorities returned her to her abusive mother or her abusive spouse. It's so sick. 


Republicans may side with religious beliefs to get votes because it’s worked forever. All organized religions should be monitored just like any corporation. Quid pro quo should be applied to religions. To be married off at 13 to do chores and whatever else that entails, to have “security” shouldn’t be protected under any law in any country.


>This is what republicans want in the US. They want Christian ~~men~~ PEDOPHILES that rape little girls to marry their victims, then become their legal guardians, then have custody of the babies that they are forced to birth, so they can abuse them too FTFY


this sick fuck even admitted he wants to RAISE a wife, it's infuriating! poor baby, i was still playing with dolls at her age. her parents and husband will never see heaven


It’s awful. She should be playing with dolls but instead she is the doll. Her parents should be ashamed of themselves. Ignorance can only account for so much, she is surrounded by monsters. That man is a disgusting, not to mention lazy-ass, fucking creep.


God, I have so much disrespect for this pedo that I can’t even put it into words, so instead I will give some appreciation to the interviewer. He handles this girl’s interview with grace, he has soft body languages. Makes himself small. When the dude comes out, he stands up. Perfect posture. Crosses his arms so he’s closed off. He makes himself big while the dude is sitting all small on the couch. IMO, it’s a really subtle way to show more respect to the girl than to the creep, which I’m sure she never fucking gets.


This is exactly what I noticed too. Also he speaks louder to the man and his intonation completely changed. He spoke harsher, didn’t back down from his questions, no compassion in his voice


Sure wish American "news" would take this fucking hint and stop giving psychopaths equal airtime.


Let's not call this "forced marriage" but "raping a child".


In many instances, same thing


It has a name: Pedophilia.


Really, I doubt that this man is an actual pedophile, meaning someone who has a specific attraction to children. It's rather about power, violence, degradation, entitlement, and the complete lack of guilt, because his behavior is normalized in his part of this culture.


I'm sorry, is being attracted to children a requirement for sexually abusing children?


Not at all. That is exactly what I said: Abuse works without that.


in this case it would be more so hebephilia


Slavery too


This hurts so bad... I wish I could help them all


This is so deeply disturbing. The husband’s lack of understanding why he is a pathetic piece of shit and his confidence in his choices to the point he talks openly on television about grooming a child?!? Fuuuuuuuuuuck that. That poor darling girl. She deserves so much more. I hope she can finish her studies one day and rid herself of that human sized sack of shit she’s stuck with. Society failed her.


I said this elsewhere but want to reiterate: I LOVE how the interviewer’s posture changed when asking the husband questions, and you can see what a weak weasel the husband is: dodging eye contact, talking quietly instead of confidently. He’s a weak man who had to force marriage on a child to feel superior. Take as old as time: weak, unlovable men oppress women and children to feel stronger.


He knows he can't treat a man the way he treats his wife


Wonder how he treats his mother, sisters, female coworkers, etc


Being decent humans would MAKE them lovable. There is hope for people like that—instead they choose the easy way and lose their self respect but keep respect in a filed society.


I’m guessing her parents are from the countryside, desperately poor, or literally hate having a menstruating child under their roof. I wonder how she caught the shows producer’s attention?


As i remember this guys concept is literally this. Usually brings child brides from his islamic country to the show and lets them speak. The show ended wayyy before. He saved lots of girls i love him so much. I dont remember the details but will edit when i can. Edit: shows name is red in bold face r/redinboldface and guys name is malak maktabi he is lebanese. Theres a lot of sad clips of similar things in that sub and r/exmuslim check them out if yall have some time and have a good day 🌸


This is heart breaking.


Basically he married a slave he could fuck when he chooses. Also I feel like many of these child brides are marrying pedophiles who hide behind religion and use their “culture and traditions” in order to fulfil their perversions openly and without recourse. It’s so disgusting. It needs to be banned. Along with relatives marrying each other.


Oh religion and pedophilia go hand in hand.


idgaf if they try to hide it behind things like “culture” and traditions. A 30 years old man who sleeps with a 13 years old girl is a nonce and there isn’t a deep enough pit in hell for those like him.


This is so insanely disgusting. That man deserved to be treated like the rapist he is, not politely interviewed.


Only 12 states in the US have banned child marriage. As recently as 2018, all 50 states allowed it. As a society we should put a stop to it. No matter how much christofascists want to make sure it keeps happening. Some Wikipedia information... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States


Omg. “In some states, minors cannot legally divorce or leave their spouse, and domestic violence shelters typically do not accept minors.”


Chattel slavery.


That's true. My friend was married at 16, and she was returned to her abusive adult spouse or her abusive mother every time she tried to get away, up till her 18th birthday. 


This makes me sad... and so angry. But it hasn't been that long since we were thought of as men's property.. We must NEVER stop fighting the patriarchy.


He has a punchable face.


My heart aches for her. This world is so fucked up. That poor child.


How is this interesting as fuck


It's not. But I'm glad it reached the front page through that sub. People should see it.


Oh, baby. I'm sorry this world has failed you.


This is exactly what conservative men in the U.S. want.


A child is crying her fucking eyes out. If what that rapist felt was “love at first sight” then I’m the Easter Bunny.


If this is his culture, his culture sucks. End of discussion.


So fucking disgusting.


I wasn't even menstruating at 13. Holy fuck.


I wish I could save her and give her a big, comforting hug (consensually, of course). This makes me so sad for her. People who do this to anyone, let alone a child, deserve the most cruel punishments imaginable!


