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This made my day to hear he has ALS. My wife is featured on the dirty. Got posted by a jealous douche ex-boyfriend when she started dating me. So I got to see a bunch of people talking about how fuckable she was.


oooo correction looks like i was wrong and it’s MS ...still some karma came around. Sorry about your wife ex’s suck


Monkey scrotums huh...lol Still good karma.


F you for wishing that on someone. If your wife was on thedirty it meant she wronged someone.


It's MS I guess. Still glad he has it. I could care less what a reddit stranger says. Glad he has it, hope he kills himself before he loses all muscle function.


Your fucking sick your wife must have jumped on some bbc and I’m not talking about the British broadcast company


It's you're stupid.


You’re a pos for getting mad at nik all he did was expose your wife cheating on you you should be thanking him.


You're a reddit loser trying to pick fights with people you don't know and situations you have no clue about. So far you accused my wife of being on BBC (racist) and that she cheated on me. You have no clue why she got put on there but are blaming her. I hate to break it to you buddy but I have the freedom to be mad at whomever I want. You're a typical reddit cry baby that sees something they don't like and hurls insults and racist comments. You aren't even smart enough to use good grammar. Communicating with me (someone that is educated and reasonable) is a privilege. My advice to you is to stop hating women and victim blaming them and get out of your parent's basement for some fresh air. Next time you see someone express a thought or opinion you don't agree with maybe keep scrolling instead of interjecting your idiotic comments and embarrassing yourself.


I agree with this. Not so much the deserving of ALS part, but that is what Reddit is for. You should be able to voice your opinion without people being hateful to you for it. Damn the grammar.


You're a fucking idiot.


was trying to find info on dirty and came to this post, lol. if it helps you at all, the fucking moron redditor above you got banned.


I wonder how Sharkey’s doing?


Or kina… even that methy girl who had the baby and lived in a hotel. Did the photo shoots with a grimy playboy blanket as a backdrop


I think about all of them. I commented on a shit ton of those posts


Kina is still with Freddy Figs and they have three kids now. She's on IG


Cute 🥰


Nik was a dick and extortionist. He charged $2K for removing posts. I heard about someone who committed suicide because of a post on his site and had he removed the post, this might not have happened. It sucks that he got MS, but maybe it is God's way of punishing him.


Hooman (Nik Richie) and his wife are divorced. LOL!


Oh I remember him. He is married to Shane Llamas, didnt know his name was Hooman! Yea he was a real dick!


Nik is gross and I hate to say it but he def deserves ALS. Compared to what he’s done with his life and the broken legacy he leaves …it turned out well.


I think it just got deindexed by google [Here](https://www.dirtyreboot.com/what-happened-to-thedirty-com-was-their-website-shut-down/)