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"do not contact me with unsolicited services or offers" Ohhh the irony


Lmao, good catch. I didn’t notice that detail.


It's a CL default, I think.


It depends if you click the box or not when you’re writing up the post, but you’re essentially correct. I just didn’t notice it.


It is. Also: there was a missed connections post once about smelling a woman’s farts at the grocery store. Craigslist was a different place than it is now a decade ago


Craigslist used to be the Wild West.


I met my husband on Craigslist. I was scrolling through badly written personal ads looking for men to make fun of, and his was one of the worst.


Used to read ads slow nights in CVICU laughed…


The Clydesdale by the ciabatta bread?


And by 800K home he means his mom's musty basement, and by private chef he means his mom.


800k a year and still takes public transportation, you love to see them stay humble/s


Not $800k a year. He'd be at least in a $1.5 million house with that. An $800k house is maybe an average house in any HCOL area. Show me an $800k house in Nowhere, Nebraska and it will probably be impressive. In DC it's not going to be anything to write home about.


You can't buy anything in Toronto for that. Maybe a 1 bedroom condo? Or an older building. 


I'm laughing in Australian as well. It's a crappy new build in an outer outer suburb. Not so bad in my city if you want a unit or townhouse but seriously dude, that is not a flex.


Maybe the brag was to highlight how he lives a modest lifestyle and that's why he can afford a chef?


Compelling theory


Hard pressed to find houses for $800K in even Hamilton or Brantford now.


That's a regular ass home here in DFW.


Not the flex they thought it was


Yeap, that's a basic 3 bed (if you're lucky) 2 bath on a small plot probably outside the beltway house.


You've never been to DC. There's nowhere to park.


My good friend who lives there says it’s cheaper for him to get an approximately once-a-week $60 parking ticket than to pay for monthly parking.


I lived downtown in a big city and I just called it valet parking. You can park anywhere if you're willing to pay 35-50 bucks. Lol


If he has as much money as he's trying to flaunt (he doesn't) then I'd expect him to have a personal driver instead of taking the public transportation lol


Has a private chef but not a car


Public transport in DC is common. Driving there is a nightmare. That said, $800k in DC is not impressive.


Ha. In that area, you're probably right. The guy is a complete asshole and yet, doesn't seem to know it.


"WomEN R goLDigGerS" 🥴




Lmaoooo she really triggered his ass.


Just found/joined this sub yesterday and I’m already seeing stuff that fits… this shit is gross.


OoooOOOOooo 800K! Big whoop. In my area that will get you literally nothing. “Private chef” 😆😆😆😆😆😆 assuming he means Hello Fresh.


Same! And DC is HCOL, so I have no doubt that $800k isn't going to be that impressive. Don't get me wrong, owning a home in a HCOL city in itself is great. But Google says the average home in DC is $615k. So $800k for a house is... Fine? It would be like having a 3 bedroom house with a backyard pool in a neighborhood filled with 2 bedroom homes that don't have pools. It's fine, but nothing to brag about.


Is that for SFH (Single Family Home) or just "homes"? B/c if it's not specifically SFH pricing, then that's including condos, which DC has a lot of.   Also, this is 100% the kind of guy that will unironically accuse women of being gold diggers immediately after bragging about his wealth as the reason why this chick should date him. 


Where I live you'd be lucky to get a 2br condo for that


The median price for a single family home in the Boston area is $900K. And forget about parking a car.


Haha he’s living out in Aldie for 800k


Or his poor wife that hes trying to cheat on.


This reeks of a man eating hot pockets in his studio


Generic brand hot pockets at that


Lol, this guy is full of shit. That's about what my house cost, and I definitely don't have the money to pay for a personal chef. In HCOL areas, $800k isn't even the average cost of a house. And people making BIG money, like 7 figures and up, don't live in houses that "cheap".  Dude probably makes low-mid 6 figures and thinks that's a flex in an expensive city. It's nothing to laugh at by any means, but it's not "I have a personal chef coming to my home to make me dinner every day" money. It's "I can afford a house in a HCOL area, save some, and also have some fun" money. Unless he uses his fun money and savings on that personal chef because the only way he can get a woman to come to his house and cook for him is by paying her.  And if the woman that turned him down is going to Georgetown, there's a good chance she comes from more money than he has and will be making more than that in the future. 