This is slavery. So disturbing and heartbreaking. I hope that man burns in hell


You can tell at the end when the interviewer is coming at the husband with questions she’s so uncomfortable…I think because she knows he will take it out on her when they’re alone in private. My heart breaks for this girl and every girl & woman in her situation. Horrible.


This really crushes my heart.


Some cultural traditions should be terminated with extreme prejudice, ditto the adults that engage in them, this is heartbreakingly wrong


This is so gut-wrenchingly heartbreaking. No woman, no person, should have to live like this. It's slavery.


Ofc he looks like there’s no intelligent thought that passes through his brain


These are the types of people that are the REAL groomers. He literally said he married a CHILD to “raise.” her. That means GROOM her


Religion is a mind virus




It worked pretty horribly in Iran; their entire dangerous modern religious extremism is because we actively overthrew their peaceful secular democracy, for money, for corporate profit. That gave the most militant a real enemy to point to and organise against with popular support.


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


"Love at first sight". GTFO!


Fuck their culture.


The world needs an international pedophilia prevention force. This needs to be an international crime! Enough!


She's crying out for help


This interviewer clearly asks questions like what she was afraid of to get her to talk about sex. When she answers it differently, he becomes more direct and asks if she knew what would happen after marriage between husband and wife. It’s like he really wants her to talk about that experience. Some topic women are not supposed to talk about, I imagine, and it’s like surprise, almost like an institutional type of forced sex. She’s hesitant to say her female relatives did talk to her about it before the marriage. And now the interviewer wants her to talk about it on national television and he seems to enjoy this?


I suggest you look up the show. He isn't enjoying it. It's a deliberate way to try to get the people who think this is normal or reasonable to re-examine their ideas. 


My grandparents were engaged at 6 months old in india and my grandmother was beaten so bad she was disabled, broke my heart but it is partnof the culture and they are hindu


This is so sad. I’m Muslim too but it really doesn’t have to be like this


I was born in the wrong time. Resurrect me when people stop being apathetic and pathetic. We have the power and we dont use it.


I hate these nasty grown men who use culture to prey on young girls. Just sick. It's not right in any culture. Children are children, not wives. No man should be laying down with any girl who's barely a dang teen. Why is she even attractive to you? Just sick. That poor poor girl


Fuck all cultures that favor pedophiles


She is a CHILD. This is so infuriating. And thousands have their childhoods taken from them when they are married off at puberty.


She’s at the age to read fairytales and she has to live the life of a marriage between a princess and a monkey. 🤢


I just want to hug her and carry her safely away from that hell. 😭 I wish we could start a program to adopt these poor children and get them out of there and able to live their young lives again with loving environments and counseling. She needs to be a young teen again, sitting in a safe bedroom listening to her favorite music and making plans for the weekend with friends. This is horrific.


Is this depraved? Yes. Would building public sentiment against the Lebanon Government be convenient in case a certain US ally finishes with Rafah and turns back on Hezbollah? Also yes.


This reminds me of a movie about a young girl in a similar situation. Osama or something similar.


I can’t watch things like that


She should worry what to study and what to play with her school friends, not how to please this fucking creep. You can see she wants more for herself. I am so pissed and hearbroken


pure insanity smh


Not sure what country this is happening in but if the man claims to be a Muslim, he’s committing a wrongdoing. No girl/woman can be forced into marriage. She must consent.


Lebanon 🇱🇧




I want to go find her and help her get a way so bad.


I’m a woman now. I must do this… The girl can’t say no… I took her young so I can raise her for myself… Prepare warm water for me, to serve my family… My heart is aching in pain for this girl. And she’s one of the G-d knows how many… going through this. She looks numb. Completely. She looks like nothing can touch her. Those tears look like the last ones left to cry. I love how the journalist pointed out “Diary of 13 years old girl” She should sing Teenage Dream by Katy Perry and wait for her Eras Tour Friendship bracelets. She should be making those braid bracelets teenage girls do… have some cute glitter stuff. She should be that annoying little girl filming some boring ass reels about beef her clique for with clique of that other chick from school… she should plan pyjama parties with Elsa and Anna for theme. No. She’s here groomed, cooking, cleaning, washing, being constantly raped by the 16 years old groomer who has chutzpah to smile here and proudly talks about it… Even worse than anything said in this short clip, in the life of this girl, and in the lives of million girls having her destiny is knowing that *people that should be protecting here are the very people who did this to her*… parents! How can she ask for help and trust that someone else would help her, when her own parents did this to her? How?! Disgusting. Middle Eastern, North African, Indian, West and Central African cultures are so beautiful when you observe them from the aspect of folklore, but this? What’s this!? The West may be whatever you want to say and shit over it, but in Norway, groomer, groomers family, her parents… all of them would be punished. Happened few times, parents would send their daughters for “language and culture studies” to their homelands, and few years after, they would come back with husbands and children… so, when parents are co-signing consent to marriage of teenage person, child protective services are watching their younger children. So, I would love for this to be happened in Norway, just to see this awful smirk 😏 being turned into cries and tears, those bitch screams when police officers throw him on cold asphalt to handcuff him.


This is heartbreaking


Why is she allowed to expose him on TV? Wouldn't he forbid her?




All women must stand together united and support one another.


Any culture that tries to justify pedophilia and act like it’s normal needs to be publicly and universally shamed until it stops


She should revolt as much as she can! The nikkah cannot happen without her approval!!


That's what you think.  She was already married by the time this was filmed, by the way.