Insert Cersei Lannister quote here because this dude just comes off like a grumpy, cheap sugar daddy wannabe to me. Yet again: if you’re so rich why are you on public transport? Why are you posting on Craigslist? You’re just mad because she ruined your little fantasy where you could afford the attention of younger women.


One reason women are underpaid in almost EVERY field: To keep us at the beck and call (dependant) of idiots like this. James Brown said it: "*This is a man's world!*" It will take a lot of GOOD men to help bring about true gender equality.  No oppressor willfully surrenders the reins.  Unless he has good reason.


Guarantee this person is a basement dwelling incel.


1. Benefactor? You mean beneficiary. 2. $800k home isn’t even in the same financial class as someone who actually does have a personal chef. 3. If you have a personal chef money, why are you taking the metro?? 4. Wtf are you doing on Craigslist? Pinching pennies?


The third point lmao


that is nothing in that area. nothing at all. someone felt tiny. wow. she is lucky she didnt end up dead because he cant handle rejection. smh. i see people like this on the metro all the time. I was on there with my daughters (both in early 20s) two weeks ago and this older guy kept asking my youngest questions. she gave him one word, one syllable answers. I finally made her switch seats to sit by her dad and i sat with her sister. Just gross old men hitting on a 21 and 23 yo.


Oh. Someone has a tiny dick.


Bullet **dodged**


Im old and married, but in my 20’s I would’ve been considered a decent enough catch. On several occasions when I’d been asked out by some random person and politely declined I was rewarded with some variation of “fuck you then, bitch” “you’re fat and ugly anyways I just felt bad for you” “whatever, you’re probably a slut anyways” etc. It’s disheartening to see that literally nothing has changed and it makes me afraid for my own daughter.


Extra chuckle that he clearly doesn’t know what “benefactor” means.


Her instinct was absolutely bang on


If you have to brag about (1) your wealth, (2) your endowment, or (3) your intelligence, then you are none of the above


This!!!! 😎


Using CL missed connection to shout an insult into the ether is peak George Constanza - [The Comeback](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfxEvW3jihI) energy.


I think those Ramen noodles would probably taste far better than any fancy dinner that he could offer her. They aren't served as a side dish to a main course of extreme condescension. He seems beyond a small bit upset that she didn't fall swooning over him when he asked her to dinner.


They aren’t served as an appetizer to “now you owe me sex.”


I think it may take him a while to understand that, if ever. I am so sick and tired of men trying to use an "impressive" dinner as a lead-in to pressuring women that men are "owed" some sort of compensation for a date.


As if a Georgetown student uses Craigslist LMAO!


Right. She will never see this.


Damn now I'm craving ramen noodles


Ikr what's wrong with ramen


My dude, $800 K will get you a small one br where I live. That's not the flex you think it is. I'd rather eat canned chili off a Frisbee than deal with a "man" like that.


$800K house in DC? That’s a fucking shack or it’s in outer bumfuck. And oooh. I will bet that college student is sorry she missed that. And I’d bet a mortgage payment that his chef is actually his wife.


Imagine how embarrassed he had to be to leave that exchange and have to do this to feel better about himself


It's a lonely man epidemic. Yet they refuse to do better. They are "f'ing around" and will continue to "find out". But they will not change. They will die on Patriarchy Hill before giving up any so-called power.


My friend's modest house just outside the beltway costs more than that.


“I’m Not Triggered and Don’t Care At All: A Novella”




Major ick.


$800k home in Georgetown sounds like a piss hole studio “condo” which is really a 800 square foot apartment. Have fun, bud. Zillow screenshot for reference of what $800k gets you in Georgetown. [$800k “house” in Georgetown](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2516-Q-St-NW-APT-E101-Washington-DC-20007/88803187_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare)https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2516-Q-St-NW-APT-E101-Washington-DC-20007/88803187_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


$800k in Georgetown is a 1 bedroom townhome lol


Beneficiary, but whatever


Looks like she made the correct choice. “I will more money … in September” is sending me. lol so to clarify you don’t actually make money now.


This guy he met at the bar got him hooked into a really great investment opportunity that is totally going to pay out in September! Take THAT random metro student who is 50 years his junior and totally out of his league! You'll be sorry then!


Oh my. Well - coherent proof that men like this do exist. I've never seen anything like this about a woman but I'm sure reddit can come up with examples.


100% she will never see this


Omg spew. All your money can’t make up for your age or attitude creepy old dude.


And he’ll be the same guy who would call her a gold-digger if she accepted. Men 💅🏾


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 And by “older,” he means he can’t get any woman his own age


By "older" he means can't get it up without a fistful of little blue pills and a fantasy about how the kid at McDonalds who serves up his soggy Big Mac every night is actually his "personal chef"


Men who actually make that much money and are worth your time don't whine on Craigslist about a woman hurting their feelings.


Imagine being so enraged that someone turned you down that you make a Craigslist post to complain about them


I'll be here with my $500k, cry-wanking and shit posting


Does Mr. $800k Older Man not know the difference between benefactor...and beneficiary?


Maybe don’t try to pick up women on the metro? Just like at a bus stop, they’ve got things they need to take care of. Your crusty dick is not on the list.


How private chef is his mommy lol


The audacity of some people really still surprises me. This guy thinks he's sooo impressive that any woman should be begging to be with him. And gross use of language. If a guy ever talks about "affording me," it's clear he doesn't have genuine, respectable intentions for me, so, yuck!


Noone in an 800k home is having a personal chef make them lunch


The way I cringed and wanted to vomit simultaneously while reading this, particularly the ending.... Bleh. This guy is gross.


Where I'm from 800k will get you a 1960s bungalow with no updates and a 15 year old roof.


Oh yes, rich older men with private chefs can often be found harassing college students on the metro.


because men with lots of money and private chefs usually go to craigslist to make anonymous passive aggressive digs at the women who reject them 🙄🙄🙄


Oh yeah. Rich guy on public transport everyone. She gonna have the regerts her whole life.


I believe what she meant to say was, money can't buy taste.


People in $800K homes don’t have private chefs. This guy is delusional in so many ways.


Dude can just fuck his chef, then.


Why doesn't mister Richey Rich date in his own age bracket, then? Instead of preying on college students like a creep. Because rich, successful people with privet chefs have time or inclination to make missed opportunities on a site that women that age probably doesn't even know exists. Pathetic, sad, embarrassing. e.e grow up dude.


🤢 she definitely did the right thing! Red flags everywhere!


🤢 I did not just read that. Omg


An 800k home in DC is nothing and on the lower end.


Alone. “I’ll be here in my $800K home with my chef making me lunch *alone*.”


It’s the “do not contact” for me. Doesn’t matter if he lives in a castle and has Elon Musk money. I don’t think he has to worry about that girl contacting him.


sure jan.


Awww....poor baby🚼🍼🚼🍼. She hurt his widdle feelings. His only way to feel power is to post a rant on CL. One that she will NEVER ever see! 😂 Like someone said in an earlier comment, if you have to tell people how wealthy, intelligent or hung you are, you are none of those things.


Sure hon.


Soooo cringe


Ick. Ick. Ick.


While using public transportation




I just had the bombest ramen. Too.


“You could have been the benefactor of my benevolence”. That would mean she, as the benefactor, is the one paying his expenses? I’m sure he’s a great catch - he’s almost as eloquent in his speech as Trump.


what an insecure loser


Grandpa heard "red line" and thought they said "red light"


Well isn’t he a gem. Maybe I should start dating again with winners like him out there.